Y. K. Jo, S.-J. Heo, A. P. Peredo, R. L. Mauck, G. R. Dodge, D. Lee "Stretch-responsive adhesive microcapsules for strain-regulated antibiotic release from fabric wound dressings", Biomaterials Science, DOI: 10.1039/d1bm00628b.
J. Wu, S. Yadavali, D. Lee, D. Issadore "Scaling up the throughput of microfluidic droplet-based materials synthesis: A review of recent progress and outlook" Appl. Phys. Rev. 2021, DOI: 10.1063/5.0049897.
G. Di Vitantonio, T. Wang, K. J. Stebe, D. Lee "Fabrication and application of bicontinuous interfacially jammed emulsions gels", Appl. Phys. Rev. 8, 2021, DOI: 10.1063/5.0048797.
R. B. Venkatesh, N. Manohar, Y. Qiang, H. Wang, H. H. Tran, B. Q. Kim, A. Neuman, T. Ren, Z. Fakhraai, R. A. Riggleman, K. J. Stebe, K. Turner, Daeyeon Lee "Polymer-Infiltrated Nanoparticle Films Using Capillarity-Based Techniques: Toward Multifunctional Coatings and Membranes", Annual Review of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, 2021, 12, 411-437.
R. Chattaraj, D. A.Hammer ,D. Lee, C. M.Sehgal "Multivariable Dependence of Acoustic Contrast of Fluorocarbon and Xenon Microbubbles under Flow", Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology, 2021, DOI: 10.1016/j.ultrasmedbio.2021.04.025.
Y. Wu, R. Chattaraj, Y. Ren, H. Jiang, D. Lee "Label-Free Multitarget Separation of Particles and Cells under Flow Using Acoustic, Electrophoretic, and Hydrodynamic Forces", Analytical Chemistry, 2021, DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.1c00312.
T. Park, G. H. Choi, D. Lee, P. J. Yoo "Metal-phenolic network-coated hollow fiber catalytic membranes via solvent transfer induced phase separation (STRIPS) for Suzuki coupling reaction", Journal of Membrane Science, 2021, 634, 119386.
Y. Qiang, K. T. Turner, D. Lee "Polymer-infiltrated nanoplatelet films with nacre-like structure via flow coating and capillary rise infiltration (CaRI)", Nanoscale, 2021, 13, 5545-5556.
H.-H. Tran, Y. Kim, C. Ternon, M. Langlet, D. Riassetto, D Lee "Lubricant Depletion-Resistant Slippery Liquid-Infused Porous Surfaces via Capillary Rise Lubrication of Nanowire Array", Advanced Materials Interfaces, 2021, 8, 2002058.
K. A. Rose, D. Lee, R. J. Composto "pH-Mediated nanoparticle dynamics in hydrogel nanocomposites", Soft Matter, 2021, 17, 2765-2774.
R. Zhang, R. El-Mayta, T. J. Murdoch, C. C. Warzecha, M. M. Billingsley, S. J. Shepherd, N. Gong, L. Wang, J. M. Wilson, D. Lee, M. J. Mitchell "Helper lipid structure influences protein adsorption and delivery of lipid nanoparticles to spleen and liver", Biomaterials Science, 2021, 9, 1449-1463.
B. Q. Kim Y. Qiang K. T. Turner S. Q. Choi D. Lee "Heterostructured Polymer-Infiltrated Nanoparticle Films with Cavities via Capillary Rise Infiltration", Advanced Materials Interfaces, 2021, 8, 2001421.
A. Peredo, Y. K. Jo, G. Duan, G. R. Dodge, D. Lee, R. L. Mauck "Mechano-activated biomolecule release in regenerating load-bearing tissue microenvironments", Biomaterials, 2021, 265, 120255.
Y. Lan, J. Wu, S. H. Han, S. Yadavali, D. Issadore, K. J. Stebe, D. Lee "Scalable Synthesis of Janus Particles with High Naturality", ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2020, 8, 1768017686.
S. H. Han, J. Kim, D. Lee "Static array of droplets and on-demand recovery for biological assays", Biomicrofluidics, 2020, 14, 051302.
T. J. Murdoch, E. Pashkovski, R. Patterson, R. W. Carpick, D. Lee "Sticky but Slick: Reducing Friction using Associative and non-Associative Polymer Lubricant Additives", ACS Applied Polymer Materials, 2020, 2, 40624070.
N. Manohar, K. J. Stebe, D. Lee "Effect of Confinement on Solvent-Driven Infiltration of the Polymer into Nanoparticle Packings", Macromolecules, 2020, 53, 15, 67406746.
D. J. Strickland, D. S. Melchert, J. L. Hor, C. Ortiz, D. Lee, and D. S. Gianola "Microscopic origin of shear banding as a localized driven glass transition in compressed colloidal pillars", Physical Review E, 2020, 102, 032605.
K. H. Choi, D. Lee, B. J. Park "Interpretation of interfacial interactions between lenticular particles", Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2020, 580, 592-600.
J. Rosenfeld, G. Duan, D. Lee "Controlling the Emulsion Type Using Adjustable Polyelectrolyte-Surfactant Complexes", Langmuir, 2020, 36, 86178625.
K. A. Rose, M. Molaei, M. J. Boyle, D. Lee, J. C. Crocker, R. J. Composto "Particle tracking of nanoparticles in soft matter", Journal of Applied Physics, 2020, 127, 191101.
T. Wang, G. Di Vitantonio, K. J. Stebe, D. Lee "Scalable Manufacturing of Hierarchical Biphasic Bicontinuous Structures via Vaporization-Induced Phase Separation (VIPS)", ACS Materials Express, 2020, 2, 5, 524530.
G. Di Vitantonio, D. Lee, K. J. Stebe, "Fabrication of Solvent Transfer-Induced Phase Separation Bijels with Mixtures of Hydrophilic and Hydrophobic Nanoparticles", Soft Matter, 2020,16, 5848-5853.
R. Chattaraj, M. Hwang, S. D. Zemerov, I. J. Dmochowski, D. A. Hammer, D. Lee, C. M. Sehgal "Ultrasound Responsive Noble Gas Microbubbles for Applications in Image-Guided Gas Delivery", Advanced Healthcare Materials, 2020, 9, 1901721.
E. Parrish, K. A. Rose, M. Cargnello, C. B. Murray, D. Lee, R. J. Composto "Nanoparticle diffusion during gelation of tetra poly(ethylene glycol) provides insight into nanoscale structural evolution", Soft Matter, 2020, 16, 2256-2265.
X. Zhang, Y. Jiang, R. B. Venkatesh, J. Raney, K. J. Stebe, S. Yang, D. Lee "Scalable Manufacturing of Bending-Induced Surface Wrinkles", ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2020, 12, 7658-7664.
S. H. Han, Y. Choi, J. Kim, D. Lee "Photoactivated Selective Release of Droplets from Microwell Arrays", ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2020, 12, 3936-3944.
L. L. A. Adams, D. Lee. Y. Mei, D. A. Weitz, A. A. Solovev "Nanoparticle-Shelled Catalytic Bubble Micromotor", Advanced Materials Interfaces, 2020, 7, 1901583.
R. B. Venkatesh, T. Zhang, N. Manohar, K. J. Stebe, R. A. Riggleman, D. Lee "Effect of polymernanoparticle interactions on solvent-driven infiltration of polymer (SIP) into nanoparticle packings: a molecular dynamics study", Molecular Systems Design & Engineering, 2020, 5, 666-674.
H. H. Tran, R. B. Venkatesh, Y. Kim, D. Lee, D. Riassetto "Multifunctional Composite Films with Vertically Aligned ZnO Nanowires by Leaching-enabled Capillary Rise Infiltration", Nanoscale, 2019, 11, 22099-22107.
H. Wang, Y. Qiang, A. Arabi Shamsabadi, P. Mazumder, K. T. Turner, D. Lee, Z. Fakhraai "Thermal Degradation of Polystyrene under Extreme Nanoconfinement", ACS Macro Letters, 2019, 8, 1413-1418.
Y. K. Jo, D. Lee "Biopolymer Microparticles Prepared by Microfluidics for Biomedical Applications", Small, 2019, DOI: 10.1002/smll.201903736.
B. F. Donovan, R. Warzoha, R. B. Venkatesh, N. Vu, J. Wallen, D. Lee "Elimination of Extreme Boundary Scattering via Polymer Thermal Bridging in Silica Nanoparticle Packings: Implications for Thermal Management", ACS Applied Nano Materials, 2019, 2, 6662-6669.
Y. Lan, J. Choi, H. Li, Y. Jia, R. Huang, K. J. Stebe, D. Lee "Janus Particles with Varying Configurations for Emulsion Stabilization", Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2019, 58, 46, 20961-20968.
Z. Chen, R. Chattaraj, K. W. Pulsipher, M. B. Karmacharya, D. A. Hammer, D. Lee, C. M. Sehgal "Photoacoustic and Ultrasound Dual-Mode Imaging via Functionalization of Recombinant Protein-Stabilized Microbubbles with Methylene Blue", ACS Applied Bio Materials, 2019, 2, 4020-4026.
S. Yadavali, D. Lee, D. Issadore "Robust Microfabrication of Highly Parallelized Three-Dimensional Microfluidics on Silicon", Scientific Reports, 2019, 9, 12213.
S. Cha, H. G. Lim, M. F. Haase, K. J. Stebe, G. Y. Jung, D. Lee "Bicontinuous Interfacially Jammed Emulsion Gels (bijels) as Media for Enabling Enzymatic Reactive Separation of a Highly Water Insoluble Substrate, Scientific Reports, 2019, 9, 6363.
R. B. Venkatech, S H. Han, D. Lee "Patterning Polymer-filled Nanoparticle Films via Leaching-enabled Capillary Rise Infiltration (LeCaRI)", Nanoscale Horizons, 2019,4, 933-939.
Z. Liao, G. Wu, D. Lee, S. Yang "Ultrastable Underwater Anti-Oil Fouling Coatings from Spray Assemblies of Polyelectrolyte Grafted Silica Nanochains", ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2019, 11, 13642-13651.
Z. Chen, K. W. Pulsipher, R. Chattaraj, D. A. Hammer, C. M. Sehgal, D. Lee, "Engineering the Echogenic Properties of Microfluidic Microbubbles Using Mixtures of Recombinant Protein and Amphiphilic Copolymers", Langmuir, 2019, 35, 10079-10086.
B. Mohanraj, G. Duan, A. Peredo, M. Kim, F. Tu, D. Lee, G. R. Dodge, R. L. Mauck "Mechanically Activated Microcapsules for On-Demand Drug Delivery in Dynamically Loaded Musculoskeletal Tissues", Advanced Functional Materials, 2019, 29, 1807909.
Y. Jia, R. Huang, Y. Lan, Y. Ren, H. Jiang, D. Lee "Reversible Aggregation and Dispersion of Particles at a LiquidLiquid Interface Using Space Charge Injection", Advanced Materials Interfaces, 2019, 6, 1801920.
H.-H Jeong, Z. Chen, S. Yadavali, J. Xu, D. Issadore, D. Lee "Large-Scale Production of Compound Bubbles Using Parallelized Microfluidics for Efficient Extraction of Metal Ions", Lab on a Chip, 2019, 19, 665-673.
Corrections for this article is available.
D. J. Ring, R. A. Riggleman, D. Lee "Critical Contact Angle to Induce Capillary Rise of Polymers in Nanopores Does Not Depend on Chain Length", ACS Macro Letters, 2019, 8, 31-35.
G. Duan, A. Kumar, S. Li, C.-M. Cheng, D. Lee "Effect of Triblock Copolymer Surfactant Composition on Flow-induced Phase Inversion Emulsification in a Tapered Channel", Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2019, 537, 579-587.
G. Di Vitantonio, T. Wang, M. F. Haase, K. J. Stebe, D. Lee "Robust Bijels for Reactive Separation via Silica-Reinforced Nanoparticle Layers", ACS Nano, 2019, 13, 26-31.
Y. Jiang, J. L. Hor, D. Lee, K. T. Turner "Toughening Nanoparticle Films via Polymer Infiltration and Confinement", ACS Applied Mateials & Interfaces, 2018, 10, 44011-44017.
J. A. Lefever, J. P. Mulderring, J. L. Hor, D. Lee, R. W. Carpick "Disordered Nanoparticle Packings under Local Stress Exhibit Avalanche-Like, Environmentally Dependent Plastic Deformation", Nano Letters, 2018, 18, 54185425.
W.-S. Jang, H. J. Kim, C. Gao, D. Lee, D. A. Hammer "Enzymatically Powered Surface-Associated Self-Motile Protocells", Small, 2018, 14, 1801715.
K. W. Pulsipher, D. A. Hammer, D. Lee, C. M. Sehgal "Engineering Theranostic Microbubbles Using Microfluidics for Ultrasound Imaging and Therapy - A Review", Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, 2018, 44, 2441-2460.
S. J. Yeo, M. J. Oh, H. M. Jun, M. Lee, J. G. Bae, Y. Kim, K. J. Park, S. Lee, D. Lee, B. M. Weon, W. B. Lee, S. J. Kwon and P. J. Yoo "Plesiohedral Cellular Network of Graphene Bubbles for Ultralight, Strong, and Superelastic Materials", Advanced Materials, 2018, 30, 1802997.
N. Wu, D. Lee, Al. Striolo (Eds) "Anistropic Particles Assemblies: Synthesis, Assembly, Modeling, and Applications", 1st Ed. Elsevier, 2018.

J. L. Hor, H. Wang, Z. Fakhraai, D. Lee "Effect of Physical Nanoconfinement on the Viscosity of Unentangled Polymers during Capillary Rise Infiltration", Macromolecules, 2018, 51, 50695078.
H. Wang, J. L. Hor, Y. Zhang, T. Liu, D. Lee, Z. Fakhraai "Dramatic Increase in Polymer Glass Transition Temperature under Extreme Nanoconfinement in Weakly-Interacting Nanoparticle Films", ACS Nano, 2018, 12, 5580-5587.
H.-H Jeong, S. H. Han, S. Yadavali, J. Kim, D. Issadore, D. Lee "Moldable Perfluoropolyether-Polyethylene Glycol Networks with Tunable Wettability and Solvent Resistance for Rapid Prototyping of Droplet Microfluidics", Chemistry of Materials, 2018, 30, 2583-2588.
E. S. Friedman, K. Bittinger, T. V. Esipova, L. Hou, L. Chau, J. Jiang, C. Mesaros, P. J. Lund, X. Liang, G. A. FitzGerald, M. Goulian, D.n Lee, B. A. Garcia, I. A. Blair, S. A. Vinogradov and G. D. Wu "Microbes vs. chemistry in the origin of the anaerobic gut lumen", Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2018, 115, 4170-4175.
J. E. Mealey, J. J. Chung, H.-H. Jeong, D. Issadore, D. Lee, P. Alturi, J. A. Burdick "Injectable Granular Hydrogels with Multifunctional Properties for Biomedical Applications", Advanced Materials, 2018, 30, 1705912.
S. Yadavali, H.-H. Jeon, D. Lee, D. Issadore "Silicon and glass very large scale microfluidic droplet integration for terascale generation of polymer microparticles", Nature Communications, 2018, 9, 1222.
J. L. Hor, H. Wang, Z. Fakhraai, D. Lee "Effect of Polymer-Nanoparticle Interactions on the Viscosity of Unentangled Polymers under Extreme Nanoconfinement during Capillary Rise Infiltration", Soft Matter, 2018,14, 2438-2446.

Y. Qiang, N. Manohar, K. J. Stebe, D. Lee "Polymer Blend-Filled Nanoparticle Films via Monomer-Driven Infiltration of Polymers and Photopolymerization", Molecular Systems Design & Engineering, 2018, 3, 96-102.
G. Duan, M. F. Haase, K. J. Stebe, D. Lee "One-Step Generation Salt-Responsive Polyelectrolyte Microcapsules via Surfactant Organized Nanoscale Interfacial Complexation in Emulsions (SO NICE)", Langmuir, 2018, 34, 847853.

T. H. R. Niepa, L. Vaccari, R. L. Leheny, M. Goulian, D. Lee, K. J. Stebe "Films of Bacteria at Interfaces (FBI): Remodeling of Fluid Interfaces by Pseudomonas aeruginosa", Scientific Reports, 2017, 7, 17864.
E. D. Cubuk, R. J. S. Ivancic, S. S. Schoenholz, D. J. Strickland, A. Basu, Z. S. Davidson, J. Fontaine, J. L. Hor, Y.-R. Huang, Y. Jiang, N. C. Keim, K. D. Koshigan, J. A. Lefever, T. Liu, X.-G. Ma, D. J. Magagnosc, E. Morrow, C. P. Ortiz, J. M. Rieser, A. Shavit, T. Still, Y. Xu, Y. Zhang, K. N. Nordstrom, P. E. Arratia, R. W. Carpick, D. J. Durian, Z. Fakhraai, D. J. Jerolmack, D. Lee, J. Li, R. Riggleman, K. T. Turner, A. G. Yodh, D. S. Gianola, A. J. Liu "Structure-property relationships from universal signatures of plasticity in disordered solids", Science, 2017, 358, 1033-1037.
B. Han, T. Ma, J. H. Vergara, G. R. Palmese, J. Yin, D. Lee, L. Han "Non-additive impacts of covalent cross-linking on the viscoelastic nanomechanics of ionic polyelectrolyte complexes", RSC Advances, 2017, 7, 53334-53345.
M. F. Haase, H. Jeon, N. Hough, J. H. Kim, K. J. Stebe, D. Lee "Multifunctional nanocomposite hollow fiber membranes by solvent transfer induced phase separation", Nature Communications, 2017, 8, 1234.
L. Tran, M. O. Lavrentovich, G. Durey, A. Darmon, M. F. Haase, N. Li, D. Lee, K. J. Stebe, R. D. Kamien, T. Lopez-Leon "Change in Stripes for Cholesteric Shells via Anchoring in Moderation", Physical Review X, 2017, 7, 041029.
N. Manohar, K. J. Stebe, D. Lee "Solvent-Driven Infiltration of Polymer (SIP) into Nanoparticle Packings", ACS Macro Letters, 2017, 6, 1104-1108.
S. D. Hann, K. J. Stebe, D. Lee "All Aqueous Assemblies via Interfacial Complexation: Toward Artificial Cell and Microniche Development", Langmuir, 2017, 33, 1010710117.
L. C. Bradley, N. D. Bade, L. Mariani, K. T. Turner, D. Lee, K. J. Stebe "Rough Adhesive Hydrogels (RAd gels) for Underwater Adhesion", ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2017, 9, 2740927413.
L. Vaccari, M. Molaei, T.H.R. Niepa, D. Lee, R. L. Leheny, K. J. Stebe "Films of Bacteria at Interfaces", Advances in Colloid and Interface Science, 2017, 247, 561-572.
H.-H. Jeong, S. Yadavali, D. Issadore, D. Lee "Liter-scale Production of Uniform Gas Bubbles via Parallelization of Flow Focusing Generators", Lab on a Chip, 2017,17, 2667-2673.
S. D. Hann, K. J. Stebe, D. Lee "AWE-somes: All Water Emulsion Bodies with Permeable Shells and Selective Compartments", ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2017, 9, 2502325028.
S. D. Hann, D. Lee, K. J. Stebe "Tuning interfacial complexation in aqueous two phase systems with polyelectrolytes and nanoparticles for compound all water emulsion bodies (AWE-somes)", Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2017, 19, 23825-23831.
L. C. Bradley, W-.H. Chen, K. J. Stebe, D. Lee "Janus and Patchy Colloids at Fluid Interfaces", Current Opinion in Colloid & Interface Science, 2017, 30, 25-33.
W.-H. Chen*, F. Tu*, L. C. Bradley, D. Lee "Shape-Tunable Synthesis of Sub-Micrometer Lens-Shaped Particles via Seeded Emulsion Polymerization", Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 2685-2688. *Equal contributions
J. L. Hor, Y. Jiang, D. Ring, R. A. Riggleman, K. T. Turner, D. Lee "Nanoporous Polymer-Infiltrated Nanoparticle Films with Uniform or Graded Porosity via Undersaturated Capillary Rise Infiltration", ACS Nano, 2017, 11, 32293236.
D. Kim, A. Sengupta, T. H. R. Niepa, B.-H. Lee, A.Weljie, V. S. Freitas-Blanco, R. M. Murata, K. J. Stebe, D. Lee, H. Koo "Candida albicans stimulates Streptococcus mutans microcolony development via cross-kingdom biofilm-derived metabolites", Scientific Reports, 2017, 7, 41332.
N. Li, N. Sharifi-Mood, F. Tu, D. Lee, R. Radhakrishnan, T. Baumgart, K. J. Stebe "Curvature-driven migration of colloids on tense lipid bilayers", Langmuir, 2017, 33, 600-610.
T. S. Shim, Z. G. Estephan, Z. Quan, J. H. Prosser, S. Y. Lee, D. M. Chenoweth, D. Lee, S.-J, Park, J. C. Crocker "Shape changing thin films powered by DNA hybridization", Nature Nanotechnology, 2017, 12, 41-47.
A. Kumar, S. Li, C.-M. Cheng, D. Lee "Flow-induced phase inversion of emulsions in tapered microchannel", Lab on a Chip, 2016, 16, 4173-4180.
L. C. Bradley, K. J. Stebe, D. Lee "Clickable Janus Particles", Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2016, 138, 1143711440.
S. D. Hann, T. H. R. Niepa, K. J. Stebe, D. Lee "One-step generation of cell-encapsulating compartments via polyelectrolyte complexation in an aqueous two phase system", ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2016, 8, 2560325611.
T. H. R. Niepa, L. Hou, H. Jiang, M. Goulian, H. Koo, K. J. Stebe and D. Lee "Microbial Nanoculture as an Artificial Microniche", Scientific Reports, 2016, 6, 30578.
S.-M. Kang, C.-H. Choi, J. Kim, S.-J. Yeom, D. Lee, B. J. Park, C.-S. Lee "Capillarity-induced directed self-assembly of patchy hexagram particles at the air-water interface", Soft Matter, 2016, 12, 5847-5853.
M. F. Haase, N. Sharifi-Mood, D. Lee, K. J. Stebe "In Situ Mechanical Testing of Nanostructured Bijel Fibers", ACS Nano, 2016, 10, 6338-6344.
C. B. Highley, M. Kim, D. Lee, J. A. Burdick "Near-infrared light triggered release of molecules from supramolecular hydrogel-nanorod composites", Nanomedicine, 2016, 11, 1579-1590.
M. Kim, J. Doh, D. Lee "pH-Induced Softening of Polyelectrolyte Microcapsules without Apparent Swelling", ACS Macro Letters, 2016, 5, 487-492.
D. Lee, S. E. Han "Chiral nanocomposites: Hand-twisting light", Nature Materials, 2016, 15, 377-378.
J. A. Lefever, T. D. B. Jacobs, Q. Tam, J. L. Hor, Y.-R. Huang, D. Lee, R. W. Carpick "Heterogeneity in the small-scale deformation behavior of disordered nanoparticle packings", Nano Letters, 2016, 16, 24552462.
Y. Jang, W.-S. Jang, C. Gao, T. S. Shim, J. C. Crocker, D. A. Hammer, D. Lee "Tuning the Mechanical Properties of Recombinant Protein-Stabilized Gas Bubbles Using Triblock Copolymers", ACS Macro Letters, 2016, 5, 371-376.
H.-H. Jeong, D. Issadore, D. Lee "Recent Developments in Scale-up of Microfluidic Emulsion Generation via Parallelization" Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2016, 33, 1757-1766.
G. Shin, D.-K. Kim, J. Doh, D. Lee, N. K. Lee, G. Y. Jung "High-resolution pluronic-filled microchip CE-SSCP analysis system via channel width control", Electrophoresis, 2016, 37, 676-679.
L. Hou, H. Jiang, D. Lee "Bubble-filled Silica Microfibers from Multiphasic Flows for Lightweight Composite Fabrication", Chemical Engineering Journal, 2016, 288, 539-545.
B. Han, D. R. Chery, J. Yin, X. L. Lu, D. Lee, L. Han "Nanomechanics of Layer-by-Layer Polyelectrolyte Complexes: A Manifestation of Ionic Cross-links and Fixed Charges", Soft Matter, 2016, 12, 1158-1169.
W.-S. Jang, S. Park, E. H. Reed, K. Dooley, S F. Wheeler, D. Lee, D. A. Hammer "Enzymatically Triggered Rupture of Polymersomes", Soft Matter, 2016, 12, 1014-1020.
D. Zhang, Y. Xu, G. Feng, Y.-R. Huang. D. Lee "Comparing sintering and atomic layer deposition as methods to mechanically reinforce nanocolloidal crystals", Journal of Materials Research, 2015, 30, 3717-3727.

H.-H. Jeong, V. R. Yelleswarapu, S. Yadavali, D. Issadore, D. Lee "Kilo-scale droplet generation in three-dimensional monolithic elastomer device (3D MED)", Lab on a Chip, 2015, 15, 4387.
M. F. Haase, K. J. Stebe, D. Lee "Continuous Fabrication of Hierarchical and Asymmetric Bijel Microparticles, Fibers and Membranes by Solvent Transfer-induced Phase Separation (STRIPS)", Advanced Materials, 2015, 27, 7065.

A. Kumar, S. Li, C.-M. Cheng, D. Lee ""Recent Developments in Phase Inversion Emulsification", Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2015, 54, 8375.
M. Kim, S. J. Yeo, C. B. Highley, J. A. Burdick, P. J. Yoo, J. Doh, D. Lee "One-Step Generation of Multi-Functional Polyelectrolyte Microcapsules via Nanoscale Interfacial Complexation in Emulsion (NICE)", ACS Nano, 2015, 9, 8269.
J. Jeong, A. Gross, W.-S. Wei, F. Tu, D. Lee, P.J. Collings, A. G. Yodh "Liquid Crystal Janus Emulsion Droplets: Preparation, Tumbling, and Swimming", Soft Matter, 2015, 11, 6747.
D. Zhang, L. Zhang, D. Lee, X. Cheng, G. Feng "Reinforcing Nanocolloidal Crystals by Tuning Interparticle Bonding via Atomic Layer Deposition", Acta Materialia, 2015, 95, 216-223.
B. J. Park, D. Lee "Dynamically tuning particle interactions and assemblies at soft interfaces: Reversible order-disorder transitions in two-dimensional particle monolayers ", Small, 2015, 11, 4560-4567.
D. Zhang, L. Zhang, D. Lee, X. Cheng, G. Feng "Suppressing unstable deformation of nanocolloidal crystals with atomic layer deposition", Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2015, 639, 514-518.
M. Lee, E. Y. Lee, D. Lee, B. J. Park "Stabilization and fabrication of microbubbles: applications for medical purposes and functional materials", Soft Matter, 2015, 11, 2067-2079.
J. H. Prosser, D. Lee "Ionothermal Stability of Mesoporous Silica Films", Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2015, 54, 957967.
S. D. Hann, M. Goulian, D. Lee, K. J. Stebe "Trapping and Assembly of Living Colloids at Water/Water Interfaces", Soft Matter, 2015, 11, 1733-1738.
S. J. Yeo, F. Tu, S.-H. Kim, G-R. Yi, P. J. Yoo, D. Lee "Angle- and Strain-Independent Flexible Structural Colour Films Incorporating Non-spherical Colloidal Photonic Crystals", Soft Matter, 2015, 11, 1582-1588.
H. Lee, J .B. Gilbert, F. E. Angile, R. Yang, D. Lee, M. F. Rubner, R. E. Cohen "Design and Fabrication of Zwitter-Wettable Nanostructured Films", ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2015, 7, 10041011.
Y.-R. Huang, Y. Jiang. J. L. Hor, R. Gupta, L. Zhang, K. J. Stebe, G. Feng. K. T. Turner, D. Lee "Polymer Nanocomposite Films with Extremely High Nanoparticle Loadings via Capillary Rise Infiltration (CaRI)", Nanoscale, 2015, 7, 798-805.
M. Lee, D. Lee, B. J. Park "Effect of interaction heterogeneity on colloidal arrangements at a curved oil-water interface", Soft Matter, 2015,11, 318-323.
Y. Y. Smolin, S. Nejati, M. Bavarian, D. Lee, K. K. S. Lau, M. Soroush "Effects of Polymer Chemistry on Polymer-Electrolyte Dye Sensitized Solar Cell Performance: A Theoretical and Experimental Investigation", Journal of Power Sources, 2015, 274, 156-164.
W-.S. Jang, S. C. Park, M. Kim, J. Doh, D. Lee, D. A. Hammer "The Effect of Stabilizer on the Mechanical Response of Double-Emulsion Templated Polymersomes", Macromolecular Rapid Communications, 2015, 36, 373-384.
D. J. Strickland, Y.-R. Huang, D. Lee, D. Gianola "Robust scaling of strength and elastic constants and universal cooperativity in disordered colloidal micropillars", Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2014, 111, 18167-18172.
B. J. Park, D. Lee "Particles at fluid-fluid interfaces: From single-particle behavior to hierarchical assembly of materials", MRS Bulletin, 2014, 12, 1089-1096.
S.-M. Kang, A. Kumar, C.-H. Choi, K. E. Tettey, C.-S. Lee, D. Lee, B. J. Park "Triblock Cylinders at Fluid-Fluid Interfaces", Langmuir, 2014, 30, 1319913204.
F. Tu, D. Lee "One-Step Encapsulation and Triggered Release Based on Janus Particle-Stabilized Multiple Emulsions", Chemical Communications, 2014,50, 15549-15552.
F. E. Angile, K. B. Vargo, C. M. Sehgal, D. A. Hammer, D. Lee "Recombinant Protein-Stabilized Monodisperse Microbubbles With Tunable Size Using a Valve-based Microfluidic Device", Langmuir, 2014, 30 ,1261012618.
J. T. Park, W. S. Chi, S. J. Kim, D. Lee, J. H. Kim "Mesoporous TiO2 Bragg Stack Templated by Graft Copolymer for Dye-sensitized Solar Cells", Scientific Reports, 2014, 4, 5505.
T. Brugarolas, D. S. Gianola, L. Zhang, G. M. Campbell, J. L. Bassani, G. Feng, D. Lee "Tailoring and Understanding the Mechanical Properties of Nanoparticle-Shelled Bubbles", ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2014, 6, 11558-11572.
D. K. Rhee, B. Jung, Y. H. Kim, S. J. Yeo, A. Rauf, S. Han, G.-R. Yi, D. Lee, P. J. Yoo "Particle-Nested Inverse Opal Structures as Hierarchically Structured Large-Scale Membranes with Tunable Separation Properties", ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2014, 6, 11558-11572.
Y. Choi ,T. Brugarolas, S.-M. Kang, B. J. Park, B.-S. Kim, C.-S. Lee, D. Lee "Beauty of Lotus is More than Skin Deep: Highly Buoyant Superhydrophobic Films", ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2014, 6, 7009-7013.
F. Tu, D. Lee "Shape-Changing and Amphiphilicity-Reversing Janus Particles with pH-Responsive Surfactant Properties", Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2014, 136, 9999-10006.
M. K. Saums, W. Wang, B. Han, L. Madhavan, L. Han, D. Lee, R. G. Wells "Mechanically- and Chemically-Tunable Cell Culture System to Study Myofibroblast Phenotype", Langmuir, 2014, 30, 5481-5487.
J. T. Park, J. H. Kim, D. Lee "Excellent Anti-fogging Dye-sensitized Solar Cells Based On Superhydrophilic Nanoparticle Coatings", Nanoscale, 2014,6, 7362-7368.
D. J. Strickland, L. Zhang, Y.-R. Huang, D. J. Magagnosc, D. Lee, D. Gianola "Synthesis and Mechanical Response of Disordered Colloidal Micropillars", Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2014, 16, 10274-10285.
M. M. Norton, T. Brugarolas, J. Chou, D. Lee, H. Bau "Ellipsoidal Particles Encapsulated in Droplets" Soft Matter, 2014,10, 4840-4847.
L. Escobar-Ferrand, D. Li, D. Lee, C. J. Durning "All-Nanoparticle Layer-by-Layer Surface Modification of Micro and Ultrafiltration Membranes", Langmuir, 2014, 30 5545-5556.
M. Bavarian, S. Nejati, K. K. S. Lau, D. Lee, M. Soroush "Theoretical and Experimental Study of a Dye Sensitized Solar Cell", Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2014, 53, 5234-5247.
S.-M. Kang, S. Hwang ,S.-H. Jin, C.-H. Choi, J. Kim, B. J. Park, D. Lee, C.-S. Lee "A Rapid One-Step Fabrication of Patternable Superhydrophobic Surfaces driven by Marangoni Instability", Langmuir, 2014, 30, 28282834.
E. P. Chan, W. D. Mulhearn, Y.-R. Huang, J.-H. Lee, D. Lee, C. M. Stafford "Tailoring the Permselectivity of Water Desalination Membranes via Nanoparticle Assembly", Langmuir, 2014, 30, 611-616.
S.-W. Lee, K. W. Tettey, Y. Yarovoy, D. Lee "Effects of Anionic Surfactants on the Water Permeability of a Model Stratum Corneum Lipid Membrane", Langmuir, 2014, 30, 220-226.
Y.-R. Huang, J. T. Park, J. H. Prosser, J. H. Kim, D. Lee "Multifunctional All-TiO2 Bragg Stacks Based on Blocking Layer-Assisted Spin Coating", Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2014, 2, 3260-3269 (invited article in Journal of Materials Chemistry C "Emerging Investigator" themed issue).
S.-W. Lee, J. H. Prosser, P. K. Purohit, D. Lee "Bio-Inspired Hygromorphic Actuator Exhibiting Controlled Locomotion", ACS Macro Letters, 2013, 2, 960-965.
F. Tu, B. J. Park, D. Lee "Thermodynamically Stable Emulsions Using Janus Dumbbells as Colloid Surfactants", Langmuir, 2013, 29, 12679-12687.
L. Zhang, G. Feng, Z. Zeravcic, T. Brugarolas, A.J. Liu, D. Lee "Using Shape Anisotropy to Toughen Disordered Nanoparticle Assemblies", ACS Nano, 2013, 7, 80438050.
Z. G. Estephan, Z. Qian, D. Lee, J. C. Crocker, S.-J. Park "Responsive Multi-Domain Free-Standing Films of Gold Nanoparticles Assembled by DNA-Directed Layer-by-Layer Approach", Nano Letters, 2013, 13, 4449-4455.
B. J. Park, D. Lee "Spontaneous Particle Transport through a Triple-Fluid Phase Boundary", Langmuir, 2013, 29, 9662-9667.
T. Brugarolas, F. Tu, D. Lee "Directed Assembly of Particles Using Microfluidic Droplets and Bubbles", Soft Matter, 2013, 9, 9046-9058 (invited review article in Soft Matter "Directed Self-Assembly" themed issue).
K .E. Tettey, D. Lee "Effect of Thermal Treatment and Moisture Content on the Charge of Silica Particles in Non-polar Media", Soft Matter, 2013, 9, 7242-7250.
N. P. Kamat, S. J. Henry, D. Lee, and D. A. Hammer "Single vesicle patterning of uniform, giant polymersomes into microarrays", Small, 2013, 9, 2272-2276.
E. Seo, J. Kim, Y. Hong, Y. S. Kim, D. Lee, B.-S. Kim "Double Hydrophilic Block Copolymer Templated Au Nanoparticles with Enhanced Catalytic Activity toward Nitroarene Reduction", Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2013, 117, 1168611693.
A. Kumar, B. J. Park, F. Tu, D. Lee "Amphiphilic Janus Particles at Fluid Interfaces", Soft Matter, 2013, 9, 6604-6617 (invited review article in Soft Matter "Emerging Investigators" themed issue).

J. T. Park, J. H. Prosser, S. H. Ahn, S. J. Kim, J. H. Kim, D. Lee "Enhancing the Performance of Solid-State Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells Using a Mesoporous Interfacial Titania Layer with a Bragg Stack", Advanced Functional Materials, 2013, 23, 2193-2200.
S.-W. Lee, D. Lee "Integrated Study of Water Sorption/Desorption Behavior of Weak Polyelectrolyte Layer-by-Layer Films", Macromolecules, 2013, 46, 2793-2799.
J. T. Park, J. H. Prosser, D. J. Kim, J. H. Kim, D. Lee "Bragg Stack-functionalized Counter electrode for Solid-State Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells", ChemSusChem, 2013, 6, 856-864.
B. J. Park, C.-H. Choi, S.-M. Kang, K. E. Tettey, C.-S. Lee, D. Lee "Double hydrophilic Janus cylinders at the air-water interface", Langmuir, 2013, 29, 1841-1849.
B. J. Park, C.-H. Choi, S.-M. Kang, K. E. Tettey, C.-S. Lee, D. Lee "Geometrically and chemically anisotropic particles at an oil-water interface", Soft Matter, 2013, 9, 3383-3388.
K. T. Cook, K. E. Tettey, R. M. Bunch, D. Lee, and A. J. Nolte "One-step Index-tunable Antireflection Coatings from Aggregated Silica Nanoparticles", ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 2012, 4, 64266431.
J. H. Prosser, T. Brugarolas, S. Lee, A. J. Nolte, D. Lee "Avoiding Cracks in Nanoparticle Films", Nano Letters, 2012, 12, 5287-5291.
L. Zhang, J. H. Prosser, G. Feng, D. Lee "Mechanical Properties of Atomic Layer Deposition-Reinforced Nanoparticle Thin Films", Nanoscale, 2012, 4, 6543-6552.
W. Mulhearn, D. D. Kim, Y. Gu, D. Lee, "Facilitated Transport Enhances Spray Layer-by-Layer Assembly of Oppositely Charged Nanoparticles", Soft Matter, 2012, 8, 10419-10427.
K. Yoon, D. Lee, J. W. Kim, J. Kim, D. A. Weitz, Asymmetric Functionalization of Colloidal Dimer Particles with Gold Nanoparticles, Chemical Communications, 2012, 48, 9056-9058.
S.-W. Lee, K. E. Tettey, I. L. Kim, J. A. Burdick, D. Lee, Controlling the Cell-Adhesion Properties of Poly(acrylic acid)/Polyacrylamide Hydrogen-Bonded Multilayers, Macromolecules, 2012, 45, 6120-6126.
B. J. Park, D. Lee, Configuration of Nonspherical Amphiphilic Particles at a Fluid-Fluid Interface, Soft Matter, 2012, 8, 7690-7698.
F. Tu, D. Lee "Controlling the Stability and Size of Double Emulsion-Templated Poly(lactic-co-glycolic)acid Microcapsules, Langmuir, 2012, 28, 9944-9952.
E. Tous, H.M. Weber, M.H. Lee, K.J. Koomalsingh, T. Shuto, N. Kondo, J.H. Gorman, D. Lee, R.C. Gorman, J.A. Burdick, "Tunable Hydrogel-Microsphere Composites that Modulate Local Inflammation and Collagen Bulking", Acta Biomaterialia, 2012, 8, 3218-3227.
B. J. Park, D. Lee, Equilibrium Orientation of Non-Spherical Janus Particles at Fluid-Fluid Interfaces, ACS Nano, 2012, 6, 782790.
M. H. Lee, B. Lim, E. J. An, J.-W. Kim, D. Lee, Effect of Composition on Water Permeability of Model Stratum Corneum Lipid Membranes, Soft Matter, 2012, 8, 1539-1546.
M. H. Lee, K. C. Hribar, T. Brugarolas, N. P. Kamat, J. A. Burdick, D. Lee "Harnessing Interfacial Phenomena to Program the Release Properties of Hollow Microcapsules, Advanced Functional Materials, 2012, 22, 131.

H.-S. Lee, D. M. Eckmann, D. Lee, N. J. Hicock, R. J. Composto "Unique pH-Dependent Swelling and Antibacterial Properties of Chitosan Brushes, Langmuir, 2011, 27, 12458-12465.
N. P. Kamat, M. H. Lee, D. Lee, D. Hammer "Micropipette aspiration of double emulsion-templated polymersomes, Soft Matter, 2011, 7, 9863-9866.
T. Brugarolas, B. J. Park, M. H. Lee, D. Lee "Generation of Amphiphilic Janus Bubbles and Their Behavior at an Air-Water Interface, Advanced Functional Materials, 2011, 21, 3924-3931.
K. E. Tettey, M. I. Dafinone, D. Lee "Progress in Superhydrophilic Surface Development, Materials Express, 2011, 1, 89-104.
B. J. Park, T. Brugarolas, D. Lee "Janus Particles at an Oil-Water Interface, Soft Matter, 2011, 7, 6413-6417.
M. I. Dafinone, G. Feng, T. Brugarolas, K. E. Tettey, D. Lee "Mechanical Reinforcement of Nanoparticle Thin Films Using Atomic Layer Deposition, ACS Nano, 2011, 5, 5078-5087.
K. E. Tettey, J. W. C. Ho, D. Lee "Modulating Layer-by-Layer Assembly of Oppositely Charged Nanoparticles Using a Short Amphiphilic Molecule", Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2011, 115, 6297-6304.
K. Hribar, M. H. Lee, D. Lee, J. A. Burdick "Enhanced Release of Small Molecules from Near-Infrared Light Responsive Polymer-Nanorod Composites", ACS Nano, 2011, 5, 2948-2956.
K. E. Tettey, M. Q. Yee, D. Lee "Photocatalytic and Conductive MWCNT/TiO2 Nanocomposite Thin Films", ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 2010, 2, 2646-2652.
T. Kanai, D. Lee, H. C. Shum, R. K. Shah, D. A. Weitz Gel-Immobilized Colloidal Crystal Shells with Enhanced Thermal Sensitivity in Photonic Wavelength Advanced Materials, 2010, 22, 4998-5002.
M. H. Lee, D. Lee "Elastic instability of polymer-shelled bubbles formed from air-in-oil-in-water compound bubbles", Soft Matter, 2010, 6, 4326-4330.
K. E. Tettey, M. Q. Yee, D. Lee "Layer-by-Layer Assembly of Charged Particles in Non-Polar Media", Langmuir, 2010, 26, 9974-9980.
Y. S. Nam, A. P. Magyar, D Lee, J.-W. Kim, D. S. Yun, H. Park, T. S. Pollum, D. A. Weitz, A. M. Belcher "Biologically Templated Photocatalytic Nanostructures for Sustained Light-driven Water Oxidation", Nat. Nanotech. 2010, 5, 340-344.
M. H. Lee, V. Prasad, D. Lee Microfluidic Fabrication of Stable Nanoparticle-Shelled Bubbles, Langmuir, 2010, 26, 2227-2230.
T. Kanai, D. Lee, H. C. Shum, D. A. Weitz Fabrication of Tunable Spherical Colloidal Crystals Immobilized in Soft Hydrogels Small, 2010, 6, 807-810.
H. C. Shum, A. R. Abate, D. Lee, A. Studart, B. Wang, C.-H. Chen, J. Thiele, R. K. Shah, A. Krummel, D. A. Weitz Droplet microfluidics for fabrication of non-spherical particles, Macromolecular Rapid Communications, 2010, 31, 108-118.
C.-H. Chen, A. R. Abate, D. Lee, E. M. Terentjev and D. A. Weitz Microfluidic Assembly of Magnetic Hydrogel Particles with Uniformly Anisotropic Structure, Advanced Materials, 2009, 21, 3201.
D. Lee and D. A. Weitz Non-Spherical Colloidosomes with Multiple Compartments from Double Emulsions, Small, 2009, 5, 1932-1935. (featured as Frontispiece)
D. Lee, J. N. Ashcraft, E. Verploegen, E. Pashkovski and D. A. Weitz Permeability of Model Stratum Corneum Lipid Membrane Measured Using Quartz Crystal Microbalance, Langmuir, 2009, 25, 5762-5766.
2008 ~ 2004
D. Lee and D. A. Weitz Double Emulsion-Templated Nanoparticle Colloidosomes with Selective Permeability Adv. Mater., 2008, 20, 3498-3503.
A. R. Abate, A. T. Krummel, D. Lee, C. Holtze and D. A. Weitz Photoreactive Coating for High-Contrast Spatial Patterning of Microfluidic Device Wettablity, Lab on a Chip, 2008, 8, 2157-2160.
H. C. Shum, D. Lee, I. Yoon, T. Kodger, and D. A. Weitz Double Emulsion-Templated Monodisperse Phospholipid Vesicles Langmuir, 2008, 24, 7651-7653.
J.-W. Kim, D. Lee, H. C. Shum, and D. A. Weitz Colloid Surfactants for Emulsion Stabilization Adv. Mater., 2008, 20, 3239-3243.
R. K. Shah, H. C. Shum, A. C. Rowat, D. Lee, J. J. Agresti, A. S. Utada, L.-Y. Chiang, J.-W. Kim, A. Fernandez-Nieves, C. J. Martin and D. A. Weitz Designer Emulsions using Microfluidics Materials Today, 2008, 11, 18-27.
A. R. Abate, D. Lee, T. Do, C. Holtze and D. A. Weitz Glass Coating for PDMS Microfluidic Channels by Sol-Gel Methods Lab on a Chip, 2008, 8, 516-518.
D. Lee, Z. Gemici, M. F. Rubner, R. E. Cohen Multilayers of Oppositely Charged SiO2 Nanoparticles: Effect of Surface Charge on Multilayer Assembly Langmuir, 2007, 23, 8833-8837.
Z. Wu, D. Lee, M. F. Rubner, R. E. Cohen Structural Color in Porous, Superhydrophilic and Self-cleaning SiO2/TiO2 Bragg Stacks Small, 2007, 3, 1445-1451.
D. Lee, D. Omolade, R. E. Cohen, M. F. Rubner pH-Dependent Structure and Properties of Layer-by-Layer Assembled All-Nanoparticle Multilayers Chem .Mater., 2007, 19, 1427-1433.
D. Lee, R. E. Cohen, M. F. Rubner Heterostructured Magnetic Nanotubes Langmuir, 2007, 23, 123-129.
Z. Li, D. Lee, X. Sheng, R. E. Cohen, M. F. Rubner Two-Level Antibacterial Coating with Both Release-Killing and Contact-Killing Capabilities Langmuir, 2006, 22, 9820-9823.
D. Lee, M. F. Rubner, R. E. Cohen All-Nanoparticle Thin Film Coatings Nano Lett., 2006, 6, 2305-2312. (Highlighted in December 2006 issue of MRS Bulletin and November 2006 issue of Photonics Spectra)
D. Lee, A. J. Nolte, A. L. Kunz, M. F. Rubner, R. E. Cohen pH-induced Hysteretic Gating of Polycarbonate Membranes: Swelling/Deswelling Behavior of Polyelectrolyte Multilayers in Confined Geometry J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2006, 128, 8521-8529.
D. Lee, M. F. Rubner, R. E. Cohen Antibacterial Properties of Ag Nanoparticle-loaded Multilayers and Formation of Magnetically Directed Antibacterial Microparticles Langmuir, 2005, 21, 9651 - 9659.
Z. F. Li, D. Lee, M. F. Rubner, R. E. Cohen Layer-by-layer Assembled Janus Microcapsules Macromolecules, 2005, 38, 7876-7879.
D. Lee, M. F. Rubner, R. E. Cohen Formation of Nanoparticle-loaded Microcapsules Based on Hydrogen-bonded Multilayers Chem. Mater. 2005, 17, 1099-1105.
S. Y. Yang, D. Lee, R. E. Cohen, M. F. Rubner Bio-inert Solution-cross-linked Hydrogen-bonded Multilayers on Colloidal Particles Langmuir, 2004, 20, 5978-5981.