Dr. Dwight L. Jaggard
Professor of Electrical and Systems Engineering and Undergraduate Curriculum Chair
Complex Media Laboratory
School of Engineering & Applied Science
308 Moore Building
200 S. 33rd Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6391
Tel: (215) 898-4411
Fax: (215) 573-2068
Ph.D., Electrical Engineering and Applied Physics, California
Institute of Technology, 1976;
M.S., Electrical Engineering, University of WisconsinMadison,
B.S., Electrical Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison,
Curriculum Vitae
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Research Interests
Fractals, electromagnetics and optics.
Electromagnetic Chirality: applications of chirality
to problems of scattering, guidance, absorption, and radiation;
chiral coatings and absorbers; antennas and chiral material;
chiral waveguides; analytical and numerical methods.
Fractal Electrodynamics: interaction of electromagnetic waves with
multiscale fractal structures; wavelet analysis of fractal structures;
fractal antennas and arrays; rough surface scattering; fractal
Topology and Scattering: scattering from knots, braids and links;
role of polarization in remotely determining topology.
Inverse Scattering, Remote Sensing and Imaging: inverse scattering;
microwave and optical imaging; algorithms and analysis; pattern
Selected Recent Publications
H. N. Kritikos and D. L. Jaggard, editors, Recent Advances in
Electromagnetic Theory, Springer-Verlag (1990).
D. L. Jaggard, "Fractal Electrodynamics: Wave Interactions with
Discretely Self-Similar Structures," pp. 231 - 280 in Symmetry in
Electromagnetics, C. Baum and H. Kritikos, editors, Taylor and Francis
Publishers, Washington, D.C. (1995).
D. L. Jaggard, "Fractal Electrodynamcis: From Super Antennas to
Superlattices," pp. 204 - 221 in Fractals in Engineering, Vehel,
Lutton and Tricot, editors, Springer-Verlag, Berlin (1997).
D. L. Jaggard, "Prolog to Special Section on Fractals in Electrical
Engineering", Proc. IEEE 81, pp. 1423-1427 (1993).
"Distributed Feedback Lasers in Chiral Media", IEEE
J. Quant. Elec., 30, 339-345 (1994) (with K. Flood).
"Backscatter Signature of Knots", Opt. Lett., 20, 115-118 (1995)
(with O. Manuer).
Fellow of the IEEE (1991); Fellow of the Optical Society of America
(1995); Member of editorial board of Proceedings of the IEEE (1995-);
Associate editor of IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation
(1995-); editor of the Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and
Applications; Christian F. and Mary R. Lindback Award fo r distinguished
teaching (1987); S. Reid Warren, Jr. Award for distinguished teaching
March 2002