Eventually, the complete
version will be made available.
Monad Transformers
> {-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleContexts, NoMonomorphismRestriction,
> FlexibleInstances, KindSignatures, InstanceSigs,
> MultiParamTypeClasses, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
How do we use multiple monads at once?
Today, we will see how monads can be used to write (and compose) evaluators for programming languages.
Let's look at a simple language of division expressions.
Our first evaluator is unsafe.
Here are two terms that we will use as running examples.
> ok = (Val 1972 `Div` Val 2)
> `Div` Val 23
> err = Val 2 `Div`
> (Val 1 `Div`
> (Val 2 `Div` Val 3))
The first evaluates properly and returns a valid answer, while the second fails with a divide-by-zero exception.
We don't like this eval
because it can blow up with a divide-by-zero error and stop the whole evaluator.
Of course, one way to fix the problem is to detect the error and then continue with a default value (such as 0).
> evalDefault :: Expr -> Int
> evalDefault (Val n) = n
> evalDefault (Div x y) =
> let m = evalDefault y in
> if m == 0 then 0 else evalDefault x `div` m
But, no one likes this solution. It leads to buggy code.
Alternatively, we can use the Maybe
type to treat the failure case more gently: a Nothing
result means that an error happened somewhere, while a Just n
result meant that evaluation succeeded yielding n
Error Handling Via Exception Monads
The trouble with the above is that it doesn't let us know where the divide by zero occurred. It would be nice to have a real exception mechanism where we could say Throw x
(for some descriptive value x
, such as a string describing the error), which would percolate up to the top and tell us what the problem was.
Instead of using Maybe
we can use the Either
datatype for our result.
In this example, we can use Right
like Just
to indicate a successful result. However, although Left
is like Nothing
, it carries a value of type s
denoting what the problem was. In the examples below, we will use type String
for s
. This string will be our error message.
The type Either s
is a monad, with a very similar definition to that of Maybe
. Note that we are partially applying this type constructor!
instance Monad (Either s) where
(>>=) :: Either s a -> (a -> Either s b) -> Either s b
Right x >>= f = f x
Left s >>= _ = Left s
return :: a -> Either s a
return = Right
Now YOU can use the Either
monad (with do notation) to write a better exception- throwing evaluator,
> evalEither :: Expr -> Either String Int
> evalEither (Val n) = return n
> evalEither (Div x y) = undefined
where the helper function errorS
generates the error string.
*Main> evalEither ok
Right 42
*Main> evalEither err
Left "Error dividing Val 1 by Div (Val 2) (Val 3)"
Counting Operations Using the State Monad
Next, let's stop being so paranoid about errors and instead try to do some profiling. Lets imagine that the div
operator is very expensive, and that we would like to count the number of divisions that are performed while evaluating a particular expression.
As you might imagine, our old friend the state monad is going to be just what we need here! The type of store that we'd like to use is just the count of number of division operations, and we can store that in an Int
We'll need a way of incrementing the counter:
> tickProf :: Prof ()
> tickProf = do
> x <- S.get -- use get and put from the state monad
> S.put (x + 1)
Now we can write a profiling evaluator,
> evalProf :: Expr -> Prof Int
> evalProf (Val n) = return n
> evalProf (Div x y) = do
> m <- evalProf x
> n <- evalProf y
> tickProf
> return (m `div` n)
and observe it at work
> goProf :: Expr -> IO ()
> goProf e = putStrLn $ "value: " ++ show x ++ ", count: " ++ show s
> where (x,s) = S.runState (evalProf e) 0 :: (Int, Int)
But... alas! To get the profiling, we threw out the nifty error handling that we had put in earlier!!
Transformers: Making Monads Multitask
So, at the moment, it seems that Monads can do many things, but only one thing at a time -- you can either use a monad to do the error- management plumbing or to do the state-manipulation plumbing, but not at the same time. Is it too much ask for both? I guess we could write a mega-state-and-exception monad that supports the operations of both, but that doesn't sound like any fun at all! Especially since, if we later decide to add yet another feature, then we would have to make up yet another mega-monad.
So we will take a different approach, where we will keep wrapping -- or "decorating" -- monads with extra features, so that we can take a simple monad, and then add the Exception monad's features to it, and then add the State monad's features and so on.
The key to doing this is to define exception handling, state passing, etc., not as monads, but rather as type-level functions from monads to monads.
This will require a little more work up-front (most of which is done already in well-designed libraries), but after that we can add new features in a modular manner. For example, to get a mega state-and-exception monad, we will start with a dummy Identity
monad, supply it to the StateT
monad transformer (which yields state-passing monad) and pass the result to the ExceptT
monad transformer, which yields the desired mega monad.
(Incidentally, if you are a Python programmer, the above may remind some of you of the [Decorator Design Pattern][2] and other [Python Decorators][3].)
Step 1: Describing Monads With Special Features
The first step to being able to compose monads is to define typeclasses that describe monads with particular features. For example, the notion of an exception monad is captured by the typeclass
that describes monads that are also equipped with an appropriate throwError
function. This function takes an error value of type e
(e.g. String
for error messages). The result type is m a
where a
is polymorphic --- in otherwords, we can throw an error in any (monadic) context.
We can make Either s
an instance of the above class like this:
Now see what happens if you change Left
to throwError
in the evaluator evalEither
above and remove the type signature. What is the new type of the evaluator that ghci infers?
Similarly, we can bottle the notion of a state monad in a typeclass...
which describes monads equipped with extraction, and modification functions of appropriate types. We can then redefine the ticking operation to work for any state monad (watch for ambiguity though!):
Naturally, we can make our State
monad an instance of the above:
Now go back and see what happens when you replace tickProf
with tickStateInt
in evalProf
above, and remove the type signature.
Step 2: Using Monads With Special Features
Armed with these two typeclasses, we can write our exception-throwing, step-counting evaluator quite easily:
> evalMega (Val n) = return n
> evalMega (Div x y) = do
> n <- evalMega x
> m <- evalMega y
> if (m == 0)
> then throwError $ errorS n m
> else do
> tickStateInt
> return (n `div` m)
Note that it is simply the combination of the two evaluators from before -- we use the error handling from evalEither
and the profiling from evalProf
Meditate for a moment on the type of above evaluator; note that it works with any monad that is both a exception- and a state- monad!
Interlude: Creating MegaMonads
But where do we get monads that are both state-manipulating and exception-handling?
One answer is that we can just define one!
Exercise: define one! Finish the instances for Monad
, MonadError String
, and MonadState Int
. Make sure that evalMega
works with your monad.
> instance Monad Mega where
> return :: a -> Mega a
> return x = undefined
> (>>=) :: Mega a -> (a -> Mega b) -> Mega b
> ma >>= fmb = undefined
> instance Applicative Mega where
> pure = return
> (<*>) = ap
> instance Functor Mega where
> fmap = liftM
> instance MonadError String Mega where
> throwError :: String -> Mega a
> throwError str = undefined
> instance MonadState Int Mega where
> get = undefined
> put x = undefined
Finally, once we have a Mega monad, we can run it.
> goMega :: Expr -> IO ()
> goMega e = putStr $ pr (evalMega e) where
> pr :: Mega Int -> String
> pr f = case runMega f 0 of
> Left s -> "Raise: " ++ s ++ "\n"
> Right (v, cnt) -> "Count: " ++ show cnt ++ "\n" ++
> "Result: " ++ show v ++ "\n"
In the end, making your own mega-monad is a bit disappointing, since we've already defined the state- and exception-handling functionality separately.
A better answer is to build them piece by piece. We'll do this by defining some type level functions that will add state manipulation or exception handling to any pre-existing monad.
Step 3: Adding Features to Existing Monads
To add new features to existing monads, we use monad transformers -- type operators t
that map each monad m
to a monad t m
A Transformer For Exceptions
Consider the following datatype declaration:
Look closely at the kind of ExceptT
*Main> :k ExceptT
ExceptT :: * -> (* -> *) -> * -> *
This type constructor takes a type e
(the type of the error value, such as String
), then an underlying monad m
and then an argument a
. It is a lot like Either e a
except that we have added a new monad m
in the middle.
If you look at the definition of ExceptT
you'll see that this monad wraps the Either e a
If m
is a monad, then we can make ExceptT
a monad. Furthermore, the definition looks a lot like the definition of the Either
monad. We just need to (a) work wth the newtype (MkExc
and runExceptT
) and (b) use return and >>=
from the monad m
to string computations together.
> (>>=) :: ExceptT e m a -> (a -> ExceptT e m b) -> ExceptT e m b
> p >>= f = MkExc $ runExceptT p >>= (\ x -> case x of
> Left e -> return (Left e)
> Right a -> runExceptT (f a))
> instance Monad m => Applicative (ExceptT e m) where
> pure = return
> (<*>) = ap
> instance Monad m => Functor (ExceptT e m) where
> fmap = liftM
And next we ensure that the transformer is an exception monad by equipping it with throwError
Compare this definition to that of MonadError e (Either e)
> instance Monad m => MonadError e (ExceptT e m) where
> throwError :: e -> ExceptT e m a
> throwError msg = MkExc (return (Left msg))
A Transformer For State
Next, we will build a transformer for the state monad, following more or less the same recipe as we did for exceptions. Here is the type for the transformer:
Thus, in effect, the enhanced monad is a variant of the ordinary state monad where a starting store is mapped to a computation in the monad m
that returns both a result of type a
and a new store.
(Note that the monad transformer is not this:
newtype StateT s m a = MkStateT (m (s -> (a, s)))
That is, it is not an m
computation yielding a store transformation. Why is this not what we want?)
Next, we declare that the transformer's output is a monad. Again, compare the definitions below to that of the State
> instance Monad m => Monad (StateT s m) where
> return :: a -> StateT s m a
> return x = MkStateT $ \s -> return (x,s)
> (>>=) :: StateT s m a -> (a -> StateT s m b) -> StateT s m b
> p >>= f = MkStateT $ \s -> do (r,s') <- runStateT p s
> runStateT (f r) s'
And finally we declare that the transformer is a state monad by equipping it with the operations from MonadState Int
. You fill in these definitions.
> put :: s -> StateT s m ()
> put s = MkStateT putIt
> where putIt :: s -> m ((), s)
> putIt _ = undefined
Where are we now?
- If m is a monad, then StateT s m is a state monad (i.e. an instance of MonadState)
- If m is a monad, then ExceptT e m is an error monad (i.e. an instance of MonadError)
But, what about StateT s (ExceptT e m)
? We know it is a state monad by the above. But, we'd also like it to be an error monad.
In other words, we need the following "pass through" properties to hold:
- If m is a state monad, then
ExceptT e
m is still a state monad - If m is an error monad, then
StateT Int
m is still an error monad
We can do this in a generic way.
Step 4: Preserving Old Features of Monads
Of course, we must make sure that the original features of the monads are not lost in the transformed monads. The key ingredient of a transformer is that it must have a function lift
that takes an m
operation and turns it into a t m
operation. For example, the State
monad supports get
and set
. We would like to be able to lift get
and set
so that they work for ExceptT e (State s)
In general, this function will allow us to transfer operations from the old monad into the transformed monad: any operation on the input monad m
can be directly lifted into the transformed monad, and so the transformation preserves all the operations of the original monad.
> class MonadTrans (t :: (* -> *) -> * -> *) where -- from Control.Monad.Trans (among other places)
> lift :: Monad m => m a -> t m a
It is easy to formally state that ExceptT e
is a bona-fide transformer by making it an instance of the MonadTrans
> instance MonadTrans (ExceptT e) where
> lift :: Monad m => m a -> ExceptT e m a
> -- Recall the type of MkExc
> -- MkExc :: m (Either e a) -> ExceptT e m a
> lift = MkExc . lift_ where
> lift_ :: (Monad m) => m a -> m (Either e a)
> lift_ mt = Right <$> mt
Similarly, for the state monad transformer:
> instance MonadTrans (StateT s) where
> lift :: Monad m => m a -> StateT s m a
> -- Recall the type of MkStateT
> -- MkStateT :: (s -> m (a,s)) -> StateT s m a
> lift ma = MkStateT $ \s -> do r <- ma
> return (r,s)
Using lift
, we can ensure that, if a monad was already an "error" monad, then the result of the state transformer is too:
> instance MonadError e m => MonadError e (StateT s m) where
> throwError :: e -> StateT s m a
> throwError = lift . throwError
Similarly, if a monad was already a state-manipulating monad, then the result of the exception-transformer is also a state-manipulating monad:
Step 5: Whew! Put It Together and Run
Finally, we can put all the pieces together and run the transformers. We can also order the transformations differently (which can have different consequences on the output, as we will see).
We can run these interpreters as follows:
> goExSt :: Expr -> IO ()
> goExSt e = putStr $ pr (evalExSt e) where
> pr :: StateT Int (Either String) Int -> String
> pr f = case runStateT f 0 of
> Left s -> "Raise: " ++ s ++ "\n"
> Right (v, cnt) -> "Count: " ++ show cnt ++ "\n" ++
> "Result: " ++ show v ++ "\n"
> goStEx :: Expr -> IO ()
> goStEx e = putStr $ pr (evalStEx e) where
> pr :: ExceptT String Prof Int -> String
> pr f = "Count: " ++ show cnt ++ "\n" ++ show r ++ "\n"
> where (r, cnt) = S.runState (runExceptT f) 0
When everything works, we get the same answer. But look what happens if we try to divide by zero!
*Main> goExSt ok
Count: 2
Result: 42
*Main> goExSt err
Raise: Error dividing 1 by 0
*Main> goStEx ok
Count: 2
Right 42
*Main> goStEx err
Count: 1
Left "Error dividing 1 by 0"
Step 6: Getting the original monads back
It seems a little silly that the monad definitions for State
and for StateT
share so much code. What if we want a monad that is only a state monad, and not layered on top of something else?
As alluded to above, we can define an Identity
monad to use under any other.