Welcome to the Penn Center for Molecular Discovery!
The Penn Center for Molecular Discovery (PCMD), founded at the University of Pennsylvania, is a multi-disciplinary center that screens small molecules from around the world in search of new, potentially useful biologically effective agents. The Penn Center for Molecular Discovery is housed within the Institute for Medicine and Engineering.The Director of the Center is Scott Diamond, Ph.D., the Arthur E. Humphrey Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering. The PCMD contributes to a massive, public-domain database (PubChem) where interactions between the NIH repository and thousands of biological targets can be data-mined at an unprecedented level. |

Click on the image above to view a Windows Media video of our robot arm in action. |
Completed High-Throughput Screens (HTS)
CBIT Completed Screens
The Chemical Biology in Translation (CBIT) is directed by Dr. Scott Diamond and Dr. William DeGrado and provides resources in assay development, high throughput screening, hit confirmation, mechanism-of-action studies, docking, and medicinal chemistry expansion of prioritized scaffolds. Request for Proposals (RFP) are broadly advertised each year to the biological research community for chemical biology targets suitable for HTS and chemistry optimization.
Malaria Life Cycle |
IP/TP dimer signaling |
c-myb |
Osteogenesis |
Fog-Nurd |
Utrophin |
Request For Applications:
RFA-RM-06-003 Pilot-Scale Libraries (PSL) for High-Throughput Screening (P41).
Letter of Intent: Sept. 4, 2009; Application Due: Oct. 1, 2009; $250K directs/year for 3 years.
NIH Announces Funding for Assay Development for HTS (R21)
Grants of $100,000 for one year are available for the development of assays in collaboration with the PCMD. Assay projects that are successfully developed in this Program will be eligible to directly enter the Molecular Libraries Probe Production Centers Network (http://mli.nih.gov/mli/mlpcn/).
RFP: Assay Development for High Throughput Molecular Screening (R21)
Notice of Fast Track Eligibility
About The Penn Center for Molecular Discovery (PCMD)