Eventually, the complete
version will be made available.
In class exercise: Concurrency Monad Transformer
> import Control.Monad.Trans
> import qualified Control.Monad.State as S
> import Control.Monad (ap, liftM)
> import System.IO (hReady, stdin)
This exercise depends on the "difference list" library that we worked on earlier in the semester. Take a moment to remind yourself about this exercise. (If you didn't quite finish it before, do that first or download the solution.)
Note, today is all about testing.
Testing IO interactions
The Input and Output classes from the Concurrency lecture are useful not just for implementing concurrent programs, but they are also a way that we can test monadic computations that do console I/O.
Here are the definitions that we saw before, describing monads that support non-blocking I/O.
> class Monad m => Output m where
> write :: String -> m ()
> class Monad m => Input m where
> input :: m (Maybe String) -- only return input if it is ready
> instance Output IO where
> write = putStr
> instance Input IO where
> input = do x <- hReady stdin
> if x then Just <$> getLine else return Nothing
And here is a simple program that does some IO in an arbitrary monad.
> -- | Wait for some input to appear, and when it does, repeat it.
> echo :: (Input m, Output m) => m ()
> echo = do ms <- input
> case ms of
> Just str -> write str >> write "\n"
> Nothing -> echo
If I run this program in ghci, using the IO
monad by default, I can see that it just spits out whatever I type in.
Main*> echo
Hello <---- I typed this
Hello <---- GHCi printed this
Try it out yourself!
But how can we make a unit test for this (simple) program?
The answer is that we will mock the IO monad using a different, pure monad. Below is a definition of a FakeIO
monad --- it is just a state monad with two components: a log of all of the lines that were written to the output and a list of all inputs, which may or may not be ready.
> data FakeState = FS
> { fsWrite :: DL.DList String -- what has been written
> , fsInput :: [Maybe String] -- what to read from
> }
We will eventually be able to run this monad by giving it a list of inputs and it will give us back the log of write
Main*> runFakeIO echo [Nothing, Nothing, Just "Hello"]
["hello", "\n"]
We can make this FakeIO
monad an instance of our two classes by remembering all of the strings that were written and by providing access to the inputs, one by one.
> instance Output FakeIO where
> write s = do st <- S.get
> let oldLog = fsWrite st
> let newLog = DL.append oldLog (DL.singleton s)
> S.put $ st { fsWrite = newLog }
Complete the definition of the input function so that it accesses the fsInput
component of current state, returning the head (if any) and updating fsInput
to be the tail of the list.
We can run the FakeIO
monad by giving it an initial state.
> runFakeIO :: FakeIO () -> [Maybe String] -> [String]
> runFakeIO comp inputs =
> DL.toList (fsWrite (S.execState comp initState))
> where
> initState = FS { fsWrite = DL.empty, fsInput = inputs }
Here are two examples of unit tests for IO programs.
> testEcho :: Test
> testEcho = runFakeIO echo
> [Nothing, Nothing, Just "hello"] ~?=
> ["hello", "\n"]
> testEcho2 :: Test
> testEcho2 = runFakeIO (echo >> echo)
> [Just "hello", Nothing, Just "CIS 552"] ~?=
> ["hello", "\n", "CIS 552", "\n"]
Now write a test of your own, for a simple IO progam of your own devising.
A generic concurrency monad
The Concurrency monad that we presented in class was specialized to atomic actions in the IO monad. But now that we have a mocked version of the IO monad, we should be more general. Compare this definition of Action
to the one from before; this one is parameterized by a monad in which the atomic actions are run.
> data Action m =
> Atom (m (Action m)) -- an atomic computation, returning a new action
> | Fork (Action m) (Action m) -- create a new thread
> | Stop -- terminate this thread
We add this new m
as an additional argument to C
Now, make this new type a monad:
Next, to make sure you follow how these generalizations work, add the type signatures for our library of concurrency operations. Of course, you can ask GHCi for these types, but try to figure them out yourself first.
> sched [] = return ()
> sched (Atom m : cs) = m >>= \ a -> sched (cs ++ [a])
> sched (Fork a1 a2 : cs) = sched (cs ++ [a1,a2])
> sched (Stop : cs) = sched cs
Testing concurrent IO
Next, show how to implement input and output for this new parameterized concurrency monad.
> instance Input m => Input (C m) where
> input = undefined
> instance Output m => Output (C m) where
> write = undefined
(More generally, note that C
is a monad transformer. We can make the concurrency monad an instance of the monad transformers class, which will allow it to work gracefully with other monad transformers.)
Let's define and test a concurrent program that does IO.
For example, given an output function:
We can run it in the IO monad
Main*> run (example :: C IO ())
Hello CIS552
Or run it in the Concurrent FakeIO monad.
Write your own example of a (terminating) concurrent program, and a test demonstrating what it does.