Summer 2021
June, Yiwei receives 2021 STLE Scholarship Award. Congratultations!
June, SMART Lab gets together to enjoy food and drinks and bid a farewell to Sagar, Zhe and Li-Wei.
June, Yun Kee's paper entitled "Stretch-responsive adhesive microcapsules for strain-regulated antibiotic release from fabric wound dressings" is accepted for publication in Biomaterials Science. Congratulations!
June, Alex and Sagar's review entitled "Scaling up the throughput of microfluidic droplet-based materials synthesis: A review of recent progress and outlook" is accepted for publication in Applied Physics Review. This review also has been picked as an Editor's Pick. Congratulations!
June, SMART Lab has a strong presence at the ACS Colloid and Surface Science Symposium. Zhe, Wilfredo, Alex, Bharath, Joseph, Joe, Jess, Anna and Daeyeon make presentations. Bharath participates in the Langmuir Student Award Symposium.
June, Daeyeon delivers an invited seminar in Department of Chemical Engineering at University College London.
June, Nyvia (Howard Univ), Stefani (Univ of Puerto Rico@Mayaguez) and Charles (Stony Brook Univ) join the group. Welcome!
Spring 2021
May, Giuseppe and Arthur's review entitled "Fabrication and Application of Bicontinuous Interfacially Jammed Emulsion Gels" is accepted for publication in Applied Physics Review. This review also has been picked as an Editor's Pick. Congratulations!
May, SMART Lab enjoys the first outdoor gathering since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic.
May, Minjun is awarded the prestigious Postdoctoral Fellowship from the National Research Foundation of Korea. Congratulations!
May, Yupan's paper entitled "Label-Free Multitarget Separation of Particles and Cells under Flow Using Acoustic, Electrophoretic, and Hydrodynamic Forces" in Analytical Chemistry. Congratulations!
May, Sean joins the group as a visiting scientist. Welcome!
May, Raj's paper entitled "Multivariable Dependence of Acoustic Contrast of Fluorocarbon and Xenon Microbubbles under Flow" is accepted for publication in Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology. Congratulations!
May, Joe receives the 2021 Penn Prize for Excellence in Teaching by Graduate Students. Congratulations!
April, Anna receives the prestigious NSF GRFP Fellowship. Congratulations!
March, SMART Lab has a strong showing at the APS March meeting. Daeyeon gives an invited presentation. Bharath, Katie, Chris and Yiwei give presentations on their work.
February, Hong Huy's paper entitled "Lubricant Depletion-Resistant Slippery Liquid-Infused Porous Surfaces via Capillary Rise Lubrication of Nanowire Array" is accepted for publication in Advanced Materaials Interfaces. Congraulations!
February, Katie's paper entitled "pH-Mediated nanoparticle dynamics in hydrogel nanocomposites: is accepted for publication in Soft Matter. Congratulations!
February, Yiwei's paper entitled "Polymer-infiltrated Nanoplatelet Films with Nacre-like Structure via Flow Coating and Capillary Rise Infiltration (CaRI)" is accepted for publication in Nanoscale. Congratulations!
February, Jaehyun joins the group as a postdoctoral fellow. Welcome!
February, Hyejoong joins the group as a postdoctoral fellow. Welcome!
February, Danielle (Penn CBE, Rachleff Scholar) re-joins the group. Welcome!
January, Huy's paper entitled "Lubricant Depletion-Resistant Slippery Liquid-Infused Porous Surfaces via Capillary Rise Lubrication of Nanowire Array" is accepted for publication in Advanced Materials Interfaces. Congraulations!
January, Katie's paper entitled "pH-mediated nanoparticle dynamics in hydrogel nanocomposites" is accepted for publication in Soft Matter. Congratulations!
January, Yitian joins the group as a postdoctoral fellow. Welcome!
Fall 2020
December, Minchul joins our group. Michul is a visiting student from SKKU. Welcome!
November, Baekmin's paper entitled "Heterostructured Polymer-Infiltrated Nanoparticle Films with Cavities via Capillary Rise Infiltration" is accepted for publication in Advanced Materials Interfaces. Congratulations!
November, CK joins our group. Welcome!
November, Syung Hun successful defends his thesis. Congratulations, Dr. Han!
November, Yang's paper entitled "Scalable Synthesis of Janus Particles with High Naturality" is accepted for publication in ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering. Congratulations!
November, Daeyeon visits and delivers a seminar in the School of Polymer Science and Engineering at the University of Southern Mississippi.
October, SMART Lab has a strong showing at the 2020 Penn CBE Graduate Student Symposium.
October, SMART Lab bids farewell to Molly and Tim. Thank you for your contributions, Molly and Tim!
October, Daeyeon delivers an invited talk at 2020 MS&T Conference.
October, Reem, Alex, Trevor, Anirban and Evan join our group. This is the largest first year cohort to join SMART Lab. Welcome!
September, Syung Hun's paper entitled "Static array of droplets and on-demand recovery for biological assays" is accpted for publication in Biomicrofluidics. Congratulations!
Summer 2020
August, Tim's paper entitled "Sticky but Slick: Reducing Friction using Associative and non-Associative Polymer Lubricant Additives" is accepted for publication in ACS Applied Polymer Materials. Congratulations!
August, Min Jun joins the group as a postdoctoral fellow. He will work between SMART Lab and Penn Dental School. Welcome!
July, Daeyeon pens a faculty opinion piece entitled "Innovations in Membrane Technology for Water Treatment" in Issue 4 (July 2020) of Penn Water Center Newsletter.
July, Neha's paper entitled "Effect of Confinement on Solvent-driven Infiltration of Polymer (SIP) into Nanoparticle Packings" is accepted for publication in Macromolecules. Congratulations!
July, Neha successfully defends her defense. Congratulations, Dr. Manohar!
July, Joe is awarded this year's STLE Philadelphia Section Scholarship award. Congratulations!
July, Joseph's paper entitled "Controlling the Emulsion Type Using Adjustable Polyelectrolyte-Surfactant Complexes" is accepted for publication in Langmuir. Congratulations!
Spring 2020
May, Daeyeon is appointed to the Evan C Thompson Term Chair for Excellence in Teaching. Congratulations!
April, Arthur's paper entitled "Scalable Manufacturing of Hierarchical Biphasic Bicontinuous Structures via Vaporization-Induced Phase Separation (VIPS)" is accepted for publications in ACS Materials Express.
April, Katie's tutorial entitled "Particle tracking of nanoparticles in soft matter" for publication in Journal of Applied Physics. It will be highlighted as a feature article. Congratulations!
April, Lilia receives the prestigious NSF GRFP Fellowship. Congraulations!
March, Li-Wei joins the group as a postdoctoral fellow. Welcome!
March, JaeHun joins the group as a visiting postdoctoral fellow from Yonsei University. Welcome!
March, Giuseppe's paper entitled "Fabrication of Solvent Transfer-Induced Phase Separation Bijels with Mixtures of Hydrophilic and Hydrophobic Nanoparticles" is accepted for publication in Soft Matter.
March, Jiyu from City University of Hong Kong joins the group as a visiting student. Welcome!
February, Raj's paper entitled "Ultrasound Responsive Noble Gas Microbubbles for Applications in Image-Guided Gas Delivery" is accepted for publication in Advanced Healthcare Materials.
February, Zhe joins the group as a postdoctoral fellow. Welcome!
January, Daeyeon presents an invited talk at the 12th Northeast Complex Fluids and Soft Matter Workshop held at Manhattan College.
January, Shannon joins the group. Shannon is a Rachleff Scholar in Penn CBE. Welcome!
January, Xu's paper entitled "Scalable Manufacturing of Bending-Induced Surface Wrinkles" is accepted for publication in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. Congratulations!
Fall 2019
December, SMART Lab celebrates the holiday season with tasty food and drinks.
December, Bharath's paper entitled "Effect of Polymer-Nanoparticle Interactions on Solvent-driven Infiltration of Polymer (SIP) into Nanoparticle Packings: a Molecular Dynamics Study" is accepted for publication in Molecular Systems Design & Engineering. Congratulations!
December, Syung Hun's paper entitled "Photoactivated Selective Release (PHASR) of Droplets from Microwell Arrays" is accepted for publication in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. Congratulations!
December, Daeyeon presents an invited talk at the 2019 MRS Fall Meeting in Boston.
November, Zhiwei successfully defends his thesis. Congratulations, Dr. Liao!
November, Daeyeon delivers the 2019 James M. Lee Memorial Award Lecture at the 2019 AIChE Annual Conference held in Orlando, FL.
November, Neha and Arthur present at the 2019 AIChE Annual Conference held in Orlando, FL.
November, Lilia, Ana and Yuxuan (Ivy) join the group. Welcome!
October, Daeyeon gives an invited presentation in the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering at the University of Colorado, Boulder.
October, Daeyeon gives an invited presentation in the Deprtament of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at the University of Maryland.
October, Huy's paper entitled "Multifunctional Composite Films with Vertically Aligned ZnO Nanowires by Leaching-enabled Capillary Rise Infiltration" is accepted for publication in Nanoscale. Congraultaions!
September, Yun Kee's review article entitled "Biopolymer Microparticles Prepared by Microfluidics for Biomedical Applications" is accepted for publication. Congratulations!
September, Baekmin from KAIST, Korea and Hong Huy from UGA, France join the group as visiting students. Welcome!
September, Daeyeon gives an invited talk in the School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering at Shanghai Jiatong University, Shanghai, China.
September, Daeyeon delivers a keynote lecture at the 2019 China Soft Matter Conference held at Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China.
Summer 2019
August, Daeyeon delivers two invited presentations at the 2019 Fall ACS National Meeting in Sand Diego.
August, Chris joins the group as a postdoctoral fellow. Welcome!
August, Sagar joins the group as a postdoctoral fellow. Welcome!
August, Zhuo's paper entitled "Photoacoustic and Ultrasound Dual-Mode Imaging via Functionalization of Recombinant Protein-stabilized Microbubbles with Methylene Blue" is accepted for publication in ACS Applied Bio Materials. Congratulations!
July, Yang's paper entitled "Janus Particles with Varying Configurations for Emulsion Stabilization" is accepted for publication in Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research. Congratulations!
July, Wilfredo wins the first place prize at the Grenoble International Internship Program (GIIP) final presentation competition. Congratulations!
July, Zimu from Shanghai Jiatong University joins the group. Welcome!
July, David successfully defensed his thesis. Congratulations, Dr. Ring!
June, Ryan joins the lab as a research specialist. Welcome!
June, Daeyeon gives a keynote lecture entitled "Large-scale production of microfluidic emulsions and particles" at the 2019 IMCO Conference held in Hong Kong.
June, Daeyeon gives an invited talk titld "Infiltration of Polymers into Disordered Nanoparticle Packings: Polymers under Extreme Nanoconfinment" at the 2019 COINS held at Hong Kong University.
June, SMART Workshop is held to celebrate 10-year anniversary of the SMART Lab and to reunite the alumni and current members of the lab. We also bid a farewell to Yang and Xu.
May, Edgardo from the Univerity of Puerto Rico Cayey and Stefani from the Univerity of Puerto Rico Mayaguez join the group as REU students. Welcome!
Spring 2019
May, all of the first year students pass their qualifying exams. Congratulations, Yiwei, Arthur, Jess, Joe, Joseph and Tian!!
April, Daeyeon receives the 2019 Penn CBE Distinguished Teaching Award presented by the AIChE Student Chapter at Penn. Congratulations!
April, Sanghak's paper entitled "Bicontinuous Interfacially Jammed Emulsion Gels (bijels) as Media for Enabling Enzymatic Reactive Separation of a Highly Water Insoluble Substrate" is accepted for publication in Scientific Reports. Congratulations!
April, Bharath's paper entitled "Patterning Polymer-filled Nanoparticle Films via Leaching-enabled Capillary Rise Infiltration (LeCaRI)" is accepted for publication in Nanoscale Horizons. Congratulations!
April, Daeyeon and Zhiwei attend and make presentations at the 2019 Spring ACS Meeting in Orlando.
April, Daeyeon receives the 2019 James M. Lee Memorial Award from the US Chapter of KIChE. Congratulations!
March, SMART Lab bids farewell to Woo-Sik and Danny.
March, Zhiwei's paper entitled "Ultrastable Underwater Anti-Oil Fouling Coatings from Spray Assemblies of Polyelectrolyte Grafted Silica Nanochains " is accepted for publication in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. Congratulations!
March, David, Bharath and Tim present at the APS March Meeting in Boston.
March, Daeyeon give a seminar entitled "Polymer infiltration into Random Packings of Nanoparticles: Polymers under Extreme Nanoconfinement" at LiPhy (Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire de Physique) in Grenoble, France.
February, Hyunsun from POSTECH joins the group as a visiting scholar. Welcome!
February, Zhuo's paper entitled "Engineering the Echogenic Properties of Microfluidic Microbubbles Using Mixtures of Recombinant Protein and Amphiphilic Copolymers" is accepted for publicationin Langmuir. Congratulations!
February, Prof. Byoung Suhk Kim from Chonbuk National University (Korea) joins the group as a visiting professor. Welcome!
February, Molly joins the group as a postdoctoral fellow. Molly recently recieved her PhD from the University of Massachusetts - Amherst. Welcome!
January, Heon-Ho's paper entitled "Large-Scale Production of Compound Bubbles Using Parallelized Microfluidics for Efficient Extraction of Metal Ions" is accepted for publication in Lab on a Chip. Congratulations!
January, Jinpei from Tsinghua University joins the group as a visiting scholar. Welcome!
Fall 2018
December, Daeyeon has been named a 2019 Penn Fellow. The Penn Fellows Program provides leadership development to select Penn faculty in mid-career. Congratulations!
December, Yankai's paper entitled "Reversible aggregation and dispersion of particles at a liquid-liquid interface using space charge injection" is accepted for publication in Advanced Materials Interfaces. Congratulations!
December, David's paper entitled "Critical Contact Angle to Induce Capillary Rise of Polymers in Nanopores Does Not Depend on Chain Length" is accepted for publication in ACS Macro Letters. Congratulations!
December, Giuseppe's paper entitled "Robust Bijels for Reactive Separation via Silica-Reinforced Nanoparticle Layers" is accepted for publication in ACS Nano. Congratulations!
November, Jyo Lyn's paper entitled "Toughening Nanoparticle Films via Polymer Infiltration and Confinement" is accepted for publication in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. Congratulations!
November, Daeyeon gives an invited talk entitled "Toward Commercialization of Microfluidic Microparticles" at the Nano- and Micro-fluidics: Fundamentals and Applications Workshop held at the Lorentz Center in Leiden, Netherlands.
November, Gang's paper entitled "Effect of Triblock Copolymer Surfactant Composition on Flow-induced Phase Inversion Emulsification in a Tapered Channel" is accepted for publication in Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. Congratulations!
October, Daeyeon receives Service Recognition Award from KIChE US Chapter. Congratulations!
October, SMART Lab enjoys a get-together with tasty food and drinks. The group bids a farewell to Gang, Yankai and Zhuo and also welcome Yupan, Jess, Joe, Joseph and Tian.
October, Gang successfully defends his thesis defense. Congratulations, Dr. Duan!
October, Daeyeon gives an invited seminar entitled "Towards Scalable Manufacturing of Nanocomposite Films and Membranes Using Capillarity" in the Department of Polymer Science and Engineering at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst.
October, SMART Lab welcomes 4 new group members. Jessica, Joe, Joseph and Tian join the group. Welcome!
October, Yupan from Harbin Institute of Technology joins the group as a visiting scholar. Welcome!
October, SMART Lab participates in the 2018 NanoDay@Penn and showcases the science of microfluidics and nanotechnology to the visitors.
September, Daeyeon gives an invited seminar entitled "Harnessing Interfacial Phenomena to Manufacture Nanocomposite Films and Capsules" in the Department of Chemical Engineering at Rowan University.
September, Daeyeon gives an invited talk entitled "Towards Commercialization of Microfluidic-based Microparticles for Biomedical Applications" at the 4BIO Summit: USA held in San Francisco.
September, Daeyeon gives an invited talk in the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering at Tufts University.
September, Daeyeon presents an invited talk entitled "Towards Scalable Manufacturing of Nanocomposite Composites and Membranes Using Capillarity" at Air Liquide.
September, SMART Lab has a strong presence at the 2018 CBE Graduate Student Symposium. Zhiwei and Neha make oral presentations, and Bharath, Giuseppe, and Katie make poster presentations.
September, SMART Lab is a part of the Center for Sub-cellular Genomics that was recently granted from NIH. Congratulations!
Summer 2018
August, Daeyeon presents an invited talk at the Fall 2018 ACS National Meeting held in Boston.
August, Yun Kee joins the group as a postdoctoral fellow. Yun Kee recently received his PhD from POSTECH, South Korea. Welcome!
August, Woo-Sik's paper titlted "Enzymatically Powered Surface-Associated Self-Motile Protocells" is accepted for publication in Small. Congratulations!
July, a book entitled "Anisotrpoic Particle Assemblies: Synthesis, Assembly, Modeling, and Applications" edited by Daeyeon, Profs. Ning Wu (Colorado School of Mines) and Alberto Striolo (University College London) is published.
July, Katie's review paper entitled "Engineering Theranostic Microbubbles Using Microfluidics for Ultrasound Imaging and Therapy - A Review" is accepted for publication in Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology. Congratulations!
July, Daeyeon presents an invited talk at the Advances in Cosmetics Formulation Design Engineering Conferences International (ECI) meeting held in Durham, North Carolina.
June, Jyo Lyn's paper entitled "Effect of Physical Nanoconfinement on the Viscosity of Unentangled Polymers during Capillary Rise Infiltration" is accepted for publication in Macromolecules. Congratulations!
June, Daeyeon particpates in the 2018 French-American Workshop and gives an Midi Minatec seminar at Minatec, Grenoble, France.
June, Daeyeon gives an invited seminar in the Department of Macromolecular Science at Fudan University.
June, SMART Lab has a strong presence at the ACS Colloid and Surface Science Symposium held at Penn State University. Jyo Lyn, Gang, Neha, David, Yang, Giuseppe and Xu make presentations.
June, Daeyeon gives an invited talk entitled "Capillary Rise Infiltration of Unentangled Polymers in Nanoparticle Packings" at the 7th China Soft Matter Day held at Sichuan University in China.
June, Daeyeon delivers a keynote lecture entitled "Nanoscale Interfacial Complexation in Emulsions (NICE)" at the 8th International Colloid Conference held at Fudan University in Shanghai, China.
June, Daeyeon gives an invited talk in the Deparment of Chemical Engineering at Tsinghua University.
June, Daeyeon gives an invited talk entitled "Bicontinuous Biphasic Emulsions for Separation and Reaction Applications" at 2018 Colloids and Interface Symposium (COINS) held at Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU), Korea.
May, Anne joins the group as a visiting student from University of Grenoble Alpes - University Institue of Technology. Welcome!
May, SMART Lab enjoys a beautiful day and lots of good food at Ridley Creek State Park. We bid a farewell to Katie, Michael and Jyo Lyn and also welcome new group members, Tim and Raj.
May, Daeyeon gives an invited talk at the University Contacts Meeting at Lubrizol.
May, Tim, Neha, Zhiwei and David make presentations in Penn Polymer Symposium.
May, Tim joins the group as a postdoctoral fellow. Tim recently submitted his PhD thesis at the University of New Castle, Australia. He will be co-advised by Rob Carpick. Welcome!
May, Raj joins the group as a postdoctoral fellow. Raj recently received his PhD from the University of Colorado-Boulder. He will be co-advised by Sandy Sehgal and Dan Hammer. Welcome!
May, Wilfredo, Alex and Bharath pass the CBE qualifying exam. Congratulations!
Spring 2018
May, Jyo Lyn and Gang participate in the PhD Hooding Ceremony. Congratulations!
May, Laurene joins the group as a visiting student. Laurene is a MS student at Grenoble Institute of Technology-Phelma, France. May, Daeyeon presents an invited seminar in the Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science at the University of Minnesota.
May, Stephanie joins the group as a visiting student. Stephanie is a PhD student at Alabama State University and a former REACT fellow. Welcome!
April, Heon-Ho's paper entitled "Moldable Perfluoropolyether-Polyethylene Glycol Networks with Tunable Wettability and Solvent Resistance for Rapid Prototyping of Droplet Microfluidics" is accepted for publication in Chemistry of Materials. Congratulations!
April, Yiwei and Bharath receive the 2018 Masster's Awards for their excellence in research. Congratulations!
April, Jyo Lyn successfully defends her thesis defense. Congratulations, Dr. Hor!
March, Jyo Lyn's paper in Soft Matter is highlighted on the Front Cover page. Congratulations!

March, Daeyeon is highlighted as one of the Oustanding Reviewers for Soft Matter in 2017.
March, Daeyeon visits Grenoble INP - Laboratorire Materiaux et Genie Physique (LMGP) and gives two presentations.
March, Neha and Jyo Lyn give presentations at the 2018 APS March Meeting held in LA.
March, Professor Michel Duits from University of Twente joins the group as Visiting Professor. Welcome!
February, Daeyeon and Neha participate in the 2018 Gordon Research Conference on "Colloidal, Macromolecular and Polyelectrolyte Solutions" in Ventura, CA. Neha presents a poster and Daeyeon leads discussions in the "Processing Colloidal, Macromolecular and Polyelectrolyte Solution" session.
January, Jyo Lyn's paper entitled "Effect of Polymer-Nanoparticle Interactions on the Viscosity of Unentangled Polymers under Extreme Nanoconfinement during Capillary Rise Infiltration" is accepted for publication in Soft Matter. Congratulations!
January, Danny joins the group as a postdoctoral fellow. He will be jointly advised by Prof. Russ Composto. Welcome!
January, Daeyeon is appointed as the Director of the Rachleff Scholars Program.
January, Haoyang (CBE MS student) joins the group. Welcome!
Fall 2017
December, SMART Lab enjoys good food and drinks to celebrate the end of 2017.
December, Zhuo Chen from Tsinghua University joins the group as a visiting scholar. Welcome!
December, Daeyeon gives an invited seminar in the Department of Chemical Engineering at MIT.
November, Katie and Daeyeon give presentations at the 2017 Fall MRS Meeting held in Boston.
November, Daeyeon, Neha and Tagbo (a former postdoc) participate and make presentations in the REACT Workshop & Networking Event held at the French Embassy in Washington DC.
November, Tagbo's paper entitled "Films of Bacteria at Interfaces (FBI): Remodeling of Fluid Interfaces by Pseudomonas aeruginosa" is accepted for publication in Scientific Reports. Congratulations!
November, Shizhao (CBE MS student) joins the group. Welcome!
November, Martin's paper entitled "Multifunctional nanocomposite hollow fiber membranes by solvent transfer induced phase separation" is published in Nature Communincations. The work is highlighted in a press release by Penn News. Congratulations!
October, Daeyeon delivers a plenary lecture entitled "Nanoscale Interfacial Complexation in Emulsions (NICE)" in the Bionanotechnology plenary session at the 2017 AIChE Annual Meeting in Minneapolis.
October, Xu joins the group as a postdoctoral fellow. He will be jointly advised by Profs. Shu Yang and Kate Stebe. Welcome!
October, Yiwei's paper entitled "Polymer Blend-Filled Nanoparticle Films via Monomer-Driven Infiltration of Polymers and Photopolymerization" is accepted for publication in Molecular Systems Design & Engineering. Congratulations!
October, Yankai from Harbin Institute of Technology joins the group as a visiting scholar. Welcome!
October, SMART Lab welcomes two new group members. Jingyu (Alex) and Wilfredo join the group. Welcome!
October, SMART Lab participates in the 2017 NanoDay@Penn and showcases the science of microfluidics and nanotechnology to the visitors.
October, our lab adopts a new name "Soft Materials Research and Technology (SMART) Laboratory" to reflect our on-going work on the fundamental research and technology involving soft matter systems.
September, Prof. Li Yang from the School of Material Science and Engineering, Southwest University of Science and Technology (China) joins the group as a Visiting Professor. Welcome!
September, Prof. Guanjun Chang from the State Key Laboratory for Environment-Friendly Energy Materials, Southwest University of Science and Technology (China) joins the group as a Visiting Professor. Welcome!
September, multiple members of our group participate and give oral/poster presentations in the 2017 Penn CBE Graduate Student Symposium.
September, Neha's paper entitled "Solvent-Driven Infiltration of Polymer (SIP) into Nanoparticle Packings" is accepted for publication in ACS Macro Letters. Congratulations!
September, Sarah's paper entitled "All Aqueous Assemblies via Interfacial Complexation: Toward Artificial Cell and Microniche Development" is accepted for publication in Langmuir. Congratulations!
September, Yang joins the Stebe and our groups. Yang recently received his PhD from Cambridge University. Welcome!
Summer 2017
August, Brielle (Penn CBE, Class of 2018) joins the group. Welcome!
August, Daeyeon presents two invited talks at the 2017 Fall ACS Meeting held in Washington DC.
August, Laura's paper entitled "Rough Adhesive Hydrogels (RAd gels) for Underwater Adhesion" is accepted for publication in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. Congratulations!
August, Kathryn and Griffin, along with the SURGG team, delivery their final presentation on the Active Coating-enabled Relief Tent.
August, Lara gives her final presenation at the REACT-Singh Center REU Research Symposium.
August, Vinson wins the 2nd place prize in the Rachleff Scholar poster presentation event. Congratulations!
August, Danielle (Harriton High School) joins the lab. Welcome!
July, Soft Nanomaterials Lab enjoys a summer picnic at Nockamixon State Park and bids a farewell to Laura who will soon join UMass Amherst as Assistant Professor.
July, Daeyeon and Jyo Lyn give presentations at the 2017 ACS Colloid and Surface Science Symposium held at City College of New York. Jyo Lyn participates in the Langmuir Oral Session as a finalist for the Langmuir Student Award.
July, Heon-Ho's paper entitled "Liter-scale Production of Uniform Gas Bubbles via Parallelization of Flow Focusing Generators" is accepted for publication in Lab-on-a-Chip. Congratulations!
July, Prof. Heon-Ho Jeong (a former postdoc at SNL) joins the lab as a visiting scholar. Welcome back!
June, Sarah's paper entitled "All Water Emulsion-Bodies (AWE-somes) with Permeable Shells and Selective Compartments" is accpted for publication in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. Congratulations!
June, Daeyeon receives a New Direction grant from ACS PRF. Congratulations!
June, with the Stebe Group, Soft Nanomaterials Lab holds a big farewell party for Laura, Tagbo and Sarah, who will be moving onto their new positions. We will miss you all!
June, Daeyeon gives an invited talk entitled "Nanoscale Interfacial Complexation in Emulsions (NICE)" at the 2017 Colloid and Interface Symposium (COINS 2017) held at SKKU.
June, Daeyeon gives an invited talk entitled "Nanoscale Interfacial Complexation in Emulsions (NICE)" at the 2017 LbL Conference held in Seoul, Korea.
June, Sarah's paper entitled "Tuning interfacial complexation in aqueous two phase systems with polyelectrolytes and nanoparticles for compound all water emulsion bodies (AWE-somes)" is accepted for publication in Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. Congratulations!
June, Gang's paper entitled "One-Step Generation Salt-Responsive Polyelectrolyte Microcapsules via Surfactant Organized Nanoscale Interfacial Complexation in Emulsions (SO NICE)" is accepted for publication in Langmuir. Congratulations!
June, Sarah successfully defends her thesis. Congratulations, Dr. Hann!
June, Tagbo and Laura are featured on Penn CBE website highlighting the dynamic collaborative environmemt between the Lee and Stebe Groups.
June, Pang from Peddie School joins the group. Welcome!
June, Neha's participation in REACT is highlighted in Penn Engineering Blog.
May, Soft Nanomaterials Lab welcomes multiple visiting scholars. Lara from Grenoble Institute of Technology (France) joins the lab. Kathryn and Griffin (both in Penn BE), who are affiliated with Summer Undergraduate Research Group Grant (SURGG), join the group. Vinson (Penn CBE), a Rachleff Scholar, also joins the lab. Welcome!
May, Soft Nanomaterials Lab has a major lab clean-up and dispose of piles of old samples, obsolete equipment and chemicals. Afterwards, a farewell party for Harim is held.
May, Daeyeon receives the Soft Matter Lectureship Award. The Soft Matter Lectureship is an annual award that honours an early-career researcher for their significant contribution to the soft matter field. The recipient is selected by the Soft Matter Editorial Board from a list of candidates nominated by the community.Congratulations!
May, Soft Nanomaterials Lab has a strong presence at the 2017 Penn Polymer Symposium. Laura and Zhiwei give oral presentations, and Gang, David, Woo-Sik, and Wei-Han give poster presentations.
May, Laura, Wei-Han, David, and Woo-Sik give sound bites at MASM 18 held at Penn.
May, Katie and Renjing pass the qualifying exam. Congratulations!
Spring 2017
May, Sarah participates in the PhD Hooding Ceremony. Congratulations!
May, Laura and Wei-Han's review article "Janus and Patchy Colloids at Fluid Interfaces" is accepted for publication in Current Opinion in Colloid & Interface Science. Congratulations!
May, Katie joins the group as a postdoctoral fellow. Welcome!
May, Arthur joins the group. Arthur is an MS student in Penn MSE. Welcome!
April, Sarah gives an invited talk at the 2017 MRS meeting.
April, Daeyeon receives the 2017 S. Reid Warren, Jr. Award. This award is presented annually by the undergraduate student body and the Engineering Alumni Society in recognition of outstanding service in stimulating and guiding the intellectual and professional development of undergraduate students. Congratulations!
April, Daeyeon and Laura give invited talks at the 2017 Spring ACS National Meeting.
April, Prof. Jongnam Park from UNIST joins the group as Visiting Professor. Welcome!
March, Laura accepts an offer to join the Department of Polymer Science and Engineering at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst as Assistant Professor. Congratulations!
March, Tagbo accepts an offer to join the Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering at the University of Pittsburgh as Assistant Professor. Congratulations! Click here for Pitt Department News.
March, Daeyeon, in collaboration with Prof. Kevin Turner (Penn MEAM), receives an NSF grant. Congratulations!
March, Wei-Han and Fuquan's paper entitled "Shape-Tunable Synthesis of Sub-Micrometer Lens-Shaped Particles via Seeded Emulsion Polymerization" is accepted for publication in Chemistry of Materials. Congratulations!
March, Daeyeon, in collaboration with Drs. Composto, Fahkraai, Telhan and Field, receives a 2017 Summer Undergraduate Research Group Grant (SURGG) from Penn’s Center for Undergraduate Research and Fellowships (CURF) and the Provost’s Office. This grant enables high-achieving Penn undergraduates to participate in a research project "Active Coating Technology (ACT)-Enabled Relief Tents for Natural Disaster." Congratulations!
March, Daeyeon presents a lecture entitled "Emulsions (and Foams) Stabilized by Colloids" in the Short Course on "Polymer Colloids" at the 2017 American Physical Society March Meeting in New Orleans.
March, Yuanchi joins the group as a postdoctoral fellow. Welcome!
March, Daeyeon presents an invited talk entitled "Bicontinuous Biphasic Emulsions for Potential Applications in Separations and Catalysis" in the 8th Eastern Mediterranean Chemical Engineering Conference held at Technion (Haifa, Israel).
February, Daeyeon presents an invited talk entitled "Shape-Changing Layer-by-Layer Actuators Powered by Water and DNA Toward Microrobotics Applications" in the 2017 Layered Polymeric Systems conference held at the Asilomar Conference Grounds, CA.
February, Jyo Lyn's paper entitled "Nanoporous Polymer-Infiltrated Nanoparticle Films with Uniform or Graded Porosity via Undersaturated Capillary Rise Infiltration" is accepted for publicaion in ACS Nano. Congratulations!
February, Soft Nanomaterials Lab bids farewell to Heon-Ho who will soon start as Assistant Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at Chonnam National University. Good luck!
February, Sarah, Jyo Lyn, Gang and Neha attend and give soundbite presentations at Mid-Atlantic Soft Matter 17 held at the University of Delaware.
January, Daeyeon presents a seminar entitled "Toward Scalable Nanomanufacturing Using Capillarity" in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at the University of the Sceinces.
January, Yiwei joins the group. Yiwei is an MS student in Penn MSE. Welcome!
January, Je joins the group. Je is an MS student in Penn MSE. Welcome!
Fall 2016
December, Heon-Ho accepts an offer to become an Assistant Professor at Chonnam National University. Congratulations!
December, Daeyeon presents a talk entitled "Bicontinuous Biphasic Liquid Media for Catalysis and Separations" at the Penn-KIST Joint Symposium. Many of our group members also present posters.
November, Bharath and Jiayi join the group. Bharath and Jiayi are MS students in Penn CBE. Welcome!
November, Daeyeon presents a talk entitled "Nanocomposites with Extremely High Nanoparticle Loadings via Capillary Rise Infiltration (CaRI)" at the 2016 AIChE Annual Meeting held in San Francisco, CA.
October, Soft Nanomaterials Lab participates in the 2016 NanoDay@Penn and showcases the science of microfluidics to the visitors.
October, Laura's paper on Clickable Janus Particles has been featured in a recent issue of Nature Chemistry.
October, Tae Soup's paper entitled "Shape changing thin films powered by DNA hybridization" is published in Nature Nanotechnology. Congratulations!
October, Katie Rose and Renjing Huang join Soft Nanomaterials Lab. Katie and Renjing are PhD students in CBE. Kaite will be jointly advised by Prof. Russ Composto (MSE) and Renjing will be joingly advised by Prof. Kate Stebe (CBE). Welcome!!
September, Soft Nanomaterials Lab and the Stebe Lab bid farewell to Martin who will soon start as Assistant Professor at Rowan University.
September, Daeyeon attends the 2016 US Frontiers of Engineering Symposium hosted by the National Academy of Engineering.
September, Ankit's paper entitled "Flow-induced phase inversion of emulsions in tapered microchannels" is accepted for publications in Lab on a Chip. Congratulations!
September, Soft Nanomaterials Lab has a strong presence at the 2016 Graduate Student Symposium. Sarah gives an oral presentation and Woo-Sik, Gang, Jyo Lyn, David, Wei-Han, Zhiwei and Neha give poster presentations.
September, Daeyeon gives a semianr entitled "Towards Scalable Nanomanufacturing Using Capillarity" in the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at the Unviersity of Delaware.
September, Daeyeon gives a seminar entitled "Towards Scalable Nanomanufacturing Using Capillarity" in the Laboratory for Surface Modification (LSM)/Institute for Advanced Materials, Devices, and Nanotechnology (IAMDN) at Rutgers University.
Summer 2016
August, Sarah's paper entitled "One-step generation of cell-encapsulating compartments via polyelectrolyte complexation in an aqueous two phase system" is accepted for publications in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. Congratulations!
August, Syung Hun Han joins the group. Syung Hun is a PhD student in Bioengineering. He will be jointly advised by Prof. Junhyoung Kim (Biology). Welcome!
August, Ankit successfully defends his PhD thesis. Congratulations, Dr. Kumar!
August, Laura's paper entitled "Clicakable Janus Particles" is accepted for publications in Journal of the American Chemical Society. Congratulations!
August, Daeyeon, Laura and Zhiwei make presentations at the ACS National Meeting held in Philadelphia.
August, Daeyeon and the former members of Soft Nanomaterials Laboratory convene for a workshop at POSTECH hosted by Prof. Junsang Doh (a former visiting Professor) to exchange the latest developments in their research endeavors.
August, Daeyeon presents an invited talk entitled "Toward Scalable Nanomanufacturing Using Capillarity" in the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at KAIST.
August, Daeyeon visit Shanxi University (Taiyuan, China) and delivers a seminar entitled "Janus Particles as Solid Surfactants" in the School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering. His visit is featured on the Shanxi University website.
August, Daeyeon gives a keynote lecture entitled "Recombinant protein-stabilized microbubbles for cancer theranostics" in the International Forum of Biomedical Materals - Biomaterials Interfaces and Nanobiomaterials held in Hangzhou, China.
July, Daeyeon visits Hong Kong University and gives a presentation entitled "Designer Microbubbles and Capsules for Theranostics and Encapsulations" in the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Medical Engineering Programme.
July, Daeyeon participates in the Peking University-University of Pennsylvania Joint Symposium on Molecular Science Frontiers held at Peking Univeristy, China.
July, Tagbo's paper entitled "Microbial Nanoculture as an Artificial Microniche" is accepted for publication in Scientific Reports. Congratulations!
July, Daeyeon receives a grant from NSF. This grant will support a collaborative project with Drs. Chieh-Min Cheng and Shigeng Li at Xerox. Congratulations!
June, Ambar from the University of Puerto Rico - Humacao joins the group as a visiting student supported by the UPRH-PENN PREM. Welcome!
June, Tianren and Tianqi join the group. Tianre and Tianqi are MS students in Penn CBE. Welcome!
June, Soft Nanomaterials Lab has a strong presence at the 2016 ACS Colloid and Surface Science Symposium held at Harvard University. Woo-Sik, Sarah, Ankit, Laura and Daeyeon make presentations.
May, Zachary Yodh from Oberlin college rejoins the group for the summer. Welcome back!
May, Maxence from Phelma INP - Grenoble Institue of Technology joins Soft Nanomaterials Lab as a visiting student. Welcome!
May, Martin's paper entitled "In Situ Mechanical Testing of Nanostructured Bijel Fibers" is accepted for publication in ACS Nano. Congratulations!
May, Giuseppe passes the qualifying exam. Congratulations!
May, Daeyeon attends the symposium celebrating Prof. Robert E. Cohen (Daeyeon's PhD co-advisor) and makes a presentation.
Spring 2016
May, Yingliang and Inayat graduate from Penn. Ankit also participates in the PhD hooding ceremony. Congratulations!
May, Daeyeon gives an invited talk entitled "Recombinant Protein-Stabilized Microbubbles for Potential Applications in Cancer Theranostics" at the 9th annual LRSM-UPR PREM Symposium held in Old San Juan, Puerto Rico.
April, Soft Nanomaterials Lab enjoys a night out in Chinatown to celebrate Daeyeon's promotion to Full Professor as well as Martin's new position.
April, Martin accepts an offer to become an Assistant Professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering at the Rowan University. Congratulations!
April, Sanghak Cha from POSTECH joins the group as a visiting student. Welcome!
April, Daeyeon receives an NIH grant. This grant will support a collaborative project with Profs. Yongwon Choi (SOM) and Junhyong Kim (SAS). Congratulations!
April, Daeyeon wins the CBE Distinguished Teaching Award presented by the University of Pennsylvania student chapter of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE). He is the inaugural recipient of this award. Congratulations!
April, Daeyeon presents an invited talk entitled "Toward Scalable Nanomanufacturing Using Capillarity" in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at the University of Pennsylvania.
March, Soft Nanomaterials Laboratory mourns the loss of Prof. Stuart W. Churchill, Professor Emeritus of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering. He will be dearly missed by all of us.
March, Neha, David, Tagbo and Jyo Lyn present posters at the 2016 REACT symposium held at the Singh Center for Nanotechnology.
March, Daeyeon gives a "Penn Engineering in 100 Seconds" presentation, hosted by the Engineering Deans' Advisory Board (EDAB). Watch it here.
March, Miju's paper entitled "pH-Induced Softening of Polyelectrolyte Microcapsules without Apparent Swelling" is accepted for publication in ACS Macro Letters. Congratulations!
March, Prof. Josee Vedrine-Pauleus and her group members from the Univeristy of Puerto Rico-Humacao visits Soft Nanomaterials Lab.
March, Jyo Lyn, David and Ankit present their work at the APS March Meeting held in Baltimore.
March, Daeyeon presents an invited talk entitled "Exploiting Intefaces in Multiphasic Fluid Mixtures for Materials Synthesis" in the Materials Science and Engineering Program at the University of California at Riverside.
February, Yeongseon's paper entitled "Tuning the Mechanical Properties of Recombinant Protein-Stabilized Gas Bubbles Using Triblock Copolymers" is accepted for publication in ACS Macro Letters. Congratulations!
February, Soft Nanomaterials Laboratory mourns the loss of Prof. John A. Quinn, Professor Emeritus of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering. Prof. Quinn was once the principal investigator of the laboratory in M52 Towne. He will be dearly missed by all of us.
February, Daeyeon presents a poster at the 2016 Gordon Research Conference on Colloidal, Macromolecular and Polyelectrolyte Solutions held in Ventura, CA.
February, Heon-Ho's paper entitled "Recent Developments in Scale-up of Microfluidic Emulsion Generation via Parallelization" is accepted for publication as Invited Review in the Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering. Congratulations!
February, Daeyeon is promoted to Full Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering. Daeyeon thanks all of the former and current group members as well as his collaborators and colleagues for this occasion. Congratulations!
February, Prof. Shin Sik Choi from Myongji University (Korea) and Harim Jeon from Yonsei University (postdoctoral fellow) join the group as a visiting professor and a visiting scholar, respectively. Welcome!
January, Martin's work on STRIP bijels is highlighted in a press release by Penn News.
Fall 2015
December, Daeyeon returns from his sabbatical leave at POSTECH, Korea.
December, Daeyeon presents an invited talk entitled "Exploiting Intefaces in Multiphasic Fluid Mixtures for Materials Synthesis" in the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Seoul National University, Korea.
December, Daeyeon presents an invited talk entitled "Exploiting Intefaces in Multiphasic Fluid Mixtures for Materials Synthesis" in the Department of Energy Science and Technology at Myongji University, Korea.
December, Daeyeon presents an invited talk entitled "Exploiting Intefaces in Multiphasic Fluid Mixtures for Materials Synthesis" in the Department of Chemistry and Nano Science at Ewha Womans' University, Korea.
December, Daeyeon presents an invited talk entitled "Exploiting Intefaces in Multiphasic Fluid Mixtures for Materials Synthesis" in the Department of Chemical Engineering at Yonsei University, Korea.
December, Daeyeon presents an invited talk entitled "Exploiting Intefaces in Multiphasic Fluid Mixtures for Materials Synthesis" in the Department of Chemical Engineering at Ajou University, Korea.
December, Likai's paper entitled "Bubble-filled Silica Microfibers from Multiphasic Flows for Lightweight Composite Fabrication" is accepted for publication in Chemical Engineering Journal. Congratulations!
November, Daeyeon presents an invited talk entitled "Exploiting Intefaces in Multiphasic Fluid Mixtures for Materials Synthesis" in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at POSTECH, Korea.
November, Martin's paper entitled "Continuous Fabrication of Hierarchical and Asymmetric Bijel Microparticles, Fibers and Membranes by Solvent Transfer-induced Phase Separation (STRIPS)" is featured on the cover of Advanced Materials. Congratulations!

November, Daeyeon presents an invited talk entitled "Exploiting Intefaces in Multiphasic Fluid Mixtures for Materials Synthesis" at the IBS Center for Soft and Living Matter at UNIST in Ulsan, Korea.
November, Daeyeon presents an invited talk entitled "Processing-Structure-Property Relationship of Assemblies of Micro/Nano/Soft Materials" at LG Chem R&D Center.
November, Daeyeon presents an Area 1C (Interfacial Phenomena) plenary lecture entitled "Hierarchical and Asymmetric Bijels Using Solvent Transfer-induced Phase Separation (STRIPS)" at the 2015 AIChE Annual Meeting held in Salt Lake City, Utah.
November, Woo-Sik's paper entitled "Enzymatically Triggered Rupture of Polymersomes" is accepted for publication in Soft Matter. Congratulations!
November, Daeyeon presents an invited talk entitled "Hierarchical and Asymmetric Bijel Microparticles, Fibers and Membranes" at the 2015 Fall Meeting of the Korean Society of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry held in Jeju Island, Korea.
October, Martin wins the best Animation Award in the 2015 NanoDay@Penn. See the animation here. Congratulations!
October, Soft Nanomaterials Laboratory participates in the 2015 NanoDay@Penn and helps out with the microfluidics demonstrations.
October, Daeyeon presents an invited talk entitled "Exploiting Interfaces in Multiphasic Fluid Mixtures for Materials Synthesis” in the Department of Applid Chemistry at Haneyang University, ERICA.
October, Daeyeon visits Sichuan University (Chengdu, Sichuan, China) on Prof. Liang-Yin Chu's invitation and gives an invited talk in the School of Chemical Engineering.
October, Daeyeon visits Tsinghua University (Beijing, China) on Prof. Baoguo Wang's invitation and gives an invited talk in the Department of Chemical Engineering.
October, Daeyeon visits the Harbin Institute of Technology on Prof. Hongyuan Jiang's invitation and meets with Likai (a former visiting scientist), Prof. Jiang and his group. Daeyeon also gives an invited talk to Prof. Jiang group.
October, Daeyeon delivers an invited talk entitled "Hierarchical and Asymmetric Bijel Microparticles, Fibers and Membranes" at the 2015 Fall Meeting of the Polymer Society of Korea held in Daegu.
October, Giuseppe DiVitantonio joins our and Prof. Stebe's groups. Giuseppe is a PhD student in CBE. Welcome!!
October, Soft Nanomaterials Lab has a strong presence at the 2015 CBE Graduate Student Symposium. Ankit gives an oral presentation, and Sarah, Gang, Jyo Lyn, and David give poster presentations.
September, Daeyeon is a part of a research team that receives a $3.6 million Partnership in Research and Education grant from NSF. Congratulations! Read about Research and Education in Active Coating Technologies (REACT) here.
September, Heon-Ho's paper "Kilo-scale droplet generation in three-dimensional monolithic elastomer device (3D MED)" is accepted for publication in Lab on a Chip. Congratulations!
September, Daeyeon presents an invited talk entitled "Exploiting Interfaces in Multiphasic Fluid Mixtures for Materials Synthesis” in the Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science at Chung-Ang University.
September, Daeyeon presents an invited talk entitled "Janus Particles as Solid Surfactants for Emulsion Stabilization" at the 17th Innovative Workshop on Soft/Bio Materials held at Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU).
September, Daeyeon presents an invited talk entitled "Janus Particles as Solid Surfactants for Emulsion Stabilization" in the Department of Chemical abd Biomolecular Engineering at KAIST.
September, Martin's paper "Continuous Fabrication of Hierarchical and Asymmetric Bijel Microparticles, Fibers and Membranes by Solvent Transfer-induced Phase Separation (STRIPS)" is accepted for publication in Advanced Materials. Congratulations!
Summer 2015
August, Laura joins the group as a postdoctoral fellow. Welcome!
August, Daeyeon presents an invited talk entitled "Exploiting Interfaces in Multiphasic Fluid Mixtures for Materials Synthesis” at the 2015 Summer Workshop of the Korea Functional Crystallization ERC Center.
August, Ankit's review paper "Recent Developments in Phase Inversion Emulsification" is accepted for publication in Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. Congratulations!
August, Tae Soup accepts an offer to join Ajou University (Korea) as an Assistant Professor. He will start in Septermber. Congratulations!
July, Miju's paper "One-Step Generation of Multi-Functional Polyelectrolyte Microcapsules via Nanoscale Interfacial Complexation in Emulsion (NICE)" is accepted for publication in ACS Nano. Congratulations!
July, Daeyeon presents an invited talk entitled "Janus Particles as Solid Surfactants" at the International Polymer Colloids Group Conference in Durham, NH.
June, Martin wins the best poster award at the 5th International Colloids Conference in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Congratulations!
June, Soft Nanomaterials Lab participates in the ACS Colloid and Surface Science Symposium held at Carnegie Mellon University. Martin, Sarah, Woo-Sik, Miju and Tae Soup give presentations.
June. Daeyeon begins his sabbatical stay in the Department of Chemical Engineerint at POSTECH (Korea).
June, Zach re-joins the group. Zach is a VIPER fellow and worked in the lab last summer. Welcome back!
June, Mikaela joins the group. Mikaela is a VIPER fellow. She is also a recent recipient of Canada's Top 20 Under 20. Welcome and Congratulations!
June, Martin, Miju and Jyo Lyn present posters at the Penn Polymer Symposium.
June, Jacob successfully defends his thesis. Congratulations, Dr. Prosser!
May, Colin joins the group. Colin is a VIPER fellow. Welcome!
May, Yingliang joins the group. Yingliang is an MS student in Penn CBE. Welcome!
Spring 2015
May, Soft Nanomaterials Lab enjoys a beautiful day at Daeyeon's house, celebrating the graduation of several group members. Congratulations, Fuquan, WeiYang, Lu, Chia-Jun and Chi-Wei!
May, Several members of Soft Nanomaterials Lab graduate from Penn. Fuquan receives his PhD; WeiYang, Lu and Chia-Jun receive their MS degrees; and Chi-Wei graduates with a BS degree. Congratulations!
May, Ankit presents a group poster at the 2015 Dow Poster Symposium at Penn.
April, Daeyeon presents an invited talk entitled "Tuning Mechanical Properties of Nanoparticle Assemblies using Thermal Processes" at the TAFDV Spring Symposium 2015.
April, Daeyeon presents an invited talk entitled "Janus Particles as Solid Surfactants" in the Department of Chemical Engineering at Carnegie Mellon University.
April, Neha garners Honorable Mention from NSF Graduate Research Fellwoships Program. Congratulations.
April, Daeyeon presents an invited talk entitled "Janus Particles as Solid Surfactants" in the Department of Biomedical and Chemical Engineering at Syracuse University.
March, Fuquan successfully defends his thesis. Congratulations, Dr. Tu!
March, Daeyeon presents an invited talk entitled "Janus Particles as Dynamically Tunable Solid Surfactants" at the 2015 American Chemical Society National Meeting in Denver, CO.
March, Soft Nanomaterials Lab bids farewells to Rohini who finishes her postdoctoral fellowship and joins the Dow Chemical Company. We wish her the best!
February, Prof. Kookheon Char who was Daeyeon's undergraduate advisor at Seoul National University pays a visit to Soft Nanomaterials Lab to discuss potential collaboration and gives a presentation in the our group meeting.
February, Seonju's paper "Angle- and strain-independent coloured free-standing films incorporating non-spherical colloidal photonic crystals" is highlighted as a "HOT Article" of the month by Soft Matter. Congratulations!
January, Inayat joins the group. Inayat is an MS student in the Nanotechnology Program at Penn. Welcome!
January, Daeyeon presents an invited talk entitled "Designer Bubbles from Microfluidics" at Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU).
January, Tagbo is selected to attend a faculty development workshop during the 41th NSBE convention in Anaheim, CA. Congratulations!
January, Jacob's paper "Ionothermal Stability of Mesoporous Silica Films" accepted for publication in Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. Congratulations!
January, Sarah's paper "Trapping and Assembly of Living Colloids at Water/Water Interfaces" is accepted for publication in Soft Matter. Congratulations!
January, Seonju's paper "Angle- and Strain-Independent Flexible Structural Colour Films Incorporating Non-spherical Colloidal Photonic Crystals" is accepted for publication in Soft Matter. Congratulations!
Fall 2014
December, Daeyeon presents an invited talk entitled "Janus Particles as Solids Surfactants" at the Symposium on Microfluidics and Functional Materials 2014" held at Sichuan University, China.
December, A collaborative paper between Prof. Dan Gianola's group (MSE, Penn) and our group entitled "Robust scaling of strength and elastic constants and universal cooperativity in disordered colloidal micropillars" is published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. The work is also highlighted in Penn News. Congratulations!
December, Profs. Bum Jun Park (a former postdoc in SNL) and Lee co-author an invited article entitled "Particles at fluid-fluid interfaces: From single-particle behavior to hierarchical assembly of materials" in the December 2014 issue of MRS Bulletin, Water at Functional Interfaces. Congratulations!
December, The Scalable Nanomanufacturing grant awarded to Profs. Lee, Stebe and Yang is featured in Penn Current.
November, Daeyeon presents an invited talk entitled "Janus Particles as Solid Surfactants" in the Area 8A Plenary Session: Emergin Areas in Polymer Science and Engineering at the AIChE Annual Meeting in Atlanta. He also presents a presentation entitled "Insights into a Productive Academic Career: A Research Perspective" in the Young Faculty Forum. This session include topics of interest to new and future faculty.
November, Daeyeon presents an invited talk entitled "Water Permeability of Stratum Corneum Lipid Membranes" at the 61st AVS International Sympoisum & Exhibition.
November, Chia-Jun receives Masters Scholars Award from the Department of Materials Science and Engineering. Congratulations!
November, Daeyeon presents an invited seminar entitled "Janus Particles as Solid Surfactants" at The Princeton Institute for the Science and Technology of Materials (PRISM) at Princeton University.
November, Yun-Ru's paper "Polymer Nanocomposite Films with Extremely High Nanoparticle Loadings via Capillary Rise Infiltration (CaRI)" is accepted for publication in Nanoscale. Congratulations!
November, Daeyeon presents an invited seminar entitled "Janus Particles as Solid Surfactants" in the Department of Chemical Engineering at Oklahoma State University.
October, Daeyeon presents an invited seminar entitled "Janus Particles as Solid Surfactants" in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Rutgers University.
October, Woo-Sik's paper "The Effect of Stabilizer on the Mechanical Response of Double-Emulsion Templated Polymersomes" is accepted for publication in Macromolecular Rapid Communications. Congratulations!
October, Soft Nanomaterials Laboratory participates in the 2014 NanoDay@Penn and helps out with the microfluidics demonstrations.
October, Bum Jun's paper "Triblock Cylinders at Fluid-Fluid Interfaces" is accepted for publication in Langmuir. Congratulations!
October, Soft Nanomaterials Lab has a strong presence at the 2014 CBE Graduate Student Symposium. Fuquan and Jacob give oral presentations, and Ankit, Sarah, Gang, Jyo Lyn, Seongchol, Woo-Sik, Lu, Rohini and Dongkyu give poster presentations.
October, Soft Nanomaterials Lab welcomes three new group members. Wei-Han, Zhiwei and Neha join the group. Zhiwei and Neha will be jointly advised by Profs. Shu Yang and Kate Stebe, respectively. Welcome!
October, Daeyeon gives an invited talk entitled "Janus particles as solid surfactants" at Dow (Collegeville, PA).
October, Fuquan's paper "One-Step Encapsulation and Triggered Release Based on Janus Particle-Stabilized Multiple Emulsions" is accepted for publication in Chemical Communications. Congratulations!
October, Daeyeon gives an invited talk entitled "Understanding and controlling interactions of polymers and nanoparticles with interfaces" at Lubrizol.
September, our review paper "Amphiphilic Janus Particles at Fluid Interfaces" is one of the top ten most accessed article in the second quarter of 2014 in Soft Matter. Congratulations!
September, Elio's paper "Recombinant Protein-Stabilized Monodisperse Microbubbles With Tunable Size Using a Valve-based Microfluidic Device" is accepted for publication in Langmuir. Congratulations!
September, Prof. Juhyun Park from School of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science at Chung-Ang University (Korea) joins the group as Visiting Associate Professor. Welcome!
September, Daeyeon, in collaboration with Profs. Kate Stebe, Shu Yang and Satish Kumar (University of Minnesota), receives an NSF Scalable Nanomanufacturing grant. Congratulations!
September, David joins the group. David is a PhD student in CBE. Welcome!
September, Martin joins the group as a postdoctoral fellow. Martin is a DFG postdoctoral fellow. He will be co-advised by Profs. Stebe, Kamien and Lee. Welcome!
September, Chia-Jun joins the group. Chia-Jun is an MS student in Materials Science and Engineering. He will be co-advised by Profs. Turner and Lee. Welcome!
Summer 2014
August, Soft Nanomaterials Laboratory enjoys a beautiful day at French Creek State Park BBQing, playing badminton, kayaking and listening to cool music. We also bid farewell to Teresa, who will be joining Dow.
August, Heon-Ho Jeong joings the group as a postdoctoral fellow. Welcome!
July, Prof. Junsang Doh from the Department of Mechanical Engineering at POSTECH (Korea) joins the group as Visiting Associate Professor. Welcome!
June, Zach Yodh (Lower Merion High School) joins the group. Welcome!
June, Teresa successfully defends her thesis. Congratulations, Dr. Brugarolas!
June, Soft Nanomaterials Lab has a strong showing at the 2014 ACS Colloid and Surface Science Symposium held at the University of Pennsylvania. Elio, Ankit, Woo-Sik, Fuquan and Rohini make presentations. Daeyeon receives the 2014 Unilever Award for Outstanding Young Investigator in Colloid and Surfactant Science and delivers the Unilever Award Lecture. Congratulations!
June, Abhishek and Daeyeon participate and present at the 2014 Layer-by-Layer Assemblies: Science and Technologies Conference held at Stevens Institute of Technology.
June, Teresa's paper "Tailoring and Understanding the Mechanical Properties of Nanoparticle-Shelled Bubbles" is accepted for publication in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. Congratulations!
June, Fuquan is invited to participate in the University of Washington's Distinguished Young Scholars Seminar (DYSS) series. Congratulations!
June, Soft Nanomaterials Lab bids farewells to Yun-Ru and Elio. Yun-Ru will pursue a PhD at Carnegie Mellon University, and Elio will be joining Physics Dept at Penn. We congratulate them on their achievement and wish them the best!
June, Zach Stillman (VIPER fellow, Penn CBE) joins the group. Welcome!
June, Yeongseon Jang joins the group as a postdoctoral fellow. She will be co-advised by Prof. Dan Hammer. Welcome!
May, Woo-Sik, Abhishek, Fuquan and Yun-Ru present posters at the 2014 Penn Polymer Symposium. Fuquan wins the best poster award. Congratulations!
May, Alex George (Penn CBE) joins the group. Welcome!
May, Chi-Wei (Vagelos Fellow, Penn CBE) rejoins the group. Welcome!
Spring 2014
May, Gang and Jyo Lyn pass the qualifying exam. Congratulations!
May, Our review article "Amphiphilic Janus particles at fluid interfaces" is one of Top 10 most-read Soft Matter articles in the first quarter of 2014. Congratulations!
May, Several former and current group members graduate from Penn. Jonathan Chou and Steven Lee recieve BS degrees, and Abhishek and Diya receive MS degrees. Teresa also participates in the PhD hooding ceremony. Jonathan, Steven and Diya will be attending MIT, Caltech and Notre Dame to pursue PhD degrees. Congratulations everyone!
May, Yuri's paper "Beauty of Lotus is More than Skin Deep: Highly Buoyant Superhydrophobic Films" is accepted for publication in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. Congratulations!
May, Fuquan's paper "Shape-Changing and Amphiphilicity-Reversing Janus Particles with pH-Responsive Surfactant Properties" is accepted for publication in Journal of the American Chemical Society. Congratulations!
April, Michele's paper "Mechanically- and Chemically-Tunable Cell Culture System to Study Myofibroblast Phenotype" is accepted for puiblication in Langmuir. Congratulations!
April, Daeyeon presents an invited seminar entitled "Janus Particles at Fluid-Fluid Interfaces: the Third Face of Janus" in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Maryland.
April, Jung Tae's paper "Excellent Anti-fogging Dye-sensitized Solar Cells Based On Superhydrophilic Nanoparticle Coatings" is accepted for publication in Nanoscale. Congratulations!
April, Abhishek wins a second place prize in the 2014 International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineers (ISPE) Delaware Valley Chapter Student Poster Competition. Congratulations!
April, Daeyeon presents an invited seminar entitled "Mechanical Properties of Nanoparticle Assemblies" in the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at North Carolina State University.
April, Tagbo H. R. Niepa joins the group as a postdoctoral fellow. Tagbo will be co-advised by Prof. Kathleen Stebe. Welcome!
March, Daeyeon is named Penn Engineering Fellow. Congratulations!
March, Daeyeon wins the 2014 Unilever Award for Outstanding Young Investigator in Colloid and Surfactant Science. He will give a plenary lecture at the upcoming ACS Colloid and Surface Science Symposium to be held at the University of Pennsylvania in June. Congratulations!
March, Tae Soup Shim joins the group as a postdoctoral fellow. Tae Soup will be co-advised by Profs. John Crocker and So-Jung Park. Welcome!
March, Daeyeon gives an invited talk entitled "Janus Particles at Fluid-Fluid Interfaces: the Third Face of Janus" in the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at Cornell.
March, Miju Kim joins the group as a visiting scholar. Miju is a postdoctoral fellow in Prof. Junsang Doh's laboratory at POSTECH (Korea). Welcome!
February, Daeyeon gives an invited talk entitled "Janus Particles at Fluid-Fluid Interfaces: the Third Face of Janus" at Gordon Research Conference on "Colloidal, Macromolecular and Polyelectrolyte Solutions".
February, Soft Nanomaterials Lab presents an exhibit at the Philly Materials Science and Engineering Day held at Drexel University.
January, Lu joins the group. Lu is an MS student in CBE at Penn. Welcome!
January, Daeyeon receives the Berkman Opportunity Fund from Penn SEAS. Congratulations!
January, WeiYang joins the group. WeiYang is an MS student in Nanotechnology Program at Penn. Welcome!
January, Dongkyu Roh joins the group as a visiting scholar. Dongkyu is a postdoctoral fellow in Prof. Jong Hak Kim's laboratory at Yonsei University (Korea). Welcome!
January, Daeyeon presents an invited seminar entitled "Mechanical Properties of Nanoparticle Assemblies" in the NanoScience Technology Center at the University of Central Florida.
January, Prof, Lee joins the Editorial Advisory Board of Langmuir. Congratulations!
January, Our review article "Amphiphilic Janus Particles at Fluid Interfaces" published in the "Emerging Investigator" themed issue of Soft Matter is amongst the top 20 accessed articles in 2013. Congratulations!
Fall 2013
December, Daeyeon presents an invited seminar entitled "Mechanical Properties of Nanoparticle Assemblies" in the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at KAIST (Korea).
December, Daeyeon presents an invited seminar entitled "Mechanical Properties of Nanoparticle Assemblies" in the Department of Chemical Engineering at Chungnam National University (Korea).
December, Daeyeon presents an invited seminar entitled "Engineering Biointerfaces Using Layer-by-Layer Assembly" in the School of Interdisciplinary Bioscience and Bioengineering at POSTECH (Korea).
December, Daeyeon presents an invited seminar entitled "Mechanical Properties of Nanoparticle Assemblies" in the Department of Chemical Engineering at Kyung Hee University (Korea).
December, Daeyeon presents an invited seminar entitled "Mechanical Properties of Nanoparticle Assemblies" in the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering at Seoul National University (Korea).
December, Daeyeon presents an invited seminar entitled "Mechanical Properties of Nanoparticle Assemblies" in the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at Yonsei University (Korea).
December, Sang-Wook's paper "Effects of Anionic Surfactants on the Water Permeability of a Model Stratum Corneum Lipid Membrane" is accepted for publication in Langmuir. Congratulations!
December, Yun-Ru's paper "Multifunctional All-TiO2 Bragg Stacks Based on Blocking Layer-Assisted Spin Coating" is accepted for publication in Journal of Materials Chemistry C. Congratulations!
November, Our review article "Amphiphilic Janus Particles at Fluid Interfaces" published in the "Emerging Investigator" themed issue of Soft Matter is amongst the top ten accessed articles during the third quarter of 2013. Congratulations!
November, Daeyeon presents an invited seminar entitled "Janus Particles at Fluid Interfaces: the Third Face of Janus" in the Department of Polymer Engineering at the University of Akron.
November, Gang and Jyo Lyn (PhD students in CBE) join the group. Welcome!
November, Soft Nanomaterials Lab plays a big role in making the 2013 Penn CBE Graduate Student Symposium a great success. Teresa gives an oral presentation, and Fuquan, Jacob, Ankit, Sarah, Yun-Ru, Weifeng and Abhishek give poster presentations.
November, Daeyeon receives the AIChE NSEF Young Investigator Award at the AIChE Meeting in San Francisco and delivers a plenary lecture. He also makes two additional presentations at the meeting. Congratulations!
November, Seongchol Park joins the group as a postdoctoral fellow. He will be co-advised by Prof. Dan Hammer. Welcome!
October, Soft Nanomaterials Lab bids farewells to Sang-Wook and Zaki. Sang-Wook will start as a researcher at Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science (KRISS) in Korea, and Zaki will join Intel. Farewell!
October, Daeyeon presents an invited seminar entitled "Tailoring the Mechanical Properties of Nanoparticle Assemblies" in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at the University of Michigan.
October, Daeyeon receives the 2013 Van Ness Award from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and delivers two Van Ness Lectures.
October, Daeyeon receives the 2013 AIChE Nanoscale Science and Engineering Forum (NSEF) Young Investigator Award. Congratulations!
October, Daeyeon presents an invited seminar entitled "Tailoring the Mechanical Properties of Nanoparticle Assemblies" in the Nanotechnology Seminar Series at Stevens Institute of Technology.
October, Woo-Sik Jang joins the group as a postdoctoral fellow. He will be co-advised by Prof. Dan Hammer. Welcome!
October, Daeyeon presents an invited seminar entitled "Janus Particles at Fluid Interfaces: the Third Face of Janus" in the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at Johns Hopkins University.
October, Sang-Wook's paper "Bio-Inspired Hygromorphic Actuator Exhibiting Controlled Locomotion" is accepted for publication in ACS Macro Letters. Congratulations!
September, Fuquan's paper "Thermodynamically Stable Emulsions Using Janus Dumbbells as Colloid Surfactants" is accepted for publication in Langmuir. Congratulations!
September, Daeyeon gives two talks at the 2013 Fall ACS Meeting in Indianapolis.
September, Likai Hou from Harbin Institute of Technology joins the group as a visiting scholar. Welcome!
Summer 2013
August, Lei's paper "Using Shape Anisotropy to Toughen Disordered Nanoparticle Assemblies" is accepted for publication in ACS Nano. Congratulations!
August, Zaki's paper "Responsive Multi-Domain Free-Standing Films of Gold Nanoparticles Assembled by DNA-Directed Layer-by-Layer Approach" is accepted for publication in Nano Letters. Congratulations!
August, Daeyeon presents a talk at the 2013 US-Korea Conference (UKC) in East Rutherford, NJ.
August, Daeyeon recieves the Xerox University Affairs Committee (UAC) grant. Congratulations!
August, Elio Angilè joins the group as a postdoctoral fellow. Elio did his PhD in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at Penn. He will be jointly supervised by Prof. Sandy Sehgal in School of Medicine at Penn. Welcome!
July, Soft Nanomaterials Lab enjoys a beautiful day at Marsh Creek State Park BBQing, playing kickball and swinmming. We also bid farewell to Kwadwo, Lei, Wilfredo and Marie. Kwadwo will be joining Intel, and Lei will start as Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Alaska-Fairbanks.
July, Our review article "Directed assembly of particles using microfluidic droplets and bubbles’ is highlighted on the Soft Matter blog as one of July's hot papers.
July, Bum Jun's paper "Spontaneous Particle Transport through a Triple-Fluid Phase Boundary" is accepted for publication in Langmuir. Congratulations!
July, Kwadwo successfully defends his PhD thesis. He is the first PhD of the group. Congratulations, Dr. Tettey!
July, Daeyeon presents an invited talk at the 2013 Institute of Food Technologists Annual Meeting in Chicago.
July, Ankit, Fuquan and Sang-Wook give soundbite presentations in MASM 11 Workshop held at the University of Delaware.
July, The group enjoys a night out in Chinatown to celebrate Daeyeon's promotion to Associate Professor. Congratulations everyone!
July, Our review article entitled "Amphiphilic Janus Particles at Fluid Interfaces" is featured on the Inside Cover of Soft Matter Themed Issue on "Emerging Investigators".

July, Daeyeon gives an invited talk at the 2nd French-American Workshop held in Grenoble, France.
June, Daeyeon gives two presentations at the 2013 ACS Colloids and Surface Science Symposiun at the University of California at Riverside.
June, Teresa, Lei and Fuquan give poster presentations in the 2013 International Fine Particles Research Institute (IFPRI) Workshop held at the University of Delaware.
June, Daeyeon participates in the 3M Science and Engineering Day and gives oral and poster presentations on our bubble work.
June, Abhisek joins the group. Abhishek is an MS student in CBE at Penn. Welcome!
June, Seonju (visiting student from SKKU, Korea) receives the Global Ph.D. Fellowship from the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology and the National Research Foundation of Korea. Congratulations!
June, Wilfredo joins the group. Wilfredo is an MSRSEC REU student from the University of Puerto Rico-Mayaguez. Welcome!
May, Kwadwo's paper "Effect of Thermal Treatment and Moisture Content on the Charge of Silica Particles in Non-polar Media" is accepted for publication in Soft Matter. Congratulations!
May, Anjali and Marie-Charlotte join the group. Anjali is a VIPER fellow at Penn and Marie is a visiting student from Minatec, France. Welcome!
May, Our group is featured in the 2013 Spring Issue of Penn Engineering Megazine.
May, Teresa's paper "Directed Assembly of Particles Using Microfluidic Droplets and Bubbles" is accepted for publication in Soft Matter. Congratulations!
May, Lei accepts an offer to join the University of Alaska - Fairbanks as an Assistant Professor. She will start in August. Congratulations!
Spring 2013
May, Sarah passes the qualifying exam. Congratultions!
May, Michele, Weifeng and Yun-Ru graduate from Penn. Kwadwo also participates in the graduation ceremony. Congratulations! May, Daeyeon presents an invited seminar entitled "Janus Particles at Fluid-Fluid Interfaces: the Third Face of Janus" in the Department of Chemical Engineering at Pennsylvania State University.
April, Daeyeon gives a Science Cafe presentation entitled "Don't Burst My Bubbles" at the 2013 Philadelphia Science Festival.
April, Daeyeon receives tenure. Daeyeon sincerely thanks all of his collaborators, colleagues and, most importantly, former and current group members who have made this occassion possible. Congratulations to everyone!
April, Daeyeon organizes the LRSM-COMPLOIDS Symposium on Soft Matter. Lei gives an invited talk and Fuquan and Sang-Wook present posters.
April, Dr. Rohini Gupta joins the group as a postdoctoral fellow. She will be co-advised by Prof. Kate Stebe. Welcome!
April, Three members of Soft Nanomaterials Lab particpate in the 2013 ACS Spring National Meeting in New Orleans. Fuquan, Lei and Daeyeon give oral presentations.
April, Daeyeon organizes a symposium on "Emulsions, Bubbles and Foams: Fundamentals and Applications" at the 2013 Spring ACS National Meeting in New Orleans, LA. This symposium is featured by C&EN News. March, Ankit's review article "Amphiphilic Janus Particles at Fluid Interfaces" is accepted for publication in Soft Matter. Congratulations!
March, Teresa's bubble research is featured in the Daily Pennsylvanian. Read here.
March, Daeyeon is appointed as Associate Editor of the Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering.The Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering provides a global forum for the dissemination of research in chemical engineering. The Journal publishes significant research results obtained in the Asia-Pacific region, and simultaneously introduces recent technical progress made in other areas of the world to this region.
March, Daeyeon, Fuquan and Lei make presentations at the 2013 APS March Meeting in Baltimore.
March, Sang-Wook's paper "Integrated Study of Water Sorption/Desorption Behavior of Weak Polyelectrolyte Layer-by-Layer Films" is accepted for publication in Macromolecules. Congratulations!
March, Jung Tae's paper "Bragg Stack-functionalized Counter electrode for Solid-State Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells" is accepted for publication in ChemSusChem. Congratulations!
March, Daeyeon presents an invited seminar entitled "Enhancing the Assembly and Damage Tolerance of Nanoparticle Films" in the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at the University of Maryland.
March, Seonju Yeo from Prof. Pil J. Yoo's Lab at Sungkyunkwan University joins the group. Welcome!
February, Soft Nanomaterials Lab congratulates Prof. Pil J. Yoo (Visiting Professor) who is promoted to Associate Professor with Tenure at Sungkyunkwan University. Congratulations!
February, Teresa is invited to participate in the Milliken Graduate Research Symposium to be held on March 8, 2013 in Spartanburg, SC. This symposium offers a unique opportunity for students to interact with leading industrial researchers in their working environment. Congratulations!
February, Daeyeon receives a 3M Non-tenured Faculty Award. This highly competitive award recognizes outstanding new faculty for the quality and pertinence of their research and is intended to help them achieve tenure, remain in their academic positions and conduct research. Congratulations!
February, Soft Nanomaterials Lab presents an exhibit at the Philly Materials Science and Engineering Day held at Drexel University.
January, Soft Nanomaterials Lab bids farewell to Bum Jun and Iris. Bum Jun will start as an assistant professor at Kyunghee University in Korea. Farewell!
January, Daeyeon receives a grant from the Institute for Translational Medicine and Therapeutics'(ITMAT) Translational Bio-Imaging Center (TBIC). Congratulations!
January, Daeyeon presents an invited seminar entitled "Enhancing the Assembly and Mechanical Properties of Nanoparticle Films" in the Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science at Michigan State University.
January, Bum Jun's paper "Double hydrophilic Janus cylinders at the air-water interface" is accepted for publication in Langmuir. Congratulations!
January, Bum Jun's paper "Geometrically and chemically anisotropic particles at an oil-water interface" is accepted for publication in Soft Matter. Congratulations!
January, Prof. Pil J. Yoo from Sungkyunkwan University joins the group as a Visiting Associate Professor. Welcome!
January, Daeyeon gives a Science Cafe talk entitled "Beers, Bubbles and Beyond" at World Cafe Live.
January, Bum Jun accepts an offer to join Kyung Hee University in Korea as an Assistant Professor. He will start in March, 2013. Congratulations!
January, Chi-Wei (CBE undergraduate student) and Marcus (CBE MS student) join the group. Jonathan (CBE undergraduate student) returns to the group to continue his research on particle encapsulation. Welcome!
Fall 2012
December, Wonjae and Ayanna graduate from Penn with MS degrees. Congratulations!
November, Sarah Hann (CBE PhD student) joins the group! She will be co-advised by Prof. Kate Stebe. Welcome!
November, Jacob's paper "Avoiding Cracks in Nanoparticle Films" is one of the Top 20 Most Read Papers in Nano Letters for two consecutive months since its publication. Congratulations!
November, Daeyeon gives an invited seminar entitled "Enhancing the Assembly and Mechanical Properties of Nanoparticle Films" in the Materials Science and Engineering Program at Texas A&M University. He also gives a special presentation entitled "Modulating Layer-by-Layer Assembly of Nanoparticles" to Profs. Lutkenhaus and Zacharia's groups during his visit to Texas A&M.
November, Daeyeon gives an invited seminar entitled "Janus Particles at Fluid-Fluid Interfaces: The Third Face of Janus Particles" in the Department of Chemical Engineering at Rice University.
November, Jung Tae's paper "Enhancing the Performance of Solid-State Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells Using a Mesoporous Interfacial Titania Layer with Bragg Stack" is accepted for publication in Advanced Functional Materials. Congratulations!
October, Daeyeon and Kwadwo make presentations at the 2012 AIChE Annual Meeting held in Pittsburgh. Daeyeon also receives the 2012 KIChE President Young Investigator Award in the KIChE-AIChE Friendship Symposium Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of KIChE.
October, Daeyeon gives an invited talk entitled "Programmable Microcapsules" at the 2012 EITA-Bio Conference held at Princeton University.
October, Daeyeon delivers an invited talk entitled "Designer Drops and Bubbles" at the 2012 Ivy Plus STEM Symposium held at the University of Pennsylvania.
September, Jacob's paper "Avoiding Cracks in Nanoparticle Films" is featured by Read "Just Say No to Cracks! Our work also has been featured by AIChE SmartBrief, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, Penn News, Science Daily, Phys.Org, NSF, R&D Magazine, the Engineer, Materials Today, Eureka Alert, Science360, Azo Nano, System-Level Design, ScienceNewsline, Nano Digest, overclockersclub and Nano Daily.
September, Xinxin and Yun-Ru (CBE MS students) join the group. Welcome!
September, Jacob's paper "Avoiding Cracks in Nanoparticle Films" is accepted for publication in Nano Letters. Congratulations!
September, Daeyeon receives the 2012 KIChE President Young Investigator Award. Congratulations!
September, Daeyeon delivers an invited talk entitled "Enhancing the Assembly and Properties of Nanoparticle Films" at the 2012 Innovation Day at the Chemical Heritage Foundation. Jacob makes a poster presentation at the same event.
September, Ayanna (MS student in CBE) joins the group. Welcome!
Summer 2012
August, Saibom Park from Prof. Kookheon Char's Lab at Seoul National University joins the group. Welcome!
August, Members of Soft Nanomaterials Lab particpate in the 2012 ACS Fall National Meeting in Philadelphia. Bum Jun, Sarah, Jacob and Lei present their work.
August, Lei's paper "Mechanical Properties of Atomic Layer Deposition-Reinforced Nanoparticle Thin Films" is accepted for publication in Nanoscale. Congratulations!
August, Daeyeon makes three presentations at the 2012 US-Korea Conference in Anaheim, CA. One of his talks is an invited talk in a Theme Session on the Nanoscale Science and Engineering.
August, Yan and Lakshmi graduate from Penn with MS degrees. Congratulations!
August, Will's paper "Facilitated Transport Enhances Spray Layer-by-Layer Assembly of Oppositely Charged Nanoparticles" is accepted for publication in Soft Matter. Congratulations!
July, Kwadwo is invited to attend the BEST (Building Engineering & Science Talent at Dow) Symposium hosted by The Dow Chemical Company in October. Congratulations.
July, Soft Nanomaterials Lab enjoys a beautiful day at Marsh Creek State Park hiking, canoeing and BBQing.
July, Daeyeon receives an NSF grant. This work is in collaboration with Profs. Soroush and Lau at Drexel University. Here is a press release regarding this collaboration. Congratulations!
July, Sang-Wook's paper "Controlling the Cell-Adhesion Properties of Poly(acrylic acid)/Polyacrylamide Hydrogen-Bonded Multilayers" is accepted for publication in Macromolecules. Congratulations!
June, Sarah Hammer from Dartmouth College joins the group. Welcome!
June, Soft Nanomaterials Lab makes several presentations at the 86th ACS Colloid and Surface Science Symposium. Will, Fuquan, Bum Jun and Kwadwo make oral presentations, and Teresa and Jacob make poster presentations. Teresa wins the best poster award. Congratulations!
June, Fuquan's paper "Controlling the Stability and Size of Double Emulsion-Templated Poly(lactic-co-glycolic)acid Microcapsules" is accepted for publication in Langmuir. Congratulations!
June, Yuri Choi from UNIST (Prof. Byeong-Su Kim's group) joins the group. Welcome!
June, Daeyeon delivers an invited talk entitled "Janus Particles at Fluid Interfaces: the Third Face of Janus Particles" at the 2012 COMPLOIDS annual meeting at the University of Edinburgh.
May, Bum Jun's paper "Equilibrium Orientation of Non-Spherical Amphiphilic Particles at Fluid-Fluid Interfaces" is accepted for publication in Soft Matter. Congratulations!
May, Zhiyi Zhang (PURM Scholar) joins the group. Welcome!
Spring 2012
May, Will receives The Stuart W. Churchill Individual Prize and the Hugo Otto Wolf Memorial Prize. The Churchill Prize is presented to a student of the senior class in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering with the most outstanding research/independent study report. The Hugo Otto Wolf Memorial Prize, founded by Otto C. Wolf in memory of his son, is awarded to that member of the senior class in each department of the School of Engineering and Applied Science who, during the senior year, by the thoroughness and originality of his or her work, meets with the greatest approval of the professors in charge. Congratulations!
May, Ankit passes the qualifying exam. Congratultions!
May, Varesh, Earnest, Chad, Diya, Greg and Will (former and current group members) graduate from Penn. Congratulations!
April, In collaboration with Dr. Bryant at Monell Chemical Senses Cetner, Daeyeon gives a Philadelphia Science Festival Science Cafe talk entitled "Don't Burst My Bubbles" at Frankford Hall (Philadelphia, PA).
April, Several current and former group members are admitted to leading PhD programs. Will and Yile will pursue their Ph.D. at Princeton. Chad, Greg and Varesh will join University of Delaware, Carnegie Mellon University and MIT (HST), respectively. Congratulations! March, Teresa attends the award ceremony to receive her fellowship from the La Caixa Foundation. She is personally congratulated by His Majesty King Juan Carlos I of Spain. Congratulations!
March, Daeyeon makes two presentations at the 2012 American Chemical Society National Meeting. We congratulate Prof. Robert E. Cohen (Daeyeon's advisor) for receiving the prestigious Paul J. Flory Polymer Education Award . Daeyeon gives an invited talk in the symposium honoring Prof. Cohen. March, Daeyeon gives a Science Cafe talk entitled "Beers, Bubbles and Beyond" at Stoney's British Pub (Wilmington, DE).
February, Daeyeon makes a presentation at the 2012 American Physical Society March Meeting.
February, Daeyeon delivers an invited talk entitled "Designer Drops and Bubbles" at the 2011 KSEA New England Chapter Symposium.
February, Yan Zhu (MS student) joins the Lee group. Welcome!
February, Dr. Zaki Estephan joins the group as a postdoctoral fellow. Welcome!
February, Daeyeon makes a poster presentation at Gordon Research Conference on "Colloidal, Macromolecular & Polyelectrolyte Solutions".
February, Soft Nanomaterials Lab presents an exhibit at the Philly Materials Science and Engineering Day held at Drexel University.
January, Jung Tae from Prof. Jong Hak Kim's group at Yonsei University (Korea) joins the group. Welcome!
January, our paper "Harnessing Interfacial Phenomena to Program the Release Properties of Hollow Microcapsules" is featured in the Frontispiece of Advanced Fucntional Materials, Vol 22, Issue 1.

January, Lakshmi Madhavan (MS student) joins the Lee group. Welcome!
Fall 2011
December, Bum Jun's paper "Equilibrium Orientation of Non-Spherical Janus Particles at Fluid-Fluid Interfaces" is accepted for publication in ACS Nano. Congratulations!
November, Daeyeon presents an invited talk entitled "Designer Drops and Bubbles" in the Department of Chemical Engineering at the City College of New York.
November, Steven Lee is admitted to the Rachleff Scholar's program. Congratulations!
November, Myung Han's paper "Effect of Composition on Water Permeability of Model Stratum Corneum Lipid Membranes" is accepted for publication in Soft Matter. Congratulations!
November, Teresa receives a Graduate Fellowship from the La Caixa Foundation. Congratulations!
November, Ankit Kumar and Wonjae Lee (PhD students) join the group. Welcome!
November, Kwadwo, Teresa, Fuquan, Jacob and Bum Jun present posters at the 2011 CBE Graduate Student Symposium.
October, Daeyeon gives an invited talk entitled "Designer Polymer Particles from Drops and Bubbles" at NIST Polymer Division.
October, Daeyeon gives an invited talk entitled "Enhancing Assembly and Properties of Nanoparticle Thin Films" at 3M.
October, Daeyeon makes two presentations at the 2011 AIChE Meeting in Minneapolis, MN.
October, Dr. Sang-Wook Lee joins the group as a postdoctoral fellow. Welcome!
September, our article ‘Janus particles at an oil-water interface’ is one of the top ten most-read articles from the online version of Soft Matter in July, 2011.
September, Dr. Lei Zhang joins the group as a postdoctoral fellow. Welcome!
September, Weifeng Wang (MS Student) joins the group. Welcome!
Summer 2011
August, Daeyeon and Kwadwo make presetations at the 2011 Fall ACS Meeting in Denver.
August, Myung Han's paper "Harnessing Interfacial Phenomena to Program the Release Properties of Hollow Microcapsules" is accepted for publication in Advanced Functional Materials. Congratulations!
August, Soft Nanomaterials Lab visits Ridley Creek State Park for hiking and BBQ. Prof. Feng's group from Villanova and Prof. Vohs join us.
August, Daeyeon makes a presentation at the 2011 US-Korea Conference in Park City, Utah.
July, our article ‘Janus particles at an oil-water interface’ is one of the top ten most-read articles from the online version of Soft Matter in June, 2011.
July, Teresa's paper "Generation of Amphiphilic Janus Bubbles and Their Behavior at an Air-Water Interface" is accepted for publication in Advanced Functional Materials. Congratulations!
June, The Korea Times names Daeyeon as one of "New Korean-American Leader 100".
June, Eungjin Ahn from UNIST joins the Soft Nanomaterials Lab. Welcome!
June, Kwadwo and Teresa make presentations at the 2011 ACS Colloid and Surface Science Symposium in Montreal.
June, Steven Lee (Penn CBE; PURM Fellow) joins the Soft Nanomaterials Lab. Welcome!
June, Kwadwo receives a student travel stipend to attend the 2011 Fall ACS National meeting in Denver. We acknowledge the support by the NSF DMR. Congratulations!
June, the Lee group successfully hosts the 7th Mid-Atlantic Soft Matter Workshop.
June, Daeyeon receives a Doctoral New Investigator (DNI) grant from the American Chemical Society Petroleum Research Fund (ACS PRF). Congratulations!
June, Kwadwo's review article "Recent Progress in Superhydrophilic Surface Development" is accepted for publication in Materials Express. Congratulations!
June, Daeyeon delivers an invited talk entitled "Functional Nanoparticle Suprastructures Based on Directed Assembly" at UOP.
May, Will Mulhearn (Penn CBE; MRSEC REU) joins the Soft Nanomaterials Lab. Welcome!
Spring 2011
May, Bum Jun's paper "Janus Particles at an Oil-Water Interface" is accepted for publication in Soft Matter. Congratulations!
May, Daeyeon and Prof. Feng (Villanova) receive the 2011 PSTR (Program for Support of Translational Research) Proof-of-Concept Fund from the Nanotechnology Institute . Congratulations!
May, Daeyeon gives an invited talk entitled "Designer Drops, Capsules and Bubbles" at POSTECH, Korea.
May, Daeyeon receives the 2011 KSEA (Korean-American Scientists and Engineers Association) Young Investigator Award . Congratulations!
May, Maj, Iris and Sam graduate. Congratulations and wish you the best of luck!
May, Jacob and Fuquan pass the qualifying exam. Congratultions!
May, Jacob receives an NSF-IGERT Fellowship from the Penn Nano/Bio Interface Center. Congratultions!
May, Michele receives the 2011 American Gastroenterological Association-Stuart Brotman Student Research Fellowship Award. Congratultions!
May, Maj's paper "Mechanical Reinforcement of Nanoparticle Thin Films Using Atomic Layer Deposition" is accepted for publication in ACS Nano. Congratulations!
April, Maj Dafinone gives her thesis presentation. Congratulations!
March, Yile Gu joins the group from Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology. He will be working on a collaborative project between the Lee group and Dr. Rebecca Well's group in Medical School. Welcome!
March, Daeyeon gives an invited talk entitled "Designer Drops, Capsules and Bubbles" at Dow.
February, Kwadwo's paper "Modulating Layer-by-Layer Assembly of Oppositely Charged Nanoparticles Using a Short Amphiphilic Molecule" is accepted for publication in Journal of Physical Chemistry C. Congratulations!
February, Myung Han Lee successfully completes his postdoctoral fellowship in the Lee Research Group and joins LG Chemicals in Korea. Congratulations and Farewell!
February, Daeyeon wins an NSF CAREER Award. The CAREER award is the NSF's most prestigious award in support of junior faculty who exemplify the role of teacher-scholars through outstanding research, excellent education and the integration of education and research within the context of the mission of their organizations. Congratulations!
February, Soft Nanomaterials Lab presents an exhibit at the Philly Materials Science and Engineering Day held at Drexel University.
Fall 2010
December, Daeyeon makes two presentations at the International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies (2010 Pacifichem) held in Honolulu, Hawaii.
December, Dr. Bum Jun Park joins the group as a post-doctoral fellow. Welcome!
November, Jacob Prosser and Fuquan Tu (PhD candidates, CBE) join the group. Welcome!
November, Daeyeon makes two presentations at the AIChE meeting held in Salt Lake City.
November, Penn Currents (newsletter of the CBE Department at Penn) features Daeyeon and our research program. Link to the newsletter.
October, the Lee group participates in the NanoDays@Penn event sponsored by Nano/Bio Interface Center. Kwadwo and Maj make poster presentations, and Kwadwo is selected as the runner-up in the poster competition. Congratulations!. The group presents an exhibit in Nanotech Fair and interacts with local high school students.
October, Daeyeon and Maj make presentations at 2010 Discovery to Commercialization Conference organized by the nanotechnology institute (NTI) and the energy commercialization institute (ECI).Link to Conference website
October, Myung Han, Kwadwo, Teresa and Maj make poster presentations at 2010 CBE Graduate Student Symposium.
September, Iris, Greg, Joan, Imran, Rohan and Sam join the group. Welcome!
Summer 2010
August, Daeyeon gives an invited talk in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Villanova University.
August, Kwadwo's paper "Photocatalytic and Conductive MWCNT/TiO2 Nanocomposite Thin Films" is accepted for publication in ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces. Congratulations!
July, The Lee group enjoys a HOT summer day with BBQ at Daeyeon's home.
July, Daeyeon receives an NSF grant. Congratulations!
July, Myung Han's paper "Elastic instability of polymer-shelled bubbles formed from air-in-oil-in-water compound bubbles" is accepted for publication in Soft Matter. Congratulations!
July, Daeyeon receives a University Research Foundation (URF) Award from the Office of the Vice Provost for Research. Congratulations!
July, David Kim (Rachleff Scholar, Penn MEAM '12) joins the group for the summer. Welcome!
June, Dominique Koster (Visiting student) from Rhur University - Bochum joins the group and will work jointly with the Murray Group. Welcome!
June, Taeyeong Yoon (Visiting student) from UNIST joins the group for the summer. Welcome!
June, Joohwan Koh (PhD Candidate) from Prof. Jong Hak Kim's Laboratory at Yonsei University (Korea) joins the lab for the summer to initiate a collaboration between the two groups. Welcome!
June, Myung Han and Kwadwo present their work at the 84th Colloid and Surface Science Symposium in Akron, OH.
June, Daeyeon delivers Victor K. LaMer Award Lecture at the 84th Colloid and Surface Science Symposium in Akron, OH.
June, Daeyeon gives an invited talk at the 6th Mid-Atlantic Soft Matter Symposium (MASM) held at Georgetown University.
June, Carl Beige (MRSEC REU from Rowan University) and Peter Forzaglia (NBIC REU from Manhattan College) join the Lee group. Welcome!
Spring 2010
May, Daeyeon gives a seminar in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at Drexel University.
May, Teresa wins a fellowship from the Caja Madrid Foundation. Congratulations!
May, Teresa successfully passes her qualifier. Congratulations!
Jeanne Ho wins 2010 Stuart W. Churchill Individual Research Prize. This award is presented to a student of the senior class in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering with the most outstanding research/independent study report. Congratulations!
Kwadwo (PhD candidate, CBE) has his first paper accepted to Langmuir, “Layer-by-Layer Assembly of Charged Particles in Non-Polar Media.” Congratulations!
Daeyeon wins 2010 Victor K. LaMer award for his Ph.D. research on "Surface Engineering Using Layer-by-Layer Assembly of pH-Sensitive Polymers and Nanoparticles." Congratulations! More Information
Bomyi (CBE '10) decides to go to Princeton for graduate studies. Congratulations and Good Luck!
Daeyeon makes a poster presentation at Gordon Research Conference on "Colloidal, Macromolecular & Polyelectrolyte Solutions".
Daeyeon gives a Chemical Engineering Department seminar at Columbia University.
Daeyeon gives two talks at the 2010 MRS meeting and an invited talk at the 2010 PREM Link to PREM Poster
Myung Han (Post-Doctoral Fellow) authors the first published paper of the group, “Microfluidic Fabrication of Stable Nanoparticle-Shelled Bubbles.” Congratulations!
Jeanne Ho (CBE Class of '10) accepts an offer to join Bristol-Myers Squibb. Congratulations!
Fall 2009
Earnest Long, who was an NSF/AMP Scholar in the Lee Lab (Summer '09), wins Lubrizol 2010 Fellowship and Internship Award at NOBCChE for excellence in research. Congratulations!
Diya Lee (CBE '12) is a recipient of a Rachleff Scholarship. She will be continuing her research in Spring and Summer of 2010. Congratulations!
Daeyeon and Kwadwo make presentations at the 2009 National AIChE Conference in Nashville, TN.
Teresa Brugarolas, Jen Kunkel (PhD candidates, CBE) and Maj Dafinone (MS student, CBE) join the group. Welcome!
Daeyeon receives an MRSEC SEED grant. Congratulations! Link to Penn MRSEC website
Summer 2009
Daeyeon wins an NBIC Innovation Award. Link to NBIC website
Earnest Long, Jennifer Kay and Varesh Prasad successfully finish their summer research programs! Congratulations!
Dr. Myung Han Lee joins the group as a post-doctoral fellow. Welcome!
The group makes an appearance on a TV program "the Science of Philadelphia" to talk about interesting wetting phenomena in nature.
Spring 2009
Varesh is a recipient of a PURM (Provost's Undergraduate Research Mentoring Program) award. Congratulations!
Kwadwo successfully passes his qualifier. Congratulations!
Jeanne Ho and Cynthia Lau (Class of 10, CBE) join the group.