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User-defined datatypes
> module Datatypes where
> import Prelude hiding (Maybe,Just,Nothing,Either,Left,Right)
> import Test.HUnit
User-defined datatypes
So far, we've mostly talked about how to use the types that appear in the Haskell standard library. We also discussed a few type synonyms, like
type XY = (Double, Double)
from the last lecture, but we haven't described any ways to define really new types.
As a motivating example, suppose you are writing an application that
deals with calendars, and you need to represent the days of the week.
You might be tempted to String
or Int
, but both of these choices
have downsides. If you use
type Day = String
there will be lots of Day
s that don't actually represent real days.
Also, you will need to devise and adhere to some sort of
standardization - is Monday represented by "Monday"
, "monday"
, or "Mon"
? Should you handle more than one of these?
The choice
type Day = Int
has similar problems. There are lots of integers that won't represent valid days. And you'll have to remember whether you pick Sunday or Monday to be the first day of the week, and whether it is represented by 0 or 1.
Haskell has a better solution: user-defined datatypes.
> data Day = Monday
> | Tuesday
> | Wednesday
> | Thursday
> | Friday
> | Saturday
> | Sunday
> deriving (Show, Eq)
The new values (Monday
, Tuesday
, etc.) are called "constructors" or "data
constructors". This is a very simple example of a datatype (basically just an
enumeration), but we'll see more examples soon.
The deriving
line enables printing and equality for this datatype. We'll see
more about this next week, but it is common to do this for every datatype.
(If we leave this line off, we won't be able to use the ==
operator or
function with these values. This is particularly important for working
with ghci (which uses show
to print out the result of evaluation) and
which uses ==
to test equality.)
The great thing about datatype is that we can define functions by pattern matching! For example:
> nextWeekday :: Day -> Day
> nextWeekday Monday = Tuesday
> nextWeekday Tuesday = Wednesday
> nextWeekday Wednesday = Thursday
> nextWeekday Thursday = Friday
> nextWeekday Friday = Monday
> nextWeekday Saturday = Monday
> nextWeekday Sunday = Monday
This is great. Now we don't have to worry about the difference between
and "monday"
or which integer corresponds to which day. If we
make a typo (for example, write Frday
instead of Friday
), the compiler will
tell us at compile time. If we forget to handle one of the days in some
function, the compiler will warn us about that too (via the incomplete patterns
warning, which we have enabled at the top of this file).
Let's write one more function on Day
s, to compute when a package
will arrive by "two day shipping":
> twoBusinessDays :: Day -> Day
> twoBusinessDays d = undefined
Datatypes can carry data values, too. For example, here is a datatype for representing shapes:
> data Shape
> = Circle Double Double Double
> | Rectangle Double Double Double Double
> deriving (Eq, Show)
Here, Circle
and Rectangle
are the constructors - every Shape
value must be one or the other. Each constructor takes some
is specified by threeDoubles
. These represent the x and y coordinates of the center and the radius.A
is specifed by fourDoubles
. The first two are the coordinates of the lower left corner, and the second two are the coordinates of the upper right corner.
We can pattern match on shapes. For example, here is a function that
computes the area of any Shape
> area :: Shape -> Double
> area (Circle x y r) = pi * r * r
> area (Rectangle llx lly urx ury) = width * height where
> width = urx - llx
> height = ury - lly
Note that constructors are first-class Haskell values, and -- like any value -- they have types.
For example the types of Monday
and Tuesday
shouldn't surprise you:
Monday :: Day
Tuesday :: Day
The constructors that take arguments have function types. For
example, you must apply Circle
to three Double
s to get a Shape
Circle :: Double -> Double -> Double -> Shape
Rectangle :: Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Shape
However, note that although data constructors have types that look like functions, they are not functions. From a syntactic point of view, the names of data constructors start with capital letters so that they cannot be confused with normal variables, which might be the names of functions.
Like functions, they can be applied to arguments. However, they have a
special power that normal functions do not have: they can be used in pattern
matching. If we have a Shape
we can see what data constructor we used to
create that Shape
Datatype values also look different from function values. If we ask Haskell to
evaluate an expression of type Day
, we are going to get one of the data
constructors. (i.e. Monday
, Tuesday
, etc.) On the other hand, function
values are lambda expressions (i.e. \x -> x + 3
) or primitive operators.
Datatypes vs. Objects
At this point, you might think a little about the comparison between representing shapes via datatypes in Haskell or via objects in a language like Java. Maybe your introductory Java class uses subtyping to represent the same relationship between Circle's and Rectangles. One way it could have done so is with this code.
interface Shape {
public double area();
class Circle implements Shape {
// fields
private final double x;
private final double y;
private final double r;
// constructor definition omitted
public double area() {
return Math.pi * r * r;
class Rectangle implements Shape {
// fields
private final double llx;
private final double lly;
private final double urx;
private final double ury;
// constructor definition omitted
public double area() {
double width = urx - llx;
double height = ury - lly;
return width * height;
In these class definitions, we have two object types Circle
and Rectangle
that carry their associated data. The constructors for these objects act like
the data constructors of a datatype. The area
method works for both circles
and rectangles, using dynamic dispatch instead of pattern matching to select
the appropriate code.
Once difference between these two implementations is that Haskell datatypes are
easy to extend with new operations but harder to extend with new variants. If
we want a new operation on Shape
s, we need only define a new function by
pattern matching. However, to add a new kind of Shape
we need to add a new
variant to the datatype definition and update each of the function definitions
with a new case in the pattern matching. (The compiler will tell us if we miss
In Java, it is the reverse situation. We can easly add a new kind of Shape
by adding a new object that implements the interface. However, to add a new
operation, we need to edit the interface to include the new method and then
update all of the existing classes with the new method definition. (The
compiler will tell us if we miss any.)
This contrast between these two ways of defining data types is commonly called the expression problem.
One nice feature of the Java implementation is that it gives names to the individual fields.
We can do this in Haskell too by giving names to the arguments of data constructors, using records. For example, we can define a point in space as an x and y coordinate.
> data Point = Point { x :: Double, y :: Double }
> deriving (Show, Eq)
> point1 :: Point
> point1 = Point { y = 1.0, x = 2.0 } -- order doesn't matter
> point2 :: Point
> point2 = Point 1.0 1.0 -- Be careful, Haskell will let you leave the field names off
> -- but here the order does matter
Each field name also defines a selector for that component of the data structure.
> x1 :: Double
> x1 = x point1
When taking arguments that use records, we can either use the record selectors, or use pattern-matching.
> distFromOrigin :: Point -> Double
> distFromOrigin Point {x = px, y = py} = sqrt (px * px + py * py)
Rewrite this function using selectors x
and y
> distFromOrigin' :: Point -> Double
> distFromOrigin' p = undefined
Which version is easier to read? Opinions differ.
Things to watch out for with records in Haskell:
Records must be defined as part of a datatype definition.
The selectors are first-class functions---there is no such thing as "
". This is really great for higher-order programming, i.e. we can easily access all of thex
components from a list of points withmap x points
Record selectors must be unique within a module. If
has anx
component, then no other datatype in that module can usex
.Record selectors are just normal variable names. So if
has anx
component, there cannot be another top-level definition in the module calledx
. (Recall that all toplevel definitions in a module must be unique, but local definitions may shadow toplevel definitions. )It's idiomatic to "pun" when pattern matching records. For example, we name the variables using the same names as the selectors. (Note that this can also be confusing, and some Haskellers advise against this practice.)
> distFromOrigin'' :: Point -> Double
> distFromOrigin'' Point {x = x, y = y} = sqrt (x * x + y * y)
- Records are purely functional in Haskell. There is no way to modify a component when it is created. However, there is an easy way to construct new values that share components with existing structures.
> point3 :: Point
> point3 = point1 { x = 2.0 }
> -- point3 is a Point with x component equal to 2.0,
> -- and all others (which is only y here) the same as point1
- Haskell's record system is far from perfect. It's strange that records must
be defined as part of data constructors. The fact that different record
types in the same module cannot share fields names can be awkward. It can
be tedious to work with purely functional record update when you have
nested records. Some of these issues are addressed by language extensions
(such as
) and by sophisticated libraries. However, these are advanced topics so we won't be covering them here.
Recursive Datatypes
Datatypes can be defined recursively. That is, their constructors can take other elements of the same type as arguments.
For example, we could define a type representing nonempty lists of integers:
> data IntListNE = ISingle Int
> | ICons Int IntListNE
So that the list [1,2,3]
is represented as:
> oneTwoThree :: IntListNE
> oneTwoThree = ICons 1 (ICons 2 (ISingle 3))
For comparison with Haskell's built-in lists, it might help to think of this as:
> oneTwoThree' :: IntListNE
> oneTwoThree' = 1 `ICons` (2 `ICons` ISingle 3) -- backticks for infix
Nonempty lists are great in that we can write a total head
function (i.e. this version
of head
is not partial like the one for regular lists.)
> -- >>> safeHead oneTwoThree
> -- 1
> safeHead :: IntListNE -> Int
> safeHead = undefined
We can define functions by recursion on IntListNE
s too, of course. Write a function
to calculate the sum of a non-empty list of integers.
> -- >>> sumOfIntListNE oneTwoThree
> -- 6
> sumOfIntListNE :: IntListNE -> Int
> sumOfIntListNE = undefined
Polymorphic Datatypes
It would sure be annoying to have a seperate kind of list for each
type of data! Luckily, we know Haskell's list type is polymorphic:
you can have a list of type [a]
for any a
We can define new polymorphic datatypes too. For example, we can easily make the non-empty lists above polymorphic.
As another example, here is the definition of the Maybe
type (from the
Prelude) that we've used in past lectures:
> data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a
Notice that the type Maybe
itself takes an argument: the type
variable a
. We're also allowed to use that type variable in the
constructors. So Just
is a constructor that can be applied to
values of any type and will create a Maybe
with the same type:
Just :: a -> Maybe a
Thus, Just
and Nothing
work at any type:
> noInt :: Maybe Int
> noInt = Nothing
> justTrue :: Maybe Bool
> justTrue = Just True
> justThree :: Maybe Int
> justThree = undefined
A number of other polymorphic datatypes appear in the standard library. For example, here's a standard datatype to carry around values that could have either of two types:
> data Either a b = Left a | Right b
is often useful for error handling. Sometimes, returning a
Maybe a
isn't quite good enough because you'd like to give a helpful
error message. Either String a
works a little better:
instead of Nothing
, use Left msg
in the case of an error,
and instead of Just v
, use Right v
in case things are... all right.
For example, here's a safer integer division function:
> safeDiv :: Int -> Int -> Either String Int
> safeDiv _ 0 = Left "You can't divide by zero, silly."
> safeDiv x y = Right $ x `div` y
Of course, Either
is more useful when things can go wrong in more
than one way.
Now let's play a bit with a bigger example: trees. Here's one way to define binary trees that have data at the internal nodes in Haskell:
> data Tree a = Empty -- No data
> | Branch a (Tree a) (Tree a) -- data of type a, left and right subtrees
> deriving (Eq, Show)
For example, we can represent the following tree
/ \
2 9
/ \ \
1 4 7
like this:
> exTree :: Tree Int
> exTree = Branch 5 (Branch 2 (Branch 1 Empty Empty) (Branch 4 Empty Empty))
> (Branch 9 Empty (Branch 7 Empty Empty))
We can write simple functions on trees by recursion:
> -- | increment all integers in the tree
> -- >>> treePlus (Branch 2 Empty Empty) 3
> -- Branch 5 Empty Empty
> treePlus :: Tree Int -> Int -> Tree Int
> treePlus = undefined
We can accumulate all of the elements in a tree into a list:
> -- >>> infixOrder exTree
> -- [1,2,4,5,9,7]
> infixOrder :: Tree a -> [a]
> infixOrder Empty = []
> infixOrder (Branch x l r) = infixOrder l ++ [x] ++ infixOrder r
... visiting the nodes in different orders ....
> -- >>> prefixOrder exTree
> -- [5,2,1,4,9,7]
> prefixOrder :: Tree a -> [a]
> prefixOrder = undefined
(NOTE: This is a simple way of defining a tree walk in Haskell, but it is not
the best way. In particular, the infixOrder
function is not linear in the
number of nodes in the tree. Why? Can you think of a way to rewrite
so that it runs in linear time?)
But, of course, what we should really do is reimplement our higher-order patterns for trees!
> treeMap :: (a -> b) -> Tree a -> Tree b
> treeMap f Empty = Empty
> treeMap f (Branch x l r) = Branch (f x) (treeMap f l) (treeMap f r)
So that, for example, to increment each node in a Tree Int
by one, we could
write this:
> -- >>> treeIncr (Branch 1 (Branch 2 Empty Empty) Empty)
> -- Branch 2 (Branch 3 Empty Empty) Empty
> treeIncr :: Tree Int -> Tree Int
> treeIncr = treeMap (+1)
> main :: IO ()
> main = do
> runTestTT $ TestList [
> "safeHead" ~: safeHead oneTwoThree ~?= 1,
> "sumOfIntListNE" ~: sumOfIntListNE oneTwoThree ~?= 6,
> "treeIncr" ~: treeIncr (Branch 1 (Branch 2 Empty Empty) Empty) ~?=
> Branch 2 (Branch 3 Empty Empty) Empty,
> "treePlus" ~: treePlus (Branch 2 Empty Empty) 3 ~?= Branch 5 Empty Empty,
> "infixOrder" ~: infixOrder exTree ~?= [1,2,4,5,9,7],
> "prefixOrder" ~: prefixOrder exTree ~?= [5,2,1,4,9,7]
> ]
> return ()
Part of this lecture is taken from "Learn You a Haskell for Great Good".