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Homework 4: Arithmetic Overload (100 pts, due Monday, February 23rd by 11:59pm)
For this homework assignment, you will write a library to enable arithmetic
using big numbers -- up to 100 digits long. In the process, you will
have to write a class with heavy use of operator overloading,
a feature particular to C++.
Part 1: BigInt
Download and view the file bigint.hpp. It is the
header file for the class you will have to write. Write the accompanying
bigint.cpp file, implementing all of the member functions listed
in the header file. We have provided the output operator for you so that you can
print integers to the screen, in case you need to debug your code. We have also provided
a Makefile that will compile your code.
Here are some pointers to help you along the way:
- It is nowhere near as bad as it looks. Think of how to implement one
function in terms of another. For example, it is easiest to write +
in terms of +=. Of all the comparison functions, you really only
need two; the rest are defined in terms of the two you write.
- Your code with use the digits array to store the digits
of the stored number. Use grade-school arithmetic algorithms to do the
dirty work. Make sure that each element in the array really holds a number
between 0 and 9; use the negative member variable to deal with
negative numbers.
- Many times throughout your code, you will need to refer to the object
you are working in. The way to do this is *this. (As you might
guess, * and this have meanings on their own, but you'll
use them together every time for this assigment.)
For example, here is my code for operator++:
void BigInt::operator++()
*this += 1;
The operator+() (the unary + operation) really does nothing.
It is defined only as a counterpoint to unary -, which negates. Note that
applying + to a negative number still does nothing. (Contrast to applying
- to a negative number, which makes it positive.)
C++ allows ++ (and --) to appear before or after the
variable in question. To distinguish these cases to an overloader, the prefix
form uses operator++() and the postfix form uses operator++(int).
The int parameter in the postfix form is irrelevant -- it is used
solely to differentiate prefix from postfix.
operator long() is a conversion
operator that implements casting to long.
Because their return value is not obvious on inspection, we
don't write the return values separately, even though, say,
operator long() does indeed return a long.
The conversion should return 0 if the value of the BigInt
being converted is out of range. Search online to find how to get the
maximum long.
For the arithmetic operations, there is the chance for overflow and/or
underflow. Do not worry about these cases, but do make sure that your code
will not access the digits array outside of its bounds. (This is
somewhat tricky in the multiplication operation.)
Remember that 0 and -0 are the same number.
The intent is for you not to modify bigint.hpp.
All of your code should be in bigint.cpp
Part 2: Testing
We have provided a sample test program (main.cpp) that implements a
few simple tests on the BigInt class. You should add additional tests to
ensure that your code works as intended. Your tests must cover
every operator at least once, and you should think about ways that combinations
of arguments can cause problems. (For example, does your subtraction algorithm
deal with a larger number subtracted from a smaller?) There is no standard
testing library for C++, so you will have to work without a unit-testing
framework. The breadth of the tests is a graded part of this assignment.
We will, of course, test your BigInt implementation with our own unit tests.
Challenge (5 extra-credit points)
The design above for BigInt is very wasteful of space -- each element in the
digits array takes up 4 bytes (on most systems) but holds a number only
between 0 and 9. Instead, update your implementation to use unsigned ints
and use their full range of 0 to 4294967295. This is trickier than it seems;
you will have a hard time testing if you should carry during addition when your
underlying addition overflows internally.
If you complete this challenge, submit both the original, digit-based
implementation and your enhanced one.
- bigint.hpp (you probably haven't changed it, but submitting it
makes grading easier)
- bigint.cpp
- main.cpp (modified with your tests)
- Your Makefile (not required, but highly recommended)
- (Optionally) Your bigint.hpp/.cpp for the
challenge problem.