Monads Part II

CIS 194 Week 8
18 March 2015

Suggested reading:

Applicative Functors


Consider the following Employee type:

type Name = String

data Employee = Employee { name    :: Name
                         , phone   :: String }
                deriving Show

Of course, the Employee constructor has type

Employee :: Name -> String -> Employee

That is, if we have a Name and a String, we can apply the Employee constructor to build an Employee object.

Suppose, however, that we don’t have a Name and a String; what we actually have is a Maybe Name and a Maybe String. Perhaps they came from parsing some file full of errors, or from a form where some of the fields might have been left blank, or something of that sort. We can’t necessarily make an Employee. But surely we can make a Maybe Employee. That is, we’d like to take our (Name -> String -> Employee) function and turn it into a (Maybe Name -> Maybe String -> Maybe Employee) function. Can we write something with this type?

(Name -> String -> Employee) ->
(Maybe Name -> Maybe String -> Maybe Employee)

Sure we can, and I am fully confident that you could write it in your sleep by now. We can imagine how it would work: if either the name or string is Nothing, we get Nothing out; if both are Just, we get out an Employee built using the Employee constructor (wrapped in Just). But let’s keep going…

Consider this: now instead of a Name and a String we have a [Name] and a [String]. Maybe we can get an [Employee] out of this? Now we want

(Name -> String -> Employee) ->
([Name] -> [String] -> [Employee])

We can imagine two different ways for this to work: we could match up corresponding Names and Strings to form Employees; or we could pair up the Names and Strings in all possible ways.

Or how about this: we have an (e -> Name) and (e -> String) for some type e. For example, perhaps e is some huge data structure, and we have functions telling us how to extract a Name and a String from it. Can we make it into an (e -> Employee), that is, a recipe for extracting an Employee from the same structure?

(Name -> String -> Employee) ->
((e -> Name) -> (e -> String) -> (e -> Employee))

No problem, and this time there’s really only one way to write this function.


Now that we’ve seen the usefulness of this sort of pattern, let’s generalize a bit. The type of the function we want really looks something like this:

(a -> b -> c) -> (f a -> f b -> f c)

Hmm, this looks familiar… it’s quite similar to the type of fmap!

fmap :: (a -> b) -> (f a -> f b)

The only difference is an extra argument; we might call our desired function fmap2, since it takes a function of two arguments. Perhaps we can write fmap2 in terms of fmap, so we just need a Functor constraint on f:

fmap2 :: Functor f => (a -> b -> c) -> (f a -> f b -> f c)
fmap2 h fa fb = undefined

Try hard as we might, however, Functor does not quite give us enough to implement fmap2. What goes wrong? We have

h  :: a -> b -> c
fa :: f a
fb :: f b

Note that we can also write the type of h as a -> (b -> c). So, we have a function that takes an a, and we have a value of type f a… the only thing we can do is use fmap to lift the function over the f, giving us a result of type:

h         :: a -> (b -> c)
fmap h    :: f a -> f (b -> c)
fmap h fa :: f (b -> c)

OK, so now we have something of type f (b -> c) and something of type f b… and here’s where we are stuck! fmap does not help any more. It gives us a way to apply functions to values inside a Functor context, but what we need now is to apply a functions which are themselves in a Functor context to values in a Functor context.


Functors for which this sort of “contextual application” is possible are called applicative, and the Applicative class (defined in Control.Applicative) captures this pattern.

class Functor f => Applicative f where
  pure  :: a -> f a
  (<*>) :: f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b

The (<*>) operator (often pronounced “ap”, short for “apply”) encapsulates exactly this principle of “contextual application”. Note also that the Applicative class requires its instances to be instances of Functor as well, so we can always use fmap with instances of Applicative. Finally, note that Applicative also has another method, pure, which lets us inject a value of type a into a container. For now, it is interesting to note that fmap0 would be another reasonable name for pure:

pure  :: a             -> f a
fmap  :: (a -> b)      -> f a -> f b
fmap2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> f a -> f b -> f c

Now that we have (<*>), we can implement fmap2, which in the standard library is actually called liftA2:

liftA2 :: Applicative f => (a -> b -> c) -> f a -> f b -> f c
liftA2 h fa fb = (h `fmap` fa) <*> fb

In fact, this pattern is so common that Control.Applicative defines (<$>) as a synonym for fmap,

(<$>) :: Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
(<$>) = fmap

so that we can write

liftA2 h fa fb = h <$> fa <*> fb

What about liftA3?

liftA3 :: Applicative f => (a -> b -> c -> d) -> f a -> f b -> f c -> f d
liftA3 h fa fb fc = ((h <$> fa) <*> fb) <*> fc

(Note that the precedence and associativity of (<$>) and (<*>) are actually defined in such a way that all the parentheses above are unnecessary.)

Nifty! Unlike the jump from fmap to liftA2 (which required generalizing from Functor to Applicative), going from liftA2 to liftA3 (and from there to liftA4, …) requires no extra power—Applicative is enough.

Actually, when we have all the arguments like this we usually don’t bother calling liftA2, liftA3, and so on, but just use the f <$> x <*> y <*> z <*> ... pattern directly. (liftA2 and friends do come in handly for partial application, however.)

But what about pure? pure is for situations where we want to apply some function to arguments in the context of some functor f, but one or more of the arguments is not in f—those arguments are “pure”, so to speak. We can use pure to lift them up into f first before applying. Like so:

liftX :: Applicative f => (a -> b -> c -> d) -> f a -> b -> f c -> f d
liftX h fa b fc = h <$> fa <*> pure b <*> fc

Applicative examples


Let’s try writing some instances of Applicative, starting with Maybe. pure works by injecting a value into a Just wrapper; (<*>) is function application with possible failure. The result is Nothing if either the function or its argument are.

instance Applicative Maybe where
  pure              = Just
  Nothing <*> _     = Nothing
  _ <*> Nothing     = Nothing
  Just f <*> Just x = Just (f x)

Let’s see an example:

m_name1, m_name2 :: Maybe Name
m_name1 = Nothing
m_name2 = Just "Brent"

m_phone1, m_phone2 :: Maybe String
m_phone1 = Nothing
m_phone2 = Just "555-1234"

ex01 = Employee <$> m_name1 <*> m_phone1
ex02 = Employee <$> m_name1 <*> m_phone2
ex03 = Employee <$> m_name2 <*> m_phone1
ex04 = Employee <$> m_name2 <*> m_phone2


A parser is an algorithm which takes unstructured data as input (often a ByteString) and produces structured data as output. For example, when you load a Haskell file into ghci, the first thing it does is parse your file in order to turn it from a long ByteString into an abstract syntax tree representing your code in a more structured form. You used abstract syntax trees in Homework 3 to write an interpreter.

For the rest of the assignment, we will be using the parsing package Attoparsec. This is the same library that is used by Aeson which we used in Homework 5 to parse JSON data. Attoparsec has many simple parsers already defined. For example, we can write the following parser that parses a word (sequence of letters):

word :: Parser ByteString
word = takeWhile $ inClass "a-zA-Z"

Now, let’s write a parser for names. For our purposes, a name is just a capitalized word. In order to do this we will have to combine two different parsers. Namely, a parser for a single capital letter, and a parser for a sequence of lowercase ones:

upper :: Parser Word8
upper = satisfy $ inClass "A-Z"

lword :: Parser ByteString
lword = takeWhile (inClass "a-z")

Ideally, we would like to cons the Word8 that is obtained by running the upper parser, on to the ByteString obtained by running lword. To do this we need to use a parser combinator. Luckily for us, Parser has an Applicative instance! Using Applicative Functors, we can apply the cons function inside the Parser:

name :: Parser ByteString
name = BS.cons <$> upper <*> lword

Or, alternatively, we can lift the cons function into the Parser using liftA2:

name' :: Parser ByteString
name' = liftA2 BS.cons upper lword

Now, suppose we want to parse full names (ie, first and last) instead of just single names. Instead of returning a ByteString, we might want to structure the output data in some way. In this example, we will return a tuple containing the first and last names as separate ByteStrings. Before we do this, we will need some way of skipping over the whitespace between words. We can use the following parser for this:

skipSpace :: Parser ()
skipSpace = skipWhile isSpace_w8

Note that the type of skipSpace is Parser (). This is because we don’t care about the exact value of the whitespace that we are skipping over, we just want to discard it. We will also need some way of running a parser, but not including the result in the output. The (*>) operator does exactly that! Now, let’s write the full name parser:

firstLast :: Parser (ByteString, ByteString)
firstLast = (,) <$> name <*> (skipSpace *> name)

This parser uses the Applicative instance for Parser on the (,) data constructor to contstruct a parser for a tuple of ByteStrings.

This parser for names works, but it does not accomodate people who have middle names. Ideally, we would like to have a parser that can inspect the input and decide whether the name includes a middle name or not. In particular, we want to target the following data type:

data Name = TwoName ByteString ByteString
          | ThreeName ByteString ByteString ByteString

Unfortunately, there is no way to do this using applicative functors as our combinator. The reason is that the Applicative interface only allows us to handle computations that take place over a fixed structure. For example, we could write a parser for the TwoName data constructor since it gets applied to a fixed number of arguments, but we cannot write a general parser for the Name data type since it can be constructed in two different ways. In order to support this sort of parsing pattern, we will have to use something stronger than applicative.

Monads to the Rescue!

Surprise! The stronger abstraction that we are going to use is the parser Monad. Recall that the Monad type class exposes two function:

class Monad m where
    return :: a -> m a
    (>>=)  :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b

In general, monads can be used to sequence actions. We can think of each Parser as a single action which can be combined with other Parsers using monadic sequencing. Let’s write a parser for first and last name using monads instead of applicative functors like we did above.

firstLast' :: Parser (ByteString, ByteString)
firstLast' = do
  fname <- name
  lname <- skipSpace *> name
  return (fname, lname)

This was a very simple parser, so using monads is sort of overkill. It is generally preffered to use applicative functors whenever possible. However, as we just saw, sometimes it is not possible to use applicative functors. In order to write the full name parser we need monads. The idea is simple, first we will parse two names, then we will attempt to parse a third name and decide what to do based on whether or not the third parse succeeds.

fullName :: Parser Name
fullName = do
  n1 <- name
  n2 <- skipSpace *> name
  mn <- skipSpace *> optional name
  case mn of
    Just n3 -> return $ ThreeName n1 n2 n3
    Nothing -> return $ TwoName n1 n2

Note that we used the optional :: Parser a -> Parser (Maybe a) function above. This is a function defined by Attoparsec that allows a parser to fail without terminating the entire computation.

By allowing sequencing, monads greatly increase the power of the Parser type. In particular, they allow decisions about the parsing computation to be made based on previous data that has been parsed.

Let’s consider another example of a parser that requires the power of monads. Instead of just parsing a single name, we may need to parse a list of names. However, we may not know where the boundaries of the names are. For example, we might have the string "Haskell Brooks Curry Simon Peyton Jones". Should this string be parsed as the list

[TwoName "Haskell" "Brooks", TwoName "Curry" "Simon", TwoName "Peyton" "Jones"]

or the list

[ThreeName "Haskell" "Brooks" "Curry", ThreeName "Simon" "Peyton" "Jones"]

Obviously, the second one is correct! Haskell Brooks Curry and Simon Peyton Jones are both very important people in the world of functional programming! But how would a computer know that? There is no way to disambiguate the parser based on the input string alone. To fix this, we will include a list of booleans stating whether or not each person in the list has a middle name. So, instead of attempting to parse the (ambiguous) string:

"Haskell Brooks Curry Simon Peyton Jones"

we will parse:

"[true, true] Haskell Brooks Curry Simon Peyton Jones"

This signifies that there are two names in the sequence of words and both of them have middle names. First, let’s write some code to parse the boolean list:

bool :: Parser Bool
bool = do
  s <- word
  case s of
    "true"  -> return True
    "false" -> return False
    _       -> fail $ show s ++ " is not a bool"

list :: Parser a -> Parser [a]
list p = char '(' *> sepBy p comma <* char ')'
    where comma = skipSpace *> char ',' <* skipSpace

boolList :: Parser [Bool]
boolList = list bool

Note that the sepBy function creates a parser for a list of values that are separated by some other parser. In this case, the parser that separates the list elements is a comma surrounded by arbitrary spacing. We can now use this list of Bools to figure out how to parse the names. However, unlike the version of the fullName parser that itself decides whether to construct a Name using TwoName or ThreeName, we need to choose which parser to run based on the list of Bools.

names :: Parser [Name]
names = boolList >>= mapM bToP
  where bToP True  = ThreeName <$> sn <*> sn <*> sn
        bToP False = TwoName   <$> sn <*> sn
        sn = skipSpace *> name

Again, we see here that the output does not have a fixed structure. Given some input string, the output is a list of arbitrary length and each element of the list has one of two shapes that we must choose between based on some metadata. This sort of behavior is impossible to capture using Applicative Functors; we really need to use the power of monadic sequencing.

If you would like to see more examples of monadic parsers in real-world code, check out the Haskell Thrift Protocols.

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