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Optional exercise: DFS using the state monad
> module Graph where
In this module we'll look at the depth-first search algorithm on arbitrary graphs as
an example of using the State Monad. Often, when traversing a graph, you need to keep
track of what nodes in the graph that you have already seen so that you can avoid
cycles. This is a perfect opportunity to use State
For these examples, we'll use finite sets and finite maps. The Haskell
library has efficient implementations of both of these as purely
functional data structures that we can import.
> import Data.Map (Map)
> import qualified Data.Map as Map
> import Data.Set (Set)
> import qualified Data.Set as Set
> import State ( State, evalState, get, modify )
> import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, fromJust)
> import Control.Monad
> import Control.Applicative
> import Debug.Trace
Nodes in our graphs will be just numbers today, for simplicity. (In a more general library they could store other sorts of information.)
> type Node = Int
DFS trees
As a warm-up, let's review depth-first searching a tree structure for a particular node. This data structure for trees below, lets each branch have any number of children.
> data Tree = B Node [Tree] deriving (Eq, Show)
If the list is empty, it represents a leaf node. Otherwise the list contains all of the subtrees of the given branch.
Here's an example tree:
> tree :: Tree
> tree = B 1 [B 2 [B 6 [B 9 [],B 5 [B 10 []]]],B 3 []]
Searching this tree for a particular node requires two mutually
recursive helper functions: one for trees and one for lists of
trees. Note that this search
operation stops as soon as it finds
the goal node.
> -- >>> dfsTree tree 10
> -- True
> -- >>> dfsTree tree 4
> -- False
> dfsTree :: Tree -> Node -> Bool
> dfsTree t goal = search t where
> search :: Tree -> Bool
> search (B v ws) = v == goal || searchList ws
> searchList :: [Tree] -> Bool
> searchList [] = False
> searchList (w : ws) = search w || searchList ws
NOTE: we could replace searchList
by any search
, but we'll
keep it this way for comparison with the code below.
Representing graphs using adjacency lists
We'll use an adjacency list representation of graphs.
A (directed) graph is then just a finite map that records all of the adjacent nodes for each node in the graph.
> type Graph = Map Node [Node]
For example, we can construct a graph with 12 nodes as follows. Each of these nodes has 1, 2, or 3 neighbors. If you look closely you can get from 1 to 10, but you cannot get from 1 to 4.
> graph :: Graph
> graph = Map.fromList [ (1, [2,3])
> , (2, [6,5,1])
> , (3, [1])
> , (4, [7,8])
> , (5, [9,10,2])
> , (6, [2,9,5])
> , (7, [4,11,12])
> , (8, [4])
> , (9, [6])
> , (10, [5])
> , (11, [7])
> , (12, [7])
> ]
To find the list of adjacent nodes in a graph, we can use the lookup
from the finite map library. If a node is not found in the map, we'll just
say that it has no adjacent nodes.
> adjacent :: Graph -> Node -> [Node]
> adjacent g n = fromMaybe [] (Map.lookup n g)
Now, here is the pseudocode for depth-first search from wikipedia (recursive version). This pseudocode traverses the graph, but doesn't compute anything interesting.
procedure DFS(G, v) is
label v as discovered
for all directed edges from v to w that are in G.adjacentEdges(v) do
if vertex w is not labeled as discovered then
recursively call DFS(G, w)
We can modify this pseudocode so that it searches for a "goal" node and then returns whether it has found that node. We also want it to stop as soon as the goal is found. Here it looks, still in pseudocode.
procedure DFS(G, v) is
if v is the goal, return true
label v as discovered
for all directed edges from v to w that are in G.adjacentEdges(v) do
if vertex w is not labeled as discovered && we haven't yet found the goal
recursively call DFS(G, w)
Often at this point, descriptions of DFS algorithms introduce a stack data structure as part
of their implementation and rephrase the code using a loop instead of recursion. However,
this data structure is not necessary: the call stack in the recursive implementation plays
the same role. In the rest of this module, we'll use the State
monad to implement
a recursive implementation of the pseudocode shown above.
Keeping track of discovered nodes
The state that we need to keep track of is the set of nodes that we have discovered Let's define that type plus some associated operations.
> type Store = Set Node
> -- | The initial store, a set that contains just the root node
> initStore :: Node -> Store
> initStore = Set.singleton
> -- | Mark a node as discovered in the store
> label :: Node -> Store -> Store
> label = Set.insert
> -- | Find out whether we have labeled a node
> isLabeled :: Node -> Store -> Bool
> isLabeled = Set.member
Here is our first implementation DFS. The action is in the recursive
function search
that begins the search from a vertex v,
along with its helper searchList
that goes through all
vertices adjacent to v.
> -- >>> dfs graph 1 10
> -- True
> -- >>> dfs graph 1 4
> -- False
> -- | Depth-first search for a goal node in a graph
> -- with store passing
> dfs :: Graph -> Node -> Node -> Bool
> dfs g root goal = fst (search root (initStore root)) where
> search :: Node -> Store -> (Bool, Store)
> search v s =
> if v == goal then (True, s)
> else let s' = label v s
> in searchList (adjacent g v) s'
> searchList :: [Node] -> Store -> (Bool, Store)
> searchList [] s = (False, s)
> searchList (w : ws) s =
> if isLabeled w s then (False, s) -- already searched here
> else let (b,s') = search w s in
> if b then (True, s') -- found it in recursive call
> else searchList ws s' -- search other children
At this point, make sure that you understand why we need to pass
the state through the computation. What happens if the recursive call
to searchList
uses state s
instead of s'
Now, let's revise the above using the State monad. To make our code simpler, we can define the following helper function. This function lets us ask questions about the current store.
> -- | Find out a fact about the current state
> query :: (Store -> Bool) -> State Store Bool
> query f = f <$> get
Use do
-notation, query
and modify
to make state passing implicit.
> -- >>> dfsState graph 1 10
> -- >>> dfsState graph 1 4
> dfsState :: Graph -> Node -> Node -> Bool
> dfsState g root goal = evalState (search root) (initStore root) where
> search :: Node -> State Store Bool
> search = undefined
> searchList :: [Node] -> State Store Bool
> searchList = undefined
Now refactor the dfs
implementation again, this time
using defining short-circuiting boolean operations that
work in any monad. Use these operators to replace uses of
in your implementation above.
> (<||>) :: Monad m => m Bool -> m Bool -> m Bool
> m1 <||> m2 = do
> b <- m1
> if b then return True else m2
> (<&&>) :: Monad m => m Bool -> m Bool -> m Bool
> m1 <&&> m2 = do
> b <- m1
> if b then m2 else return False
(Aside, you might be tempted to define these operations using liftA2
However, that version is not short-circuiting.)
> -- >>> dfsState2 graph 1 10
> -- >>> dfsState2 graph 1 4
> dfsState2 :: Graph -> Node -> Node -> Bool
> dfsState2 g root goal = evalState (search root) (initStore root) where
> search :: Node -> State Store Bool
> search = undefined
> searchList :: [Node] -> State Store Bool
> searchList = undefined
For any depth-first search, we can return a trace of the search as a
spanningTree (also called a Trémaux tree).
For example, if we start with node 1
, the trace that corresponds to a
full depth first search is the tree that we saw above.
> -- >>> spanningTree graph 1
> -- B 1 [B 2 [B 6 [B 9 [],B 5 [B 10 []]]],B 3 []]
Use the State
monad to define the spanningTree
function so that it
searches the reachable part of a graph from a specified node and
returns all found nodes in a tree.
Hint: I found it nice to define an Applicative version of the (:) data constructor to use in my solution.
> (<:>) :: Applicative f => f a -> f [a] -> f [a]
> (<:>) = liftA2 (:)
> spanningTree :: Graph -> Node -> Tree
> spanningTree = undefined
For more in-depth functional approach to Graph algorithms, see the draft book "Algorithms: Parallel and Sequential" by Umut A. Acar and Guy E. Blelloch available at this url: https://sites.google.com/site/alphalambdabook/