Welcome to CIS 2400! We’re super excited to have you here this term!
Due Next
Wellness and Inclusion
It is very important to us that you succeed in CIS 2400. We provide many extra resources to help you.
- Travis, Joel and the TAs hold many office hours
- The Ed discussion board, where anonymous and private posts are allowed
- Travis, Joel and the TAs can be contacted directly via email
- Meetings with Travis can be scheduled here: https://www.cis.upenn.edu/~tqmcgaha/#meetings
- Meetings with Joel can be scheduled here: https://calendly.com/joelrmrz-seas/joel-s-one-on-one
- Meetings with TAs can be scheduled here: 1-on-1 form
It is also very important to us that you maintain your mental wellness throughout the course. A few points are not worth losing sleep over. Everyone on the course staff is available to chat, and you can always attend office hours for a non-academic conversation if necessary. You can also visit counseling services if you find you need help beyond the course staff. If you have a temporary health condition or permanent disability (either mental health or physical health related), you should contact the Weingarten Center if you have not already. Additionally, if there is something we can do to make your experience better, please let us know.
All participants in the course have a right to a learning environment that feels safe, where you are treated with respect and feel that you can contribute ideas constructively. Put another way, you have the right to an inclusive learning environment.
We want every student to feel that they have a safe and healthy learning environment, and if at any point you feel like this is not the case in any way, we encourage you to let course staff know so that we can help.
Important Links
Course Staff
Head Teaching Assistants

Teaching Assistants

Credit to Professor Adam Blank (they/them), who gave Travis McGaha this website template :D
More on Adam can be found on their website here.