Return of the Data Munging Kata
> module Kata where
This problem asks you to revisit the data munging Kata from the first homework assignment to see how type classes can help structure programs to separate library routines from business logic.
In this problem, you can use any function in the Haskell Prelude or the following libraries:
> import qualified Data.Char as Char
> import qualified Data.List as List
> import qualified Data.Maybe as Maybe
> import qualified Data.Foldable as Foldable
The code below also uses the following functions that we'll import explicitly.
> import Text.Read (readMaybe)
> import Test.HUnit ((@?=), (~:), (~?=), Test(TestList))
We'll also use the following library for NonEmpty
> import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..)) -- Lists that are NonEmpty, see below
> import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
Prelude: Working with NonEmpty
This time around, you need to be more careful about the use of functions that
could trigger a runtime error. For example, calling the maximum
function with
an empty list triggers a runtime error.
*Kata> maximum []
maximum []
*** Exception: Prelude.maximum: empty list
Furthermore, this kind of exeception is difficult to recover from in Haskell! Because it can be difficult to know for certain that a list is guaranteed to not be null, a good approach is to get the type system to help out.
The Haskell base library includes the following
that defines the parameterized type NonEmpty a
to represent non-empty
lists. This type is represented using standard lists and supports many of
the usual operations that lists do.
For example, we can construct a nonempty list out of a regular list and a distinguished first element. For example,
*Kata> let x = 'a' :| ['b', 'c', 'd']
let x = 'a' :| ['b', 'c', 'd']
*Kata> :type x
:type x
x :: NonEmpty Char
Because we know that there is a first element, the head
is guaranteed to succeed. This function is defined in the Data.List.NonEmpty
module, which we have imported using the shorter qualifier NE
*Kata> NE.head x
NE.head x
Furthermore, many of the usual list functions, such as maximum
and length
are overloaded, so they are available for both regular and
lists. However, for NonEmpty
lists, we know that maximum
cannot fail: there will always be some largest element.
*Kata> length x
length x
*Kata> maximum x
maximum x
Kata revisited
The goal of this problem is to develop a library for working with ad hoc data files like we saw in the first homework assignment.
This library should support good design: we want to cleanly separate the job of parsing the data file from any sort of processing that we want to do with that data. Furthermore, because we are creating a reusable library, we'll work with a simplified form of a standard data format---data files that separate values by commas. (The design of the library is loosely inspired by Cassava, a Haskell library for working with CSV data.)
A key idea of this library is that it should support working with a data model that represents only the data from the file that is relevant to our application.
For example, for the weather data, we might want to define a type that includes only the information from the file that we care about: the day number and the minimum and maximum temperatures.
> -- | Weather model
> data Weather = Weather {
> day :: Day, maxTemp :: Int, minTemp :: Int
> } deriving (Eq, Show)
Furthermore, we will use a special purpose type to represent the day of the month. (A newtype is a restricted form of datatype that allows only one variant and one field.)
> -- | Type for Day of the month information: an Int in the range 1-31
> newtype Day = Day Int deriving (Eq, Show)
Using the library
The main operation of this library is the function parse
, defined below, of type
parse :: ParseRecord a => String -> Maybe (NonEmpty a)
This function parses the input file into a non-empty list data records. In the case of
weather files, these records will be of type Weather
, representing the weather data
in each row of the input. The parse function needs extra information to figure out how
to interpret the input string. The first line of input should be a header row that
specifies the columns of the file, separated by commas. Then each row
of the file can be split up into columns and parsed into the data model, using the
overloaded parseRecord
function for that type.
For example, for the Weather
type, the definition looks like this:
> -- | Parse weather information from rows of tabulated strings
> instance ParseRecord Weather where
> parseRecord :: [(String,String)] -> Maybe Weather
> parseRecord row = Just Weather <**> row !? "DY" <**> row !? "MAX" <**> row !? "MIN"
Above, the parseRecord
function expects a data row that has been converted
into a simple dictionary of type [(String,String)]
. The first component
of each pair in the list is the name of the column (from the header row) and the second
component should be a string with the value in that row. For example
the data from the first line of dat/jul21.csv
would look like:
[("DY"," 1"),("MAX"," 86"),("MIN"," 70"), ...]
To take this input and create our data model concisely, we use two infix
operators. The first (!?)
is just a wrapper for the library function lookup
from Data.List
. The second (<**>)
is a function that we'll
define below in our library.
> (!?) :: [(String,String)] -> String -> Maybe String
> row !? name = List.lookup name row
The (<**>)
function has to know how to convert each data string into the appropriate
type for the data model. For this, it relies on another overloaded function, parseField
(See below for the declaration of the ParseField
For example, to parse a Day
field, we create the following instance:
> -- | Parse day information, returns Nothing when the int is out of range
> instance ParseField Day where
> parseField :: String -> Maybe Day
> parseField str = case readMaybe str of
> Nothing -> Nothing
> Just x -> if x < 0 || x > 31 then Nothing else Just (Day x)
This function converts a given string (such as " 1") into a Day
while validating that it
is in range. This parsing works in two steps: first we use the (overloaded)
function from the Text.Read
library to ensure that the String represents
an Int
value. Then we validate the range of the Int
before constructing a Day
The library contains instances of ParseField
for built-in types, like Int
(see below).
So this is all that we need to parse weather files.
> parseWeather :: String -> Maybe (NonEmpty Weather)
> parseWeather = parse
Business logic
Once we have defined our data model, the main program is short and sweet. For example, the program below computes the day of the month with the minimum temperature difference.
> -- | Compare two weather records based on the difference between their
> -- minimum and maximum temperatures
> compareTempDiff :: Weather -> Weather -> Ordering
> compareTempDiff w1 w2 = compare (diff w1) (diff w2) where
> diff w = maxTemp w - minTemp w
> -- | A program that computes information about the weather
> weatherProgram :: IO ()
> weatherProgram = do
> chars <- readFile "dat/jul20.csv"
> case parse chars of
> Nothing ->
> putStrLn "Cannot parse weather file."
> Just ws -> do
> let ans = day (Foldable.minimumBy compareTempDiff ws)
> putStrLn $ "The day with minimum temperature change was " ++ show ans
The punchline of this problem is that all we need to do to calculate the minimum temperature spread for weather files is the code to this point. Everything after this line is part of the implementation of a reusable library.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The Library
Now, we develop our general purpose library for processing data files. Your
job for this section is to get weatherProgram
above to work.
Unlike the first assignment, this library will assume that the data is
stored in a CSV file. Notice that in both jul21.csv
the first line of the file is a
header row.
Your job is to implement the following two functions that divide up the header
row by commas and divide up each data row, matching it up with the headers.
If there are not enough header or data values, splitRow
should produce
as much output as it can.
> -- >>> splitHeader "A,B,C"
> -- ["A","B","C"]
> -- >>> splitHeader ""
> -- []
> -- >>> splitHeader "A"
> -- ["A"]
> splitHeader :: String -> [String]
> splitHeader = undefined
> -- >>> splitRow ["A","B","C"] "1,2,3"
> -- [("A","1"),("B","2"),("C","3")]
> -- >>> splitRow ["A", "B"] "1,2,3"
> -- [("A","1"),("B","2")]
> -- >>> splitRow ["A","B","C"] "1,2"
> -- [("A","1"),("B","2")]
> -- >>> splitRow ["a"] ""
> -- [("a","")]
> splitRow :: [String] -> String -> [(String, String)]
> splitRow header row = undefined
Note that a real library for CSV parsing would ignore ,
s that appear
inside quotes and treat them as part of the data (or header name). You do not
need to do so for this exercise.
With these these functions, we can now define a general purpose parser for
data files. This parser can produce any sort of result data, as long as there
is an instance of the ParseRecord
class (such as the one for Weather
records above).
> class ParseRecord a where
> -- Convert a list of string elements into row
> parseRecord :: [(String,String)] -> Maybe a
> -- | Parse a data file into a list of data rows
> -- First line of the file must be a header line
> -- any rows in the data file that are unparseable are ignored
> parse :: ParseRecord a => String -> Maybe (NonEmpty a)
> parse str = NE.nonEmpty $ Maybe.mapMaybe parseRecord (tabulate str) where
> tabulate :: String -> [[(String,String)]]
> tabulate s = case lines s of
> [] -> []
> hd : rows -> map (splitRow header) rows where
> header = splitHeader hd
There is nothing more for you to do for this part, other than make sure that you
understand how parse
Field parsing
The library also includes an auxiliary class that we can use to
tell the library how to parse each field of a record (such as Weather
> class ParseField a where
> parseField :: String -> Maybe a
For example, many of the fields of the Weather
record are Int
s. Therefore,
we need to define an instance of this class for the Int
> instance ParseField Int where
> parseField = readMaybe
In fact, many of Haskell's types can be parsed using Haskell's readMaybe
library function, which also ignores any spaces before or after the value.
> instance ParseField Bool where
> parseField = readMaybe
> instance ParseField Double where
> parseField = readMaybe
We also can add an instance for String
s that doesn't do any parsing at
all --- just passes the value through.
> instance ParseField String where
> parseField = Just
Field chaining
The implementation of ParseRecord
uses ParseField
implicitly through the
use of the binary operator <**>
. This operator, defined below, combines
together the various fields in the row. It uses ParseField
to allow
the type of each field in the structure to determine how it should be
parsed as a Haskell value.
For example, suppose we have this example data model
> data Example = Example Int Day deriving (Show)
Then we can build/validate input field by field, returning
if any of them fail to parse.
> -- >>> Just Example <**> Just "12 " <**> Just " 12"
> -- Just (Example 12 (Day 12))
> -- >>> Just Example <**> Just "47 " <**> Just " 47"
> -- Nothing
Your job is to fix the implementation of this operation, using
. The infixl
tells the Haskell parser what precedence
to use for this infix operator.
> infixl 4 <**>
> (<**>) :: ParseField a => Maybe (a -> b) -> Maybe String -> Maybe b
> _ <**> _ = Nothing
At this point you should be able to run the weatherProgram
above. Make
sure that it works correctly before continuing.
Parsing different types of fields
The Weather
data constructor only takes Day
and Int
arguments, but
is more general than that. All we need is an instance of
to parse other types of data.
For example, String
fields need no conversion, so they can be returned
(A more full featured library would include additional instances for the basic Haskell types.)
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> -- Weather events
Let's do more domain-specific parsing.
For example, the weather file includes a column (marked WX
) for weather events. We
can represent these events with a datatype. If multiple events happen on the same day,
there will be multiple entries in the column.
> data Event = Fog | IntenseFog | Thunder | Ice | Hail
> | FreezingRain | Duststorm | Smoke | BlowingSnow | Tornado
> deriving (Eq, Ord, Enum, Show)
Your next job is to parse single events according to the legend shown in the data file. More specifically, your implementation should look at a single character ('1'-'9' or 'X') and produce the appropriate event above.
> parseEventChar :: Char -> Maybe Event
> parseEventChar _ = Nothing
> testParseEventChar :: Test
> testParseEventChar = TestList [
> parseEventChar '1' ~?= Just Fog,
> parseEventChar 'X' ~?= Just Tornado,
> parseEventChar 'Y' ~?= (Nothing :: Maybe Event)
> ]
We can use this parser for events to parse the sequence of events in the WX column. We'll start by defining a new type for a list of events.
> newtype Events = Events { getEvents :: [Event] } deriving (Eq,Show)
This newtype allows us to define a special purpose parser that parses each character individually and ignores any invalid events.
> -- >>> parseField "12 " :: Maybe Events
> -- Just (Events {getEvents = [Fog,IntenseFog]})
> -- >>> parseField "1D3 " :: Maybe Events
> -- Just (Events {getEvents = [Fog,Thunder]})
> instance ParseField Events where
> parseField = undefined
Above, you might find functions in the Data.Maybe
library useful.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Working with the Library
In the weather data file, the column marked DEP
indicates the difference
between the day's average temperature and the usual average temperature for
that day. Modify the types above (or define new ones!) and fill in the
definitions below so that we can also calculate the day where the temperature
is the most unseasonable... i.e. the day with the greatest departure from
normal. If there are multiple days that are equally unseasonble, your
implementation should return the last one.
> -- | return the day of the month with the largest departure from normal temperature
> mostUnseasonable :: NonEmpty Weather -> Day
> mostUnseasonable = undefined
Next, write a function that returns how many days of the month had
some sort of precipitation. The column marked WTR
contains this information,
when that column has a T
, that indicates a trace amount, which should be
included in the result.
> -- | return how many days had some sort of precipitation
> numPrecip :: NonEmpty Weather -> Int
> numPrecip = undefined
Finally, write a function that returns the list of all foggy days. This
function should count all days that include Fog
or IntenseFog
as a
weather event.
> -- | return a list of all dates with fog events
> foggyDays :: NonEmpty Weather -> [Day]
> foggyDays = undefined
Here are some tests for these functions. This time we've given you two weather data files to play with: jul20.csv and jul21.csv.
> testUnseasonable :: Test
> testUnseasonable = "mostUnseasonable" ~: TestList [
> "unseasonable21" ~: do
> str <- readFile "dat/jul21.csv"
> let w = parseWeather str
> mostUnseasonable <$> w @?= Just (Day 7),
> "unseasonable20" ~: do
> str <- readFile "dat/jul20.csv"
> let w = parseWeather str
> mostUnseasonable <$> w @?= Just (Day 20)
> ]
> testNumPrecip :: Test
> testNumPrecip = "numPrecip" ~: TestList [
> "numPrecip21" ~: do
> str <- readFile "dat/jul21.csv"
> let w = parseWeather str
> numPrecip <$> w @?= Just 12,
> "numPrecip20" ~: do
> str <- readFile "dat/jul20.csv"
> let w = Kata.parseWeather str
> Kata.numPrecip <$> w @?= Just 15
> ]
> testFoggyDays :: Test
> testFoggyDays = "foggyDays" ~: TestList [
> "foggyDays21" ~: do
> str <- readFile "dat/jul21.csv"
> let w = parseWeather str
> foggyDays <$> w @?= Just [Day 1,Day 2,Day 3,Day 4,Day 5,Day 8,
> Day 9,Day 12,Day 13,Day 14,Day 17,Day 21,Day 29],
> "foggyDays20" ~: do
> str <- readFile "dat/jul20.csv"
> let w = parseWeather str
> foggyDays <$> w @?= Just [Day 6,Day 8,Day 9,Day 10,Day 13,
> Day 22,Day 23,Day 24,Day 30]
> ]
> testWeather :: Test
> testWeather = "weather" ~: TestList [ testUnseasonable, testNumPrecip, testFoggyDays ]
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
Premier League data
Finally, to make sure that you understand how this library works, use it to
process Premier League tables, calculating the place #
of the team with the smallest
absolute difference between the number of wins W
and number of losses L
. If there
are two teams with the same difference, the program should return the first one.
> soccer :: String -> Maybe Int
> soccer = undefined
> testSoccer :: Test
> testSoccer = "soccer" ~:
> TestList [
> "soccer18" ~: do
> str <- readFile "dat/soccer18.csv"
> soccer str @?= Just 8,
> "soccer19" ~: do
> str <- readFile "dat/soccer19.csv"
> soccer str @?= Just 10,
> "soccer20" ~: do
> str <- readFile "dat/soccer20.csv"
> soccer str @?= Just 11
> ]
> -- >>> runTestTT testSoccer
> -- Counts {cases = 3, tried = 3, errors = 0, failures = 0}