Sequences using Balanced Trees
> {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fdefer-type-errors #-}
> {-# LANGUAGE MonadComprehensions, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
In this problem, you will reuse the ideas of balanced trees to develop a data structure for appendable, random-access sequences.
This problem draws together ideas that you have seen on past homework assignments and extends them with problems about defining functor, applicative and monad operations for list-like structures.
> import Control.Applicative(Alternative(..))
> import Control.Monad(ap, liftM, liftM2, guard, forM, foldM)
A sequence is a data structure, much like a list, that supports positional-based indexing of an ordered collection of elements.
Here is the interface that a sequence should satisfy.
> -- position based operations
> first :: l a -> Maybe a
> final :: l a -> Maybe a
> index :: Int -> l a -> Maybe a
> insert :: Int -> a -> l a -> Maybe (l a)
Note that Sequence
is a subclass of Monad
and Foldable
. Any type constructor that is an instance of Sequence
will also have to be an instance of both of these two classes.
Sequences are like Lists
With the Monad
constraint, sequences act a lot like lists. For example, we can define our favorite list operations using the members of these type classes (or their superclasses).
> -- | Add an element to the beginning of the sequence.
> cons :: Sequence l => a -> l a -> l a
> cons x xs = pure x `append` xs
Because sequences are so similar to lists, we can also use these operations to convert from regular lists to sequences. Fill in that definition below. (The analogous operation, toList
is already defined for any instance of Foldable
Furthermore, because sequences are monads, with the MonadComprehensions
language extension above, we can also use the list comprehension notation with sequences, as if they were lists.
> -- | All pairs of elements in sequences `xs` and `ys`, in lexicographic order.
> pairs :: Sequence l => l a -> l b -> l (a, b)
> pairs xs ys = [ (x, y) | x <- xs, y <- ys ]
Lists are Sequences
It won't come as a surprise that a list can implement the sequence interface. Note that in index
and insert
below, if the position is out of range, the result is Nothing
. (Note: we're deliberately using the partial functions head
, last
and (!!)
to demonstrate how the guard
operation works with the Maybe
monad. Make sure that you understand how this code works!)
> instance Sequence [] where
> nil = []
> append = (<>)
> first l = guard (not (null l)) >> return (head l)
> final l = guard (not (null l)) >> return (last l)
> index n l = guard (0 <= n && n < length l) >> return (l !! n)
> insert n x l = guard (0 <= n && n <= length l) >> return (before ++ x : after)
> where
> (before, after) = splitAt n l
However, these operations are inefficient for lists. Although first
is constant time, all of the other operations take time O(n)
in the worst case, where n
is the length of the first list argument.
We can do better.
Balanced-tree Sequences
Consider the following AVL-tree inspired data structure for sequences. A Seq
is either Empty
, or it is an AVL
binary tree structure that stores data at only its leaves. The Branch
constructor includes the cached height of the tree (so that we can rebalance) and the cached length of the sequence (so that we can efficiently index).
> data Seq a
> = Empty -- Empty structure
> | AVL (AVL a) -- Non-empty tree structure w/ data at leaves
> deriving (Show)
> data AVL a
> = Single a
> | Branch
> Int -- Cached number of elements
> Int -- Cached height (for balancing)
> (AVL a) -- Left child
> (AVL a) -- Right child
> deriving (Show)
Note that accessing the height of the tree is a constant time operation.
For example, here is an example AVL-based sequence, containing the numbers 7, 3, 4
in that order.
As part of this problem, you will implement the following functions, as well as complete an instance of, Semigroup
, Foldable
and Monad
for the Seq
> instance Sequence Seq where
> nil = Empty
> append = seqAppend
> first = seqFirst
> final = seqFinal
> index = seqIndex
> insert = seqInsert
For example, here is a test case that you should be able to satisfy by the end of the assignment.
> testPairs :: Test
> testPairs = "pairs" ~: toList (pairs seq1 seq1) ~=?
> [(7,7),(7,3),(7,4),(3,7),(3,3),(3,4),(4,7),(4,3),(4,4)]
AVL trees trade constant time "head" access for a O(lg n)
running time for all other operations. Here, accessing either the first
or last
element may take time O(lg n)
> -- | access the first element of the sequence, if there is one.
> seqFirst :: Seq a -> Maybe a
> seqFirst = error "first: unimplemented"
> -- | access the last element of the list, if there is one (similar to above)
> seqFinal :: Seq a -> Maybe a
> seqFinal = error "seqFinal: unimplemented"
> testFirst :: Test
> testFirst = TestList [
> "first" ~: first seq1 ~=? Just 7,
> "final" ~: final seq1 ~=? Just 4]
The Foldable
type class allows us to treat sequences like lists when it comes to reducing them to values. We can make an instance of this class merely by providing a definition of the foldr
function; all other operations, such as length
are given default definitions in terms of foldr
> instance Foldable AVL where
> -- The default definition of the length function looks something like this:
> length = foldr (\x s -> s +1) 0
> -- Override this definition with an optimized version that is O(1)
> -- Finish the `foldr` definition below so that it is O(n) (Hint: see HW2)
> foldr f b (Single x) = f x b
> foldr f b (Branch _ _ xs ys) = undefined
> instance Foldable Seq where
> -- The default definition of the length function looks something like this:
> length = foldr (\x s -> s + 1) 0
> -- Override this definition with an optimized version that is O(1)
> foldr f b Empty = b
> foldr f b (AVL t) = foldr f b t
We use the toList
function to implement the equality function for this type. We only care about the sequence of values that appear, not the tree structure.
> testFoldable :: Test
> testFoldable = TestList [
> "length" ~: length seq1 ~?= 3,
> "toList" ~: toList seq1 ~?= [7,3,4],
> "sum" ~: sum seq1 ~?= 14 ]
We use the stored length to navigate the tree structure when we reference an element in the list by its index. Position 0
is the element at the head of the sequence, counting up to length-1
. If the given index is not in range, this function should return Nothing
. It should run in O(lg n)
> testSeqIndex = TestList [
> "index 0" ~: seqIndex 0 seq1 ~?= Just 7,
> "index 1" ~: seqIndex 1 seq1 ~?= Just 3,
> "index 2" ~: seqIndex 2 seq1 ~?= Just 4,
> "index 3" ~: seqIndex 3 seq1 ~?= Nothing ]
Next, adapt the AVL insertion function from your previous homework to enable insertion into this structure. If you did not successfully complete the AVL assignment, the TAs will show you the solution during office hours.
This test case checks that the value is inserted at the correct position, but not whether the result is balanced.
> testSeqInsert :: Test
> testSeqInsert = TestList [
> "insert 0 " ~: toList <$> insert 0 1 seq1 ~?= Just [1,7,3,4],
> "insert 1 " ~: toList <$> insert 1 1 seq1 ~?= Just [7,1,3,4],
> "insert 2 " ~: toList <$> insert 2 1 seq1 ~?= Just [7,3,1,4],
> "insert 3 " ~: toList <$> insert 3 1 seq1 ~?= Just [7,3,4,1],
> "insert 4 " ~: toList <$> insert 4 1 seq1 ~?= Nothing ]
We'll make sure that our trees stay balanced with QuickCheck.
Let's make some random sequences for testing!
Complete the Arbitrary
instance, making sure you use the functions above to construct arbitrary AVL
s. Note: if you use Branch
in the definition of arbitrary
your generated sequence may not be balanced. We want to only generate balanced trees.
> instance (Show a, Arbitrary a) => Arbitrary (Seq a) where
> arbitrary = undefined
> shrink _ = undefined
Now we can compare the stored sizes of random lists with ones where we have explicitly counted every branch.
> prop_length :: Seq Int -> Bool
> prop_length xs = isJust (count xs) where
> count Empty = Just 0
> count (AVL t) = aux t where
> aux (Single x) = Just 1
> aux (Branch j _ l r) = do
> cl <- aux l
> cr <- aux r
> guard (j == cl + cr)
> return j
Make sure that the heights are correctly calculated.
> prop_height :: Seq Int -> Bool
> prop_height xs = isJust (count xs) where
> count Empty = Just 0
> count (AVL t) = aux t where
> aux (Single x) = Just 0
> aux (Branch _ k l r) = do
> cl <- aux l
> cr <- aux r
> guard (k == 1 + max cl cr)
> return k
And make sure that our sequences stay balanced.
> prop_balanced :: Seq Int -> Bool
> prop_balanced Empty = True
> prop_balanced (AVL t) = aux t where
> aux (Single x) = True
> aux t@(Branch _ _ l r) =
> bf t >= -1 && bf t <= 1 && aux l && aux r
> -- the balance factor
> bf :: AVL a -> Int
> bf (Branch _ _ l r) = height l - height r
> bf (Single _) = 0
All three representation invariants together.
> prop_AVL :: Seq Int -> Property
> prop_AVL x =
> counterexample "length" (prop_length x) .&&.
> counterexample "height" (prop_height x) .&&.
> counterexample "balanced" (prop_balanced x)
The beauty of this representation is that not only do we get efficient indexing, we also can append two sequences together in O(lg n)
The general idea of the append
function is that if the heights of a
and b
are within 1 of eachother, put them together with the branch
constructor. Otherwise, if a
is taller than b
, then look along the right spine of a
for a branch that is balanced with b
. At that point, construct a new branch in the tree. However, that part of the tree is now one taller than before, so it should be rebalanced on the way up. (The case when b
is taller than a
is analogous.)
Be sure to make sure that append acts like the similar operation on lists
> prop_append :: Seq Int -> Seq Int -> Bool
> prop_append l1 l2 = toList (l1 <> l2) == toList l1 ++ toList l2
and produces balanced sequences.
> prop_append_SEQ :: Seq Int -> Seq Int -> Property
> prop_append_SEQ l1 l2 = prop_AVL (seqAppend l1 l2)
Like lists, this type can be made an instance of the Functor
, Applicative
and Monad
type classes. Fill in the details for Functor
and Monad
(we have given you the definition of Applicative
, which uses the monadic operations). You may find the Monad
instance for ordinary lists to be a useful model. But, do not convert Seq
trees to ordinary lists in your solution!
> instance Applicative Seq where
> pure = AVL . Single
> (<*>) = ap -- this function is defined in terms of bind
> instance Monad Seq where
> return = error "AVL return: unimplemented"
> _ >>= _ = error "AVL bind: unimplemented"
How do you know that your Functor
and Monad
instances are correct? Type classes often come with laws that govern their correct usage. For example, all implementations of (==)
should be reflexive, symmetric, and transitive. Instances that do not follow these laws are confusing and unpredictable, leading to buggy programs.
Let's now write some QuickCheck properties to verify the Functor
and Monad
laws. Instead of a -> b
, we will use the datatype Fun a b
, which allows QuickCheck to generate arbitrary function values. You do not need to understand the details of this, but, if you're interested, you can watch Koen Claessen's talk for background on testing higher-order functions with QuickCheck.
Inside a property depending on a function rf :: Fun a b
, we can get the underlying "real" function f :: a -> b
by pattern matching with (Fun _ f)
Functor instances should satisfy the two laws shown below.
The first law states that mapping the identity function shouldn't do anything.
The second law allows us to combine two passes with fmap
into a single one using function composition.
> prop_FMapComp :: (Eq (f c), Functor f) => Fun b c -> Fun a b -> f a -> Bool
> prop_FMapComp (Fun _ f) (Fun _ g) x =
> fmap (f . g) x == (fmap f . fmap g) x
Furthermore, monad instances should satisfy the three monad laws given below.
> prop_LeftUnit :: (Eq (m b), Monad m) => a -> Fun a (m b) -> Bool
> prop_LeftUnit x (Fun _ f) =
> (return x >>= f) == f x
> prop_Assoc :: (Eq (m c), Monad m) =>
> m a -> Fun a (m b) -> Fun b (m c) -> Bool
> prop_Assoc m (Fun _ f) (Fun _ g) =
> ((m >>= f) >>= g) == (m >>= \x -> f x >>= g)
Finally, types that are instances of both Functor
and Monad
should satisfy one additional law:
> prop_FunctorMonad :: (Eq (m b), Monad m) => m a -> Fun a b -> Bool
> prop_FunctorMonad x (Fun _ f) = fmap f x == (x >>= return . f)
Now use QuickCheck to verify these properties for your Functor
and Monad
instances above.
After you have completed the instances, make sure that your code satisfies the properties by running the following computations.
> qc2 :: IO ()
> qc2 = quickCheck
> (prop_FMapComp :: Fun Int Int -> Fun Int Int -> Seq Int -> Bool)
> qc5 :: IO ()
> qc5 = quickCheck
> (prop_Assoc :: Seq Int -> Fun Int (Seq Int) -> Fun Int (Seq Int) -> Bool)
Furthermore, the Functor
and Monad
instances for sequences should be equivalent to the ones for ordinary lists. More formally, we require following list equalities to hold, no matter what values are used for f
, s
, x
, m
, and k
toList (fmap f s) == fmap f (toList s)
where s :: Seq a
f :: a -> b
toList (return x) == return x
where x :: a
toList (m >>= k) == toList m >>= (toList . k)
where m :: Seq a
k :: a -> Seq b
Use QuickCheck to test that these three identities hold.
Finally, the Functor
and Monad
instances for Seq
should preserve the Seq invariants.
> qc10 :: IO ()
> qc10 = quickCheck prop_Seq_functor where
> prop_Seq_functor :: Fun Int Int -> Seq Int -> Property
> prop_Seq_functor (Fun _ f) x = prop_AVL (fmap f x)
> qc11 :: IO ()
> qc11 = quickCheck prop_Seq_return where
> prop_Seq_return :: Int -> Property
> prop_Seq_return x = prop_AVL (return x)
> qc12 :: IO ()
> qc12 = quickCheck prop_Seq_bind where
> prop_Seq_bind :: Seq Int -> Fun Int (Seq Int) -> Property
> prop_Seq_bind x (Fun _ k) = prop_AVL (x >>= k)
-- Make sure that you add qc7, qc8, and qc9 to this testing -- function after you have defined them.
Now let's think about instances of Functor
and Monad
for Seq
that do not satisfy the laws above. As a trivial example, if we merely left all of the methods undefined, then quickCheck should easily return a counterexample. (You might want to verify that it does!)
> instance Functor Seq where
> fmap f s = undefined
> instance Monad Seq where
> return = undefined
> (>>=) = undefined
> -}
Are there other invalid instances? Add at least one instance below (in comments) that does not use undefined
or error
, and does not include an infinite loop. Your instance(s) should typecheck, but should fail at least one of the tests above. Please include a note saying which property or properties are violated.
Homework Notes
This problem is inspired by Haskell's Data.Sequence library. That library uses a data structure called FingerTrees, which is also based on balanced binary trees, but include additional structure. In particular, FingerTrees provide amortized constant time cons
and head
and operations. Furthermore, FingerTrees are more general: besides sequences they can also be used to implement priority queues.