An Interpreter for Lu
In this problem, you will use the state monad to build an interpreter and a stepper for our simple imperative language.
Make sure that you read the LuSyntax
module that describes
the syntax of Lu before continuing. If you have questions, you
can also consult the Lu manual.
> module LuStepper where
This assignment uses the State Monad module from the lecture
notes. The relevant definitions are in the file
. Operations such as get
and put
are imported as
and S.put
Because the Lu language includes primitive tables, we'll also use the finite maps from Haskell's containers library (Data.Map).
> import Control.Monad (when)
> import Data.Map (Map, (!?))
> import qualified Data.Map as Map
> import LuSyntax
> import qualified LuParser
> import State (State)
> import qualified State as S
> import qualified Test.QuickCheck as QC
> import Test.HUnit (Test(..), (~?=), (~:), runTestTT, Counts)
> import qualified Data.List as List
> import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
> import Text.Read(readMaybe)
The Lu Store
One component of the interpreter is a store that represents our computer's
memory or heap during the evaluation of Lu prorams. We represent this store
as an associative map from Name
s to Tables
> type Store = Map Name Table
Tables themselves are just finite maps from Lu values to Lu values, with the invariant that neither keys or values are "nil".
> type Table = Map Value Value
This definition for the store makes sense because Lu inteprets global variables, such as "x", as keys to some top-level table, called "_G".
> globalTableName :: Name
> globalTableName = "_G"
When the evaluator starts, the initial store will contain this table for global variables, but the table itself will be empty.
> initialStore :: Store
> initialStore = Map.singleton globalTableName Map.empty
During computation, the store could be extended to include new mappings for global variables as well as definitions of new tables.
> extendedStore :: Store
> extendedStore = Map.fromList [(globalTableName,
> Map.fromList [(StringVal "x", IntVal 3),
> (StringVal "t", TableVal "_t1")]),
> ("_t1", Map.fromList [(StringVal "y", BoolVal True),
> (IntVal 2, TableVal "_t1")])]
Any store can be pretty-printed and displayed concisely.
> -- >>> oneLine initialStore
> -- "{_G = {}}"
> -- >>> oneLine extendedStore
> -- "{_G = {t = <_t1> x = 3} _t1 = {[2] = <_t1> y = true}}"
Every part of the store can be referred to by the name of a table and a key for that table.
> type Reference = (Name,Value)
For example, if we have a global variable "x", then its reference is
> xref :: Reference
> xref = ("_G", StringVal "x")
Table fields "t.y" can also be referenced:
> yref :: Reference
> yref = ("_t1", StringVal "y")
We can use this reference to find out the value of this variable or update it in an assignment.
Using this general form of reference, we can write functions that looks up
values from the store. (If a table name doesn't exist, of if the key
undefined in that table or if the key is nil
, then this function should
return the handy nil
> index :: Reference -> State Store Value
> index = undefined
> test_index :: Test
> test_index = "index tests" ~: TestList [
> -- The global variable "x" is unitialized (i.e. not present in the initial store)
> S.evalState (index xref) initialStore ~?= NilVal,
> -- But there is a value for "x" available in the extended store
> S.evalState (index xref) extendedStore ~?= IntVal 3,
> -- If a table is not found in the store, accessing its reference also returns nil.
> S.evalState (index yref) initialStore ~?= NilVal,
> -- We should also be able to access "t[1]" in the extended store
> S.evalState (index yref) extendedStore ~?= BoolVal True,
> -- Updates using the `nil` key are ignored
> S.execState (update ("_t1", NilVal) (IntVal 3)) extendedStore ~?= extendedStore
> ]
> -- >>> runTestTT test_index
We can also update values in the store. If the table name doesn't already exist in the store, this function should do nothing. Otherwise, this function should modify the table in the store according to the new association. If the key is nil, there is no change. If the value is nil, then the association should be removed from the table. Otherwise, the association should be added to the table.
> update :: Reference -> Value -> State Store ()
> update = undefined
> test_update :: Test
> test_update = "index tests" ~: TestList [
> -- If we assign to x, then we can find its new value
> S.evalState (update xref (IntVal 4) >> index xref) initialStore ~?= IntVal 4,
> -- If we assign to x, then remove it, we cannot find it anymore
> S.evalState (update xref (IntVal 4) >> update xref NilVal >> index xref) initialStore ~?= NilVal,
> -- If we assign to t.y, then we can find its new value
> S.evalState (update yref (IntVal 5) >> index yref) extendedStore ~?= IntVal 5,
> -- If we assign nil to t.y, then we cannot find it
> S.evalState (update yref NilVal >> index yref) extendedStore ~?= NilVal
> ]
> -- >>> runTestTT test_update
Finally, given a list of associations, we can allocate a new table in the store. To create a fresh name for the new table, we will count the number of tables already contained in the store and make a name based on that. We've defined this function already, but you should make sure that you understand what it does.
> allocateTable :: [(Value,Value)] -> State Store Value
> allocateTable assocs = do
> store <- S.get
> -- make a fresh name for the new table
> let n = length (Map.keys store)
> let tableName = "_t" ++ show n
> -- make sure we don't have a nil key or value
> let assocs' = filter nonNil assocs
> -- update the store
> S.put (Map.insert tableName (Map.fromList assocs') store)
> return (TableVal tableName)
> -- Keep nil out of the table
> nonNil :: (Value,Value) -> Bool
> nonNil (k,v) = k /= NilVal && v /= NilVal
Expression Evaluator
Your next job is to finish evalE
, an evaluator for expressions.
This function should take as input an expression and return a
store-transformer that yields a Value
. (See the type of evalE
Your expression evaluator should also be total. For any input it should
produce some value. However, we don't have exceptions (or typechecking!), so
if you don't know how to interpret an expression (such as 2 + True
or an
uninitialized variable) your code should return nil
To evaluate variables and access table fields in evalE
(see below), we'll
use the following helper function, which you must complete.
> -- | Convert a variable into a reference into the store.
> -- Fails when the var is `t.x` or t[1] and `t` is not defined in the store
> -- when the var is `2.y` or `nil[2]` (i.e. not a `TableVal`)
> -- or when the var is t[nil]
> resolveVar :: Var -> State Store (Maybe Reference)
> resolveVar = undefined
> test_resolveVar :: Test
> test_resolveVar = "resolveVar" ~: TestList [
> -- we should be able to resolve global variable `x` in the initial store, even though it is not defined
> S.evalState (resolveVar (Name "x")) initialStore ~?= Just ("_G", StringVal "x"),
> -- But in the case of Dot or Proj, the first argument should evaluate to a
> -- TableVal that is defined in the store. If it does not, then resolveVar
> -- should return Nothing.
> S.evalState (resolveVar (Dot (Val NilVal) "x")) initialStore ~?= Nothing,
> S.evalState (resolveVar (Dot (Var (Name "t")) "x")) initialStore ~?= Nothing,
> -- For Proj we also shouldn't project from Nil
> S.evalState (resolveVar (Proj (Var (Name "t")) (Val NilVal))) extendedStore ~?= Nothing,
> -- If the table is defined, we should return a reference to it, even when the field is undefined
> S.evalState (resolveVar (Dot (Var (Name "t")) "z")) extendedStore ~?= Just ("_t1", StringVal "z"),
> -- and how we refer to the field shouldn't matter
> S.evalState (resolveVar (Proj (Var (Name "t")) (Val (StringVal "z")))) extendedStore ~?= Just ("_t1", StringVal "z")
> ]
> -- >>> runTestTT test_resolveVar
Now implement the rest of evalE
, referring to the Lu manual
to understand what the unary and binary operators should do. Pay close
attention to equality, ordering and logical not
. You may wish to define
helper functions as part of your implementation.(As a style check, you
should not use S.evalState
, S.execState
, or S.runState
anywhere in
your definition of evalE
or its helper functions.)
> -- | Expression evaluator
> evalE :: Expression -> State Store Value
> evalE (Var v) = do
> mr <- resolveVar v -- see above
> case mr of
> Just r -> index r
> Nothing -> return NilVal
> evalE (Val v) = return v
> evalE (Op2 e1 o e2) = evalOp2 o <$> evalE e1 <*> evalE e2
> evalE (Op1 _o _e1) = undefined
> evalE (TableConst _fs) = undefined
> evalOp2 :: Bop -> Value -> Value -> Value
> evalOp2 Plus (IntVal i1) (IntVal i2) = IntVal (i1 + i2)
> evalOp2 Minus (IntVal i1) (IntVal i2) = IntVal (i1 - i2)
> evalOp2 Times (IntVal i1) (IntVal i2) = IntVal (i1 * i2)
> evalOp2 Divide (IntVal _ ) (IntVal 0) = NilVal
> evalOp2 Divide (IntVal i1) (IntVal i2) = IntVal (i1 `div` i2)
> evalOp2 _ _ _ = undefined
To test evalE
, we can write a function that evaluates expressions with a
specified store using the evalState
operation from the State
> evaluate :: Expression -> Store -> Value
> evaluate e = S.evalState (evalE e)
For example, one tricky operator is "not". Lu interprets both the boolean false value and nil value as "false" and all other values as true.
> -- | Determine whether a value should be interpreted as true or false when
> -- used as a condition.
> toBool :: Value -> Bool
> toBool (BoolVal False) = False
> toBool NilVal = False
> toBool _ = True
As a result, the not
operator should invert this behavior and always return either
the true or false value.
> test_evaluateNot :: Test
> test_evaluateNot = "evaluate not" ~: TestList [
> evaluate (Op1 Not (Val NilVal)) initialStore ~?= BoolVal True,
> evaluate (Op1 Not (Val (IntVal 3))) initialStore ~?= BoolVal False
> ]
> -- >>> runTestTT test_evaluateNot
Another tricky operator is "len". It must work for both string values and table values.
> test_evaluateLen :: Test
> test_evaluateLen = "evaluate len" ~: TestList [
> evaluate (Op1 Len (Val (StringVal "552"))) extendedStore ~?= IntVal 3,
> evaluate (Op1 Len (Val (TableVal "_G"))) extendedStore ~?= IntVal 2,
> evaluate (Op1 Len (Val (TableVal "_t1"))) extendedStore ~?= IntVal 2
> ]
> -- >>> runTestTT test_evaluateLen
Alternatively, to test the evaluation of table construction expressions, which
do modify the store, you should use the S.runState
> test_tableConst :: Test
> test_tableConst = "evaluate { x = 3 } " ~: TestList [
> S.runState (evalE (TableConst [FieldName "x" (Val (IntVal 3))]))
> initialStore ~?=
> (TableVal "_t1", Map.fromList [("_G",Map.fromList []),
> ("_t1",Map.fromList [(StringVal "x",IntVal 3)])])
> ]
> -- >>> runTestTT test_tableConst
Now would be a good time to add more unit test cases for your expression evaluator. The two that we have provided above do not test all expression forms that you need to consider.
You should also make sure that your expression evaluation always returns a result, even for "buggy" code. Your evaluator should never use "error" or trigger any sort of runtime exception in Haskell. If the manual doesn't specify what value to return, you should return "nil".
You can ask quickcheck to test for this property by making sure that every
evaluation returns a value. (The seq
operator below instructs Haskell to
fully evaluate embedded lazy computations.)
> prop_evalE_total :: Expression -> Store -> Bool
> prop_evalE_total e s = case evaluate e s of
> NilVal -> True
> IntVal i -> i `seq` True
> BoolVal b -> b `seq` True
> StringVal s -> s `seq` True
> TableVal n -> n `seq` True
Remember that you need to use the terminal for QuickCheck properties.
> QC.quickCheck prop_evalE_total
(Complete) Statement Evaluator
In this problem, you will need to implement two different evaluators for
statements. The first one (evalS
) should evaluate the given statement
completely, if possible. Later, you will need to implement a second evaluator
) that works step-by-step, evaluating only one piece at a time.
Although both evaluators are similar, the first one is a bit simpler. However, this
evaluator could go into an infinite loop if the Lu program does not terminate.
In other words, you should not test this evaluator on the program while true do ; end
To help you understand how conditions work, we've provided the cases for if
and while
for you. You'll need to finish the remaining cases.
> eval :: Block -> State Store ()
> eval (Block ss) = mapM_ evalS ss
> -- | Statement evaluator
> evalS :: Statement -> State Store ()
> evalS (If e s1 s2) = do
> v <- evalE e
> if toBool v then eval s1 else eval s2
> evalS w@(While e ss) = do
> v <- evalE e
> when (toBool v) $ do
> eval ss
> evalS w
> evalS (Assign _v _e) = undefined -- update global variable or table field v to value of e
> evalS (Repeat _b _e) = undefined -- keep evaluating block b until expression e is true
> evalS Empty = undefined -- do nothing
In an assignment statement, if the variable refers to an invalid table
(i.e. if resolveVar
returns Nothing
, then there is nothing to
do. Otherwise, update the store with the new value at that reference. Like
and while
, your implementation of repeat
should use the toBool
function above to determine whether the loop should terminate. The
evaluation of Empty
statement should do nothing.
Don't forget that your evaluator should never call Haskell's "error" or
trigger a runtime exception. However, unlike evalE
, we cannot use quickcheck
to test totality because of the potential for infinite loops.
To test your evaluator, you can use the following function
> exec :: Block -> Store -> Store
> exec = S.execState . eval
and the sample program based tests listed below. This command will run them all.
> -- >>> runTestTT test_exec
However, if you run into bugs, you'll probably want to write some unit tests at this point.
> -------------------------- Test cases for exec -----------------------------
Test cases for the evaluator, using the sample programs defined in the LuSyntax
> tExecTest :: Test
> tExecTest = "exec wTest" ~: exec wTest initialStore ~?=
> Map.fromList [(globalTableName, Map.fromList [(StringVal "x",IntVal 0),(StringVal "y",IntVal 10)])]
> tExecFact :: Test
> tExecFact = "exec wFact" ~: exec wFact initialStore ~?=
> Map.fromList [(globalTableName,
> Map.fromList [(StringVal "f",IntVal 120),(StringVal "n",IntVal 0),
> (StringVal "x",IntVal 1),(StringVal "z",IntVal 120)])]
> tExecAbs :: Test
> tExecAbs = "exec wAbs" ~: exec wAbs initialStore ~?=
> Map.fromList [(globalTableName,
> Map.fromList [(StringVal "x",IntVal 3)])]
> tExecTimes :: Test
> tExecTimes = "exec wTimes" ~: exec wTimes initialStore ~?=
> Map.fromList [(globalTableName,
> Map.fromList [(StringVal "x",IntVal 0),(StringVal "y",IntVal 3),(StringVal "z",IntVal 30)])]
> tExecTable :: Test
> tExecTable = "exec wTable" ~: exec wTable initialStore ~?=
> Map.fromList [(globalTableName,
> Map.fromList [(StringVal "a",TableVal "_t1"),(StringVal "k",IntVal 20),(StringVal "o1",IntVal 10),
> (StringVal "o2",StringVal "great"),(StringVal "o3",IntVal 11)]),
> ("_t1",Map.fromList [(IntVal 20,StringVal "great"),(StringVal "x",IntVal 11)])]
> tExecBfs :: Test
> tExecBfs = "exec wBfs" ~: TestList [ global !? StringVal "found" ~?= Just (BoolVal True) ] where
> ss = exec wBfs initialStore
> global = case ss !? globalTableName of
> Just g -> g
> Nothing -> Map.empty
> test_exec :: Test
> test_exec = TestList [tExecTest, tExecFact, tExecAbs, tExecTimes, tExecTable, tExecBfs]
A Stepper for Lu
The next part of this problem is to revise the interpreter for blocks and
statements given above so that we can use it in the "stepper" defined in the
This means that we need to define a function that will partially evaluate a block of statements. The step function below should evaluate the first statement of the block only, and return the remainder of the block for future evaluation. Furthermore, in the case of if, while, and repeat, the step function should make a small amount of progress and save an appropriate block of statements for later.
> step :: Block -> State Store Block
> step _ = undefined
Note that, unlike evalS
, this step function should always terminate, even
if the input program does not. Therefore, we can test this property
using quickcheck.
> -- | Make sure that we can step every block in every store
> prop_step_total :: Block -> Store -> Bool
> prop_step_total b s = case S.runState (step b) s of
> (b', s') -> True
We can also define an operation that evaluates a block for a specified number of steps.
> -- | Evaluate this block for a specified number of steps
> boundedStep :: Int -> Block -> State Store Block
> boundedStep = undefined
> -- | Evaluate this block for a specified nuimber of steps, using the specified store
> steps :: Int -> Block -> Store -> (Block, Store)
> steps n block = S.runState (boundedStep n block)
Iterating the step function until we do not have any more statements to
execute should have the same behavior as our earlier evaluator. The
function below should behave exactly the same as exec
> -- | Is this block completely evaluated?
> final :: Block -> Bool
> final (Block []) = True
> final _ = False
> -- | Evaluate this block to completion
> execStep :: Block -> Store -> Store
> execStep = undefined
We can also use quickcheck to test this property, as long as we only compare programs that terminate within a reasonable number of steps. This property takes a while to verify because it must discard many of its inputs.
> prop_stepExec :: Block -> QC.Property
> prop_stepExec b =
> not (final b) QC.==> final b1 QC.==> m1 == m2 where
> (b1,m1) = S.runState (boundedStep 100 b) initialStore
> m2 = exec b initialStore
Finally, we can also test execStep by evaluating the sample programs.
> -- >>> runTestTT test_execStep
> tExecStepTest :: Test
> tExecStepTest = "execStep wTest" ~: execStep wTest initialStore ~?=
> Map.fromList [(globalTableName,
> Map.fromList [(StringVal "x",IntVal 0),(StringVal "y",IntVal 10)])]
> tExecStepFact :: Test
> tExecStepFact = "execStep wFact" ~: execStep wFact initialStore ~?=
> Map.fromList [(globalTableName,
> Map.fromList [(StringVal "f",IntVal 120),(StringVal "n",IntVal 0),(StringVal "x",IntVal 1),(StringVal "z",IntVal 120)])]
> tExecStepAbs :: Test
> tExecStepAbs = "execStep wAbs" ~: execStep wAbs initialStore ~?=
> Map.fromList [(globalTableName, Map.fromList [(StringVal "x",IntVal 3)])]
> tExecStepTimes :: Test
> tExecStepTimes = "execStep wTimes" ~: execStep wTimes initialStore ~?=
> Map.fromList [(globalTableName,
> Map.fromList [(StringVal "x",IntVal 0),(StringVal "y",IntVal 3),(StringVal "z",IntVal 30)])]
> tExecStepTable :: Test
> tExecStepTable = "execStep wTable" ~: execStep wTable initialStore ~?=
> Map.fromList [(globalTableName,
> Map.fromList [(StringVal "a",TableVal "_t1"),(StringVal "k",IntVal 20),(StringVal "o1",IntVal 10),
> (StringVal "o2",StringVal "great"),(StringVal "o3",IntVal 11)]),
> ("_t1",Map.fromList [(IntVal 20,StringVal "great"),(StringVal "x",IntVal 11)])]
> tExecStepBfs :: Test
> tExecStepBfs = "execStep wBfs" ~: TestList [ global !? StringVal "found" ~?= Just (BoolVal True)
> ] where
> ss = execStep wBfs initialStore
> global = case ss !? globalTableName of
> Just g -> g
> Nothing -> Map.empty
> test_execStep :: Test
> test_execStep = TestList [tExecStepFact, tExecStepAbs, tExecStepTimes, tExecStepAbs, tExecStepTable, tExecStepBfs]
-- The Stepper |
Now edit the following stepping function so that it has the behavior shown above.
> data Stepper = Stepper {
> filename :: Maybe String,
> block :: Block,
> store :: Store,
> history :: Maybe Stepper
> }
> initialStepper :: Stepper
> initialStepper = Stepper {
> filename = Nothing,
> block = mempty,
> store = initialStore,
> history = Nothing
> }
> -- Fill in `undefined` below
> stepper :: IO ()
> stepper = go initialStepper where
> go :: Stepper -> IO ()
> go ss = do
> prompt ss
> putStr (fromMaybe "Lu" (filename ss) ++ "> ")
> str <- getLine
> case List.uncons (words str) of
> -- load a file for stepping
> Just (":l",[fn]) -> do
> undefined
> -- dump the store
> Just (":d",_) -> do
> putStrLn (pretty (store ss))
> go ss
> -- quit the stepper
> Just (":q",_) -> return ()
> -- run current block to completion
> Just (":r",_) ->
> let s' = exec (block ss) (store ss) in
> go ss{block=mempty,store=s',history=Just ss}
> -- next statement
> Just(":n",strs) -> do
> let numSteps :: Int
> numSteps = case readMaybe (concat strs) of
> Just x -> x
> Nothing -> 1
> undefined
> -- previous statement
> Just (":p",strs) -> do
> let numSteps :: Int
> numSteps = case readMaybe (concat strs) of
> Just x -> x
> Nothing -> 1
> undefined
> -- evaluate an expression in the current state
> _ -> case LuParser.parseLuExp str of
> Right exp -> do
> let v = evaluate exp (store ss)
> putStrLn (pretty v)
> go ss
> Left _s -> do
> putStrLn "?"
> go ss
> -- | Show the current statement in the stepper
> -- if one exists
> prompt :: Stepper -> IO ()
> prompt Stepper{block=Block []} = return ()
> prompt Stepper{block=Block (s:_)} =
> putStr "--> " >> putStrLn (pretty s)
> -------------------------- all properties and tests in this module -----------------------------
> test_all :: IO Counts
> test_all = runTestTT $ TestList [ test_index, test_update, test_resolveVar, test_evaluateNot, test_evaluateLen, test_exec, test_execStep ]
> -- >>> runTestTT test_all
> qc :: IO ()
> qc = do
> putStrLn "evalE_total"
> quickCheckN 100 prop_evalE_total
> putStrLn "step_total"
> quickCheckN 100 prop_step_total
> putStrLn "stepExec"
> quickCheckN 100 prop_stepExec