Eventually, the complete
version will be made available.
Exercise: Difference lists
In this problem, you will use first-class functions to implement an alternative version of lists, called DList
s, short for difference lists.
> module DList where
> import Test.HUnit
Difference Lists support O(1) append operations on lists, making them very useful for append-heavy uses, such as logging, pretty printing and traversing tree-like data structures in linear time.
See the micro-benchmark section below for experiments you can do once you have completed the implementation.
The key idea is that we will represent a list using a function. This function should, when given another list, returns the contents of the difference list prepended to the given list. You can think of a difference list as a data structure where we have "factored out" the end of the list.
For example, we might write a regular list like this:
> list :: [Int]
> list = 1 : 2 : 3 : [] -- end is nil
The analogous difference list replaces the nil at the end of the list with a parameter.
> dlist :: DList Int
> dlist = DList $ \x -> 1 : 2 : 3 : x -- ends with "x"
This parameterization gives us flexibility. We can always fill in the parameter with []
and get a normal list. However, we can also fill in the parameter with another list, effectively appending [1, 2, 3] to the beginning of that other list.
The general type definition records that difference lists are represented by first-class functions.
> data DList a = DList { fromDList :: [a] -> [a] }
These are the "constructors" of the data structure; the functions that we can use to create difference lists.
> empty :: DList a
> empty = undefined
> singleton :: a -> DList a
> singleton x = undefined
> append :: DList a -> DList a -> DList a
> append = undefined
> cons :: a -> DList a -> DList a
> cons = undefined
Once we have constructed a DList
the only way to observe it is to convert it to a list. This data structure does not support any other form of pattern matching.
> toList :: DList a -> [a]
> toList x = fromDList x []
And that's it. You're on your own for testing here. You should ensure that 'DList's behave like normal lists. Add some tests here to ensure that your implementation is correct.
If you'd like to see the difference between using (++) with regular lists and append
using DLists, in GHCi you can type
*Main> :set +s
That will cause GHCi to give you timing information for each evaluation that you do. Then, after you complete this file, you can test out these logging micro-benchmarks:
> micro1 :: Char
> micro1 = last (t 10000 "") where
> t 0 l = l
> t n l = t (n-1) (l ++ "s")
*Main> micro1
(2.80 secs, 4,300,584,976 bytes)
> micro2 :: Char
> micro2 = last (fromDList (t 10000 empty) "") where
> t 0 l = l
> t n l = t (n-1) (l `append` singleton 's')
*Main> micro2
(0.02 secs, 10,359,248 bytes)
We can also see the effect of using difference list for in-order tree traversals. (This is not the only way of doing a tree traversal in linear time.)
> data Tree a = Empty | Branch a (Tree a) (Tree a) deriving Show
Here's a big, left-biased tree. The seq
instruction instructs GHC to eagerly evaluate it. We don't want our benchmark to include time for constructing this tree---we only want to time the traversal.
> bigLeftTree :: Tree Int
> bigLeftTree = t `seq` t where
> t = gen 1000
> gen 0 = Empty
> gen n = Branch n (gen (n-1)) Empty
Here is the inorder traversal written naively (as in the lecture notes) and with difference lists. The only difference between these definitions is that []
is replaced by empty
and ++
is replaced by append
> infixOrder1 :: Tree a -> [ a ]
> infixOrder1 Empty = []
> infixOrder1 (Branch x l r) = infixOrder1 l ++ [x] ++ infixOrder1 r
> infixOrder2 :: Tree a -> [ a ]
> infixOrder2 = toList . go where
> go Empty = empty
> go (Branch x l r) = go l `append` singleton x `append` go r
> micro3 :: Int
> micro3 = last (infixOrder1 bigLeftTree)
*Main> micro3
(0.03 secs, 28,964,080 bytes)
> micro4 :: Int
> micro4 = last (infixOrder2 bigLeftTree)
*Main> micro4
(0.00 secs, 925,824 bytes)