Monad Transformers
This file contains an inclass exercise involving monad transformers. Make sure that you download the zipfile associated with it.
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleContexts, NoMonomorphismRestriction,
FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# OPTIONS -fwarn-tabs -fwarn-incomplete-patterns #-}
module Main where
For simplicity, we define the syntax of the language in a separate file.
import WhileExn
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad (liftM, liftM2)
import Control.Monad.State (MonadState(..), StateT, State, runState, runStateT)
import Control.Monad.Except (MonadError(..), ExceptT, runExceptT)
import Test.HUnit hiding (State)
main :: IO ()
main = return ()
Expression Evaluator
- First, make sure that you understand how the expression evaluator works. Then, look at the inferred type of
in ghci. (Note: evalOp below was called evalB in your hw.)
type Store = Map Variable Value
evalE (Var x) = do
m <- get
case (Map.lookup x m) of
Just v -> return v
Nothing -> return (IntVal 0)
evalE (Val v) = return v
evalE (Op e1 o e2) = evalOp o <$> evalE e1 <*> evalE e2
- Next, modify evalOp and evalE so that it uses
for runtime errors
- in the case of divide by zero, use
IntVal 1
as the error code - in the case of invalid args to the operator, use
IntVal 2
- use code (IntVal 0) for undefined variables.
evalOp :: Bop -> Value -> Value -> Value
evalOp Plus (IntVal i1) (IntVal i2) = IntVal (i1 + i2)
evalOp Minus (IntVal i1) (IntVal i2) = IntVal (i1 - i2)
evalOp Times (IntVal i1) (IntVal i2) = IntVal (i1 * i2)
evalOp Divide (IntVal _ ) (IntVal 0) = IntVal 0
evalOp Divide (IntVal i1) (IntVal i2) = IntVal (i1 `div` i2)
evalOp Gt (IntVal i1) (IntVal i2) = BoolVal (i1 > i2)
evalOp Ge (IntVal i1) (IntVal i2) = BoolVal (i1 >= i2)
evalOp Lt (IntVal i1) (IntVal i2) = BoolVal (i1 < i2)
evalOp Le (IntVal i1) (IntVal i2) = BoolVal (i1 <= i2)
evalOp _ _ _ = IntVal 0
Tests for expression evaluator
To test the expression evaluator we have to pick a specific monad to use; one that satisfies both MonadState and MonadError constraints.
We can construct this monad easily by layering the exception monad on top of the usual State monad.
type M = ExceptT Value (State Store)
executeE :: Expression -> Store -> (Either Value Value, Store)
executeE b st = runState (runExceptT comp) st where
comp :: M Value
comp = evalE b
raisesE :: Expression -> Value -> Test
s `raisesE` v = case (executeE s Map.empty) of
(Left v',_) -> v ~?= v'
_ -> TestCase $ assertFailure "Error in raises"
test_undefined :: Test
test_undefined = "undefined variable" ~:
((Var "Y") `raisesE` IntVal 0)
test_divByZero :: Test
test_divByZero = "divide by zero" ~:
((Op (Val (IntVal 1)) Divide (Val (IntVal 0))) `raisesE` IntVal 1)
test_badPlus :: Test
test_badPlus = "bad arg to plus" ~:
(Op (Val (IntVal 1)) Plus (Val (BoolVal True))) `raisesE` IntVal 2
test_expErrors :: Test
test_expErrors = "undefined variable & division by zero" ~:
TestList [ test_undefined, test_divByZero, test_badPlus ]
Statement Evaluator
- Now modify the statement evaluator so that it throws errors Use code (IntVal 2) for integer conditions in
evalS :: (MonadError Value m, MonadState Store m) => Statement -> m ()
evalS w@(While e (Block ss)) = do
v <- evalE e
case v of
BoolVal True -> evalB (Block (ss ++ [w]))
BoolVal False -> return ()
IntVal _ -> return ()
evalS (Assign x e) = do
v <- evalE e
m <- get
put (Map.insert x v m)
evalS (If e b1 b2) = do
v <- evalE e
case v of
BoolVal True -> evalB b1
BoolVal False -> evalB b2
IntVal _ -> return ()
evalS (Try _ _ _) = error "evalS: unimplemented"
evalS (Throw _) = error "evalS: unimplemented"
evalB (Block ss) = mapM_ evalS ss
- Add user-level exceptions.
Throw e
should evaluate the expressione
and an exception carrying the value ofe
Try s x h
should execute the statements
and if, in the course of execution, an exception is thrown, then the exception value should be assigned to the variablex
after which the handler statementh
is executed.
Note: the catchError
function in Control.Monad.Except will be necessary for Try
For example, this code
test1 = do
mb <- parse "try.imp"
case mb of
Right b -> run b
Left _ -> putStrLn "parse error"
Should print
Result: Right ()
Output Store: fromList [("a",IntVal 100),("e",IntVal 1),("x",IntVal 0),("y",IntVal 1),("z",IntVal 101)]
execute :: Block -> Store -> (Either Value (), Store)
execute b st = runState (runExceptT (evalB b)) st
run :: Block -> IO ()
run block = do let (r, s) = execute block Map.empty
putStr "Result: "
putStrLn (show r)
putStr "Output Store: "
putStrLn (show s)
raises :: Block -> Value -> Test
s `raises` v = case (execute s Map.empty) of
(Left v',_) -> v ~?= v'
_ -> TestCase $ assertFailure "Error in raises"