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addBigram(String, String) - Method in class MarkovChain
Adds a bigram to the Markov Chain dictionary.


BADWORD_REGEX - Static variable in class TweetParser
Regular Expressions


chain - Variable in class MarkovChain
cleanWord(String) - Static method in class TweetParser
Do not modify this method.
count(T) - Method in class ProbabilityDistribution
Counts the number of occurrences of an element in the ProbabilityDistribution
csvFileToTrainingData(String, int) - Static method in class TweetParser
Given a path to a CSV file and the column from which to extract the tweet data, computes a training set.
csvFileToTweets(String, int) - Static method in class TweetParser
Given the argument pathToCSVFile and the column that the tweets are in, use the extractColumn and a FileLineIterator to extract every tweet from the CSV.


extractColumn(String, int) - Static method in class TweetParser
Given a String that represents a line extracted from a CSV file and an int that represents the column of the CSV file that we want to extract from, return the contents of that column from the String.


FileLineIterator - Class in <Unnamed>
FileLineIterator provides a useful wrapper around Java's provided BufferedReader and provides practice with implementing an Iterator.
FileLineIterator(String) - Constructor for class FileLineIterator
Creates a FileLineIterator for the file located at filePath.
fixDistribution(List<String>) - Method in class MarkovChain
Modifies all ProbabilityDistributions to output words in the order specified
fixDistribution(List<String>) - Method in class TwitterBot
Modifies all MarkovChains to output sentences in the order specified
fixDistribution(List<String>, boolean) - Method in class MarkovChain
Modifies all ProbabilityDistributions to output words in the order specified
fixPunctuation(char) - Method in class TwitterBot
A helper function to return the numerical index of the punctuation.


generateTweet(int) - Method in class TwitterBot
Generates a tweet of a given length by using the populated MarkovChain.
generateTweets(int, int) - Method in class TwitterBot
Generates a series of tweets using generateTweet().
get(String) - Method in class MarkovChain
Returns the ProbabilityDistribution for a given token.
getEntrySet() - Method in class ProbabilityDistribution
getPunctuation() - Static method in class TweetParser
getRecords() - Method in class ProbabilityDistribution
getTotal() - Method in class ProbabilityDistribution
Total number of instances that have been added via record().


hasNext() - Method in class FileLineIterator
Returns true if there are lines left to read in the file, and false otherwise.
hasNext() - Method in class MarkovChain
This method should check if there is another word to retrieve from the Markov Chain based on the current word of our walk.


index - Variable in class ListNumberGenerator
index(T) - Method in class ProbabilityDistribution
returns the index of the element such that pick(index) will return the element
isPunctuated(String) - Static method in class TwitterBot
A helper function to determine if a string ends in punctuation.
isPunctuation(String) - Method in class TwitterBot
Returns true if the passed in string is punctuation.


keySet() - Method in class ProbabilityDistribution


list - Variable in class ListNumberGenerator
ListNumberGenerator - Class in <Unnamed>
Produces deterministic numbers by iterating repeatedly over a list or array of integers argued in the constructors.
ListNumberGenerator(Integer[]) - Constructor for class ListNumberGenerator
Creates a ListNumberGenerator which generates numbers based off of an array of possible integers.
ListNumberGenerator(List<Integer>) - Constructor for class ListNumberGenerator
Creates a ListNumberGenerator which generates numbers based off of a list of possible integers.


main(String[]) - Static method in class TwitterBot
Prints ten generated tweets to the console so you can see how your bot is performing!
MarkovChain - Class in <Unnamed>
A Markov Chain is a data structure that tracks the frequency with which one value follows another value in sequence.
MarkovChain() - Constructor for class MarkovChain
No need to write any constructors.
MarkovChain(NumberGenerator) - Constructor for class MarkovChain
No need to write any constructors.
MAX_TWEET_LENGTH - Static variable in class TwitterBot
mc - Variable in class TwitterBot


next() - Method in class FileLineIterator
Returns the next line from the file, or throws a NoSuchElementException if there are no more strings left to return (i.e.
next() - Method in class ListNumberGenerator
Returns the next integer available in the list.
next() - Method in class MarkovChain
Returns: either 1.
next(int) - Method in class ListNumberGenerator
Returns the next integer available in the list that is less than the specified bound.
next(int) - Method in interface NumberGenerator
Generates a number based of off a specified bound.
next(int) - Method in class RandomNumberGenerator
Grabs another integer from the Random number generator that is between 0 and bound (inclusive).
ng - Variable in class MarkovChain
ng - Variable in class TwitterBot
NumberGenerator - Interface in <Unnamed>
This simple interface produces numbers.


parseAndCleanSentence(String) - Static method in class TweetParser
Splits a String representing a sentence into a sequence of words, filtering out any "bad" words from the sentence.
parseAndCleanTweet(String) - Static method in class TweetParser
Processes a tweet in to a list of sentences, where each sentence is itself a (non-empty) list of cleaned words.
PATH_TO_OUTPUT_TWEETS - Static variable in class TwitterBot
PATH_TO_TWEETS - Static variable in class TwitterBot
This is a path to the CSV file containing the tweets.
pick(int) - Method in class ProbabilityDistribution
Picks an instance of the ProbabilityDistribution non-randomly according to the provided index.
pick(NumberGenerator) - Method in class ProbabilityDistribution
Picks an instance of the ProbabilityDistribution according to the provided NumberGenerator.
ProbabilityDistribution<T extends Comparable<T>> - Class in <Unnamed>
This class represents a probability distribution over a type T as a map from T values to integers.
ProbabilityDistribution() - Constructor for class ProbabilityDistribution
PUNCS - Static variable in class TweetParser
Valid punctuation marks.


r - Variable in class RandomNumberGenerator
RandomNumberGenerator - Class in <Unnamed>
Produces random numbers using Java's Random class
RandomNumberGenerator() - Constructor for class RandomNumberGenerator
Generates numbers completely randomly.
RandomNumberGenerator(long) - Constructor for class RandomNumberGenerator
Generates numbers randomly based off of a specified seed.
randomPunctuation() - Method in class TwitterBot
A helper function for providing a random punctuation String.
record(T) - Method in class ProbabilityDistribution
Add an instance to the ProbabilityDistribution.
records - Variable in class ProbabilityDistribution
removeURLs(String) - Static method in class TweetParser
Do not modify this method
replacePunctuation(String) - Static method in class TweetParser
Do not modify this method.
reset() - Method in class MarkovChain
reset(String) - Method in class MarkovChain
Given a starting String, sets up the Iterator functionality such that: (1) the Markov Chain will begin a walk at start.


sentenceSplit(String) - Static method in class TweetParser
Do not modify this method.
smallestUpperBound - Variable in class ListNumberGenerator
startWords - Variable in class MarkovChain


toString() - Method in class MarkovChain
Use this method to print out markov chains with words and probability distributions.
toString() - Method in class ProbabilityDistribution
Print the probability distribution
total - Variable in class ProbabilityDistribution
train(Iterator<String>) - Method in class MarkovChain
Adds a sentence's training data to the MarkovChain frequency information.
TWEET_COLUMN - Static variable in class TwitterBot
TweetParser - Class in <Unnamed>
TweetParser.csvFileToTrainingData() takes in a CSV file that contains tweets and iterates through the file, one tweet at a time, removing parts of the tweets that would be bad inputs to MarkovChain (for example, a URL).
TweetParser() - Constructor for class TweetParser
TwitterBot - Class in <Unnamed>
This is the class where everything you've worked on thus far comes together! You can see that we've provided a path to a CSV file full of tweets and the column from which they can be extracted.
TwitterBot(String, int) - Constructor for class TwitterBot
Given a column and a path to the csvFile, initializes the TwitterBot by training the MarkovChain with sentences sourced from that CSV file.
TwitterBot(String, int, NumberGenerator) - Constructor for class TwitterBot
Given a column and a path to the csvFile, initializes the TwitterBot by training the MarkovChain with all the sentences obtained as training data from that CSV file.


URL_REGEX - Static variable in class TweetParser


writeStringsToFile(List<String>, String, boolean) - Method in class TwitterBot
Given a List of Strings, prints those Strings to a file (one String per line in the file).
writeTweetsToFile(int, int, String, boolean) - Method in class TwitterBot
Generates tweets and writes them to a file.
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