How To Do Well In This Course
- Experiment! Play! Take our code or write your own. Run it. Break it. Fix it. Test it. Ask "what if?". Try it.
- Attend lectures.
- Start homework early.
- Read the bulletin board frequently. If your questions haven't been posted yet, post them.
- Attend evening office hours during whichTA's are in the lab helping people with their homework.
- Visit the prof during daytime office hours *.
- Consider attending an extra lab session (ask the TA there's room and if they're OK with it) *.
- Before midterms: Take the posted old exams in a timed setting. Attend midterm review sessions (typically the night before the mdterm) *.
- Try the free tutoring that is available for some courses via penntutoring *.
* means fall/spring sessions only, not summer