Serious Games
Games we
have built:
- Bigwig Board Game (spinoff of LeaderSim coming 2007 to toy
- Nonkin Village (for USMC, US AID, Army) - Socio-cultural training village
- StateSim and Metis - find 150 insurgents in population of 60,000 civilians
Tools for
building games and gamebots:
- Human behavior model/game AI generator - PMFserv agent diagram
- <>Performance Moderator
Server (PMFserv) <>agent software
- <>Sample editor screens (2 MB winzip
of Crusades - physiology, stress, value trees, emotions,
perception, library, etc.)
- Backup
material and early Tech Reports
- Sample Student Project Reports (Physiology
Report, Injury Models, Somalian Culture Modeling, Spot the Dog)
- Gameworld-PMFserv interchanges in process (Unreal, OpenSteer,
JSAF/Urban Resolve, Lsim/Athena, others pending)
The repository holding Barry Silverman's latest publications exists