Student Life and Wellness
Penn Engineering’s unique approach to undergraduate education fosters student success. In addition to promoting student participation in research, collaboration within peer groups and global learning experiences, the School also stresses a well-rounded university experience. Students are strongly encouraged to pursue extracurricular activities, whether in athletics or other clubs, organizations and student activities. Being an engineering student in a high-caliber, Ivy League school is a rigorous experience, and having activities and friends from across all schools and disciplines at Penn is an important way to remain grounded.
Upon matriculation, students are assigned a dedicated faculty advisor to serve as an academic guide and mentor. This advisor collaborates in not only the success of a student’s academic career at Penn, but can also connect students to resources for needs that go beyond the academic. Staff advising is also available during regularly scheduled advising hours in the School. Guiding the process for advising, student life and wellness in the School is the Penn Engineering Wellness Team, which works to ensure that faculty and staff advisors are up-to-date on University resources and opportunities for students.
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