Eventually, the complete
version will be made available.
Structured Data and Lists
> {-# OPTIONS -fwarn-tabs -fno-warn-type-defaults #-}
> module Lec2 where
> import Data.Char
> import Test.HUnit
Structured Data
(A1, ..., An)
Ordered sequence of values of type A1
, .. An
> t1 = ('a', 5) :: (Char, Int) -- the spacing doesn't matter
> t2 = ('a', 5.2, 7) :: (Char, Double, Int) -- but it is pretty to line
> t3 = ((7, 5.2), True) :: ((Int, Double), Bool) -- things up in your code
The structure must match the type.
Extracting values from tuples
Pattern Matching extracts values from tuples.
A function that takes a tuple as an argument looks like it has multiple arguments, but in reality, it has just one. We use a pattern to name the three components of the tuple for use in the function.
> pat :: (Int, Int, Int) -> Int
> pat (x, y, z) = x * (y + z)
We can put anything in a tuple
We can have tuples of tuples. These three values have three different types.
> tup1 = ((1,2),3) :: ((Int,Int),Int) -- a pair of a pair and a number
> tup2 = (1,(2,3)) :: (Int,(Int,Int)) -- a pair of a number and a pair
> tup3 = (1, 2, 3) :: (Int, Int, Int) -- a three-tuple
Note that the pattern that names the variables must match the structure exactly.
> pat2 :: ((Int,Int),Int) -> Int
> pat2 ((x, y), z) = x * (y + z)
> pat3 :: (Int, (Int, Int)) -> Int
> pat3 (x, (y, z)) = x * (y + z)
We can also stick IO actions in a pair.
> act2 :: (IO (), IO ())
> act2 = (putStr "Hello", putStr "Hello")
This doesn't actually run both actions, it just creates a pair holding two IO computations.
Compare the difference between these definitions in ghci.
> runAct2 :: IO ()
> runAct2 = do
> let (x, y) = act2 -- pattern match in `do` sequences using `let`
> x -- run the first action
> y -- then run the second
> runAct2' :: IO ()
> runAct2' = do
> let (x, y) = act2 -- pattern match
> y -- run the second action
> x -- then run the first
> runAct2'' :: IO ()
> runAct2'' = do
> let (x, y) = act2 -- pattern match
> x -- run the first action
> x -- then run it again!
Optional values
Maybe A
Either a value of type A
, or else nothing.
> m1 :: Maybe Int
> m1 = Just 2
> m2 :: Maybe Int
> m2 = Nothing
There is no 'null' in Haskell. Yay!
Extracting values from 'Maybe's
Pattern Matching extracts values from maybes; need a pattern for each case.
> pat'' :: Maybe Int -> Int
> pat'' (Just x) = x
> pat'' Nothing = 2
Patterns can be nested, too.
> jn :: Maybe (Maybe a) -> Maybe a
> jn (Just (Just x)) = Just x
> jn (Just Nothing) = Nothing
> jn Nothing = Nothing
See if you can come up with a slightly simpler way to write jn
using two patterns instead of three.
> jn' :: Maybe (Maybe a) -> Maybe a
> jn' = undefined
'Maybe' is useful for partial functions
> location :: String -> Maybe String
> location "cis501" = Just "Wu & Chen"
> location "cis502" = Just "Heilmeier"
> location "cis520" = Just "Wu & Chen"
> location "cis552" = Just "3401 Walnut: 401B"
> location _ = Nothing -- wildcard pattern, matches anything
A list is a sequence of values of the same type. There is no limit to the number of values that can be stored in a list. We notate lists as a sequence of comma-separated values inside square brackets.
> l1 :: [Double]
> l1 = [1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0]
> l2 :: [Int]
> l2 = undefined -- make a list of numbers
Lists can contain structured data...
> l3 :: [(Int,Bool)]
> l3 = [ (1,True), (2, False) ]
...and can be nested:
> l4 :: [[Int]]
> l4 = undefined
List elements must have the same type.
> -- l5 :: [Int]
> -- l5 = [ 1 , True ] -- doesn't type check
(see the type error that results when you uncomment the definition above and reload the file in ghci.)
The empty list is written []
and pronounced "nil".
> l6 :: [a]
> l6 = []
Note: String
is just another name for a list of characters ([Char]
> l7 :: String
> l7 = ['h','e','l','l','o',' ','5','5','2','!']
What happens when you print l7?
ghci> l7
undefined -- fill in with correct answer
"Cons"tructing Lists
The infix operator :
constructs a new list, by adding a new element to the front of an existing list. (Note, the existing list is not modified.) We call this operator cons
(Note that the a
in the type of cons
means that this function works for lists containing any type of element. In otherwords, we say that this function is polymorphic. More on this later.)
> cons :: a -> [a] -> [a]
> cons = (:)
> c1 :: [Char]
> c1 = 'a' : ['b', 'c']
> c2 :: [Int]
> c2 = 1 : []
Try printing c1
and c2
ghci> c1
ghci> c2
> -- undefined: fill in the type of c3
> c3 = [] : []
Syntactic Sugar
GHC views the notation
[x1,x2, .. , xn]
as short for
x1 : x2 : .. : xn : []
This means that we can think of lists as a sequence of cons'ed elements, ending with nil. For example,
[1,2,3,4] and 1 : 2 : 3 : 4
are the same list:
ghci> [1,2,3,4] == 1:2:3:4:[]
Function practice: List Generation
Problem: Write a function that, given an argument x
and a number n
, returns a list containing n
copies of x
Step 1: Define test cases for the function.
We're using HUnit, a library for defining unit tests in Haskell. The (~?=) operator constructs a unit Test
by comparing the actual result (first argument) with an expected result (second argument). Haskell is lazy, so these definitions create tests, but don't actually run them yet.
> testClone1, testClone2, testClone3 :: Test
> testClone1 = clone 'a' 4 ~?= ['a','a','a','a']
> testClone2 = clone 'a' 0 ~?= []
> testClone3 = clone 1.1 3 ~?= [1.1, 1.1, 1.1]
> testClone4 = clone 'a' (-1) ~?= []
Step 2: Define the type of the function
This function replicates any type of value, so the type of the first argument is polymorphic.
> clone :: a -> Int -> [a]
Step 3: Implement the function
We implement this function by recursion on the integer argument.
> clone x n = if n<=0 then [] else x : clone x (n-1)
Step 4: Run the tests
The HUnit function runTestTT
actually runs a given unit test and prints its result to the standard output stream. (That is why its result type is IO Counts
. The IO in the type means that this computation does IO.)
> cl1, cl2, cl3 :: IO Counts
> cl1 = runTestTT testClone1
> cl2 = runTestTT testClone2
> cl3 = runTestTT testClone3
> cl4 = runTestTT testClone4
> cls :: IO Counts
> cls = runTestTT (TestList [ testClone1, testClone2, testClone3, testClone4 ])
You can run the tests by evaluating the definition cls
at the ghci prompt.
ghci> cls
Cases: 4 Tried: 4 Errors: 0 Failures: 0
Counts {cases = 4, tried = 4, errors = 0, failures = 0}
Function practice
Define a function that, given two integers i
and j
, returns a list containing all of the numbers at least as big as i
but no bigger than j
, in order.
Step 1: Define test cases
> testRange :: Test
> testRange = TestList [ range 3 6 ~?= [3,4,5,6],
> range 42 42 ~?= [42],
> range 10 5 ~?= [] ]
Step 2: Declare the type
> range :: Int -> Int -> [Int]
Step 3: Define the function
> range i j = undefined
Step 4: run tests
> runRTests :: IO Counts
> runRTests = runTestTT testRange
Pattern matching with lists
The examples so far have constructed various lists. Of course, sometimes we would like to write functions that use lists. We can use a list by pattern matching...
> isHi :: String -> Bool
> isHi ['H','i'] = True
> isHi _ = False
If we have a list of characters, we can use string constants as patterns too.
> isGreeting :: String -> Bool
> isGreeting "Hi" = True
> isGreeting "Hello" = True
> isGreeting "Bonjour" = True
> isGreeting "Guten Tag" = True
> isGreeting _ = False
We can also work with lists more abstractly, for example determining if we have a list of length one...
> isSingleton :: [a] -> Bool
> isSingleton [_] = True
> isSingleton _ = False
...or of length greater than two.
> isLong :: [a] -> Bool
> isLong = undefined
> testIsLong :: Test
> testIsLong = TestList [ not (isLong []) ~? "nil", -- can convert booleans to tests by naming them via `~?`
> not (isLong "a") ~? "one",
> not (isLong "ab") ~? "two",
> isLong "abc" ~? "three" ]
Function practice: List Recursion
Define a function, called listAdd, that, given a list of Ints returns their sum.
Step 1: define test cases
> listAddTests :: Test
> listAddTests = TestList [ listAdd [1,2,3] ~?= 6,
> listAdd [] ~?= 0 ]
Step 2: define function signature
> listAdd :: [Int] -> Int
Step 3: implementation
(using pattern matching to define the function by case analysis.)
> listAdd [] = 0
> listAdd (x:xs) = x + listAdd xs
Step 4: run the tests
> runLATests :: IO Counts
> runLATests = runTestTT listAddTests
Note that listAdd follows a general pattern of working with lists called list recursion. We can define lists as follows:
A list is either [] -- the empty list x : xs -- or, an element x cons'ed onto another list xs
This is a recursive definition, as we are defining lists in terms of themselves. Recursive functions that work with lists will follow the pattern of this definition:
f :: [a] -> ...
f [] = ... -- case for the empty list
f (x : xs) = ... -- case for a nonempty list, will use `f xs`
-- recursively somehow.
Function practice: List transformation
Define a function, called listIncr
, that, given a list of ints, returns a new list where each number has been incremented.
Step 1: write test case(s)
> listIncrTests :: Test
> listIncrTests =
> TestList [ listIncr [1,2,3] ~?= [2,3,4],
> listIncr [42] ~?= [43] ]
Step 2: write function type
> listIncr :: [Int] -> [Int]
Step 3: define the function
> listIncr = undefined
Step 4: run the tests
> runLITests :: IO Counts
> runLITests = runTestTT listIncrTests
Step 5: refactor, if necessary
Acknowledgements: this lecture from cse 230 1, which itself was inspired by a previous version of CIS 552.