Java Operator Precedence Table

Description Operators
parentheses, array subscript, member selection () [] .
L to R
unary post-increment and post-decrement expr++ expr--
R to L
other unary operators: pre-increment, pre-decrement, plus, minus, logical negation, bitwise complement, type cast ++expr --expr +expr -expr ! ~ (type)
R to L
multiplication, division, mod * / %
L to R
addition, subtraction + -
L to R
bitwise shift operators: left, right with sign extension, right with 0 extension << >> >>>
L to R
relational less/greater than operators, instanceof for type comparison < <= > >= instanceof
L to R
relational equality operators == !=
L to R
bitwise AND&
L to R
bitwise exclusive OR^
L to R
bitwise inclusive OR|
L to R
logical AND&&
L to R
logical OR||
L to R
conditional? :
R to L
assignment= += -= *= /= %= &= ^= |= <<= >>= >>>=
R to L