Purely Functional Data structures
> {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
> module AVL (AVL(..),
> avlEmpty,avlMember,avlInsert,avlDelete,
> isBST,heightInvariant, balanceInvariant,
> good1,good2,good3,bad1,bad2,bad3,main,rebalance,height,balanceFactor)
> where
> import Prelude hiding (zipWith,zipWith3)
> import Test.QuickCheck hiding (elements)
> import qualified Data.Foldable as Foldable
> import qualified Data.List
The goal this problem is to implement a purely functional version of AVL trees in Haskell. If you are unfamiliar with this data structure, the wikipedia page is a good start.
AVL trees are an implementation of balanced binary trees. Like red-black trees, they can be used to implement a finite set interface. (Note that finite sets only retain one copy of each element inserted into the set.)
type AVL a -- AVL tree containing elements of type a
> -- | An empty AVL tree
> empty :: AVL a
> empty = avlEmpty
> -- | Insert a new element into a tree, returning a new tree
> insert :: Ord a => a -> AVL a -> AVL a
> insert = avlInsert
> -- | Delete the provided element from the tree
> delete :: Ord a => a -> AVL a -> AVL a
> delete = avlDelete
> -- | Determine whether an element is contained within the tree
> member :: Ord a => a -> AVL a -> Bool
> member = avlMember
> -- | List the elements in the tree, in ascending order
> elements :: AVL a -> [a]
> elements = Foldable.toList
> -- 1 -- Validity
AVL tree definition & validity
AVL trees can be implemented with the following datatype definition. This definition is similar to that of standard binary trees, the only difference is that nodes store the height of the tree at that point.
> data AVL e = E -- empty tree
> | N -- non-empty tree, with...
> Int -- 1. cached height of the tree
> (AVL e) -- 2. left subtree
> e -- 3. value
> (AVL e) -- 4. right subtree
> deriving (Show, Foldable)
The height of a tree is the maximum distance from a node to any E below it. In a
wellformed AVL
tree, we should be able to access this component straight off.
> -- | Access the height of the tree
> height :: AVL e -> Int
> height E = 0
> height (N h _ _ _) = h
The balance factor corresponds to the difference in height between the left
subtree and the right subtree of the node. An invariant of AVL
trees is that
the balance factor must be between -1 and 1.
> -- | Calculate the balance factor of a node
> balanceFactor :: AVL e -> Int
> balanceFactor E = 0
> balanceFactor (N _ l _ r) = height l - height r
As the definitions above imply, AVL
trees must satisfy specific invariants
that ensure that the tree is balanced. In this problem, you'll need to define
quickcheck properties for those invariants.
Of course, AVL
trees must be binary search trees.
> -- | The tree is a binary search tree
> isBST :: Ord a => AVL a -> Bool
> isBST = undefined
And they must satisfy the AVL invariants about height and balance.
> -- | The height stored at each node is correctly calculated.
> heightInvariant :: AVL a -> Bool
> heightInvariant = undefined
> -- | The balance factor at each node is between -1 and +1.
> balanceInvariant :: AVL a -> Bool
> balanceInvariant = undefined
We can put these invariants together with a validity function:
> valid :: Ord a => AVL a -> Bool
> valid t = isBST t && heightInvariant t && balanceInvariant t
And also create a QuickCheck property that informs us which of the invariants was violated.
> type A = Small Int
> prop_Valid :: AVL A -> Property
> prop_Valid tree = counterexample "Balance" (balanceInvariant tree) .&&.
> counterexample "Height" (heightInvariant tree) .&&.
> counterexample "BST" (isBST tree)
In order to use QuickCheck to test these properties for AVL trees, we need to define a generator for arbitrary AVL trees. Feel free to use any of the functions of AVL API in this implementation, even if you haven't defined those operations yet.
> instance (Ord a, Arbitrary a) => Arbitrary (AVL a) where
> arbitrary :: Gen (AVL a)
> arbitrary = undefined
> shrink :: AVL a -> [AVL a]
> shrink = undefined
We can also define validity properties for the other operations.
> prop_DeleteValid :: AVL A -> A -> Property
> prop_DeleteValid t x = prop_Valid (delete x t)
> prop_ShrinkValid :: AVL A -> Property
> prop_ShrinkValid t = conjoin (map prop_Valid (shrink t))
> -- 2
QuickCheck properties
Add more QuickCheck properties to specify the correctness of your AVL-tree based implementation of finite sets.
To assist your definitions, you may also use the following equality instance
for AVL
> -- | Compare sets for equality
> instance (Ord a) => Eq (AVL a) where
> t1 == t2 = elements t1 == elements t2
> -- QuickCheck properties for `empty`, `insert`, `delete`, and
> -- `member`.
> -- 3
AVL tree implementation
Define the first two operations, the empty tree and a function to lookup up elements in the tree.
> -- | An empty AVL tree
> avlEmpty :: AVL e
> avlEmpty = undefined
> -- | Determine whether an element is contained within the tree
> avlMember :: Ord e => e -> AVL e -> Bool
> avlMember = undefined
> -- 4
Sample trees
Build a few particular trees that you can use as test cases later---some that obey all of the AVL invariants...
> good1 :: AVL Int
> good1 = undefined
> good2 :: AVL Int
> good2 = undefined
> good3 :: AVL Int
> good3 = undefined
... and some others that do not...
> bad1 :: AVL Int
> bad1 = undefined
> bad2 :: AVL Int
> bad2 = undefined
> bad3 :: AVL Int
> bad3 = undefined
Make sure that you do NOT change the names or type annotations for these trees. Your test cases should all have the same type, just some should violate the correctness properties of the AVL type.
> trees = [("good1", good1), ("good2", good2), ("good3", good3), ("bad1", bad1), ("bad2", bad2), ("bad3", bad3)]
Now write a testing function that makes sure that the good trees are valid AVL trees and the bad trees fail at least one property.
> testProps :: IO ()
> testProps = undefined
> -- 5
Write a function rebalance
that takes a tree e
whose root node has
balance factor -2 or +2 and rearranges it to an equivalent tree that
satifies the balance factor invariant.
For this step, you will probably find it helpful to have a good diagram to refer to (such as the one on Wikipedia.) Note, though, that most explanations of AVL trees will talk about "rotating" the nodes near the root, which implies some sort of pointer manipulation. Here, we're simply rebuilding a completely new tree out of the pieces of the old one, so the notion of rotating doesn't really apply. In particular, you may find it easier to implement the "double rotations" that standard presentations of the algorithm talk about in a single step.
Even so, a diagram that shows the effect such rotations are trying to achieve is a useful guide to implementing your rearrangement. I named the variables in my patterns to match the labels in the diagram I was looking at, and this made it very much easier to write the rearranged trees correctly.
HINT: I found the following function to be of use when writing my rebalance
function below.
> -- | construct an AVL node from subtrees and data, calculating the height
> node :: AVL e -> e -> AVL e -> AVL e
> node l x r = N h l x r where
> h = max (height l) (height r) + 1
> -- | Rotate an AVL tree
> rebalance :: (Ord e) => AVL e -> AVL e
> rebalance = undefined
> -- 6
Write an insertion function for adding new elements to AVL trees.
You should use QuickCheck to verify your implementation of
-- both the fact that it correctly implements insertion and that
the resulting tree is an AVL tree.
> -- | Insert a new element into a tree, returning a new tree
> avlInsert :: (Ord e) => e -> AVL e -> AVL e
> avlInsert = undefined
> -- 7
Write a function that removes an element from a tree and rebalances the resulting tree as necessary. Again, use the properties defined above to test your implementation, making sure that it implements the deletion operation correctly and preserves the AVL tree properties.
> -- | Delete the provided element from the tree
> avlDelete :: Ord e => e -> AVL e -> AVL e
> avlDelete = undefined
Running QuickCheck
Using the TemplateHaskell
extension, the following code below defines an
operation that will invoke QuickCheck with all definitions that start with
above. This code must come after all of the definitions above (and
is not in scope before this point).
> return []
> runTests :: IO Bool
> runTests = $quickCheckAll
> main :: IO ()
> main = do
> _ <- runTests
> return ()