CIS 260, Fall, 2008
Brief description:
The course provides an introduction to
mathematical concepts and proof technniques used in computer science.
The treatment is mathematical, but the point
of view is that of Computer Science.
Topics will include: ((*) means: if time permits)
Mathematical Reasoning, Proof Principles and Logic
Inference rules, deductions
Direct proofs
Indirect proofs
Proofs by contradiction
Proofs by contrapositive
The use of counter-examples
Disjunctive premises
Quantifiers, existential premises
Basic concepts of set theory
Russel's paradox (the set of all sets)
The set of natural numbers, N
The induction principle on N
Relations, Functions, Partial Functions
Ordered Pairs, Cartesian Products, Relations
The induction principle on N, again
Composition of Relations and Functions
Recursion on N
Inverses of Functions and Relations
Injections, Surjections, Bijections, Permutations
Direct Image and Inverse Image
Finite and infinite sets
Pigeonhole Principle
Schroder--Bernstein Theorem
An Amazing Surjection: Hilbert's Space Filling Curve
Strings, Multisets, Indexed Families
Some Counting Problems; Binomial and Multinomial Coefficients
Counting Permutations and Functions
n!, Stirling's formula
f = O(g), f = \Omega(g), f = \Theta(g), f = o(g).
Counting Subsets of Size k; Binomial Coefficients
Pascal's triangle
Binomial formula
The number of injections between two finite sets
The number of surjections between two finite sets
Multinomial coefficients
Multinomial formula
The number of finite multisets
The Inclusion-Exclusion Principle
(*) Sylvester's formula and the Sieve formula
Partial Orders and Equivalence Relations
Partial Orders
Lexicographic ordering on strings
Divisibility ordering
Minimal elements, maximal elements
Least elements, greatest elements
Least upper bounds, greatest lower bounds
(*) Zorn's Lemma
Complete Induction on N
Prime numbers
Prime Factorization in Z
There are infinitely many primes
Euclidean division
Well-founded sets and complete induction
(*) Lexicographic ordering on pairs
The Bezout identity and GCD's
Euclid's lemma
Unique Prime Factorization in Z
Equivalence Relations and Partitions
Transitive Closure, Reflexive and Transitive Closure
(*) Applications of arithmetic to cryptography
Why Graphs? Some Motivations
Directed Graphs
Paths in Digraphs; Strongly Connected Components
Undirected Graphs, Chains, Cycles, Connectivity
Trees and Arborescences
Minimum (or Maximum) Weight Spanning Trees
Incidence and Adjacency Matrices of a Graph
Eulerian and Hamiltonian Cycles
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