Homework 7: Laziness
CIS 194: Homework 7
Due Tuesday, October 18
Exercise 1: Fibonacci numbers
The Fibonacci numbers \(F_n\) are defined as the sequence of integers, beginning with \(1\) and \(1\), where every integer in the sequence is the sum of the previous two. That is,
\[\begin{align*} F_0 & = 1 \\ F_1 & = 1 \\ F_n & = F_{n-1} + F_{n-2} \qquad (n \geq 2) \end{align*}\]For example, the first fifteen Fibonacci numbers are: \[ 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89,144,233,377,610,… \]
It’s quite likely that you’ve heard of the Fibonacci numbers before. The reason they’re so famous probably has something to do with the simplicity of their definition combined with the astounding variety of ways that they show up in various areas of mathematics as well as art and nature.
Translate the above definition of Fibonacci numbers directly into a recursive function definition of type
fib :: Integer -> Integer
so that
fib n
computes the \(n^\text{th}\) Fibonacci number \(F_n\).Now use
to define the of all Fibonacci numbers,fibs1 :: [Integer]
(Hint: You can write the list of all positive integers as
Try evaluating fibs1
at the ghci
prompt. You will probably get bored watching it after the first \(30\) or so Fibonacci numbers, because fib
is ridiculously slow. Although it is a good way to define the Fibonacci numbers, it is not a very good way to compute them – in order to compute \(F_n\) it essentially ends up adding \(1\) to itself \(F_n\) times!
For example, below is the tree of recursive calls made by evaluating fib 5
As you can see, it does a lot of repeated work. In the end, fib
has running time \(O(F_n)\), which (it turns out) is equivalent to \(O(\varphi^n)\), where \(\varphi = \frac{1 + \sqrt{5}}{2}\) is the “golden ratio”. That’s right, the running time is exponential in \(n\). What’s more, all this work is also repeated from each element of the list fibs1
to the next. Surely we can do better:
Your task1 for this exercise is to come up with more efficient implementation. Specifically, define the infinite list
fibs2 :: [Integer]
so that it has the same elements as
, but computing the first \(n\) elements offibs2
requires only (roughly) \(n\) addition operations.Hint: You know that the list of Fibonacci numbers starts with \(1\) and \(1\), so
fibs2 = 1 : 1 : …
is a great start. The thing after the second
will have to mentionfibs2
, of course, because subsequent Fibonacci numbers are built using previous ones. Oh, andzipWith
will be helpful, too. (Why istail
here OK?)
Exercise 2: Streams
We can be more explicit about infinite lists by defining a type Stream
representing lists that must be infinite. (The usual list type represents lists that may be infinite but may also have some finite length.)
In particular, streams are like lists but with only a “cons” constructor – whereas the list type has two constructors, []
(the empty list) and (:)
(cons), there is no such thing as an empty stream. So a stream is simply defined as an element followed by a stream:
data Stream a = Cons a (Stream a)
Write a function to convert a
to an infinite list,streamToList :: Stream a -> [a]
To test your
functions in the succeeding exercises, it will be useful to have an instance ofShow
forStream s
. However, if you put derivingShow
after your definition ofStream
, as one usually does, the resulting instance will try to print an entireStream
– which, of course, will never finish. Instead, make your own instance ofShow
,instance Show a => Show (Stream a) where show …
which works by showing only some prefix of a stream (say, the first 20 elements).
Write a function
streamRepeat :: a -> Stream a
which generates a stream containing infinitely many copies of the given element.
Write a function
streamMap :: (a -> b) -> Stream a -> Stream b
which applies a function to every element of a Stream .
Write a function
streamIterate :: (a -> a) -> a -> Stream a
which generates a
from a “seed” of typea
, which is the first element of the stream, and an “unfolding rule” of typea -> a
which specifies how to transform the seed into a new seed, to be used for generating the rest of the stream.Example:
streamIterate ('x' :) "o" == ["o", "xo", "xxo", "xxxo", "xxxxo", …
Write a function
streamInterleave :: Stream a -> Stream a -> Stream a
which interleaves the elements from 2
s. You will wantstreamInterleave
to be lazy in its second parameter. This means that you should not deconstruct the secondStream
in the function.Example:
streamInterleave (streamRepeat 0) (streamRepeat 1) == [0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, …
Now that we have some tools for working with streams, let’s create a few:
Define the stream
nats :: Stream Integer
which contains the infinite list of natural numbers \(0\), \(1\), \(2\), \(\dots\)
Define the stream
ruler :: Stream Integer
which corresponds to the ruler function \[ 0,1,0,2,0,1,0,3,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,4,\dots \] where the \(n\)th element in the stream (assuming the first element corresponds to \(n=1\)) is the largest power of \(2\) which evenly divides \(n\).
Hint: Try to find the a pattern that
follows. UsestreamInterleave
to implementruler
in a clever way that does not have to do any divisibility testing. Do you see why you had to makestreamInterleave
lazy in its second parameter?
Exercise 3: The Supply monad
In many applications, you want to write code that takes an element of some supply: If you are writing a compiler, you need to assign unique identifiers to elements. If you are modelling some random computation, you need to draw random numbers. If you are assigning students to seats for an exam, you need to find the next free seat.
Obviously, taking one element from a supply is a side effect, so we need to model it in terms of pure functions. One obvious model is
type Supply s a = Stream s -> (a, Stream s)
Now a value of type Supply a
models a computation that uses elements from a stream of s
value and returns both its result of type a
and the remaining stream.
This type is unfortunately not tight: It allows for functions that take something of the stream but leave it unchanged, or add new elements to the stream, or change it completely. To avoid this, we use abstraction: We define Supply
as its own data type. Only functions that use the constructor S
can then create Supply
-values. If all those (few, primitive) functions are well-behaving, everything built on top are also well-behaving. In a real application we would put this in a separate module and not export the S
constructor, thereby enforcing that every Supply
is well-behaving.
data Supply s a = S (Stream s -> (a, Stream s))
Implement the following functions. Because of the constructor S
, one of these two idioms might be handy
idiom1 :: Supply s a
idiom1 = S (\xs -> …)
idiom2 :: Supply s a
idiom2 = S go
where go xs = …
The most primitive function is
get :: Supply s s
which takes the first element of the stream, returning it as the result, and the remaining stream.
Another important function is
pureSupply :: a -> Supply s a
which produces a supply-using computation that does not actually consume any of the stream.
We have seen
-like functions for many data structures now. We also want one for supply:mapSupply :: (a -> b) -> Supply s a -> Supply s b
We might do the same with binary functions:
mapSupply2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Supply s a -> Supply s b -> Supply s c
From the type signature it is not clear whether the supply computation in the second or in the first argument get to read from the supply first. We want the first one to read first, and the second one gets whatever is left over.
Towards making
, you need to define the bind function, which has typebindSupply :: Supply s a -> (a -> Supply s b) -> Supply s b
Compare the implementation of the previous two functions, and observe their similarities and differences.
Eventually, we want to run a computation of type
Supply s
. ImplementrunSupply :: Stream s -> Supply s a -> a
These building blocks are sufficient to turn Supply s
into a Monad. This is the magical incarnation (we will talk more about Functor
and Applicative
instance Functor (Supply s) where
fmap = mapSupply
instance Applicative (Supply s) where
pure = pureSupply
(<*>) = mapSupply2 id
instance Monad (Supply s) where
return = pureSupply
(>>=) = bindSupply
Use the supply monad to label the leaves of a tree from left to right with the natural numbers:
data Tree a = Node (Tree a) (Tree a) | Leaf a deriving Show
labelTree :: Tree a -> Tree Integer
labelTree t = runSupply nats (go t)
go :: Tree a -> Supply s (Tree s)
go …
You should be able get this in GHCi:
*Main> let t = let l = Leaf () ; n = Node in n (n (n l l) l) (n l l)
*Main> labelTree t
Node (Node (Node (Leaf 0) (Leaf 1)) (Leaf 2)) (Node (Leaf 3) (Leaf 4))
Non-Exercise: Dice throws
You don’t actually have to do anything here, besides reading the code, running it, and cherish how pretty it became to implement probabilistic sampling using the Monad you defined. Maybe you also want to change some of the algorithms there.
Here is a type synonym that makes it more explicit what we want here, and a function to run such a computation, feeding it random numbers in the IO
import System.Random
type Rand a = Supply Integer a
randomDice :: RandomGen g => g -> Stream Integer
randomDice gen =
let (roll, gen') = randomR (1,6) gen
in Cons roll (randomDice gen')
runRand :: Rand a -> IO a
runRand r = do
stdGen <- getStdGen
let diceRolls = randomDice stdGen
return $ runSupply diceRolls r
averageOfTwo :: Rand Double
averageOfTwo = do
d1 <- get
d2 <- get
return $ fromIntegral (d1 + d2) / 2
bestOutOfTwo :: Rand Double
bestOutOfTwo = do
d1 <- get
d2 <- get
return $ fromIntegral $ if (d1 > d2) then d1 else d2
-- Look, ma, I’m recursive!
sumUntilOne :: Rand Double
sumUntilOne = do
d <- get
if (d == 1) then return 0
else do s <- sumUntilOne
return (s + fromIntegral d)
sample :: Int -> Rand Double -> Rand (Double, Double)
sample n what = do
samples <- replicateM n what
return (maximum samples, sum samples / fromIntegral n)
main = mapM_ go [ ("average of two", averageOfTwo)
, ("bestOutOfTwo", bestOutOfTwo)
, ("sumUntilOne", sumUntilOne)
n = 10000
go (name, what) = do
(max, avg) <- runRand (sample n what)
putStrLn $ "Playing \"" ++ name ++ "\" " ++ show n ++ " times " ++
"yields a max of " ++ show max ++ " and an average of " ++
show avg ++ "."
Here is the output of one run. If your numbers differ greatly, check your code. (I had a bug in mapSupply2
which let the average equal the max. Can you guess what I did wrong?)
Playing "average of two" 10000 times yields a max of 6.0 and an average of 3.5168.
Playing "bestOutOfTwo" 10000 times yields a max of 6.0 and an average of 4.4871.
Playing "sumUntilOne" 10000 times yields a max of 191.0 and an average of 20.4356.
Of course there are several billion Haskell implementations of the Fibonacci numbers on the web, and I have no way to prevent you from looking at them; but you’ll probably learn a lot more if you try to come up with something yourself first.↩