CIS 1951

HW2: Trivia Game

Author: Yuying Fan

Reviewers: Anthony Li, Jordan Hochman

Please leave feedback by posting on Ed or contacting the course staff.

Required Software: macOS Ventura, Xcode 15

Deadline: Monday, 3/11 @ 11:59 PM


In this assignment, you will create a trivia game application using SwiftUI. This project will consolidate your understanding of UI components, state management, navigation, and app design by applying them to a real-world interactive application. We have laid out some basic requirements and a high-level guide to get you started, but the design and implementation are up to you. Pick your favorite trivia topic and have fun!


Your game application should include:


  • Welcome Screen: Title, instructions, and a start button.
  • Question Screen: Display the current question and the answer options.
  • Score Screen: Show final score and buttons to restart the game or navigate back home.

Components & Layout

  • Use Text, Image, Button, VStack, and List (to display the list of answer choices, for example).
  • Apply modifiers for styling (font, color, padding).

State Management

  • Utilize @State and @Binding to manage and pass simple data within and between views.
  • Make an ObservableObject to and use it to manage the game state, such as current question, selected answer, and score. Use @Published to update the UI when the state changes.


  • Use NavigationStack and NavigationLink for screen transitions.

App Design

Implement the Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) architecture to separate the game logic from the UI.

  • Model: You should have a Question model that represents a single question.
  • ViewModel: You should have a QuizViewModel that manages the game state.
  • View: Multiple views that make up an interactive game UI.

Game Logic

Track and update questions, answers, and scores.

Beyond the Basics

The above are simply some minimum requirements for us to grade your game. We encourage you to add more features and polish your game as much as you like!


Below are some steps to help you get started with your project. You are encouraged to deviate from these steps and add your own features, as long as you still satisfy the requirements listed above.

Step 1: Design Your App

  1. Choose Your Topic: Pick a topic for your trivia game. This could be something broad like " World History" or more niche like "Penn CIS Faculties." Consider your interests or areas where you have special knowledge.
  2. Sketch Your Screens: Draw the layout of your three main screens (Welcome, Question, and Score) on paper or Figma (we'll talk about this more in our App Design week). Identify how you'll satisfy each of the requirements above.
  3. Plan Your Game Logic: Think about how the game will flow from one question to the next, how you'll store the questions and answers, and how the score will be calculated.
  4. Storyboard Your Navigation: Plan how users will move from one screen to another. Will they go straight from the Welcome Screen to the first question, or you place instructions as a separate screen in between? How will they get from the last question to the Score Screen?

Step 2: Set Up Your Project

  1. Create a New SwiftUI Project:
    • Open Xcode and select "Create New Project..."
    • Select the iOS App template and fill in your project details. Make sure to select SwiftUI as the interface.
    • Choose a location to save your project in and create it.
  2. Organize Your Files:
    • Create groups (File > New > Group) for your Views, Models, and ViewModels.
    • Inside the Views group, create new SwiftUI View files for your WelcomeView, QuestionView, and ScoreView.
    • In the Models group, create a new Swift file for your Question data model.
    • In the ViewModels group, create a new Swift file for your QuizViewModel, which will manage the state of your quiz. This class likely conforms to ObservableObject.

Step 3: Define Your Data Model

  • Define a Question struct that represents a single question in your trivia game. It should have properties for the question text, question image, answer options, and the correct answer.

  • Here's an example of what your Question struct might look like:

    struct Question {
      var text: String // The question text
      var imageName: String // Name of the local image file associated with the question
      var answers: [String] // The possible answers
      var correctAnswer: String // The correct answer

Step 4: Create the UI

We now proceed to create the UI for the three main screens of your trivia game: the Welcome Screen, the Question Screen, and the Score Screen. Use dummy data for now to test your UI components.

  1. Develop the Welcome Screen:

    • Layout: Use a VStack to vertically stack your Text and Button elements. This will be your welcome message and the button to start the game.
    • Text Elements: Create Text views for your game's title and brief instructions. Apply font modifiers to adjust the size and weight to make them stand out.
    • Start Button: Implement a Button that says "Start Quiz" or similar. Use this button to navigate to the Question Screen. Style the button with padding, background, and font modifiers to make it visually appealing.
  2. Set Up Navigation:

    • NavigationStack: Wrap your Welcome Screen view in a NavigationStack. This enables navigation between screens in your app.
    • NavigationLink: Within your VStack on the Welcome Screen, add a NavigationLink that leads to the Question Screen. The destination should be your QuestionView. The NavigationLink should be activated by the Start Button, providing a seamless transition to the quiz.
  3. Design the Question Screen:

    • Question and Answers Layout: Use any single or combination of VStack, HStack, or ZStack to lay out your question and answer options. The question should be at the top, followed by the answer options listed below. Use a List to display the answer options.
    • Displaying Questions and Answers: Use Text views for displaying the question and each answer option. Ensure the text is legible and well-spaced for easy readability.
    • Answer Buttons: Convert each answer option into a Button. These buttons should have action handlers that determine what happens when an answer is selected (e.g., display the correct answer, update the score, move to the next question).
    • Styling: Apply modifiers to your Text and Button components to align with your app's design theme.
  4. Create the Score Screen:

    • Display Score: Use a Text view to display the player's score. You might also include a message that vary with the score (e.g., "Great job!" for high scores).
    • Restart and Home Buttons: Provide Button components for restarting the game or returning to the Welcome Screen.
    • Styling and Layout: As with the other screens, use VStacks and modifiers to style and position your components.
  5. Implement Basic Navigation:

    • Ensure your NavigationLinks are properly set up to move between the Welcome, Question, and Score screens. Test the flow to make sure buttons take you to the correct screens.

Step 5: Implement Game Logic and State Management

  1. Set Up Your ViewModel:

    • Without diving deep into the logic, draft the structure of your QuizViewModel class. This class will manage the game state and logic, including the current question, selected answer, and score.
    • Initialize your QuizViewModel as a @StateObject in your main game view (typically the first screen of your game, such as the Welcome Screen). This ensures the state is retained throughout the lifecycle of the view.
    • Here is an example of what your QuizViewModel might look like:
    import Foundation
    class QuizViewModel: ObservableObject {
      // MARK: - Properties
      @Published var questions: [Question] = [] // Array to store questions
      @Published var currentQuestionIndex: Int = 0 // Index of the current question
      @Published var selectedAnswer: String? = nil // The user's selected answer
      @Published var score: Int = 0 // The user's score
      @Published var quizFinished: Bool = false // Flag to determine if the quiz has finished
      // MARK: - Initialization
      init() {
        loadQuestions() // Call to load questions into the array
      // MARK: - Methods
      /// Initializes questions array with data.
      func loadQuestions() {
        // Hard-coded questions with local images
        self.questions = [
          // Add questions here. Example:
                      // Add questions here. Example:
            // Question(text: "What is not a valid source of images in SwiftUI?",
            //          imageName: "swift-image",
            //          answers: ["System Icon", "Image Name", "URL", "Doodle on My Desk"],
            //          correctAnswer: "Doodle on my desk")
      /// Processes the selected answer, updates the score and advances to the next question.
      func submitAnswer() {
        // Functionality to be implemented: check the selected answer, update score, move to next question or finish quiz.
      /// Resets the quiz to its initial state for a new game.
      func resetQuiz() {
        // Functionality to be implemented: reset current question index, score, and quiz finished status; reload questions.
  2. Implement the Quiz Logic:

    • Load Questions: In your QuizViewModel, write a method to load questions into your questions array. This can be from a static array for now, but you may revisit the app later in the course to replace it with a method that fetches questions from an API or database.
    • Answer Submission: Create a function in the ViewModel to handle answer submission. This function should compare the selected answer with the correct answer, update the score accordingly, and advance to the next question.
    • Progress Tracking: Use the currentQuestionIndex to keep track of which question the user is on. This will help you fetch the current question from the questions array and display it on the Question Screen.
    • Score Calculation: Every time an answer is submitted, calculate the score based on whether the answer was correct. Keep track of the total score within a score property.
  3. Bind ViewModel to Views:

    • In the Question Screen, use the current question index from your ViewModel to display the question text and answer choices.
    • Set up answer buttons in such a way that when clicked, they update the ViewModel's selectedAnswer and call the method to submit the answer.
    • Display the current score and question number in your UI, updating them as the game progresses.
  4. Handle Game Completion:

    • The game should end when all questions have been answered. In your ViewModel, you can check if the currentQuestionIndex is equal to the length of your questions array minus one.
    • When the game ends, update a quizFinished boolean flag in your ViewModel to true.
    • React to the quizFinished state in your views to navigate the user to the Score Screen when all questions have been answered.
  5. Resetting the Game:

    • In your QuizViewModel, implement a resetQuiz method that resets the currentQuestionIndex, score, and quizFinished status, and reloads the questions. This allows the user to start a new game once they have finished.
    • Make the "Restart" button in your Score Screen call this resetQuiz method to allow users to play again from the beginning without having to restart the app.

Step 6: Test and Debug

  • As you implement the logic, test each functionality separately and together to ensure they work as expected.
  • Click through your app to make sure the navigation works as expected.
  • Check for common pitfalls like off-by-one errors, incorrect state updates, or UI elements not reacting to state changes.
  • Use Xcode's debugger and print statements to help identify and fix issues.


This assignment is out of 100 points, with the following breakdown:

Screens (20 points)

Welcome Screen (5 points):

  • Includes a title, instructions, and a start button (3 points).
  • Functional start button that navigates to the Question Screen (2 points).
  • Note: The Welcome Screen can be split into two screens if you choose to have a separate instructions screen.

Question Screen (10 points):

  • Displays the current question text correctly (2 points).
  • Displays the current question image correctly (2 points).
  • Displays the answer options correctly (3 points).
  • Allows user to select an answer (3 points).

Score Screen (5 points):

  • Correctly displays the final score (1 point).
  • Functional button to restart the game (2 points).
  • Functional button to navigate back home (2 points).

Components & Layout (15 points)

  • Effective use of Text, Image, Button, VStack, and List components across all screens (2 points each, 10 points total).
  • Consistent and appealing use of modifiers for styling (5 points).

State Management (25 points)

  • Proper use of @State to manage data locally within a view (5 points).
  • Proper use of @Binding to pass data to a child or sibling view (5 points).
  • Effective implementation of an ObservableObject for managing the game state, with @Published properties triggering UI updates (10 points).
  • Correct use of @ObservedObject or @StateObject in views to observe the game state changes (5 points).

Navigation (10 points)

  1. Correct implementation of NavigationStack and NavigationLink for smooth screen transitions (5 points).
  2. Logical and user-friendly navigation flow (5 points).

App Design and MVVM Architecture (20 points)

  • Model: Well-structured Question model representing each question (5 points).
  • ViewModel: Robust QuizViewModel managing game logic and state, with appropriate encapsulation of game logic and separation of concerns (10 points).
  • View: Efficient display of game state, correctly using @StateObject and/or @ObservedObject to initialize and connect to the ViewModel (5 points).

Game Logic (10 points)

  • Correct tracking and updating of questions, answers, and scores throughout the game (10 points).

Extra Credits

  • Animations/Transitions (+5): Add at least two animations/transitions to your app to make it more interactive and engaging. For example, you can add a fade-in transition when the user navigates to the next question, or a shake animation when the user selects the wrong answer.
  • Sound Effects (+5): Add sound effects to your app to make it more immersive. For example, you can play a "correct" sound when the user selects the right answer, or a "wrong" sound when they select the wrong answer.
  • Timer (+5): Add a timer to your game to limit the time the user has to answer each question. When the timer runs out, the game should automatically move to the next question.
  • Advanced UI (+5): Explore at least one UI component not covered in class and incorporate it into your app. For example, a Picker to select the difficulty level of the quiz, or a Slider to adjust the volume of the sound effects.


To submit your homework, zip (or tar.gz) of your entire XCode project folder and upload it to Canvas. Make sure that you've given the requirements another read before you do so.

Submit on Canvas →
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