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Programming Languages Mentoring Workshop
Philadelphia, USA
January 24th, 2012
Travel grant applications due |
December 2, 2011 (Friday) |
Notification of student travel awards begins |
December 9, 2011 (Friday) |
Early registration/hotel deadline |
December 24, 2011 (Saturday) |
Workshop |
January 24, 2012 (Tuesday) |
We proudly announce the CRA-W/CDC SIGPLAN Programming Languages
Mentoring Workshop. The purpose of this mentoring workshop is to
encourage senior undergraduate and beginning graduate students to
pursue careers in programming language research. We are specifically
interested in attracting women and underrepresented minority
students. This workshop will be a combination of learning about the
work being done in several areas of programming language research and
mentoring with respect to helping students prepare for graduate school
and the rest of their career. We will bring together leaders in
programming language research from academia and industry to give talks
on the kind of research typically performed after obtaining a
Ph.D. The workshop will engage students, specifically interested in
programming language research, in a process of imagining how they
might contribute to the world.
The workshop will occur immediately before POPL, the premier
conference on the Principles of Programming Languages. There will be a
small registration fee to attend the workshop. However, through the
generous donation of our sponsors, we have a number of travel
scholarships available that will cover reasonable travel expenses
(airfare, hotel and registration fees) for students to attend both the
workshop and POPL. Anyone may apply for a travel scholarship, but
first priority will be given to women and underrepresented minority
Applications must have been received by Friday, December 2,
2011 for full consideration. Given the large number of
applications already received, we regret that we cannot consider any
additional applications at this time.
Student authors of papers appearing at POPL 2012 or any of its
associated workshops should apply for travel assistance
from the SIGPLAN PAC fund.
Our effort is inspired and modeled on two previous well-received
summer schools, the Programming
Language Summer School held at The University of Texas at Austin
and the
Systems Research Mentoring Workshop held at the University of Delaware, both
sponsored by CRA-W and CDC.
This academic mentoring workshop will be divided into talks and panels. The
talks will cover hot topics and future directions in
several areas of programming language theory, such as type
systems,verification, programming analysis, model checking, logic and
language design. The panels will cover practical topics
about starting a research career, including the job search process,
time management, and proposal writing.
8:25 - 10:00 | Session 1 |
| 8:25 -- 8:30 | Welcome! (Kathleen Fisher, Ron Garcia,
Stephanie Weirich) |
Slides |
| 8:30 -- 9:00 | Types (Benjamin Pierce)
| Slides |
| 9:00 -- 9:30 | Logic (Bob Harper) | Slides |
| 9:30 -- 10:00 | Writing Papers (Simon
Peyton Jones) | Slides |
10:00 - 10:30 | Break |
10:30 -- 12:00 | Session 2 |
| 10:30 -- 11:00 | Verification (Philippa Gardner) | Slides |
| 11:00 -- 11:30 | Program Analysis (Tom Ball) | Slides |
| 11:30 -- 12:00 | Time Management (Steve Zdancewic and Amal
Ahmed) |
12:00 - 1:30 | Lunch |
1:30 -- 3:30 | Session 3 |
| 1:30 -- 2:00 | Termination (Byron Cook) | Slides |
| 2:00 -- 2:30 | Modeling and Analysis of Embedded Software
(Rajeev Alur) | Slides |
| 2:30 -- 3:30 | Job Search & Life after PhD (Nate Foster, Ron
Garcia, Dimitrios Vytiniotis, Isil Dillig)
| Slides (Foster)
Slides (Garcia)
Slides (Vytiniotis)
Slides (Dillig) |
3:30 - 4:00 | Break |
4:00 -- 5:15 | Session 4 |
| 4:00 -- 4:30 | Language Design (Charles Consel) | Slides |
| 4:30 -- 5:15 | Proposal Writing (John Reppy) | Slides |
| 5:30 -- | Reception |
This workshop is being organized by Kathleen
Ronald Garcia, and
Stephanie Weirich.
Please send any questions about the workshop or travel grant
application process to sweirich@cis.upenn.edu.
Committee on the Status of
Women in Computing Research(CRA-W)
Special Interest Group on
Programming Languages (SIGPLAN)
The Coalition to Diversify Computing (CDC)
National Science Foundation (NSF)