Writings on Sublithographic/Molecular-Scale Architecture
- Crystals and Snowflakes: Building Computation from Nanowire
Crossbars (IEEE Computer, 2011) -- general audience overview
[Abstract and IEEE Xplore link]
- Nanowire-Based Programmable Architectures (ACM Journal on
Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems, 2005) -- most
comprehensive single article to date; this is the one article to read
to get the current full story
and ACM Link]
- Seven
Strategies for Tolerating Highly Defective Fabrication (IEEE Design
and Test of Computers, 2005) -- how will we tolerate fabrication which leaves
1-10% of the wires broken and the junctions disconnected?
and IEEE Xplore Link]
- 3D Nanowire-Based Programmable Logic (Nanonets 2006) -- how to
scale designs into three dimensions using multiple layers of nanowires
[Abstract and Paper Links]
- Fault-Tolerant Sub-lithographic Design with Rollback Recovery
(Nanotechnology, 2008) -- how to tolerate transient upsets during
operation. [Abstract
and IOP Link]
- Array-Based Architecture for FET-Based, Nanoscale Electronics
(IEEE Tr. Nanotechnology, 2003) -- initial outline of how to build fully nanoscale
programmable logic arrays using this technology
Paper link]
- Stochastic Assembly of Sublithographic Nanoscale Interfaces
(IEEE Tr. Nanotechnology, 2003) -- how to build decoders to bridge
between lithographic and sublithographic scale, an important element
of bootstrapping to programmability; also outlines nanoscale memory
Paper link]
- Radial Addressing of Nanowires (ACM Journal on Emerging
Technologies in Computing Systems, 2006) -- a self-aligned technique for
building nanoscale decoders to bridge between lithographic and
sublithographic scales [Abstract
and ACM Link]
- Law of Large Numbers System Design (Nano, Quantum and Molecular
Computing: Implications to High Level Design and Validation) -- a
more overview/tutorial article on coping with and exploiting statistical
phenomena at the atomic scale
and Citation]
- Non-Photolithographic Nanoscale Memory Density Prospects
(IEEE Tr. Nanotechnology, 2005) -- how to organize nanoscale memories and an
assessment of the density they can provide with defect accounting
[Abstract, Paper link
- Deterministic
Addressing of Nanoscale Devices Assembled at Sublithographic Pitches
(IEEE Tr. Nanotechnology, 2005) -- how to get deterministic addresses and
multibit (word-wide) interfaces to stochastically assembled, nanoscale memories
[Abstract, Paper link]
- Fault Secure Encoder and Decoder for NanoMemory Applications
(IEEE Tr. VLSI Systems 2009) -- how to build the error-correction circuitry
for memories in nanoscale logic and tolerate both defects and
transient faults in the ECC logic
Paper link]
- Inversion
Schemes for Sublithographic Programmable Logic Arrays (IET CDT, 2009)
-- how to use favorable pre-charge circuit configuration for nanoPLA
evaluation (this is an improvement of the scheme in the JETC 2005 paper
and IEEE Xplore Link]
VMATCH: Using Logical Variation to Counteract Physical Variation in
Bottom-Up, Nanoscale Systems (ICFPT 2009) -- how to effectively map
nanoPLA designs even if high variation in the nanoscale FETs make them
``inherently irreproducible''
Paper link]
Since we have less control over fabrication precision at this scale, we
expect to need to map designs around the faults which exist in each
device. This may force us to perform device-specific mappings. These
efforts look at how configurable devices can perform their own mapping.
- Stochastic Spatial Routing for Reconfigurable Networks
(Journal of Microprocessors and Microsystems, 2006)
-- how to design devices for self routing
and DOI Link]
Hardware-Assisted Simulated Annealing with Application for Fast FPGA
Placement (FPGA 2003) -- how to do self placement
[Abstract, Paper Link]
- Choose-Your-Own-Adventure Routing: Lightweight Load-Time Defect
Avoidance (TRETS 2011) -- how to uses precomputed alternative routes to
minimize the circuit complexity and time required to route around defects
[Abstract, Paper Link]
André DeHon