CIS 5520 students should be able to access this code through
github. Eventually, the
completed version will be available.
Haskell Basics
Welcome to Haskell!
If you are reading this text online, you may wish to access it as a Haskell project instead. You can find this module as part of the repository 01-basics on github. We have prepared instructions on using github with CIS 5520 and with installing GHC and VSCode. We strongly encourage you to read this file in the VSCode editor so that you can experiment with it.
Every Haskell file begins with a few lines naming the module (this name must start with a capital letter and be the same as the file name) and (optionally) importing definitions from other modules.
> module Basics where
> -- library imports must come at the beginning
> import Test.HUnit
> ( (~?), runTestTT, (~?=), Counts, Test(TestList) )
> import Prelude hiding (take, sum, const)
Observe that Haskell supports two kinds of comments: single line comments
start with --
and block comments begin and end with {-
and -}
Understanding a Haskell program is about equality
Functional programming means that the semantics of a program can be described mathematically. One principle of mathematics is called Leibniz equality: in any context, we can replace an object with anything equivalent to it. Therefore, in Haskell, we reason about computation by reasoning about equality of (sub-)expressions.
For example, if we want to know what value an arithmetic expression computes to, we only need to find some number that is equal to it.
3 * (4 + 5)
{ 4+5 is equal to 9 by addition, so we can replace it in the expression }
3 * 9
{ by multiplication }
That's it!
Furthermore, we can ask VSCode to compute the value of an expression for us with a special form of comment (i.e. a single line comment that starts with '>>>').
Try clicking on "Evaluate..." below. You will only see "Evaluate..." if your IDE is set up correctly.
> -- >>> 3 * (4 + 5)
A Haskell module (like this one) is a list of definitions. These definitions allow us to give names to Haskell expressions.
> ex :: Integer
> ex = 3 * (4 + 5)
We can ask VSCode to calculate these values, just as we did above.
> -- >>> ex
Whenever we give a name to an expression, it is a good idea to also write down its type. Although Haskell can often figure out this type for you, when you are just starting out, the error messages can be perplexing without these additional hints.
The Integer
type is the type of arbitrarily large integers in Haskell.
> bigInteger :: Integer
> bigInteger = 12345678901234567890
This is in contrast to the Int
type, for word-sized integers (machine
dependent). Numbers are overloaded in Haskell, so the type annotation tells
the compiler how to interpret this expression. (And, note the warning
issued by the compiler for this out of range number!)
> bigInt :: Int
> bigInt = 12345678901234567890
Compare the value of a extra-large Integer
> -- >>> bigInteger
with an Int
> -- >>> bigInt
Above, we declared the type of an expression separately from giving it a
name. However, if we don't want to give a name to an expression, we can
still annotate it with its type using ::
> -- >>> 31 * (42 + 56) :: Integer
More generally, the type annotation can be attached to any subexpression, not just at the top level.
> -- >>> (31 :: Integer) * (42 + 56)
It is good style to annotate the type of every declaration in a Haskell
program. This helps with error messages, as Haskell operators, like *
, and
constants like '31', are often overloaded.
Elements of Haskell
So far, we have have seen the following three properties of Haskell:
- Haskell code is based on expressions
- Expressions evaluate to values
- Every expression has a type, which may influence evaluation
You are probably familiar with expressions in other programming languages, where they are often used to compute numeric and boolean values. Haskell also includes these types and operators.
For example, Haskell includes floating point numbers, via the Double
using the same overloaded syntax.
> -- >>> 31 * (42 + 56) :: Double -- double precision floating point
Furthermore, you'll also find characters, strings and boolean values.
> -- >>> 'a' :: Char -- characters
> -- >>> "abcd" :: String -- strings
> -- >>> "cis" ++ "552" -- string concatenation
> -- >>> True :: Bool -- boolean values
> -- >>> 1 <= 3 || False && 3 > 2 -- boolean operators, comparisons
What is a little different about Haskell is that everything is an expression,
including conditionals. This means that if
can be nested inside other
> -- >>> (if ex > 28 then 1 else 0) + 2 :: Int
Now the last basic type, shown below, is subtle. It is a special constant,
written ()
and called "unit". The type of this constant is written with the
same notation, and also called "unit". You'll need to pay attention to
context to know whether we mean the constant or the type. The key fact about
this basic type is that there is only one value with type ()
> -- >>> () :: () -- 'unit' (both value and type have the same syntax)
What is Abstraction?
We're going to talk a lot about abstraction in this course, starting from simple examples and getting dramatically more expressive. But what is abstraction, exactly?
The first answer is: "Pattern Recognition"
31 * (42 + 56)
70 * (12 + 95)
90 * (68 + 12)
What do these expressions have in common? They all follow the same general pattern. We can generalize that pattern to a function by defining an equation.
> pat :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer
> pat a b c = a * (b + c)
We call functions by providing them with arguments.
> -- >>> pat 31 42 56
No parentheses are necessary, unless the argument itself is a compound expression.
> -- >>> pat (30 + 1) 42 56
The important question is not "What does this function do?" but, instead "What does this function mean?" We can reason about that meaning using what we know about equality.
pat 31 42 56
{ function call, replace a b & c in right-hand side of equation by 31 42 and 56 }
== 31 * (42 + 56)
{ addition }
== 31 * 98
{ multiplication }
== 3038
Functions, like pat
, are the core abstraction mechanisms in functional
Function types
Like all expressions, functions have types.
The type of a function taking an input of type A
and yielding an output of
type B
is written as
A -> B
For example, the pos
function determines whether an Int
is strictly
greater than zero.
> pos :: Int -> Bool
> pos x = x > 0
The pat
function above takes multiple arguments. Therefore, its type has
multiple ->
s, one for each argument.
The type of a function taking inputs of type A1
, A2
, and A3
returning a result of type B
is written as
A1 -> A2 -> A3 -> B
Symbolic vs. alphabetic names
Symbolic identifiers (i.e. +
and *
) are infix by default.
Parentheses around a symbolic name turn it into a regular name.
For example, if we want to define an alphabetic name for the addition function, we can do so.
> plus :: Int -> Int -> Int
> plus = (+)
And we can call operations in parentheses just like "standard" functions, by writing their arguments afterwards.
> p0 :: Int
> p0 = (+) 2 4
Likewise we can use alphabetic name in backquotes as infix.
> p1 :: Int
> p1 = 2 `plus` 2
Laziness is a virtue
One major difference between Haskell and other programming languages is that Haskell uses a "call-by-need" semantics for evaluation, aka "lazy" evaluation. What this means is that Haskell does not evaluate arguments before calling functions. Instead, expressions are only evaluated when they are needed.
We can observe this behavior in Haskell by seeing what happens when we use
in a subexpresion. The error
keyword in Haskell triggers a
non-recoverable runtime exception, aborting any computation in progress.
An error
can be used in any context and can be given
any type because it does not produce a value.
If an error is triggered, then we know that subexpression was evaluated.
For example, addition always needs to evaluate its arguments, so this error will trigger.
> -- >>> 1 + 2 + 3 + error "Here!"
However, we won't trigger an error that is in dead code, such as in the non-selected part of an if-expression...
> -- >>> if 1 < 3 then 5 else error "Unreachable"
> -- 5
..or that was short-circuited when evaluating a boolean expression.
> -- >>> True || error "Unreachable"
> -- True
In contrast, you can see that if the first argument were False
it does not short circuit and does trigger the error.
> -- >>> False || error "Ooops!"
> -- Ooops!
In most languages, if
and ||
are defined via special constructs because they
include sub-expressions that are not always evaluated. However, in Haskell, these
constructs are less special. For example, you can define your own short-circuiting
version of the or
operator. Suppose you would like this operator to be written
with three pipes instead of two:
> (|||) :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool
> (|||) a b = if a then True else b
Through laziness, this definition short circuits, just like the Prelude version of ||
> -- >>> True ||| error "Unreachable"
> -- True
More generally, because Haskell is lazy, the language enables more abstraction. Functions and operators that we define can have nontrivial control behavior.
Laziness is also the reason that we can reason about Haskell programs just by thinking about equalities. For example, there is a function in the Prelude with the following definition:
> const :: a -> b -> b
> const x y = y
In a call-by-value language (i.e. most languages) if you see a subexpression like
const (f 3) 4
, you have to know whether the expression f 3
produces a normal value
first before you can know that the result is 4. However, in Haskell, you can use
substitution: the pattern above says that with any call to const
, the result is the value of
the second argument.
> -- >>> const (error "Here!") 4
> -- 3
We'll see more examples of laziness throughout the semester. Sometimes we use the word "strictness" to
describe how functions use their arguments. If an argument will always be evaluated before the
function is called, we call this argument "strict." For example, both arguments in an addition
operation are strict, because we need to know what the numbers are to sum them together. However,
only the first argument in ||
is strict because it does not evaluate the second argument when
the value of the first one is True
Making Haskell DO something
Programs often interact with the world:
- Read files
- Display graphics
- Broadcast packets
- Run test cases and print success or failure
They don't just compute values.
How does this fit with values & equalities above?
Note, we've gotten far without doing any I/O. That's fairly standard in Haskell. Working with VSCode means that we can see the answers directly, we don't need an action to print them out. However, a standalone executable needs to do something, so we demonstrate that next.
The GHC System
We'll start with a few examples just using the interactive toplevel for the Haskell language. Although Haskell is a compiled language, the interactive toplevel, "ghci" is available for experimentation. You can access this toplevel using any command prompt (i.e. Terminal), as long as you have GHC installed. The examples below also assume that you have the "stack" tool available and that you have started the command prompt in the same directory that contains this source code. Instructions for installing "stack" and other tools are available.
First use the terminal to start ghci
and instruct it to load the Basics
sweirich@sixteen 01-basics % stack ghci Basics.hs
Using configuration for cis5520-basics:lib to load /Users/sweirich/552/cis5520-20fa/lectures/01-basics/Basics.lhs
cis5520-basics> configure (lib)
Configuring cis5520-basics-
cis5520-basics> initial-build-steps (lib)
Configuring GHCi with the following packages: cis5520-basics
GHCi, version 8.8.3: https://www.haskell.org/ghc/ :? for help
[1 of 1] Compiling Basics ( /Users/sweirich/5520/cis5520-22fa/lectures/01-basics/Basics.lhs, interpreted )
Ok, one module loaded.
Loaded GHCi configuration from /private/var/folders/p3/pkythxvx6rq9q054797y4bb80000gn/T/haskell-stack-ghci/48e82592/ghci-script
Now, with the prompt from the module, you can ask for the values, types and information of expressions.
*Basics> ex
*Basics> :t ex
ex :: Integer
*Basics> :i ex
ex :: Integer -- Defined at Basics.hs:5:1
Obligatory Hello World
"IO actions" are a new sort of sort of value that describe an effect on the world.
IO a -- Type of an action that returns an `a` (a can be anything!)
Actions that do something but return nothing have the type IO ()
putStr :: String -> IO ()
So putStr
takes in a string and returns an action that writes the string
to stdout.
Because putStr
doesn't evaluate to a value that we can print, we can't play with
it using the IDE. Even if you hit Evaluate...
you will see nothing because the
IDE hides the printing action and only displays the value.
> -- >>> putStr "Say what?"
Instead, to observe the printing action, we need to use GHCi. Let's give it name first:
> hw :: IO ()
> hw = putStr "Hello World!\n"
and then we can give it a try.
*Basics> hw
Hello World!
Just 'do' it
How can we do many actions? By composing small actions.
The do
syntax allows us to create a compound action that sequences one
action after another. The definition of many
below is a compound action
that outputs the three strings in order. (Try it out in ghci!)
> many :: IO ()
> many = do putStr "Hello" -- each line in the sequence
> putStr " World!" -- must be an IO action
> putStr "\n" -- don't forget the newline
Note: white-space is significant here. The do
notation sequences actions, but
each action in the sequence must start at the same character offset: all of
the putStr
s must be lined up.
Sometimes people put the do
on a line by itself and then start the list
of actions on the next line. This saves column width in larger developments.
> many' :: IO ()
> many' = do
> putStr "Hello"
> putStr " World!"
> putStr "\n"
Example: Input Action
Actions can also return a value.
getLine :: IO String
This action reads and returns a line from stdin. We can name the result
as part of a do
sequence, with this notation, called "bind".
x <- action
Here x
is a variable that can be used to refer to the result of the
action in later code. For example, below, n
is new String
that is initialized by reading from stdin.
> query :: IO ()
> query = do putStr "What is your name? "
> n <- getLine
> putStrLn ("Welcome to CIS 552 " ++ n)
Any IO t
action can be used with bind to create a variable of type t
However, when working with type IO ()
the result is a special value,
written ()
and called "unit". This special value indicates that the IO
action did not have anything interesting to return---similar to a method
that returns "void" in other programming languages.
What is different in Haskell is that we do have a value of type ()
and we can name it with bind, as shown in query'
below. However, we probably
won't do anything with this value.
(Note that this example also demonstrates the Haskell convention to name
variables that are unused with names that start with an underscore.)
> query' :: IO ()
> query' = do _m <- putStr "What is your name? "
> n <- getLine
> putStrLn ("Welcome to CIS 552 " ++ n)
Note that you cannot name the last action in a sequence. Names are there so that
you can use their results later. If you want to return the value instead, the last action
should be a return
> query2 :: IO String -- compare this type to `query` above.
> query2 = do putStr "What is your name? "
> n <- getLine
> return n
Furthermore, there is no need to name a value if it is just going to be returned right away. This version is equivalent.
> query2' :: IO String
> query2' = do putStr "What is your name? "
> getLine
Example: Testing Actions
The hunit
library contains definitions for constructing unit tests for your
programs. You must import this library at the top of your module (with
import Test.HUnit) before you can access these definitions. This library defines a
Test` type for test cases.
> t1 :: Test
> t1 = (1 + 2 :: Int) ~?= 3
> -- check that the result of the computation matches the expected value `3`
Haskell is lazy, so these definitions create tests, but don't actually run them yet. We'll do that below.
operator is overloaded. You can create tests that compare expressions at many different types. When the expressions themselves are also overloaded (such as those with numbers), we run into ambiguity---what type of expressions should this test actually use? We resolve that ambiguity with an internal typing annotation(3 :: Int)
To run the test case, we use the function runTestTT
runTestTT :: Test -> IO Counts
> numTest :: IO Counts
> numTest = runTestTT t1
This expression is an action that runs the test case(s) and returns a data
structure (of type Counts
) recording how many tests cases were run and how
many failed or produced errors. A failing test case is caused by a false
assertion, for example True ~?= False
. An erroroneous testcase is one that
produced a run-time error, such as division by zero.
Although we can evaluate numTest
in the IDE, we get more information about
failing and erroroneous tests using ghci.
*Basics> runTestTT (True ~?= False)
### Failure:
expected: False
but got: True
Cases: 1 Tried: 1 Errors: 0 Failures: 1
Counts {cases = 1, tried = 1, errors = 0, failures = 1}
*Basics> runTestTT ( 1 `div` 0 ~?= (1 :: Int))
### Error:
divide by zero
Cases: 1 Tried: 1 Errors: 1 Failures: 0
Counts {cases = 1, tried = 1, errors = 1, failures = 0}
Structured Data
An ordered sequence of values is called a tuple and its type is written as
(where A1
... An
are the types of the values in the sequence).
(A1, ..., An)
For example,
> tup1 :: (Char, Int)
> tup1 = ('a', 5)
> tup2 :: (Char, Double, Int)
> tup2 = ('a', 5.2, 7)
> tup3 :: ((Int, Double), Bool)
> tup3 = ((7, 5.2), True)
There can be any number of elements in a tuple, but the structure must match the type.
Pattern Matching extracts values from tuples.
A function that takes a tuple as an argument looks like it has multiple arguments, but in reality, it has just one. We use a pattern to name the three components of the tuple for use in the function.
> tpat :: (Int, Int, Int) -> Int
> tpat (a, b, c) = a * (b + c)
We can put anything in a tuple
We can have tuples of tuples. These three values below have three different types. Look closely! (We use the word 'pair' to describe a tuple with two values.)
> tup4 :: ((Int,Int),Int)
> tup4 = ((1,2),3) -- a pair of a pair and a number
> tup5 :: (Int,(Int,Int))
> tup5 = (1,(2,3)) -- a pair of a number and a pair
> tup6 :: (Int, Int, Int)
> tup6 = (1, 2, 3) -- a three-tuple, or triple
Note that the pattern that names the variables must match the structure of the type exactly.
> pat4 :: ((Int,Int),Int) -> Int
> pat4 ((a, b), c) = a * (b + c)
> -- >>> pat4 tup4
> pat5 :: (Int, (Int, Int)) -> Int
> pat5 (a, (b, c)) = a * (b + c)
> -- >>> pat5 tup5
> pat6 :: (Int,Int,Int) -> Int
> pat6 (a, b, c) = a * (b + c)
> -- >>> pat6 tup6
We can stick anything in tuples, even IO actions.
> act2 :: (IO (), IO ())
> act2 = (putStr "Hello", putStr "Hello")
This doesn't actually run both actions, it just creates a pair holding two IO computations. Haskell doesn't evaluate the components of a tuple when it is constructed. It waits until you actually need it.
Compare the difference between these definitions in ghci. Try to predict what they will do.
> runAct2 :: IO ()
> runAct2 = do
> let (x, y) = act2 -- pattern match in `do` sequences using `let`
> x -- run the first action
> y -- then run the second
> runAct2' :: IO ()
> runAct2' = do
> let (x, y) = act2 -- pattern match
> y -- run the second action
> x -- then run the first
> runAct2'' :: IO ()
> runAct2'' = do
> let (x, y) = act2 -- pattern match
> x -- run the first action
> x -- then run it again!
Optional values
The type of "optional" or "partial" values is written
Maybe A
This type describes either a value of type A
, or else nothing.
> m1 :: Maybe Int
> m1 = Just 2 -- the 'Just' tag tells the compiler that we have a value
> m2 :: Maybe Int
> m2 = Nothing -- the 'Nothing' tag means there is no value
There is no 'null' in Haskell. Yay!
Extracting values from 'Maybe's
Pattern Matching extracts values from maybes; we need a pattern for each case.
> pat'' :: Maybe Int -> Int
> pat'' (Just x) = x
> pat'' Nothing = 2
Patterns can be nested, too.
> jn :: Maybe (Maybe a) -> Maybe a
> jn (Just (Just x)) = Just x
> jn (Just Nothing) = Nothing
> jn Nothing = Nothing
Quiz: See if you can come up with a slightly simpler way to write jn
using two
patterns instead of three. The undefined
expression is one that produces a run-time
error if it is ever evaluated.
> jn' :: Maybe (Maybe a) -> Maybe a
> jn' = undefined
'Maybe' is useful for partial functions
> location :: String -> Maybe String
> location "cis501" = Just "Wu & Chen"
> location "cis502" = Just "Heilmeier"
> location "cis520" = Just "Wu & Chen"
> location "cis5520" = Just "3401 Walnut, 401B"
> location _ = Nothing -- wildcard pattern, matches anything
The type of a list of values, each of type A
is written
A list is a sequence of values of the same type. There is no limit to the number of values that can be stored in a list. We notate lists as a sequence of comma-separated values inside square brackets.
> l1 :: [Double]
> l1 = [1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0]
> l2 :: [Int]
> l2 = undefined -- make a list of numbers
Lists can contain structured data...
> l3 :: [(Int,Bool)]
> l3 = [ (1,True), (2, False) ]
...and can be nested:
> l4 :: [[Int]]
> l4 = undefined -- make a list of lists
List elements must have the same type.
> -- l5 :: [Int]
> -- l5 = [ 1 , True ] -- doesn't type check
(Observe the type error that results when you uncomment the definition above.)
The empty list is written []
and pronounced "nil".
> l6 :: [a]
> l6 = []
Note: String
is just another name for a list of characters ([Char]
> l7 :: String
> l7 = ['h','e','l','l','o',' ','5','5','2','!']
What is the value of l7?
> -- >>> l7
> --
"Cons"tructing Lists
The infix operator :
constructs a new list, by adding a new element to the
front of an existing list. (Note, the existing list is not modified.)
We call this operator cons
(The a
in the type of cons
below means that this function works for lists
containing any type of element. In other words, we say that this function
is polymorphic. More on this later.)
> cons :: a -> [a] -> [a]
> cons = (:)
> c1 :: [Bool]
> c1 = True : [False, False]
> c2 :: [Int]
> c2 = 1 : []
Try evaluating c1
and c2
> -- >>> c1
> --
> -- >>> c2
> --
And check out the type of c3
> c3 = [] : []
The String
type in Haskell is syntactic sugar for a list of characters. Haskell
doesn't distinguish between the types [Char]
and String
. For example, here
are two different ways to write the same list:
> s1 :: [Char]
> s1 = "abc"
> s2 :: String
> s2 = ['a', 'b', 'c']
Try evaluating s1
and s2
> -- >>> s1
> --
> -- >>> s2
> --
Syntactic Sugar for lists
Haskell views the notation
[x1, x2, .. , xn]
as short for
x1 : x2 : .. : xn : []
This means that we can think of lists as a sequence of cons'ed elements, ending with nil. For example,
[1,2,3,4] and 1 : 2 : 3 : 4 : []
are the same list.
> -- >>> [1,2,3,4] == 1:2:3:4:[]
> -- True
Function practice: List Generation
Example: Write a function that, given an argument x
and a number n
, returns
a list containing n
copies of x
Step 1: Write test cases for the function.
We're using HUnit, a library for defining unit tests in Haskell and using the
operator to construct unit Test
s by comparing the computed result
(first argument) with an expected result (second argument).
> testClone1, testClone2, testClone3, testClone4 :: Test
> testClone1 = clone 'a' 4 ~?= ['a','a','a','a']
> testClone2 = clone 'a' 0 ~?= []
> testClone3 = clone (1.1 :: Double) 3 ~?= [1.1, 1.1, 1.1]
> testClone4 = clone 'a' (-1) ~?= []
Step 2: Declare the type of the function.
This function replicates any type of value, so the type of the first argument is polymorphic.
> clone :: a -> Int -> [a]
Step 3: Implement the function.
We implement this function by recursion on the integer argument.
> clone x n = if n<=0 then [] else x : clone x (n-1)
Step 4: Run the tests.
The HUnit function runTestTT
actually runs a given unit test and prints
its result to the standard output stream. (That is why its result type is IO Counts
. The IO in the type means that this computation does IO.)
> cl1, cl2, cl3, cl4 :: IO Counts
> cl1 = runTestTT testClone1
> cl2 = runTestTT testClone2
> cl3 = runTestTT testClone3
> cl4 = runTestTT testClone4
> cls :: IO Counts
> cls = runTestTT (TestList [ testClone1, testClone2, testClone3, testClone4 ])
You can run the tests by evaluating the definition cls
at the ghci prompt.
ghci> cls
Cases: 4 Tried: 4 Errors: 0 Failures: 0
Counts {cases = 4, tried = 4, errors = 0, failures = 0}
Function practice
Quiz: Define a function called range
that, given two integers i
and j
returns a list containing all of the numbers at least as big as i
but no
bigger than j
, in order.
Step 1: Write test cases. We can define multiple test cases at once using a list.
> testRange :: Test
> testRange = TestList [ range 3 6 ~?= [3,4,5,6],
> range 42 42 ~?= [42],
> range 10 5 ~?= [] ]
Step 2: Declare the type of the function.
> range :: Int -> Int -> [Int]
Step 3: Define the function. This part is for you to do for your quiz.
> range i j = undefined
Step 4: Run the tests.
> runRTests :: IO Counts
> runRTests = runTestTT testRange
Pattern matching with lists
The examples so far have constructed various lists. Of course, sometimes we would like to write functions that use lists. We can use a list by pattern matching...
> isHi :: String -> Bool
> isHi ['H','i'] = True
> isHi _ = False
If we have a list of characters, we can use string constants as patterns too.
> isGreeting :: String -> Bool
> isGreeting "Hi" = True
> isGreeting "Hello" = True
> isGreeting "Bonjour" = True
> isGreeting "Guten Tag" = True
> isGreeting _ = False
We can also work with lists more abstractly, for example determining if we have a list of length one...
> isSingleton :: [a] -> Bool
> isSingleton [_] = True
> isSingleton _ = False
...or of length greater than two. Complete this one yourself using a pattern to identify lists that have three or more elements.
> isLong :: [a] -> Bool
> isLong = undefined
> testIsLong :: Test
> testIsLong = TestList [ not (isLong []) ~? "nil", -- can convert booleans to tests by naming them via `~?`
> not (isLong "a") ~? "one",
> not (isLong "ab") ~? "two",
> isLong "abc" ~? "three" ]
Finally, all of the patterns we have shown you so far have been part of definitions. We can define a function, like isSingleton
or isGreeting
above, by cases, using multiple lines. This style is common in Haskell, but if you are coming from OCaml, you might be more familiar with match
, or a separate expression form of pattern matching. Such a form is also available in Haskell, using the case
and of
For example, we can rewrite isGreeting
using case
> isGreeting2 :: String -> Bool
> isGreeting2 s =
> case s of
> "Hi" -> True
> "Hello" -> True
> "Bonjour" -> True
> "Guten Tag" -> True
> _ -> False
Note that all of the patterns in a case expression must start in the same column of your source file. This expression is layout sensitive, and if things don't line up, you will get a compilation error. Case expressions are particularly good for nested patterns, where you might want to match again inside of a branch. Here's a silly definition of isGreeting
that demonstrates a nested pattern. Note how the layout determines where the patterns for the inner case
end and the ones for the outer case
> isGreeting3 :: String -> Bool
> isGreeting3 s =
> case s of
> ('H':r) -> case r of
> "i" -> True
> "ello" -> True
> _ -> False
> "Bonjour" -> True
> "Guten Tag" -> True
> _ -> False
Function practice: List Recursion
**Example*: Define a function called listSum
that, given a list of Int
s returns
their sum.
Step 1: Write test cases.
> sumTests :: Test
> sumTests = TestList [ sum [1,2,3] ~?= 6,
> sum [] ~?= 0 ]
Step 2: Declare the type of the function.
> sum :: [Int] -> Int
Step 3: Define the function. (Use pattern matching to define the function by case analysis.)
> sum [] = 0
> sum (x : xs) = x + sum xs
Step 4: Run the tests.
> runSumTests :: IO Counts
> runSumTests = runTestTT sumTests
Note that listAdd
follows a general pattern of working with lists called list
recursion. We can define lists as follows.
A list is either
, the empty list, orx : xs
, an elementx
cons'ed onto another listxs
This is a recursive definition, as we are defining the notion of lists in terms of itself. Recursive functions that work with lists will follow the pattern of this definition:
f :: [a] -> ...
f [] = ... -- case for the empty list
f (x : xs) = ... -- case for a nonempty list, will use `f xs`
-- recursively somehow.
Function practice: List access
Define a function, called take
, that, given a number n and a list,
returns the first n items in the list, or the whole list if there are
fewer than n items.
Step 1: Write test cases.
> takeTests :: Test
> takeTests =
> TestList [ take 1 [1,2,3] ~?= [1],
> take 5 [1,2,3] ~?= [1,2,3] ]
Step 2: Declare the type of the function. This function is polymorphic and works with any element type.
> take :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
Step 3: Define the function.
> take 0 xs = []
> take n [] = []
> take n (x:xs) = x : take (n - 1) xs
Step 4: Run the tests.
> runTakeTests :: IO Counts
> runTakeTests = runTestTT takeTests
Function practice: List transformation
Define a function, called listIncr
, that, given a list of ints,
returns a new list where each number has been incremented.
Step 1: Write test cases.
> listIncrTests :: Test
> listIncrTests =
> TestList [ listIncr [1,2,3] ~?= [2,3,4],
> listIncr [42] ~?= [43] ]
Step 2: Declare the type of the function.
> listIncr :: [Int] -> [Int]
Step 3: Define the function.
> listIncr = undefined
Step 4: Run the tests.
> runLITests :: IO Counts
> runLITests = runTestTT listIncrTests
Function practice: Double List transformation
Define a function, called listAdd
, that, given two lists of
numbers, adds them together pointwise. Any extra numbers are ignored.
Step 1: Write test cases.
> listAddTests :: Test
> listAddTests =
> TestList [ listAdd [1,2,3] [2,4,5] ~?= [3,6,8],
> listAdd [42] [] ~?= [] ]
Step 2: Declare the type of the function.
> listAdd :: [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int]
Step 3: Define the function.
> listAdd = undefined
Step 4: Run the tests.
> runLAddTests :: IO Counts
> runLAddTests = runTestTT listAddTests
> -- >>> runLAddTests
> -- Counts {cases = 2, tried = 2, errors = 0, failures = 0}
Function practice: "Infinite" lists
The :
operator is lazy in Haskell. When we create a list we don't need to
know the value of all of the elements.
> -- >>> take 2 (1 : 2 : 3 : error "unreachable")
> -- [1,2]
Because :
is lazy, we can define lists in terms of themselves. This list
has as many ones as you want it to contain.
> ones :: [Int]
> ones = 1 : ones
Do NOT try to print this list.
> -- >>> ones
But, we can work with any finite prefix of the list without trouble.
> -- >>> take 17 ones
> -- [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1]
And, we can use this technique to define many different series of numbers. For example, we can define a simple incrementing series.
> allNums :: [Int]
> allNums = 1 : listIncr allNums
> -- >>> take 17 allNums
> -- [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17]
And we can define the Fibonacci series. (The tail
function below
is part of the Haskell standard library and returns the list without
its first element.)
> fibs :: [Int]
> fibs = 1 : 1 : listAdd fibs (tail fibs)
> -- >>> take 17 fibs
> -- [1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89,144,233,377,610,987,1597]
How do you reason about definitions such as fibs
above? The
technique that we've seen above, replacing equal subterms by equal
subterms works!
fibs = -- definition above
1 : 1 : listAdd fibs (tail fibs)
-- name a subexpression
== 1 : 1 : l1
where l1 = listAdd fibs (tail fibs)
-- unfold definition of fibs (twice) to simplify this subexpression
== listAdd (1 : 1 : listAdd fibs (tail fibs)) (tail (1 : 1 : listAdd fibs (tail fibs)))
-- replace `tail` with its definition
== listAdd (1 : 1 : listAdd fibs (tail fibs)) (1 : listAdd fibs (tail fibs))
-- replace `listAdd` with its definition, in the case of nonempty lists
== 1 + 1 : listAdd (1 : listAdd fibs (tail fibs)) (listAdd fibs (tail fibs))
-- add numbers, replace subterms equivalent to l1
== 2 : listAdd (1 : l1) l1
-- replace l1 with simpler version
== 1 : 1 : 2 : listAdd (1 : l1) l1
-- name a new subexpression
== 1 : 1 : 2 : l2
where l2 = listAdd (1 : l1) l1
-- unfold definition of l1
== listAdd (1 : l1) (2 : listAdd (1 : l1) l1)
-- replace `listAdd` with its definition
== 1 + 2 : listAdd l1 (listAdd (1 : l1) l1)
-- add numbers, replace subterm equivalent to l2
== 3 : listAdd l1 l2
-- replace l2 with simpler version
== 1 : 1 : 2 : 3 : listAdd l1 l2
-- name a subexpression, etc
== 1 : 1 : 2 : 3 : l3
where l3 = listAdd l1 l2
== listAdd (2 : listAdd (1 : l1) l1) (3 : listAdd l1 l2)
== 2 + 3 : listAdd (listAdd (1 : l1) l1) (listAdd l1 l2)
== 5 : l2 + l3
== 1 : 1 : 2 : 3 : 5 : l2 + l3
In the equations above, we are only just replacing subterms by equal subterms. However, if we do this carefully, we can see what the values of the list will be, if we ever need them for some computation.
More generally, because of laziness, our code is more modular. We have separated the generation of the sequence of numbers from deciding just how many of those numbers that we need. We don't compute all of the numbers when we define this series --- we only compute them as we need them. This is a powerful idea which will re-occur throughout the semester.
For Penn students: There is a quiz associated with this module on Canvas. Please complete this quiz before the next class.