Eventually, the complete
version will be made available.
Structured Data and Lists
Structured Data
An ordered sequence of values is called a tuple and its type is written as (where A1
... An
are the types of the values in the sequence).
(A1, ..., An)
For example,
> t1 = ('a', 5) :: (Char, Int) -- the spacing doesn't matter
> t2 = ('a', 5.2, 7) :: (Char, Double, Int) -- but it is pretty to line
> t3 = ((7, 5.2), True) :: ((Int, Double), Bool) -- things up in your code
There can be any number of elements in a tuple, but the structure must match the type. (Actually, the compiler won't let you construct a tuple with more than 62 values, but it would be bad style to do so anyways.)
Extracting values from tuples
Pattern Matching extracts values from tuples.
A function that takes a tuple as an argument looks like it has multiple arguments, but in reality, it has just one. We use a pattern to name the three components of the tuple for use in the function.
We can put anything in a tuple
We can have tuples of tuples. These three values have three different types. (We use the word 'pair' to describe a tuple with two values.)
> tup1 = ((1,2),3) :: ((Int,Int),Int) -- a pair of a pair and a number
> tup2 = (1,(2,3)) :: (Int,(Int,Int)) -- a pair of a number and a pair
> tup3 = (1, 2, 3) :: (Int, Int, Int) -- a three-tuple
Note that the pattern that names the variables must match the structure exactly.
We can stick anything in tuples, even IO actions.
This doesn't actually run both actions, it just creates a pair holding two IO computations. Haskell doesn't evaluate the components of a tuple when it is constructed. It waits until you actually need it.
Compare the difference between these definitions in ghci. Try to predict what they will do.
> runAct2 :: IO ()
> runAct2 = do
> let (x, y) = act2 -- pattern match in `do` sequences using `let`
> x -- run the first action
> y -- then run the second
> runAct2' :: IO ()
> runAct2' = do
> let (x, y) = act2 -- pattern match
> y -- run the second action
> x -- then run the first
> runAct2'' :: IO ()
> runAct2'' = do
> let (x, y) = act2 -- pattern match
> x -- run the first action
> x -- then run it again!
Optional values
The type of "optional" or "partial" values is written
Maybe A
This type describes either a value of type A
, or else nothing.
There is no 'null' in Haskell. Yay!
Extracting values from 'Maybe's
Pattern Matching extracts values from maybes; we need a pattern for each case.
Patterns can be nested, too.
> jn :: Maybe (Maybe a) -> Maybe a
> jn (Just (Just x)) = Just x
> jn (Just Nothing) = Nothing
> jn Nothing = Nothing
See if you can come up with a slightly simpler way to write jn
using two patterns instead of three.
'Maybe' is useful for partial functions
> location :: String -> Maybe String
> location "cis501" = Just "Wu & Chen"
> location "cis502" = Just "Heilmeier"
> location "cis520" = Just "Wu & Chen"
> location "cis552" = Just "3401 Walnut: 401B"
> location _ = Nothing -- wildcard pattern, matches anything
The type of a list of values, each of type A
is written
A list is a sequence of values of the same type. There is no limit to the number of values that can be stored in a list. We notate lists as a sequence of comma-separated values inside square brackets.
Lists can contain structured data...
...and can be nested:
List elements must have the same type.
(see the type error that results when you uncomment the definition above and reload the file in ghci.)
The empty list is written []
and pronounced "nil".
Note: String
is just another name for a list of characters ([Char]
What happens when you print l7
ghci> l7
undefined -- fill in with correct answer
"Cons"tructing Lists
The infix operator :
constructs a new list, by adding a new element to the front of an existing list. (Note, the existing list is not modified.) We call this operator cons
(Note that the a
in the type of cons
means that this function works for lists containing any type of element. In other words, we say that this function is polymorphic. More on this later.)
Try printing c1
and c2
ghci> c1
ghci> c2
The String
type in Haskell is syntactic sugar for a list of characters. Haskell doesn't distinguish between the types [Char]
and String
. For example, here are two different ways to write the same list:
Try showing s1
and s2
in ghci.
ghci> s1
ghci> s2
Syntactic Sugar
Haskell views the notation
[x1, x2, .. , xn]
as short for
x1 : x2 : .. : xn : []
This means that we can think of lists as a sequence of cons'ed elements, ending with nil. For example,
[1,2,3,4] and 1 : 2 : 3 : 4 : []
are the same list:
ghci> [1,2,3,4] == 1:2:3:4:[]
Function practice: List Generation
Problem: Write a function that, given an argument x
and a number n
, returns a list containing n
copies of x
Step 1: Write test cases for the function.
We're using HUnit, a library for defining unit tests in Haskell. The ~?=
operator constructs a unit Test
by comparing the actual result (first argument) with an expected result (second argument). Haskell is lazy, so these definitions create tests, but don't actually run them yet.
> testClone1, testClone2, testClone3, testClone4 :: Test
> testClone1 = clone 'a' 4 ~?= ['a','a','a','a']
> testClone2 = clone 'a' 0 ~?= []
> testClone3 = clone 1.1 3 ~?= [1.1, 1.1, 1.1]
> testClone4 = clone 'a' (-1) ~?= []
Step 2: Declare the type of the function.
This function replicates any type of value, so the type of the first argument is polymorphic.
Step 3: Implement the function.
We implement this function by recursion on the integer argument.
Step 4: Run the tests.
The HUnit function runTestTT
actually runs a given unit test and prints its result to the standard output stream. (That is why its result type is IO Counts
. The IO in the type means that this computation does IO.)
> cl1, cl2, cl3, cl4 :: IO Counts
> cl1 = runTestTT testClone1
> cl2 = runTestTT testClone2
> cl3 = runTestTT testClone3
> cl4 = runTestTT testClone4
You can run the tests by evaluating the definition cls
at the ghci prompt.
ghci> cls
Cases: 4 Tried: 4 Errors: 0 Failures: 0
Counts {cases = 4, tried = 4, errors = 0, failures = 0}
Function practice
Problem: Define a function called range
that, given two integers i
and j
, returns a list containing all of the numbers at least as big as i
but no bigger than j
, in order.
Step 1: Write test cases.
> testRange :: Test
> testRange = TestList [ range 3 6 ~?= [3,4,5,6],
> range 42 42 ~?= [42],
> range 10 5 ~?= [] ]
Step 2: Declare the type of the function.
Step 3: Define the function.
Step 4: Run the tests.
Pattern matching with lists
The examples so far have constructed various lists. Of course, sometimes we would like to write functions that use lists. We can use a list by pattern matching...
If we have a list of characters, we can use string constants as patterns too.
> isGreeting :: String -> Bool
> isGreeting "Hi" = True
> isGreeting "Hello" = True
> isGreeting "Bonjour" = True
> isGreeting "Guten Tag" = True
> isGreeting _ = False
We can also work with lists more abstractly, for example determining if we have a list of length one...
...or of length greater than two.
> testIsLong :: Test
> testIsLong = TestList [ not (isLong []) ~? "nil", -- can convert booleans to tests by naming them via `~?`
> not (isLong "a") ~? "one",
> not (isLong "ab") ~? "two",
> isLong "abc" ~? "three" ]
Function practice: List Recursion
Problem: Define a function called listAdd
that, given a list of Ints returns their sum.
Step 1: Write test cases.
Step 2: Declare the type of the function.
Step 3: Define the function. (Use pattern matching to define the function by case analysis.)
Step 4: Run the tests.
Note that listAdd
follows a general pattern of working with lists called list recursion. We can define lists as follows.
A list is either
, the empty list, orx : xs
, an elementx
cons'ed onto another listxs
This is a recursive definition, as we are defining the notion of lists in terms of itself. Recursive functions that work with lists will follow the pattern of this definition:
f :: [a] -> ...
f [] = ... -- case for the empty list
f (x : xs) = ... -- case for a nonempty list, will use `f xs`
-- recursively somehow.
Function practice: List transformation
Define a function, called listIncr
, that, given a list of ints, returns a new list where each number has been incremented.
Step 1: Write test cases.
> listIncrTests :: Test
> listIncrTests =
> TestList [ listIncr [1,2,3] ~?= [2,3,4],
> listIncr [42] ~?= [43] ]
Step 2: Declare the type of the function.
Step 3: Define the function.
Step 4: Run the tests.
Step 5: refactor, if necessary
Acknowledgements: this lecture is derived from cse 230 from UCSD, which itself was inspired by a previous version of CIS 552.