Regular Expressions
This problem asks you to apply your growing Haskell experience to a new domain and practice with monads that we have covered so far (including Maybe
, List
, and Gen
. It also demonstrates a really fun connection between regular languages and functional programming.
> module RegExp where
In this problem, we'll start you off with some key library imports, but you can also import additional libraries from base, if desired. However, our solution works with no additional imports.
> -- Key data structures and libraries
> import qualified Data.Maybe as Maybe
> import qualified Data.List as List
> import qualified Control.Monad as Monad
> -- Haskell's standard implementation of Finite Sets.
> import Data.Set (Set)
> import qualified Data.Set as Set
> -- Testing
> import Test.HUnit hiding (State)
> import Test.QuickCheck
Regular expressions are a specialized language for representing
string-matching patterns. Regular expressions were invented by the
mathematician Stephen Kleene,
one of the pioneers that created the foundations of the theory of
computation (with Goedel, Turing, Church, and Post). Kleene invented
regular expressions to represent the sets of possible behaviors of the
abstract finite computation devices called finite-state machines. In
Kleene's original formulation, regular expressions were were built
from individual letters with three operators: concatenation,
representing one pattern followed by another; alternation (also
called union) denoted by |
, representing two alternative patterns;
and closure (also called Kleene-Star), denoted by *
, to represent
zero or more repetitions of a pattern. By convention, the empty string
represents a special regular expression, the empty regular
expression, which matches the empty string.
For example, the regular expression a(bc|d)*e
matches all strings
that start with a
, then have some number of bc
or d
(possibly none), and end with e
. Some such strings include ae
, abcde
, adbcde
, abcbcdbce
. In the 1970s, computer
scientists at Bell Labs were working on the first software tools for
text processing, and they adapted and generalized Kleene's idea in
several software tools, starting with
grep, for searching and editing
text. Regular expressions have many practical uses, mainly in pattern
matching, which has applications in everything from compilers to
searching databases.
In this problem, you will consider regular expression evaluators, that is, programs that determine whether a string is in the language denoted by the regular expression. This process is also called regular expression matching.
We can represent regular expressions using the following datatype in Haskell.
> data RegExp = Char (Set Char) -- single literal character
> -- matches any character in the (nonempty) set
> | Alt RegExp RegExp -- r1|r2, alternation
> | Append RegExp RegExp -- r1 r2, concatenation
> | Star RegExp -- r*, Kleene star
> | Empty -- ε, accepts empty string
> | Void -- ∅, always fails
> deriving (Eq, Show)
Your goal will be to define the following two functions:
accept :: RegExp -> String -> Bool
match :: RegExp -> String -> Bool
These functions use two different algorithms to determine whether the
given String
is accepted by the given RegExp
The point of this exercise is to give you practice with the list monad (in
the implementation of accept
), an introduction to a really cool FP
algorithm (in the implmentation of match
), and more practice with QuickCheck.
Characters and Character sets
The first data constructor of the RegExp
datatype defines a regular
expression that matches a single character drawn from some specified
set. For example, if we want to define a regexp that only matches the single
character a
, we could write:
> -- | accept only the character 'a'
> aRE :: RegExp
> aRE = Char (Set.singleton 'a')
When working with regexps, we can define some shorthand character classes to make our lives easier, such as finite sets of digits, whitespace, lowercase, uppercase characters.
> -- | Digits, usually written \d in regexp libraries
> digit :: Set Char
> digit = Set.fromList ['0' .. '9']
> -- | Whitespace, usually written \s
> white :: Set Char
> white = Set.fromList " \n\r\t"
> -- | lowercase \l
> lower :: Set Char
> lower = Set.fromList ['a' .. 'z']
> -- | uppercase \u
> upper :: Set Char
> upper = Set.fromList ['A' .. 'Z']
> -- | Word characters \w
> word :: Set Char
> word = upper <> lower <> digit <> Set.fromList "_"
> -- | The union of all of the above, plus punctuation
> -- but not including the newline characters
> -- This set is usually referred to as '.' in regexp libraries
> anyc :: Set Char
> anyc = word <> Set.fromList " \t!@#$%^&*()_+{}|:\"<>?~`-=[]\\;',./"
> ----------------------------------------------------
Examples and derived forms
A name is an upper case letter followed by a sequence of lowercase letters of
any length. In a regular expression library, we might write it as
. (The *
post-fix operator corresponds to 0 or more occurrences
of a pattern.)
Using our datatype above, we can express this regexp as:
> name :: RegExp
> name = Char upper `Append` Star (Char lower)
> testName :: Test
> testName = "name" ~:
> TestList[ accept name "Stephanie" ~? "a good name"
> , accept name "S" ~? "short is ok"
> , not (accept name "stephanie") ~? "must be capitalized"
> , not (accept name "Ste7anie") ~? "no extra symbols"
> , not (accept name "Steph Annie") ~? "not even spaces"
> ]
We can also define regexps that only accept specific words. For example, given this function
> string :: String -> RegExp
> string "" = Empty
> string s = foldr1 Append (map (Char . Set.singleton) s)
we can define this RegExp to recognize the name of our favorite course.
> cis552 :: RegExp
> cis552 = string "cis552"
We can also use Star
and Append
to define the plus
operator, which
corresponds to one or more occurrences of a pattern.
> plus :: RegExp -> RegExp
> plus pat = pat `Append` Star pat
For example, this regular expression accepts any non-empty string that is
surrounded by the tags <b>
and </b>
> boldHtml :: RegExp
> boldHtml = string "<b>" `Append` plus (Char anyc) `Append` string "</b>"
Before you go further, note that we have provided you with a function, called
that displays regexps succinctly (i.e. it tries to use
abbreviations such as and for character classes). Try comparing the
derived show instance with what this function does on the the RegExp
> -- >>> show boldHtml
> -- "Append (Append (Append (Char (fromList \"<\")) (Append (Char (fromList \"b\")) (Char (fromList \">\")))) (Append (Char (fromList \"\\t !\\\"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\\\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~\")) (Star (Char (fromList \"\\t !\\\"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\\\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~\"))))) (Append (Char (fromList \"<\")) (Append (Char (fromList \"/\")) (Append (Char (fromList \"b\")) (Char (fromList \">\")))))"
> -- >>> display boldHtml
> -- "<b>(.+)</b>"
RegExp Acceptance
First, we'll implement a straightforward (and extremely inefficient) operation,
called accept
, that determines whether a particular string is part of the
regular language accepted by the given regular expression.
Begin by implementing the following two helper functions. You should implement
these functions by list recursion, without the help of indexed based
operations like splitAt
, take
or drop
> -- | all decompositions of a string into two different pieces
> -- >>> split "abc"
> -- [("","abc"),("a","bc"),("ab","c"),("abc","")]
> --
> -- Use a list comprehension in your implementation
> split :: [a] -> [([a], [a])]
> split = undefined
> -- | all decompositions of a string into multi-part (nonempty) pieces
> -- >>> parts "abc"
> -- [["abc"],["a","bc"],["ab","c"],["a","b","c"]]
> -- >>> parts "a"
> -- [["a"]]
> --
> -- >>> parts ""
> -- [[]]
> --
> -- Use `concatMap` in your implementation
> parts :: [a] -> [[[a]]]
> parts = undefined
HINT: for this problem, try to get the smaller test cases to work first. Can you make it work for just the empty string? Or a single character? What should it return for a string with two characters? Or three characters?
Don't forget to write some quickCheck properties so that you can test your functions! For example, here's one that makes sure that we get the right number of pairs from split.
> prop_splitLength :: [Int] -> Bool
> prop_splitLength l = length (split l) == length l + 1
You can do better, though!
> -- Add a QuickCheck property for split
> prop_split :: [Int] -> Bool
> prop_split = undefined
Note: we have to be careful when randomly testing parts; this is an
exponential algorithm after all. QuickCheck's resize
function allows us to bound the
size of the lists that are produced so that they don't get too big. If you
find that prop_partsLength
takes too long, you can decrease the argument to
> smallLists :: Gen String
> smallLists = resize 15 arbitrary
> prop_partsLength :: Property
> prop_partsLength = forAll smallLists $ \ l ->
> length (parts l) == 2 ^ predNat (length l) where
> predNat n = if n <= 0 then 0 else n - 1
> -- Add a QuickCheck property for parts
> prop_parts :: Property
> prop_parts = undefined
Now, use split
and parts
to determine whether a RegExp
matches the given
input string. Your implementation should simply explore all
possibilities. For example, to determine whether the concatenation pattern
Append r1 r2
matches an input string, use split
to compute all possible
ways of splitting the string into two parts and see whether r1
and r2` match
the two parts. Again, use list comprehensions as part of the design of
your implementation.
> -- | Decide whether the given regexp matches the given string
> accept :: RegExp -> String -> Bool
> accept _ _ = undefined
> testAccept :: Test
> testAccept = "accept" ~: TestList [
> not (accept Void "a") ~? "nothing is void",
> not (accept Void "") ~? "really, nothing is void",
> accept Empty "" ~? "accept Empty true",
> not (accept Empty "a") ~? "not accept Empty",
> accept (Char lower) "a" ~? "accept lower",
> not (accept (Char lower) "A") ~? "not accept lower",
> accept boldHtml "<b>cis552</b>!</b>" ~? "cis552!",
> not (accept boldHtml "<b>cis552</b>!</b") ~? "no trailing" ]
> ----------------------------------------------------
QuickChecking accept
How can we use quick check to test our implementation of the accept
One idea is that we can use regular expressions in reverse---instead of using them to identify strings from a language, we can instead use them to generate strings from a language.
So, given a regexp, the accept
function is correct if it returns true
for all strings generated from the language of the regexp.
> prop_accept :: Property
> prop_accept = forAllShrinkShow arbitrary shrink display $ \ r ->
> -- print counterexamples using 'display'
> case genRegExpString r of
> Just g -> forAll g $ accept r -- if we can generate a random string,
> -- then it should be accepted
> Nothing -> property $ isVoid r -- otherwise, we should have a RegExp
> -- equivalent to 'Void'
> -- | Is this the regexp that never matches any string?
> isVoid :: RegExp -> Bool
> isVoid Void = True
> isVoid (Append r1 r2) = isVoid r1 || isVoid r2
> isVoid (Alt r1 r2) = isVoid r1 && isVoid r2
> isVoid (Star _) = False -- can always match the empty string
> isVoid (Char m) = Set.size m == 0
> isVoid Empty = False
Write a function that can generate a String that is accepted by the given
RegExp. Note that this function is partial; some RegExps accept no strings
and denote the empty language. Because you are working with the Maybe
try to use generic operations for Functor
s and Monad
s in your solution.
NOTE: in the case of Star
, your function does not need to generate all
strings accepted by the RegExps. Instead, put a bound on the number of
iterations in your result. In particular, iterating more than twice could
cause a large blow-up when quickChecking prop_accept
. (Check out
the Control.Monad
library documentation for inspiration.)
> -- | Create a generator for the strings accepted by this RegExp (if any)
> genRegExpString :: RegExp -> Maybe (Gen String)
> genRegExpString r = undefined
Now complete an Arbitrary
instance for regular expressions to test this
property above. Your regexps should only contain the characters "abcd".
Make sure that you also implement the 'shrink' function too.
> instance Arbitrary RegExp where
> arbitrary = undefined
> shrink = undefined
> ----------------------------------------------------
Simplifying Regular Expressions
You may notice that when working with regular expressions, there are several ways to describe the same set of strings. For example, the regular expression
which we would encode as
> astar :: RegExp
> astar = Star (Star aRE) `Alt` Star (Star aRE)
matches exactly the same set of strings as a*
, i.e. strings composed of
any number of a's.
However, using the first regexp to test for acceptance takes a lot more time than the second, especially when the string doesn't match. For example, I found this comparison on my laptop:
*RegExp> accept astar "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaab"
(5.87 secs, 4,278,663,696 bytes)
*RegExp> accept (Star a) "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaab"
(0.07 secs, 50,671,104 bytes)
We can optimize code that works with RegExp through the use of "smart constructors". These smart constructor recognize simplifications that can be made when ever a regular expression is put together. Suppose we have "smart" variants of the star and alt regular expression constructors. Then we can form the regexp in the same way, but (sometimes) get better performance.
*RegExp> let astar' = star (star a) `alt` star (star a)
(0.00 secs, 68,904 bytes)
*RegExp> accept astar' "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaab"
(0.07 secs, 50,670,984 bytes)
For example, here is a definition of smart constructor for star
. This
construct looks for simplifications that it can apply while constructing the
> star :: RegExp -> RegExp
> star r1 | isEmpty r1 = Empty
> -- iterating the empty string is the empty string
> star r1 | isVoid r1 = Empty
> -- zero or more occurrences of void is empty
> star (Star r) = Star r
> -- two iterations is the same as one
> star r = Star r
> -- no optimization
> -- | Is this the regexp that accepts *only* the empty string
> isEmpty :: RegExp -> Bool
> isEmpty Empty = True
> isEmpty (Append r1 r2) = isEmpty r1 && isEmpty r2
> isEmpty (Alt r1 r2) = (isEmpty r1 && isEmpty r2)
> || (isEmpty r1 && isVoid r2)
> || (isEmpty r2 && isVoid r1)
> isEmpty (Star r) = isEmpty r || isVoid r
> isEmpty (Char _) = False
> isEmpty Void = False
How do we know that our definition of star
is really smart? We want to be
sure that the regexp that it produces matches the same strings as its input.
We'll compare the optimized version with the original to make sure that they match the same strings. (We'll also make this a conditional property to make sure that we only do the test when the smart constructor actually modifies the string.)
> prop_star :: RegExp -> Property
> prop_star r = sr /= Star r ==> sr %==% Star r where
> sr = star r
We can quickCheck our optimizations using accept
and the following property.
This property tests pairs of regexps on strings and ensures that either they
are both accepted or both rejected. To make this property more efficient, it
randomly selects strings that are either accepted by the first regexp,
accepted by the second, or that contain arbitrary sequences of a's, b's, c's,
and d's.
> -- | Property to determine whether two regexps accept the same language of
> -- strings
> (%==%) :: RegExp -> RegExp -> Property
> r1 %==% r2 = forAll (genString r1 r2) $
> \s -> accept r1 s == accept r2 s
> where
> genString :: RegExp -> RegExp -> Gen String
> genString r1s r2s = oneof $ Maybe.catMaybes
> [ genRegExpString r1s
> , genRegExpString r2s
> , Just $ resize 10 (listOf (elements "abcd"))
> ]
Now design and test similar optimizations for sequencing and alternation. (For inspiration, read the wikipedia page about Kleene Algebra.)
> -- | Smart constructor for `Append`
> append :: RegExp -> RegExp -> RegExp
> append = undefined
> prop_append :: RegExp -> RegExp -> Property
> prop_append r1 r2 = rs /= Append r1 r2 ==> rs %==% Append r1 r2 where
> rs = append r1 r2
> -- | Smart constructor for `Alt`
> alt :: RegExp -> RegExp -> RegExp
> alt = undefined
> prop_alt :: RegExp -> RegExp -> Property
> prop_alt r1 r2 = rs /= Alt r1 r2 ==> rs %==% Alt r1 r2 where
> rs = alt r1 r2
> ----------------------------------------------------
Regular Expression Derivatives
You may have noticed by now that this implementation of Regular Expression matching is really slow. Let's fix that.
The textbook way to implement regular expression matching is to first translate the regular expression into a finite-state machine and then apply the finite-state matching to the string.
However, there's a more direct, elegant, but not so well-known alternative, the method of derivatives due to Janusz A. Brzozowski]. This method is described in more detail here.
The basic idea is that, given a regular expression and the first
character in the input string to match, you can compute a new regular
expressions, which must match the remaining string in order for the
original RegExp
to match the entire input string. This new regular
expression is called the derivative of the original.
We can use this idea to implement regular expression matching by repeatedly calculating the derivatives for each character in the string. If the final result is a regular expression that accepts the empty string, then the original regular expression would have matched the string. In other words:
> -- | Determine whether the given regexp matches the given String
> match :: RegExp -> String -> Bool
> match r s = nullable (List.foldl' deriv r s)
Your job is to implement nullable
and deriv
to complete this
> -- | `nullable r` return `True` when `r` could match the empty string
> nullable :: RegExp -> Bool
> nullable _ = undefined
> -- | Takes a regular expression `r` and a character `c`,
> -- and computes a new regular expression that accepts word `w`
> -- if `cw` is accepted by `r`. Make sure to use the smart constructors
> -- above when you construct the new `RegExp`
> deriv :: RegExp -> Char -> RegExp
> deriv _ _ = undefined
For example, if r
is the literal character c
, then the derivative of r
is Empty
--- the regular expression that only accepts the empty string. On
the other hand, the derivative with respect to any other character is
--- r
cannot match this character, so its derivative cannot match
anything. In the case of Append
, you need to think about the case where the
first regular expression could accept the empty string. In that case, the
derivative should include the possibility that it could be skipped, and the
character consumed by the second regexp.
Note that Haskell's lazy evaluation avoids the evaluation of the whole
regular expression. The expression has only to be evaluated as much as
needs to calculate an answer.
> -- Don't forget to test 'match' with HUnit and QuickCheck.
> -------------------------------------------------
Running the Tests
> runTests :: IO ()
> runTests = do
> putStrLn "Unit tests for name, accept"
> _ <- runTestTT $ TestList [testName,testAccept]
> putStrLn "Checking split/parts length"
> quickCheck prop_splitLength
> quickCheck prop_partsLength
> putStrLn "Checking split"
> quickCheck prop_split
> putStrLn "Checking accept"
> quickCheck prop_accept
> putStrLn "Checking star"
> quickCheck prop_star
> putStrLn "Checking append"
> quickCheck prop_append
> putStrLn "Checking alt"
> quickCheck prop_alt
Displaying Regular Expressions
The following code is meant to help you display regular expressions. You do not need to edit it.
> -- | display a set of characters succinctly, and escape all special characters
> displayCharSet :: Set Char -> ShowS
> displayCharSet s
> | s == lower = showString "\\l"
> | s == upper = showString "\\u"
> | s == digit = showString "\\d"
> | s == white = showString "\\s"
> | s == word = showString "\\w"
> | s == anyc = showString "."
> | Set.size s == 1 = showString (concatMap escape (Set.elems s))
> | otherwise = showString "[" .
> showString (concatMap escape (Set.elems s)) . showString "]"
> -- | Add slashes in front of standard regexp characters
> escape :: Char -> String
> escape c
> | c `elem` "[\\^$.|?*+()" = ['\\', c]
> | otherwise = [c]
> -- | Display a regexp, using precedence to reduce the number of required
> -- parentheses in the output.
> display :: RegExp -> String
> display r = displayPrec 0 r "" where
> -- special case for '+'
> displayPrec :: Int -> RegExp -> ShowS
> displayPrec p (Append r1 (Star r2)) | r1 == r2 =
> showParen (p > 6) $ displayPrec 6 r1 . showString "+"
> displayPrec _ (Char s) = displayCharSet s
> displayPrec p (Alt r1 r2) =
> showParen (p > 7) $ displayPrec 7 r1 . showString "|" . displayPrec 7 r2
> displayPrec p (Append r1 r2) =
> showParen (p > 10) $ displayPrec 10 r1 . displayPrec 10 r2
> displayPrec p (Star r0) =
> showParen (p > 6) $ displayPrec 6 r0 . showString "*"
> displayPrec _ Empty = showString "ε"
> displayPrec _ Void = showString "∅"