An Infrastructure for
Collaborating Mobile Agents
Mitsubishi Electric ITA
Horizon Systems Laboratory
1432 Main Street
Waltham, MA 02154, USA
Use of the
Internet and the World-Wide-Web has become
widespread in recent years and mobile agent
technology has proliferated at an equally
rapid rate. In this paper, we introduce the Concordia
infrastructure for the development and
management of network-efficient mobile agent
applications for accessing information
anytime, anywhere, and on any device.
has been implemented in the Java
language to ensure platform independence
among agent applications. The design goals of
Concordia have focused on providing
complete coverage of flexible agent mobility,
support for agent collaboration, agent
persistence, reliable agent transmission, and
agent security.
offers a flexible scheme for dynamic
invocation of arbitrary method entry points
within a common agent application and extends
the notion of simple agent interaction with
support for agent collaboration, which allows
agents to interact, modify external states
(e.g., a database), as well as internal agent
states. Concordia provides support for
agent persistence and recovery and guarantees
the transmission of agents across a network. Concordia
has also been designed to provide for fairly
complete security coverage from the outset.
An alpha release of Concordia is
Use of the
Internet and the World-Wide-Web has become
widespread in recent years and agent technology
has proliferated at an equally rapid rate. There
are two commonly accepted classes of agents in
the literature: intelligent agents and mobile
agents [25]. Intelligent agents are typically
static entities with much built-in intelligence
to perform a specific task. Mobile agents, on the
other hand, are dynamic and have the ability to
traverse an entire network, performing a number
of tasks along the way, but with minimal
intelligence. A number of recent efforts have
been initiated to address the latter class of
agents [1,14,15,21,23].
is a new framework for developing and executing
highly mobile agents. Concordia offers a
full-featured middleware infrastructure for the
development and management of network-efficient
mobile agent applications for accessing
information anytime, anywhere, and on both
wire-based and wireless devices. Concordia
has been implemented in the Java language
to ensure unimpeded interoperability and platform
independence among agent applications. The design
goals of Concordia have focused on
providing complete coverage of flexible agent
mobility, support for agent collaboration,
persistence of agent state, reliable agent
transmission, and agent security.
The remainder of
the paper will proceed as follows. In Section 2,
we discuss the overall system architecture of Concordia.
In Section 3, we discuss Concordia agent
mobility and transport. In Section 4, we present Concordia
support for agent interaction. Finally, in
Section 5, we discuss the current status of this
work and the future directions that this work may
System Architecture
The Concordia
infrastructure toolkit consists of a set of Java
class libraries for server execution, agent
application development, and agent activation.
Each node in a Concordia system consists
of a number of interacting component servers that
could be executing on one or more Java virtual
machines as shown in Fig. 1.

is similar to a number of existing agent
infrastructures and toolkits with respect to its
support for the basic communication plumbing that
is required for agent mobility. For instance,
both FTP Software's CyberAgents [5] and UC Berkeley's Java-To-Go [14] require the notion of a agent propagation
server to propagate an agent. In CyberAgents,
this server is called a community, while
in Java-To-Go, this server is called the Hall
Server. In the University of Stuttgart's Project
Mole, this propagation service is embedded in
the location server[13]. In Concordia,
this propagation server is called the Conduit
The Conduit Server
serves as the communication server for agent
transfer. An agent program initiates its transfer
by invoking the Conduit Server's methods. The
Conduit Server then proceeds to propagate the
agent to the Conduit Server at another Concordia
system. Concordia's agent mobility
mechanism extends beyond the functionality
provided in other Java-based agent systems by
also offering a flexible scheme for dynamic
invocation of arbitrary method entry points
within a common agent application. This flexible
scheme for agent mobility is discussed in more
detail in Section 3.
While a number of
efforts have provided support for agent
interaction [1,5], Concordia extends this notion
of simple agent interaction with support for two
forms of inter-agent communication: asynchronous
distributed events and agent collaboration.
Asynchronous distributed events are scheduled and
managed by the Event Manager, while agent
collaboration requires the agent application
programmer to specify a collaborating AgentGroup
object through the utilization of the Concordia
class libraries. Agent collaboration allows
agents to interact, modify external states (e.g.,
a database), as well as internal agent states.
Inter-agent communication is discussed in more
detail in Section 4.
Agent persistence
is required to ensure that agents can recover
successfully from system crashes. Just as a
number of other efforts currently (or plan to)
offer support for agent persistence [1,7], Concordia also offers support
for agent persistence. The Persistent Store
Manager allows the internal state of agent
objects to become persistable.
Although the
Persistent Store Manager was designed and
developed specifically to support persistence and
recovery of agents, it is a general-purpose
facility which may also be used to store internal
state to facilitate recovery after server
failure. The Persistent Store Manager
implementation is based on the Java object
serialization facilities.
agents are highly mobile and their mobility can
extend to a number of local as well as wide area
networks. To alleviate potential performance and
reliability problems associated with the
transmission of agents across networks with
different characteristics in the underlying
communication medium, the Concordia
infrastructure also provides support for transactional
queuing of agents between Conduit Servers
residing on different networks.
The Queue
Manager manages inbound and outbound queues
for reliable transport of agents across a
network. The Queue Manager communicates with its
local Conduit Server and performs handshaking
with other remote Queue Managers for reliable
agent transmission. The Queue Manager design
goals centered on achieving optimal disk space
utilization, fast write operations, and fast
recovery from server failure. Its implementation
borrowed some ideas from the log-structured file
systems research area [19,20] to employ a unique data architecture
which ensures better overall performance over
traditional message queuing systems [6,8,16]. The preservation of an object's class
specification on disk is handled by the Java
object serialization facilities while Queue
Manager communication relies on the Java RMI
security model provides support for two types
of protection: (1) protection of agents from
being tampered with, and (2) protection of server
resources from unauthorized access.
Agents are
protected from tampering while stored on client
systems during transmission and while stored on
the persistent store. Storage protection is
handled by encryption. The only other system to
address agent protection on both the client and
server is the Itinerant Agents [4]. Concordia uses the SSLv3
protocol to transmit agent information from one
system to another. Transmission protection is a
de facto requirement for an agent application. In
contrast, CyberAgents and Telescript appear to
only provide secure internet transmission using
encryption and digital signatures [5,23].
has implemented a highly flexible user-based
security mechanism for server resource
protection. The Concordia Security
Manager, a Java object owned by the Java VM
rather than a full-fledge process or thread,
manages resource protection. Each agent is
assigned an identity which allows the agent to
access server resources. Resource permissions for
agents can also be dynamically adjusted to
increase or decrease an agent's security
clearance. Concordia's resource protection
differs from Aglets and CyberAgents in that it is
based on the user of the agent rather than the
developer of the agent. [1,5].
system administration is handled by the Administration
Manager. The Administration Manager starts up
and shuts down the other servers in the Concordia
agent system. It also manages changes in the
security profile of both agents and servers in
the system and makes requests on behalf of the
agent or server to the Security Manager. The
Administration Manager also monitors the progress
of agents through out the network and maintains
agent and system statistics.
Users interact
with a Concordia system by developing
agent application programs. In the Concordia
infrastructure, agent application programs are
implemented as Java objects. Users would first
need to write a Java class that specifies some
action, such as accessing a database on a remote
node. Once this Java class is written and
compiled, the user can launch the agent
program in three ways: (1) via a GUI Agent Launch
Wizard, (2) via a command line tool, or (3) using
the external API. The first two mechanisms are
provided with Concordia, while the last
one requires the user to write a customized
launch class which makes use of the Concordia
class libraries.
Agent Mobility
Since the agent
objects are composed of a combination of code and
data, object mobility means the network
transportation of both code and data. As stated
earlier, agent mobility is accomplished by the
Conduit Server. Beyond providing for just the
mobility of code and data, Concordia
provides for the transmission of state
information detailing where the agent has been
and what it has accomplished as well as where it
is going and what it still has to do. Concordia
also provides interfaces allowing agents to
create other agents and to clone themselves.
Some of the design
goals for the Conduit Server were:
for mobility that is transparent to users
of the system.
Provide a
programming model as close as possible to
that of "regular" programming.
Build on
existing infrastructure where available.
Within Concordia,
an agent's travels are described by its Itinerary.
The Itinerary is a data structure which is stored
and maintained outside of the agent object
itself. The Itinerary is composed of multiple Destinations.
Each Destination describes a location to which an
agent is to travel and the work the agent is to
accomplish at that location. In the current
implementation, location is defined by a hostname
of a machine on the network and the work to
accomplish is by a particular method of the agent
class. Thus, if you had an agent class containing
two methods, named method1 and method2,
a potential Itinerary for this agent could look
like the following;
When an agent is
launched with this Itinerary, the agent would
first travel to the machine identified by the
TCP/IP hostname At
that location the method method1 would be
invoked automatically by the agent system. After method1
completes execution, the agent is transferred by
the system to the node
As the agent is transferred to the new location
all of its internal state, meaning all of the
information stored in its member variables, is
transferred with it. This allows the agent to
remember any computations it made at prior stops
in its travels. Once the agent arrives at server2
the system invokes its method2 method
which is allowed to run to completion.
There are some important
characteristics of this Itinerary model that is
worth noting. The Itinerary is a completely
separate data structure from the agent itself.
Thus where the agent travels is maintained in a
separate logical location than what the agent
does. This is very different than the Telescript
model where an agent's travel is initiated in its
code by a call to its go method. A
design decision was made to separate the agent's
Itinerary from its code since this leads to a
much more manageable system. Without extensive
analysis of the Telescript code composing an
agent and some knowledge of what runtime
conditions will be like, it can be difficult to
predict where a Telescript agent may travel.
Further, it can be very difficult to locate where
a Telescript agent has traveled after it has been
launched. Concordia's Itinerary model
provides a simple mechanism for defining and
tracking how an agent travels. For flexibility
reasons, the system allows agent's to modify
their Itineraries at runtime. While this can
introduce the same type of complexity as is seen
with the Telescript's go, it was felt that
this functionality will only be needed in very
exceptional cases.
This Itinerary model also allows
for multiple entry points into the agent to be
executed at multiple locations. It appears that
some existing agent systems, such as IBM's Aglets
[2] or FTP Software's
CyberAgents only support a single entry point
into the agent. In these systems, at each
stop in the agent's Itinerary, this entry point
method is invoked when the agent arrives. Within
the code of this one method, the agent must
determine what work has previously been executed
and then proceed to dispatch to the proper code
to handle the work left to be completed.
This single entry point model
unnecessarily presents the agent programmer with
a different programming model than that of the
non-mobile programming paradigm. For complex
agent applications, this constraint can require
the programmer to maintain a large amount of
state information which can be better
encapsulated within the agent's Itinerary.
Mobility of an agent's data was
accomplished using the Java Object Serialization
facility [17]. Transfer an
agent state is a matter of serializing an agent's
data down into a format suitable for network
transmission, transmitting the data in this
format, and then deserializing the data back into
the original agent. This is very similar to the
mechanism used by Java Remote Method Invocation
(RMI) [18] for passing an
object by value between distributed
objects. RMI itself does not provide for true
object mobility as it provides for no mobility of
an object's code and in fact requires that the
code for any objects passed by value be
pre-installed on both sides of the network
Java's Object Serialization
features provide an almost transparent mechanism
by which Java objects can be serialized into data
streams and provided suitable technology for
implementing agent mobility.
The problem of transmitting an
Agent's code is solved in a manner similar to the
way in which a web browser loads a Java applet. A
browser will typically implement a special Java
class called a called a ClassLoader [11]. The Java virtual machine
makes a callback into the ClassLoader object
whenever the system attempts to load the
bytecodes for a Java class. In response to this
callback, the ClassLoader implemented within the
browser makes an HTTP request to a web browser in
order to retrieve the file on the server
containing the bytecodes for the class. The Java
language provides a mechanism for converting the
contents of this file into an actual Java class
from which objects can be instantiated.
The Concordia
infrastructure uses a very similar mechanism to
support mobility of code. As an agent travels
around a network its bytecodes and the bytecodes
of any objects it creates and stores in its
member variables are loaded via a special
ClassLoader. This ClassLoader packages theses
bytecodes into a special data structure which
travels with the agent. During the
deserialization of the agent, the bytecodes for
the agent and its related classes can be
retrieved from this data structure and are used
to instantiate a new copy of the agent.
Agent Communication
includes two paradigms for inter-agent
communication: asynchronous distributed events
and collaboration. Its distributed events are, in
many ways, similar to those offered by other
systems. However, Concordia's
implementation of collaboration extends the
events mechanisms in unique ways. Hence, this
section examines both modes of communication, but
explores collaboration in greater detail.
provides two forms of asynchronous distributed
events: selected events and group-oriented
events. The event selection paradigm enables
agents to define the types of events they wish to
receive. In contrast, group-oriented events are
distributed to a collection of agents (known as
an event group) without any selection.
Selected Events
EventManager object is the focal point for
selected events. It accepts event registrations,
listens for and receives events, and notifies
interested parties of each event it receives. The
EventManager filters each event it receives by
notifying only those objects (e.g., agents) that
have registered to receive events of that type.
Before an agent
(or any other object) can receive selected
events, it must register with the EventManager by
sending it a list of event types it is interested
in receiving and a reference to a location where
it wishes events to be sent. This location is
actually a distributed object. Hence, the
EventManager can forward events to an agent even
after it migrates to another system. Agents may
choose to handle events synchronously in their
main thread or asynchronously in an event handler
The EventManager
saves all registrations it receives in persistent
storage via requests to the Persistent Store
Manager. No registrations are lost during
EventManager failures because it retrieves
outstanding registrations from persistent storage
whenever it restarts. Furthermore, EventManager
failures and restarts are transparent to agents
because they communicate via an EventManagerProxy
object rather than directly with the
EventManager. This proxy is responsible for
re-establishing failed connections with the
EventManager. (The EventManager itself is
automatically restarted by an administration
server that starts and monitors critical Concordia
The selected
events programming paradigm is simple and easy to
utilize in agent applications. As an example, an
application may launch an agent that will notify
it when the airfare between two cities drops
below a certain price. The agent may migrate to a
remote location and monitor a database containing
travel information. When the agent detects the
conditions have been met, it can notify the
application via an event. Events are also
commonly used to inform an application of
exceptional conditions encountered by agents it
launches. (In the future, this may also be
accomplished via e-mail.)
As mentioned
earlier, Concordia distributes
group-oriented events to groups of objects
without filtering them. Agents within an
application that need to communicate or
coordinate with each other often do so via
group-oriented events. As an example, agents may
wish to be notified when an agent within the same
application encounters exceptional conditions. In
particular, collaborating agents communicate via
group-oriented events.
Joining an event
group is a prerequisite for communicating via
group-oriented events. Joining a group is similar
to registering with the EventManager: each object
(e.g., agent) joining the group sends it a
reference to a distributed object where it wishes
events to be forwarded. When the event group
receives an event from one of its members, it
forwards it to other objects in the group. Hence,
all group-oriented events are distributed to the
event group's entire membership.
offers two flavors of event groups: basic and
persistent. The EventGroup object
implements the basic functionality described
above. The PersistentEventGroup object
adds persistent group membership and reliable,
transparent recovery from failures via proxy
Distributed events
have many applications, but they are not flexible
enough to manage complex agent coordination. Concordia's
collaboration framework facilitates this type of
interaction by enabling multiple agents to work
together to solve complex problems.
Consider the
following scenario: A user wishes to determine
the best package price for a ski trip given the
following criteria: a resort in the Alps, for a
week in February, with slopeside lodging, and the
lowest price for all expenses. To solve this
problem, an agent obtains a list of appropriate
ski resorts from a database before spawning other
agents to query travel databases, possibly in
different formats, for package prices at those
resorts in February. Agents can perform this task
more efficiently when they can correlate their
results and adjust their computations based on
the outcome of that collaboration.
Suppose the agents
visit local travel agencies and then share their
intermediate results and collaborate before
migrating to travel agency sites in other cities.
If an agent determines that a particular resort
does not have any available lodging meeting the
user's criteria, the agents may determine to drop
queries about trips to that destination. As more
information is gathered, agents may also make
other decisions. As this example demonstrates,
agents can perform complex distributed
computations more effectively if they correlate
their results and alter their behavior based on
the combined results. Concordia's
collaboration framework facilitates this process.
The class of
application described above divides a complex
task into smaller pieces and delegates them to
agents that migrate throughout the network to
accomplish them. These agents perform
computations, synchronously share results, and
collaboratively determine any changes to future
employs a simple programming paradigm for this
type of collaboration. The goals of the
collaboration framework include:
A simple
programming interface for synchronous
notification of exceptional conditions
via events.
and robust implementation utilizing proxy
to shield agents from the effects of
software failures within
the collaboration framework.
infrastructure that enables location
transparent inter-agent
Agents within an
application may form one or more collaboration
units, known as agent groups. Concordia
provides base classes for collaborating agents
and agent groups (i.e., CollaboratorAgent
and AgentGroup, respectively). AgentGroups
are implemented as distributed objects which
export a simple interface to CollaboratorAgents.
These agents hold remote references to AgentGroup
distributed objects and access them via Java's
Remote Method Invocation (RMI) facility.
collaboration is implemented via a distributed
synchronization point, known as a collaboration
point, and a software method, analyzeResults.
The AgentGroup abstraction provides the
distributed synchronization. Each application
need only supply its own implementation of
analyzeResults to analyze the collective results
of the agents in the group and to allow each
agent to adapt its behavior based on those
results. Both the synchronization point and
invocation of analyzeResults are encapsulated
within the AgentGroup's collaborate
This distributed
synchronization scheme requires that each agent
"arrive" at the collaboration point (by
invoking the collaborate method on the AgentGroup
distributed object) before collaboration may
commence. Hence, it is ideally suited to
applications that subdivide a complex problem
into sub-tasks that correlate their results. When
each agent arrives at the collaboration point, it
posts the results of its computation to the
AgentGroup and blocks until all the agents in the
group arrive.
The AgentGroup
collects the results of the agents' computations,
and when all agents in the group arrive at a
collaboration point, its collaborate method
invokes analyzeResults on behalf of each agent,
passing it the collective result set. The
AgentGroup abstraction supports both parallel and
serialized execution of the analysis stage of
also provides both strong and weak collaboration
models. Applications may specify (via an argument
to the AgentGroup's constructor) whether
collaboration should be allowed to continue if
agents in the group fail to arrive at the
collaboration point. The weak collaboration
paradigm is useful for information-gathering
agents that may wish to coordinate with each
other even if some agents have terminated
prematurely or encountered network failures.
Agents that modify external states (e.g.,
updating a database) generally employ the strong
collaboration paradigm, which aborts
collaborations if all agents in the group do not
arrive at the collaboration point.
The AgentGroup
also utilizes time-outs to detect potential
deadlocks. Note that since AgentGroup
collaboration is designed for closely coordinated
agents, deadlocks are generally caused by
programming errors. Hence, the AgentGroup does
not need to use a more sophisticated scheme for
deadlock detection or avoidance.
An added benefit
of AgentGroup collaboration is that it enables
location-transparent inter-agent communication.
As each agent migrates, it carries a remote
reference to an AgentGroup distributed object and
utilizes the AgentGroup as a gateway for
communicating with the other members of the
As mentioned
earlier, AgentGroups facilitate both synchronous
collaboration and asynchronous notifications.
This is possible because the AgentGroup object
derives from the PeristentEventGroup object.
AgentGroups forward any events they receive from
their members (e.g., that an agent caught an
exception) to the remainder of the group.
Occasionally, they may also initiate events that
they deliver to the group.
A benefit of this
event management scheme is that AgentGroups
temporarily queue events for in-transit agents
and flush them after the agents arrive at their
new destinations. Hence, no events are lost
during agent migration.
The AgentGroup's
persistent membership and agent status
information also increase reliability. Whenever
the group membership or the status of one of its
agents changes, the AgentGroup saves the current
state to persistent storage. If an AgentGroup
terminates prematurely, it is restarted and
restores the current state from persistent
storage. Events queued for in-transit agents may
optionally be saved to persistent storage.
restarts are transparently handled by AgentGroupProxy
objects. Instead of communicating directly with
an AgentGroup object, agents communicate via
proxies which shield them from the effects of
AgentGroup failures. Each agent creates its own
AgentGroupProxy and the proxies coordinate to
atomically re-create the AgentGroup, if it
terminates or fails to communicate.
As detailed above,
Concordia's collaboration paradigm offers
several benefits: a simple programming interface
for synchronous collaboration; asynchronous
distributed event management; support for agent
mobility; location-transparent inter-agent
communication; reliability, persistence, and
transparent recovery from failure; deadlock
detection; and a portable implementation. No
other agent collaboration implementation offers
all these features.
In contrast to Concordia's
simple programming interface in a language
increasingly used for application development,
Telescript is a language designed for writing
mobile agents. It supports agent cloning and
provides meeting places -- locations where mobile
agents may communicate with stationary
specialized agents (e.g., a mobile agent may
request the lowest airfare between two points).
Telescript does not, however, possess any support
for agent collaboration. IBM's Itinerant Agents [4] also utilize an agent meeting point
abstraction that is very similar to Telescript's
meeting places.
The artificial
intelligence community provides a broad range of
agent collaboration features with an agent
communication language (ACL) [10] (which actually consists of two
different languages (KQML and KIF) [9]), combined with the development of an
application-specific ontology [12]. Hence, it is much more difficult to
program agent collaboration with ACL given its
added complexity. In addition, ACL does not
support mobile agents.
Other agent
implementations [3,22,24] provide some of the features of Concordia's
collaboration framework, but fall short in
several other areas.
In this paper, we
have described the Concordia middleware
infrastructure for collaborating mobile agents. Concordia
offers a complete framework for the development
and management of network-efficient mobile agent
applications. The design goals of Concordia
have centered on providing support for flexible
agent mobility, agent collaboration, agent
persistence, reliable agent transmission, and
agent security.
agent mobility mechanism extends beyond the
functionality found in current Java-based agent
systems by offering a flexible scheme for dynamic
invocation of arbitrary method entry points
within a common agent application. The Concordia
framework offers support for agent interaction
via the notion of agent collaboration,
which allows agents to interact, modify external
states, as well as internal agent states. Concordia
also provides support for agent persistence and
guarantees reliable transmission of agents across
a network. Concordia has been designed to
provide complete security coverage from the
has been implemented in Java to ensure platform
independence among agent applications. A alpha
release of Concordia is available at the
Mitsubishi Electric ITA Web site (URL= Future extensions to the
existing functionality may include support for
transactional multi-agent applications and
knowledge discovery for collaborating agents.
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