CSE 260 Fall 2005
Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science
Instructor, TAs
& newsgroup | Class schedule | Exams and Quizzes | Homeworks
| Course policy | Textbook
& syllabus
- CSE 260 Newsgroup
- All announcements concerning review sessions
or homework will be posted on the course newsgroup. Please check the
newsgroup for updates.
- upenn.cis.cse260
- Teaching Assistants:
You may email any TA with questions about the course material.
You can meet with any TA to set up a meeting for extra help.
Class Schedule:
- Lectures: Tuesday,
Thursday 10:30-11:50, Towne 311
- Recitations: Friday 14:00-14:50, Heilmeier
Names: |
Location: |
TA: |
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Examination Schedule:
- Midterm I:
Friday 7 October, 2:00-2:50pm; Room: Heilmeier
Review Problems
(ps) (pdf)
Solutions to review problems (pdf)
Midterm Solutions (pdf)
- Midterm II:
Friday 11
November ,
2:00-2:50pm; Room: Heilmeier
Review Problems
(ps) (pdf)
Solutions to review problems (pdf)
Midterm Solutions (pdf)
- Take home Final:
Due by Wed. 14
December , 11am;
(ps) (pdf)
Solutions to Final (pdf)
- NB: Makeup midterm examinations will only
be given for verified medical reasons. All makeup examinations are
Weekly Quizzes:
- There
will be 4 written quizzes lasting 15-20 minutes. The quizzes will be
scheduled on Fridays in those weeks when there is no preliminary
examination scheduled. The purpose of the quizzes is to aid students in
keeping current on the homework and lecture material. The subject
material of the quizzes will be taken from the homework assignments and
lectures. The tentative quiz schedule is: September 16, 30; October 14, 28
No makeup quizzes will be
Examination Policy:
- NB:
All midterm examinations and quizzes are closed-book examinations. No
written notes, personal assistants, or calculators are permitted.
Assignments Policy:
- Written
assignments (problem sets) will be given weekly during lecture and
recitation. The problems will vary in difficulty and will be designed
to reinforce and augment the material in the lectures and texts.
- Assignments include: analytical work,
derivations, proofs, and algorithms.
- The assignments will be collected and graded. Each
assignment must be submitted at the beginning of the class in which it
is due. Late submissions will not be accepted. Our goal is
to grade all of the homework that is submitted in a timely fashion.
However, due to the size of the class, it may become necessary from
time to time to limit grading to a selected subset of the assigned
problems. For example, if five problems are assigned in a given set, we
might select three of the five problems for grading.
- Problem set solutions will be discussed in the
recitation section with additional commentary from time to time in the
lectures. Solutions to the homework problems will be distributed in
- You are permitted to discuss the homework problems
with other class members with the following limitations. These
discussions are to be limited to high-level concepts. You are not
permitted to copy or share written work or implementation details. It
is understood that the work that you submit may be based on these
discussions but has not been either copied directly from another
student's paper nor is it, in part or in whole, the product of
impermissible collaboration.
- All written work must be neat, well-organized, and
include sufficient explanations in the delineation of the solutions.
Messy, poorly organized, or illegible material will be returned
- Each homework set will be graded based on the
following grade levels: E (excellent), G (good), S (satisfactory), U
(unsatisfactory), NC (no credit).
- The final course grade : TBA
- Policy on Grade Scaling: The instructor
retains the option to scale the exam grades. Historically, we have: (1)
dropped the lowest quiz grade; (2) adjusted the median of a preliminary
exam to 75, when the raw median was below 75; (3) adjusted the median
of each part of the final exam to 75, when the raw median was below 75;
and (4) dropped the lowest of the four scores: Mid I, Mid II, Final
part I, and Final part II.
- Regrades: Regrades for exams and quizzes will not be
done in person. You
must fill out the regrade form (download here)
and hand it to any TA. We will not accept regrades for homework.
Recommended Text:
- Mathematics
-- A Discrete Introduction: Edward R. Scheinerman
Also of interest:
- Mathematical Thinking ---
Problem-Solving and Proofs: John D'Angelo and Douglas West,
Prentice Hall
The MacTutor History of Mathematics archive
Welcome Page
The Mathematics Genealogy Project
Home Page
260 Course Topics:
Mathematical reasoning and proof principles, Logic
Set Theory
Relations, Functions, Partial Functions
Induction on N
Composition of relations and functions
Recursion on N
Injection, surjections, bijections
Inverses of functions and relations
Direct and Inverse Images
Cantor's Theorem,
Pigeonhole Principle, Schroeder-Bernstein's Theorem
Strings, Multisets, Indexed Families
An amazing surjection: Hilbert's square-filling curve
Some counting problems
Binomial coefficients, the binomial formula
Partial Orders, Lattices
Well-Founded Orderings and complete Induction
Equivalence Relations and Partitions. Closures.
Distributive Lattices, Boolean algebras, Heyting algebras
Trees, Multiset Ordering, String and Tree Embedding
Graphs (directed and undirected; unlabeled and labeled);
Graph homomorphisms and isomorphisms
Simple Combinatorics--Counting
Baby Number Theory: divisibility, modular arithmetic
The required reading will be posted each week.
Related Material: Some Talks, Slides and Links
Intuitionistic logic for dummies
Intuitionistic logic (Part 2/2)
Introduction to proof theory
Proofs are programs
Intuitionistic Logic (from Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)
Intuitionistic Logic (From Wikipedia)
Intuitionistic Logic (From Mathworld)
Intuitionistic Logic (From Absolute Astronomy)
Axioms of Zermelo-Fraenkel Set Theory (from Wikipedia)
Zermelo-Fraenkel Axioms (from MathWorld)
Zermelo-Fraenkel Set Theory (from Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)
Set Theory (from Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)
The Axiom of Choice (by Eric Schechter)
Eric Schechter's home page
Axiom of choice (from Wikipedia)
Axiom of choice (from MathWorld)
Cantor-Schroeder-Bernstein Theorem (from Wikipedia)
Cantor-Schroeder-Bernstein Theorem (from PlanetMath)
Tarski's Fixed Point Theorem (from MathWorld)
Knaster-Tarski Theorem (from Wikipedia)
Plane-Filling Function (from MathWorld)
Hilbert Curve (from MathWorld)
Plane Filling Curves (from Alexander Bogomolny)
Space-Filling Curves (from Wikipedia)
Using Space-Filling Curves for multi-dimensional indexing
Stirling's Formula (from Wikipedia)
Well-founded relation (from Wikipedia)
Well-founded induction (from PlanetMath)
Lattice (from Wikipedia)
Distributive Lattice (from Wikipedia)
Complete Lattice (from Wikipedia)
Boolean algebra (from Wikipedia)
Boolean algebra (from Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)
Graph theory (from Wikipedia)
Some Course Notes and Slides
Discrete math. basics, induction, inductive definitions
(Chapter from ``Logic for Computer Science'', by J. Gallier)
(ps) |
Macro prooftree.tex
Macro mac.tex
Macro mathmac.tex
Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science (book manuscript)