Penn Engineering

Student Life

A Balanced and Supported Student Life for Every Penn Engineer

Penn Engineering is committed to fostering a holistic student experience, ensuring every student thrives both academically and personally. By integrating extracurricular activities and collaborative peer learning into their academic pursuits, students enjoy a well-rounded and fulfilling university journey.

Engineering at an Ivy League institution is rigorous, but Penn’s vibrant community across schools and disciplines provides the support, friendships, and activities that help students maintain balance and well-being.

Groups and Organizations to Electrify Your Experience

Penn Engineering offers an impressive list of groups, clubs, and organizations for engineering students to build community, connect with like-minded scholars, and grow as leaders in their field and on campus.

  • Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES)
  • Penn Aerospace Club (PAC)
  • Alpha Omega Epsilon (AOE)
  • American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
  • Assistive Devices and Prosthetic Tech (ADAPT)
  • Eta Kappa Nu (HKN)
  • Out in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (oSTEM)
  • Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE)
  • Society of Women Engineers (SWE)
  • Women in Computer Science (WICS)
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Signature Events

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Engineering Formal

A spring tradition since 2014, come spend an amazing night with your fellow engineers.

Engineering Day

Free Penn Engineering T-Shirts and cotton candy for everyone! Shirt color is voted on by SEAS undergrads every year.

First Year Cohort Cup

A fall tradition for first year students to compete in events, meet engineering peers, and win merch First Year Cohort Cup

Participate in Student Governance

The Engineering Student Activities Council (ESAC) is a student organization at the University of Pennsylvania that serves as the umbrella for all student groups within Penn Engineering. ESAC coordinates the activities of the various undergraduate organizations and acts as a liaison among undergraduate engineering students, SEAS faculty, and administration.

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The Engineering Deans’ Advisory Board at the University of Pennsylvania works directly with deans and faculty from Penn Engineering to implement initiatives that enrich the learning and welfare of Engineers.

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The Penn Engineering Council (PEC) is the pre-professional branch of the Engineering student government quad-board at the University of Pennsylvania. PEC’s role is to organize events in the domains of academic mentorship and professional development and to serve as a funding organization to its constituent clubs and pre-professional societies within the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences. We hope to work internally and with you to increase communication and collaboration among member organizations, to foster partnerships in and out of the School of Engineering, and to provide more opportunities for interaction with faculty, alumni, and corporate professionals.

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The Underrepresented Student Advisory Board in Engineering is an undergraduate student group striving to enrich the Penn Engineering experience through underrepresented student advocacy.

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GSEG is the student government for all residential masters and PhD students at the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS). We serve as liaison between the 22 programs at SEAS and work towards enabling all of you to have the best possible experience during their time at Penn. We are tasked with the roles of representation, advocacy, and funding, as well as programming for academic, cultural, and social events.

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