Eventually, the complete
version will be made available.
A Poor Man's Concurrency Monad
NOTE: We will work through the undefined
parts of this lecture together in class. To prepare, please load the file on your laptop and read through the comments.
To use this module, you will need to download the Client module.
You'll also need to install the "Network" package:
cabal install network
However, note that there will be no quiz on this material.
> {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-binds -fno-warn-unused-matches
> -fno-warn-name-shadowing -fno-warn-missing-signatures #-}
> {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses, InstanceSigs,
> UndecidableInstances, FlexibleContexts, TypeSynonymInstances #-}
> module Concurrency where
> import Control.Applicative
> import Control.Monad
> import Control.Monad.Writer
> import System.IO
> import Data.IORef
> import Network (withSocketsDo, PortNumber, PortID(..), listenOn, accept)
In this lecture, we'll combine a number of ideas from recent lectures (monads and monad transformers) to build a simple monad for concurrent computation.
The basis for this lecture is the following paper:
Koen Claessen, A Poor Man's Concurrency Monad, JFP 1999.
The specific form of concurrency that we'll be working with is called cooperative multithreading. The "cooperative" part means that the thread that has the processor at the moment will continue running until it voluntarily yields control back to the scheduler and allows another thread to run.
Haskell also provides sophisticated built-in facilities for preemptive concurrency (where the scheduler interrupts threads after they've been running for a certain length of time) as well as various mechanisms for expressing parallel algorithms that share work across the processing units of a multicore machine. Here's where today's lecture (marked in bold) fits in this picture:
- Deterministic computation (one thread of control, one output)
- Nondeterministic computation (many possible outputs)
- Single-threaded (one thread with many possible outputs)
- Concurrent (many threads...)
- Uniprocessor (... on one CPU)
- Cooperative scheduling (threads decide when to yield control)
- Preemptive scheduling (scheduler decides)
- Parallelism (... on many CPUs)
- Uniprocessor (... on one CPU)
There are several reasons why a cooperative multithreading monad is interesting.
First, it is interesting to see how easy it is to implement concurrency as a user-level library in a single-threaded language. This idea has been applied many times to build "lightweight concurrency" libraries in a variety of languages.
Second, cooperative multithreading (compared to preemptive concurrency and parallel programming) greatly simplifies issues of locking and atomicity, since each thread can be interrupted only at specific points (that it gets to control).
Finally, since this library is all user-level code, it gives us easy access to internals such as the thread-scheduling algorithm. If we have an application that requires specific control over how thread scheduling works, there is no need to change the Haskell run-time system: we can just change a few lines of code in the library.
Representing Concurrent Computation
The standard technique for running multiple threads on a single core is interleaving, i.e. running a bit of one thread, then suspending it and allowing another thread to run, etc.
To suspend a thread we need access to its "future computation" -- i.e., its continutation -- so that we can return to it later. By programming in continuation-passing style (CPS), we can ensure that all computations have access to their continuations.
Moreover, we can make programming in CPS more convenient by packaging the continuation in a monad. A computation in the concurrency monad is a function whose first argument is its continuation, i.e., a function that the computation should call when it wants to "return" its value.
We're going to divide up computations into slices called actions. All computations in this monad should be Action
s, and their continuations should likewise produce new Action
s. An action can be an atomic action, a Fork, which splits the current thread into two new threads, or a Stop action that halts the thread.
> data Action =
> Atom (IO Action) -- an atomic computation, returning a new action
> | Fork Action Action -- create a new thread
> | Stop -- terminate this thread
Let's look at some example actions. For example, this one writes out a string letter by letter.
> writeAction :: String -> Action
> writeAction = undefined
And this one writes two strings concurrently.
> prog :: Action
> prog = Fork (writeAction "Hello\n") (writeAction "CIS 552\n")
How do we run these programs?
Running Threads
At any moment, the status of the computation is modeled by a collection of (concurrently running) threads. Each thread is represented by its current Action
For simplicity, we'll represent the collection of threads as a list and, for round-robin scheduling, treat that list as a queue. (In a production system we would use a more efficient queue implementation.)
The job of the thread scheduler is to run the threads in the queue.
If the first thread is an atomic action, the scheduler runs it to its next "quiescent state." It then puts this the new state at the back of the queue and continues to process the rest of the queue.
If the action is a
, the thread scheduler puts both sub-actions at the back of the queue and continues.If the action is
, that means that the current thread has finished its computation. The thread scheduler just continues with the rest of the threads in the queue.
> sched :: [Action] -> IO ()
> sched = undefined
To make sure that we get the full effect of concurrency, we'll first turn off buffering on the standard input and output sources.
Concurrency> hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering
Concurrency> hSetBuffering stdin NoBuffering
Then we can use the schedular to run the program:
Concurrency> sched [ prog ]
CHIeSl l5o5
Writing Programs, compositionally
Suppose you wanted to write a program that does the following: writes "Hello" and then writes "CIS 552". We would love to have some sort of sequence operation, that would run one action after another, thus:
> sequenceAction :: Action -> Action -> Action
> sequenceAction a1 a2 = error "Hypothetical. Don't try to write me."
> hello552 :: Action
> hello552 = writeAction "Hello" `sequenceAction` writeAction "CIS 552"
Unfortunately, there isn't a good way to do this with our current set-up. Actions run piece-by-piece until they stop. There is no way to stitch the pieces together.
We'll fix this by factoring out the "last step". Above, the definition of writeAction
fixes the last action to be Stop
. We'll make that last action a parameter to the system, called k
. Note that we if are asked to write an empty string, then there is nothing to do. So we just return the action that is passed in.
In the case that the string is nonnil, the function should atomically write a single character then calls itself recursively on the tail of the string passing the "last action" along.
> writeComputation :: String -> Action -> Action
> writeComputation "" k = k
> writeComputation (c:cs) k = undefined
For example, we can put actions together by successively passing them in as the "last action".
> prog3 :: Action
> prog3 = writeComputation "Hello" (writeComputation " CIS 552\n" Stop)
Let's see what happens with this program.
Concurrency> sched [prog3]
Hello CIS 552
We can then sequence "parameterized actions" together using this function.
> sequenceComputation :: (Action -> Action)
> -> (Action -> Action)
> -> (Action -> Action)
> sequenceComputation = undefined
For example, here is the hello552
sequence above:
> hello552Computation = writeComputation "Hello" `sequenceComputation`
> writeComputation "CIS 552\n"
We can run "parameterized actions" by giving them the "Stop" action as their last step.
Concurrency> sched [ hello552Computation Stop ]
Concurrency> sched [ Fork (hello552Computation Stop) (hello552Computation Stop) ]
Concurrency> let bomb = writeComputation "bomb" bomb
Concurrency> sched [ bomb ]
Concurrency Monad
One more twist, sometimes when we sequence things, we'd like to pass information from the first parameterized action to the second.
For example, writeComputation
doesn't return any information from the IO monad, but if we had a parameterized computation for reading, it should pass that character to the next action.
> readComputation :: (Char -> Action) -> Action
> readComputation = undefined
So, to be polymorphic over the result type of the action, we would like our parameterized action type to be:
(a -> Action) -> Action
and give our sequence operation this type:
> sequenceComp :: ((a -> Action) -> Action) -- last action takes an arg.
> -> (a -> (b -> Action) -> Action) -- pass to another
> -> (b -> Action) -> Action
> sequenceComp m f = undefined
To sequence computations, we first abstract the current continuation k
, then run the first computation m
, giving it a continuation that next runs f
with the value produced by m
and the original continuation.
See if you can put this together above.
| spoiler space, no peeking
Here's my solution. First let's abbreviate the type, to make it easier to write:
> type CM a = (a -> Action) -> Action
> sequenceCompM :: CM a -> (a -> CM b) -> CM b
> sequenceCompM m f = \k -> m (\v -> f v k)
Hmmm, doesn't that type look familiar?
It is also useful to create a "trivial" computation that just passes the result to the next one in line.
> returnCompM :: a -> ((a -> Action) -> Action)
> returnCompM x = undefined
Putting this all together, we can define a monadic type using a newtype:
> newtype C a = C { runC :: (a -> Action) -> Action }
We can show that C
is a monad using essentially the same code as above, after taking account of the newtype constructor.
> instance Monad C where
> (>>=) :: C a -> (a -> C b) -> C b
> m >>= f = C $ \k -> runC m (\v -> runC (f v) k)
> return :: a -> C a
> return x = C $ \k -> k x
> instance Applicative C where
> pure = return
> (<*>) = ap
> instance Functor C where
> fmap = liftM
Monadic computation library
Let's define some actions that can help us build and run computations in the C
The atom
function turns an arbitrary computation in the IO monad into an atomic action in C
. An atomic action is one that that runs the monadic computation and then passes its result to the continuation. (We know that the monadic computation m
will not be interrupted; that is why this is called "atomic".)
> atom :: IO a -> C a
> atom = undefined
For thread spawning, there are multiple possible primitives -- we'll present just one here. This primitive turns its argument into a separate "top-level" action and then continues the current computation.
> fork :: C () -> C ()
> fork m = C $ \k -> Fork (runC m (const Stop)) (k ())
Finally, running a computation is merely turning it into an action and then giving it to the thread scheduler.
> run :: C a -> IO ()
> run m = sched [ runC m (const Stop) ]
Example - Concurrent Output
Now let's go back to our examples of concurrency with this monad! The first example involves concurrent output---two threads writing to the screen at the same time.
Next, for flexibility, we need to define classes that characterize the operations of the monads that we wish to use. That will allow us to develop code that is the same, no matter whether it is run single-threaded or using cooperative concurrency.
For example, consider a class of monads that support text output. These are the ones that have a write
> class Monad m => OutputMonad m where
> write :: String -> m ()
For example, we can make the 'IO' monad a member of this class.
> instance OutputMonad IO where
> write = putStr
Now, here is an infinite loop that just prints its argument over and over.
> loop :: OutputMonad m => String -> m ()
> loop = undefined
If we run this loop from the ghci toplevel (in the IO monad) we don't get to do anything else.
*Main> loop "CIS 552"
But with concurrency, we can make this loop run in parallel with other computations. To do that, we need to run loop
in the concurrency monad. Therefore, we need to make the concurrency monad a member of the OutputMonad
class. This is easy using atom
> instance OutputMonad C where
> write s = atom (write s)
> example :: C ()
> example = do write "It's raining..."
> fork (loop "dog\n")
> fork (loop "cat\n")
We run this computation by giving it to the scheduler.
*Main> run example
Note that our implementation of write
for the concurrency monad determines how much interleaving is possible between two different simultaneous writes. Each use of atom
creates an atomic action that cannot be interrupted.
If we prefer, we can redefine write
so that the atomic actions are single-character writes instead of whole strings at a time.
> -- instance OutputMonad C where
> -- write [] = atom (write [])
> -- write (x:xs) = atom (write [x]) >> write xs
Or, if we wanted to use both, we could keep the old write
and define a new operation writeLetterByLetter
that breaks up the write into character-sized chunks in this way.
Concurrent Input and Output
Now suppose we would like threads to read as well as write. To do that we need a class for asynchronous (i.e. nonblocking) input. The single method in this class reads a chunk of input as long as there is one ready. If there is no input available, it immediately returns Nothing
> class Monad m => InputMonad m where
> input :: m (Maybe String)
To implement nonblocking input in the IO monad, we first test to see if there is at least one character ready to read from the standard input (using hReady
) before we use the standard blocking operation (getLine
> instance InputMonad IO where
> input = do x <- hReady stdin
> if x then Just <$> getLine else return Nothing
For example, we can write a loop that prints out a string until a line is entered in the keyboard.
> ioloop :: (InputMonad m, OutputMonad m) => String -> m String
> ioloop s = do i <- input
> case i of
> Just x -> return $ "Thread " ++ s ++ ":" ++ x
> Nothing -> do write s
> ioloop s
Try it out in GHCi!
*Main> ioloop "CIS 552" -- defaults to IO monad
We can run this thread concurrently with other threads by making an instance of the InputMonad
class for the concurrency monad.
> instance InputMonad C where
> input = atom input
> example2 :: C ()
> example2 = do
> fork $ ioloop "a" >>= write
> ioloop "b" >>= write
Try it out!
*Main> run example2
Shared State
Sometimes threads may wish to communicate with each other by passing messages through some shared state. An abstraction designed for that purpose is an 'MVar'. A MVar is a potentially empty memory location. Initially, the location is empty, but it can be updated to contain information. When the memory location is read, then the data is removed (atomically), so that it becomes empty until it is next written.
(N.b.: IORef is Haskell's type of "reference cells" -- mutable heap cells, in the style of ML -- with read and write operations that live in the IO monad.)
> type MVar a = IORef (Maybe a)
> class Monad m => MVarMonad m where
> newMVar :: m (MVar a)
> writeMVar :: MVar a -> a -> m ()
> takeMVar :: MVar a -> m (Maybe a)
> instance MVarMonad IO where
> newMVar = newIORef Nothing
> writeMVar v a = writeIORef v (Just a)
> takeMVar = undefined
We are justified in calling these MVars because all of the operations happen atomically.
> instance MVarMonad C where
> newMVar = atom newMVar
> writeMVar v a = atom (writeMVar v a)
> takeMVar v = atom (takeMVar v)
Next let's define a blocking read function for MVars, which waits (actually, loops) until a value is ready to be read. Note that this operation requires concurrency to do anything interesting...
> readMVar :: (MVarMonad m) => MVar a -> m a
> readMVar = undefined
Now here is an example using an MVar to implement a simple form of message passing. We have two threads that communicate via messages. One thread will be running a "simulation", the other will be the "user interface."
First, we'll define a short language of messages to send back and forth....
> data Msg =
> Add | Reset | Print | Quit
The simulation just manages the value of an integer, either incrementing it, resetting it, or printing it based on the messages received from the interface.
> simulation :: MVar Msg -> Integer -> C ()
> simulation mv i = do
> x <- takeMVar mv
> case x of
> Just Add -> do write "Adding...\n"
> simulation mv (i+1)
> Just Reset -> do write "Resetting...\n"
> simulation mv 0
> Just Print -> do write ("Current value is " ++ show i ++ "\n")
> simulation mv i
> Just Quit -> do write ("Done\n")
> Nothing -> simulation mv i
The interface reads keys from the keyboard and parses them into messages for the simulation.
> interface :: MVar Msg -> C (Maybe String) -> C ()
> interface mv getInput = loop where
> loop = do
> maybeKey <- getInput
> case maybeKey of
> Just "a" -> writeMVar mv Add >> loop
> Just "r" -> writeMVar mv Reset >> loop
> Just "p" -> writeMVar mv Print >> loop
> Just "q" -> writeMVar mv Quit
> Just s -> write ("Unknown command: " ++ s ++ "\n") >> loop
> Nothing -> loop
We put the two together by creating an MVar and then running the interface concurrently with the interface.
> example6 = do
> mv <- newMVar
> fork $ simulation mv 0
> interface mv input
Concurrency> run example6
What about multiple sources of inputs?
What if we wanted to have multiple interfaces to the same simulation? For example, what if we want to have a "remote control" client that can send commands to the simulation via the network, in addition to the local interface?
We could do that with an additional, network interface. This code sets up a socket to listen for commands sent via the code in Client.hs.
> -- | Create an interface to the server that communicates via a socket
> -- on the specified port
> network :: PortNumber -> MVar Msg -> C ()
> network port mv = do
> handle <- atom $ withSocketsDo $ do
> socket <- listenOn (PortNumber port)
> (handle, host, port) <- accept socket
> (hSetBuffering handle NoBuffering)
> return handle
> interface mv (atom $ do x <- hReady handle
> if x then Just <$> hGetLine handle
> else return Nothing)
> atom (hClose handle)
Then, we can run this code concurrently with the original simulation and interface. Note, we need to use a port number greater than 1024 for this to work. type PortNumber = String
Here's our code that starts the server.
> example7 :: PortNumber -> C ()
> example7 port = do
> mv <- newMVar
> fork (simulation mv 0)
> fork (interface mv input)
> network port mv
To make this example work, first start the server
Concurrency> run $ example7 1025
This example will work just like example6
above. You can send it commands locally (because it has a local copy of the interface). Keep it running.
Then, in another terminal, load the client code into GHC. If everything goes well, the client
function will return a handle that can be used to communicate with the server.
Client> h <- client local "1025"
This handle can be used with the send
Client> send h "p"
Client> send h "a" -- no output here, all effects are shown on the server
Client> send h "r"