CIS 552 students should be able to access this code through
github. Eventually, the
completed version will be available.
Red Black Trees
This module implements a persistent version of a common balanced tree structure: red-black trees.
It serves as both a demonstration of a pure functional data structure and as an additional use-case for QuickCheck.
However, before reading the rest of this module, you should first watch this keynote presentation by John Hughes, one of the inventors of QuickCheck.
This week's quiz will cover both the video and the module below. If you would rather read the material than watch the presentation, you can find the associated paper here.
Warning: we are going to use a few GHC extensions in this module. We'll explain these extensions as we use them below. Most of the extensions are listed in the cabal file and are useful in most language developments. However, this one should be treated with care and we explain it at the end of the file.
> {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
> module RedBlack where
We'll make the following standard library functions available for this implementation.
> import qualified Data.Foldable as Foldable
And we'll use QuickCheck for testing.
> import Test.QuickCheck hiding (elements)
API preview
Our goal is to use red-black trees to implement a finite set data structure, with a similar interface to Java's SortedSet or Haskell's Data.Set.
This module defines the following API for finite sets:
type RBT a -- a red-black tree containing elements of type a
empty :: RBT a
insert :: Ord a => a -> RBT a -> RBT a
delete :: Ord a => a -> RBT a -> RBT a
member :: Ord a => a -> RBT a -> Bool
elements :: RBT a -> [a]
This interface specifies a persistent set of ordered elements. We can tell that the implementation is persistent just by looking at the types of the operations. In particular, the empty operation is not a function, it is just a set --- there is only one empty set. If we were allowed to mutate it, it wouldn't be empty any more. Furthermore, the insert
and delete
operations return a new set instead of modifying their argument.
Tree Structure
If it has been a while since you have seen red-black trees, refresh your memory.
A red-black tree is a binary search tree where every node is marked with a color (red R
or black B
). For brevity, we will abbreviate the standard tree constructors Empty
and Branch
as E
and N
. (The latter stands for node.) Using the DeriveFoldable
language extension we can automatically make this tree an instance of the Data.Foldable
type class.
> data Color = R | B deriving (Eq, Show)
> data T a = E | N Color (T a) a (T a) deriving (Eq, Show, Foldable)
We define the RBT type by distinguishing the root of the tree.
> newtype RBT a = Root (T a) deriving (Show, Foldable)
We can access all of the elements of the red-black tree with an inorder tree traversal, directly available from the Foldable
> -- | List all of the elements of the finite set, in ascending order
> elements :: RBT a -> [a]
> elements = Foldable.toList
Note above that we did not derive the Eq instance in the definition of RBT
. Instead, we will define two red-black trees to be equal when they contain the same elements.
> instance Eq a => Eq (RBT a) where
> t1 == t2 = elements t1 == elements t2
Every tree has a color, determined by the following function.
> -- | access the color of the tree
> color :: T a -> Color
> color (N c _ _ _) = c
> color E = B
We can also calculate the "black height" of a tree -- i.e. the number of black nodes from the root to every leaf. It is an invariant that this number is the same for every path in the tree, so we only need to look at one side.
> -- | calculate the black height of the tree
> blackHeight :: T a -> Int
> blackHeight E = 1
> blackHeight (N c a _ _) = blackHeight a + (if c == B then 1 else 0)
Valid Red-Black Trees
Not every value of type RBT a
is a valid red-black tree.
Red-black trees must, first of all, be binary search trees. That means that the data in the tree must be stored in order.
Furthermore, red-black trees must satisfy also the following four invariants about colors.
Empty trees are black
The root (i.e. the topmost node) of a nonempty tree is black
From each node, every path to an
has the same number of black nodesRed nodes have black children
The first invariant is true by definition of the
function above. The others we will have to maintain as we implement the various tree operations.Together, these invariants imply that every red-black tree is "approximately balanced", in the sense that the longest path to an
is no more than twice the length of the shortest.From this balance property, it follows that the
operations will run inO(log_2 n)
Sample Trees
Here are some example trees; only the first one below is actually a red-black tree. The others violate the invariants above in some way.
> good1 :: RBT Int
> good1 = Root $ N B (N B E 1 E) 2 (N B E 3 E)
Here is one with a red Root (violates invariant 2).
> bad1 :: RBT Int
> bad1 = Root $ N R (N B E 1 E) 2 (N B E 3 E)
Here's one that violates the black height requirement (invariant 3).
> bad2 :: RBT Int
> bad2 = Root $ N B (N R E 1 E) 2 (N B E 3 E)
Now define a red-black tree that violates invariant 4.
> bad3 :: RBT Int
> bad3 = undefined
Now define a red-black tree that isn't a binary search tree (i.e. the values stored in the tree are not in strictly increasing order).
> bad4 :: RBT Int
> bad4 = undefined
All sample trees, plus the empty tree for good measure.
> trees :: [(String, RBT Int)]
> trees = [("good1", good1),
> ("bad1", bad1),
> ("bad2", bad2),
> ("bad3", bad3),
> ("bad4", bad4),
> ("empty",empty)]
Checking validity for red-black trees
We can write QuickCheck properties for each of the invariants above.
First, let's can define when a red-black tree satisfies the binary search tree condition. There are several ways of stating this condition, some of which are more efficient to check than others. Hughes suggests using an O(n^2)
operation, because it obviously captures the BST invariant.
> isBST :: Ord a => RBT a -> Bool
> isBST (Root t) = aux t where
> aux E = True
> aux (N _ l k r) =
> aux l && aux r &&
> all (<k) (elements (Root l)) && all (>k) (elements (Root r))
Here, we'll use a linear-time operation, and leave it to you to convince yourself that it is equivalent [4].
> -- | A red-black tree is a BST if an inorder traversal is strictly ordered.
> isBST' :: Ord a => RBT a -> Bool
> isBST' = orderedBy (<) . elements
> -- | Are the elements in the list ordered by the provided operation?
> orderedBy :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Bool
> orderedBy op (x:y:xs) = x `op` y && orderedBy op (y:xs)
> orderedBy _ _ = True
> prop_isBST_isBST' :: Ord a => RBT a -> Property
> prop_isBST_isBST' t = property (isBST t == isBST' t)
Now we can also think about validity properties for the colors in the tree.
The empty tree is black. (This is trivial, nothing to do here.)
The root of the tree is black.
> isRootBlack :: RBT a -> Bool
> isRootBlack (Root t) = color t == B
- For all nodes in the tree, all downward paths from the node to
contain the same number of black nodes. (Define this yourself, making sure that your test passes forgood1
and fails forbad2
> consistentBlackHeight :: RBT a -> Bool
> consistentBlackHeight = undefined
- All children of red nodes are black.
> noRedRed :: RBT a -> Bool
> noRedRed (Root t) = aux t where
> aux (N R a _ b) = color a == B && color b == B && aux a && aux b
> aux (N B a _ b) = aux a && aux b
> aux E = True
We can combine the predicates together using the following definition:
> valid :: Ord a => RBT a -> Bool
> valid t = isRootBlack t && consistentBlackHeight t && noRedRed t && isBST t
Take a moment to try out the properties above on the sample trees by running the testProps
function in ghci. The good trees should satisfy all of the properties, whereas the bad trees should fail at least one of them.
> testProps :: IO ()
> testProps = mapM_ checkTree trees where
> checkTree (name,tree) = do
> putStrLn $ "******* Checking " ++ name ++ " *******"
> quickCheck $ once (counterexample "RB2" $ isRootBlack tree)
> quickCheck $ once (counterexample "RB3" $ consistentBlackHeight tree)
> quickCheck $ once (counterexample "RB4" $ noRedRed tree)
> quickCheck $ once (counterexample "BST" $ isBST tree)
For convenience, we can also create a single property that combines all four color invariants together along with the BST invariant. The counterexample
function reports which part of the combined property fails.
We will specialize all of the QuickCheck properties that we define to red-black trees that only contain small integer values.
> type A = Small Int
> prop_Valid :: RBT A -> Property
> prop_Valid tree = counterexample "RB2" (isRootBlack tree) .&&.
> counterexample "RB3" (consistentBlackHeight tree) .&&.
> counterexample "RB4" (noRedRed tree) .&&.
> counterexample "BST" (isBST tree)
Arbitrary Instance
Our goal is to use QuickCheck to verify that the RBT-based set operations preserve these invariants. To do this, we will need an arbitrary instance for the RBT
type. However, because we want to verify that prop_Valid
is an invariant of our data structure, we only want to test our operations on trees that satisfy this invariant. And not many do!
Therefore, we will make sure that our RBT
generator only produces valid red-black trees. How can we do this?
The key idea is to use a generator based on the insert
and empty
operations that we will define later.
If our insert
function preserves the RBT invariants, then we will only generate valid red-black trees. If it does not, then running QuickCheck with prop_Valid
should fail.
Below, we use the operator form of fmap
, written <$>
to first generate an arbitrary list of values, and then fold over that list, inserting them one by one. (The InstanceSigs
extension is needed to write the type signatures directly with the instance definitions and the ScopedTypeVariables
extension is needed to bring the type variable a
into scope for the type annotation Gen [a]
> instance (Ord a, Arbitrary a) => Arbitrary (RBT a) where
> arbitrary :: Gen (RBT a)
> arbitrary = foldr insert empty <$> (arbitrary :: Gen [a])
> shrink :: RBT a -> [RBT a]
> shrink (Root E) = []
> shrink (Root (N _ l _ r)) = [blacken l,blacken r]
The shrink function is used by QuickCheck to minimize counterexamples. The idea of this function is that it should, when given a tree, produce some smaller tree. Both the left and right subtrees of a wellformed red-black tree are red-black trees, as long as we make sure that their top nodes are black. We can ensure that the result is black using the following simple function.
> -- | Create an RBT by blackening the top node (if necessary)
> blacken :: T a -> RBT a
> blacken E = Root E
> blacken (N _ l v r) = Root (N B l v r)
What properties should we test with QuickCheck?
The Hughes talk describes several methods for generating QuickCheck properties for an API under test. Here, we will focus on two of them: validity testing and metamorphic testing.
- Validity Testing
We already have defined prop_Valid
which tests whether its argument is a valid red-black tree. When we use this with the Arbitrary
instance that we defined above, we are testing if the empty
tree is valid and if the insert
function preserves this invariant.
However, we also need properties to make sure that our delete
and shrink
operations preserve invariants.
> prop_DeleteValid :: RBT A -> A -> Property
> prop_DeleteValid t x = prop_Valid (delete x t)
> prop_ShrinkValid :: RBT A -> Property
> prop_ShrinkValid t = conjoin (map prop_Valid (shrink t))
- Metamorphic Testing
The idead of metamorphic testing is to describe the relationship between multiple function calls in the interface. Focusing on empty
, insert
, delete
, and member
, we can define the following tests:
> prop_InsertEmpty :: A -> Bool
> prop_InsertEmpty x = elements (insert x empty) == [x]
> prop_InsertInsert :: A -> A -> RBT A -> Bool
> prop_InsertInsert x y t =
> insert x (insert y t) == insert y (insert x t)
> prop_InsertDelete :: A -> A -> RBT A -> Bool
> prop_InsertDelete k k0 t = insert k (delete k0 t) ==
> if k == k0 then insert k t else delete k0 (insert k t)
> prop_DeleteEmpty :: A -> Bool
> prop_DeleteEmpty x = delete x empty == empty
> prop_DeleteInsert :: A -> A -> RBT A -> Bool
> prop_DeleteInsert k k0 t =
> delete k (insert k0 t) ==
> if k == k0
> then t
> else insert k0 (delete k t)
> prop_DeleteDelete :: A -> A -> RBT A -> Bool
> prop_DeleteDelete x y t =
> delete x (delete y t) == delete y (delete x t)
> prop_MemberEmpty :: A -> Bool
> prop_MemberEmpty x = not (member x empty)
> prop_MemberInsert :: A -> A -> RBT A -> Bool
> prop_MemberInsert k k0 t =
> member k (insert k0 t) == (k == k0 || member k t)
> prop_MemberDelete :: A -> A -> RBT A -> Bool
> prop_MemberDelete k k0 t =
> member k (delete k0 t) == (k /= k0 && member k t)
Implementing the API
We now just need to implement the API functions for this data structure. The empty
, and member
operations are straightforward.
> empty :: RBT a
> empty = Root E
> member :: Ord a => a -> RBT a -> Bool
> member x (Root t) = aux t where
> aux E = False
> aux (N _ a y b)
> | x < y = aux a
> | x > y = aux b
> | otherwise = True
However, insert
and delete
are, of course, a bit trickier. We'll define them both with the help of auxiliary functions, ins
and del
that can violate the red-black invariants temporarily. To make sure that everything works out, we blacken
the result of these helper functions to make sure that property 2 holds.
> insert :: Ord a => a -> RBT a -> RBT a
> insert x (Root t) = blacken (ins x t)
> delete :: Ord a => a -> RBT a -> RBT a
> delete x (Root t) = blacken (del x t)
Implementation of insert
First, let's consider the implementation of ins
. For del
, see the end of the module.
The recursive function ins
walks down the tree until...
> ins :: Ord a => a -> T a -> T a
... it gets to an empty leaf node, in which case it constructs a new (red) node containing the value being inserted...
> ins x E = N R E x E
... finds the correct subtree to insert the value, or discovers that the value being inserted is already in the tree (in which case it returns the input unchanged):
> ins x s@(N c a y b)
> | x < y = balance (N c (ins x a) y b)
> | x > y = balance (N c a y (ins x b))
> | otherwise = s
Note that this definition breaks the RBT invariants in two ways --- it could create a tree with a red root (when we insert into an empty tree), or create a red node with a red child (when we insert into a subtree). The former case is taken care of with the call to blacken
at the toplevel definition of the insert
function. To repair the second situation, we need to rebalance the tree.
In the recursive calls of ins
, before returning the new tree, we may need to rebalance to maintain the red-black invariants. The code to do this is encapsulated in a helper function balance
- The key insight in writing the balancing function is that we do not try to rebalance as soon as we see a red node with a red child. That can also be fixed just by blackening the root of the tree, so we return this tree as-is. (We call such trees, which violate invariants two and four only at the root "infrared").
The real problem comes when we've inserted a new red node between a black parent and a red child.
i.e., the job of the balance function is to rebalance trees with a black-red-red path starting at the root. Since the root has two children and four grandchildren, there are four ways in which such a path can happen.
B B B B / \ / \ / \ / \ R d R d a R a R / \ / \ / \ / \ R c a R R d b R / \ / \ / \ / \
a b b c b c c d
The result of rebalancing maintains the black height by converting to a red parent with black children.
R / \ B B / \ / \ a b c d
In code, we can use pattern matching to directly identify the four trees above and rewrite them to the balanced tree. All other trees are left alone.
> balance :: T a -> T a
> balance (N B (N R (N R a x b) y c) z d) = N R (N B a x b) y (N B c z d)
> balance (N B (N R a x (N R b y c)) z d) = N R (N B a x b) y (N B c z d)
> balance (N B a x (N R (N R b y c) z d)) = N R (N B a x b) y (N B c z d)
> balance (N B a x (N R b y (N R c z d))) = N R (N B a x b) y (N B c z d)
> balance t = t
Red-Black deletion
Deletion is more complicated [1].
> del :: Ord a => a -> T a -> T a
> del _x E = E
> del x (N _ a y b)
> | x < y = delLeft a y b
> | x > y = delRight a y b
> | otherwise = merge a b
> where
> delLeft c@(N B _ _ _) z d = balLeft (del x c) z d
> delLeft c z d = N R (del x c) z d
> delRight c z d@(N B _ _ _) = balRight c z (del x d)
> delRight c z d = N R c z (del x d)
The del
function works by first finding the appropriate place in the tree to delete the given element (if it exists). At the node where we find the element, we delete it by merging the two subtrees together. At other nodes, we call del
recursively on one of the two subtrees, using delLeft
and delRight
. If the subtree that we are deleting from is a black node, this recursive call will change its black height, so we will need to rebalance to restore the invariants (using balLeft
and balRight
In other words, we have an invariant that deleting an element from a black tree of height n + 1
returns a tree of height n
, while deleting from a red tree (or an empty tree) preserves the black height.
As above, the final tree that we produce may be red or black, so we blacken this result to restore this invariant.
Rebalancing function after a left deletion from a black-rooted tree.
There are three cases to consider: 1. left subtree is red. 2. both left and right subtrees are black. 3. left subtree is black and right is red.
These three cases are covered by the following function. In each case, we produce a balanced tree even though we know that the black height of the left subtree is one less than the black height of the right subtree.
> balLeft :: T a -> a -> T a -> T a
> balLeft (N R a x b) y c = N R (N B a x b) y c
> balLeft bl x (N B a y b) = balance (N B bl x (N R a y b))
> balLeft bl x (N R (N B a y b) z c) =
> N R (N B bl x a) y (balance (N B b z (redden c)))
> balLeft _ _ _ = error "invariant violation"
Above, we need the following helper function to reduce the black height of the subtree c
reddening the node. This operation should only be called on black nodes. Here, we know that c
must be black because it is the child of a red node, and we know that c
can't be E
because it must have the same black height as (N B a y b)
> redden :: T a -> T a
> redden (N B a x b) = N R a x b
> redden _ = error "invariant violation"
Rebalance after deletion from the right subtree. This function is symmetric to the above code.
> balRight :: T a -> a -> T a -> T a
> balRight a x (N R b y c) = N R a x (N B b y c)
> balRight (N B a x b) y bl = balance (N B (N R a x b) y bl)
> balRight (N R a x (N B b y c)) z bl =
> N R (balance (N B (redden a) x b)) y (N B c z bl)
> balRight _ _ _ = error "invariant violation"
Finally, we need to glue two red-black trees together into a single tree (after deleting the element in the middle). If one subtree is red and the other black, we can call merge recursively, pushing the red node up. Otherwise, if both subtrees are black or both red, we can merge the inner pair of subtrees together. If that result is red, then we can promote its value up. Otherwise, we may need to rebalance.
> merge :: T a -> T a -> T a
> merge E x = x
> merge x E = x
> merge (N R a x b) (N R c y d) =
> case merge b c of
> N R b' z c' -> N R (N R a x b') z (N R c' y d)
> bc -> N R a x (N R bc y d)
> merge (N B a x b) (N B c y d) =
> case merge b c of
> N R b' z c' -> N R (N B a x b') z (N B c' y d)
> bc -> balLeft a x (N B bc y d)
> merge a (N R b x c) = N R (merge a b) x c
> merge (N R a x b) c = N R a x (merge b c)
Running QuickCheck
Using the TemplateHaskell
extension, the following code below defines an operation that will invoke QuickCheck with all definitions that start with prop_
above. This code must come after all of the definitions above (and runTests
is not in scope before this point).
> return []
> runTests :: IO Bool
> runTests = $quickCheckAll
[0] See also persistant Java implementation for comparison. Requires ~350 lines for the same implementation.
[1] This implementation of deletion is taken from Stefan Kahrs, "Red-black trees with types", Journal of functional programming, 11(04), pp 425-432, July 2001
[2] Andrew Appel, "Efficient Verified Red-Black Trees" September 2011. Presents a Coq implementation of a verified Red Black Tree based on Karhs implementation.
[3] Matt Might has a blog post on an alternative version of the RBT deletion operation.
[4] Joachim Breitner's talk develops an optimized ordering check for binary trees, showing at each step why it is equivalent to the simpler version.