CIS 5520 students should be able to access this code through
github. Eventually, the
completed version will be available.
The State Monad!
In this lecture, we'll continue our study of monads via examples of specific
monads to try to understand how they work. Today we will look at a monadic interface
to State transformers -- a way to model imperative algorithms using purely functional
code. While this approach is not the most efficient way to implement mutable
algorithms in Haskell (you can just use the IO
for that) it does
provide a model of how to think about imperative code in a mathematical
setting. But it is not a bad implementation, and it comes with benefits
over IO, so you'll see it often used in practice.
Also, don't be concerned if this module is hard to follow the first time through. At this point in the semester, a lot of ideas are coming together all at once. Give yourself enough time and space to work through this module properly --- we'll be building off this module in many ways the rest of the semester.
> module StateMonad where
> import qualified Data.IORef as IO
> import Data.Map (Map)
> import qualified Data.Map as Map
> import qualified Data.Maybe as Maybe
> import Control.Monad (liftM, ap)
This module depends on an auxiliary module State that you will define later.
We'll qualify imports from this module with S.
so that you can see where they
come from.
> import qualified State as S
State Transformations
Now let us consider the problem of writing functions that manipulate some kind of mutable data. We're going to start with some examples of state manipulation, written in an awkward style, and then show how monads can cleanly abstract the sequencing necessary for such programs.
By way of an example, let's go back to binary trees whose leaves contains
values of some type a
> data Tree a = Leaf a | Branch (Tree a) (Tree a)
> deriving (Eq, Show)
Here is a simple example:
> tree :: Tree Char
> tree = Branch (Branch (Leaf 'a') (Leaf 'b')) (Leaf 'c')
A functional programmer would count the number of leaves in a tree like so:
> countF :: Tree a -> Int
> countF (Leaf _) = 1
> countF (Branch t1 t2) = countF t1 + countF t2
(Or, they might just use the length
operation from the Foldable
type class!)
On the other hand, consider how a C programmer would count the number of leaves in a tree. They might create a local (mutable) variable and then then walk the tree, incrementing that variable at each leaf.
In Haskell, we could write such code in the IO
monad using IORef
s. The
operation newIORef
creates a new mutable variable, which can be read
) and written (writeIORef
) and updated (modifyIORef
). If you
are familiar with OCaml, IORef
s are like the ref
type in that language.
These mutable references are available in the Data.IORef
> countIO :: Tree a -> IO Int
> countIO t = do
> -- create a mutable variable, initialize to 0
> count <- IO.newIORef 0
> -- visit every node in the tree, mutating the variable
> let aux (Leaf _) = IO.modifyIORef count (+1)
> aux (Branch t1 t2) = aux t1 >> aux t2
> aux t
> -- return the total count
> IO.readIORef count
> -- >>> countIO tree
I haven't shown you IORef
s before because I've wanted you to become
comfortable with functional programming. I don't want you to reach for mutable
variables as your first attempt to solve a problem.
In pure code, we cannot modify the values of any variables. However, we can emulate this pattern with a state transformer -- a function that takes an initial state (i.e. the initial value stored in the variable) as an input and returns the new state at every step.
In this example, the state is an Int
(representing the current count) and
a state transformer is a function of type Int -> Int
. These two types get
confusing so in this module, we call the first type Store
(for the type
of the stored values) and variations of the second type
or State
(for state/store transformer, see below).
> -- | The number of leaves in the tree that we have currently counted
> type Store = Int
> countI :: Tree a -> Int
> countI t = aux t 0 where -- start with 0
> aux :: Tree a -> (Store -> Store)
> aux (Leaf _) = (+1) -- we found a leaf
> aux (Branch t1 t2) = \s -> let s' = aux t1 s -- pass through in
> s'' = aux t2 s' -- each recursive call
> in s''
Once you understand the implementation above, test it on the sample tree above.
> -- >>> countI tree
At this point, you might be wondering what the point of this all is.
Certainly the countF
or length
implmentation is much nicer. However, in
the next example, we'll add another twist, which is slightly more difficult.
Now consider the problem of defining a function that labels each leaf with
its count
or position in the iteration.
> labelIO :: Tree a -> IO (Tree (a, Int))
> labelIO t = do
> -- create a mutable variable, initialize to 0
> count <- IO.newIORef 0
> -- visit every node in the tree, modifying the variable
> let aux (Leaf x) = do c <- IO.readIORef count
> IO.writeIORef count (c + 1)
> return (Leaf (x, c))
> aux (Branch t1 t2) = do
> t1' <- aux t1
> t2' <- aux t2
> return (Branch t1' t2')
> -- traverse and return the tree
> aux t
> -- >>> labelIO tree
> -- Branch (Branch (Leaf ('a',0)) (Leaf ('b',1))) (Leaf ('c',2))
We can also implement this operation with purely functional code by taking the state transformer code above, which always has access to the current count as we traverse the tree, and making it return a new tree in the process. See if you can figure out how to do this.
> label1 :: Tree a -> Tree (a, Int)
> label1 t = fst (aux t 0) where
> aux :: Tree a -> Store -> (Tree(a,Int), Store)
> aux = undefined
Once you have completed the implementation, again test it on the sample tree above.
> -- >>> label1 tree
Your result should be:
Branch (Branch (Leaf ('a',0)) (Leaf ('b',1))) (Leaf ('c',2))
> --
> -- |
> -- |
> -- |
> -- |
> -- |
> -- |
> -- |
> -- |
> -- |
> -- |
> -- |
> -- |
> -- |
> -- |
> -- |
> -- |
> -- |
> -- |
> -- |
> -- |
> -- |
Here's my version:
> label1' :: Tree a -> Tree (a, Int)
> label1' t = fst (aux t 0) where
> aux :: Tree a -> Store -> (Tree(a,Int), Store)
> aux (Leaf x) = \s -> (Leaf (x,s), s+1)
> aux (Branch t1 t2) = \s -> let (t1',s') = aux t1 s
> (t2',s'') = aux t2 s'
> in (Branch t1' t2', s'')
In general, a state transformer takes a current store as its argument, and produces a modified store as its result, where the modified store reflects any side effects performed by the function.
This example demonstrates that in general, we may wish to return a
result value in addition to updating the store. For this reason, we
generalize our type of store transformers to also return a result
value, with the type of such values being a parameter of the ST
> type ST a = Store -> (a, Store)
The reason we are talking about state transformers is that this
parameterized type ST
is a monad.
What are its definitions of return
and bind
? If you
get stuck, I've expanded the definition of ST a
in the commented version
of the types below.
> returnST :: a -> ST a
> -- returnST :: a -> Store -> (a, Store)
> returnST = undefined
> bindST :: ST a -> (a -> ST b) -> ST b
> -- bindST :: (Store -> (a,Store)) -> (a -> (Store -> (b, Store))) -> (Store -> (b, Store))
> bindST st f = undefined
That is, returnST
converts a value into a state transformer by simply
returning that value without modifying the state.
In turn, bindST
provides a means of sequencing state transformers: bindST st f
applies the state transformer st
to an initial state s
, then applies
the function f
to the resulting value x
to give a second state transformer
(f x)
, which is then applied to the modified store s'
to give the final
result. It is similar to function composition, except that we need to pass two
results to the second argument.
Now, see if you can rewrite this slight modification to label1
above. (We
have changed the type annotation for aux
and moved the s
argument to the
RHS.) Try to replace the RHS of aux (Branch t1 t2)
with applications of
and returnST
. (Don't try to do the same with the Leaf
, we'll
need something else for this case.)
> label2 :: Tree a -> Tree (a, Int)
> label2 t = fst (aux t 0) where
> aux :: Tree a -> ST (Tree (a,Int))
> aux (Leaf x) = \s -> (Leaf (x,s), s+1)
> aux (Branch t1 t2) = \s -> let (t1', s') = aux t1 s
> (t2', s'') = aux t2 s'
> in (Branch t1' t2', s'')
Because the ST
parameterized type has definitions for return and bind, we should
be able to make it an instance of the Monad type class. And we can do so!
However, in the process we must address two technicalities.
- We would like to just say:
type ST a = Store -> (a, Store)
instance Monad ST where
-- return :: a -> ST a
return = returnST
-- (>>=) :: ST a -> (a -> ST b) -> ST b
>>= f = bindST st f st
However, in Haskell, types defined using the type
mechanism cannot be
made into instances of classes. Therefore, in order to make ST into an
instance of the Monad class, in reality it needs to be redefined
using the "data" (or newtype
) mechanism, which requires introducing a
dummy constructor that we'll call S
for brevity.
It is also convenient to define runState
that lets us
access the state transformer from this newtype.
> newtype ST2 a = S (Store -> (a, Store))
> runState :: ST2 a -> (Store -> (a,Store))
> runState (S f) = f
> :type S
ghciS :: (Store -> (a,Store)) -> ST2 a
can now be defined as a monadic type (i.e. an instance of the Monad
class) as follows:
> instance Monad ST2 where
> return :: a -> ST2 a
> return x = S (x,) -- this tuple section (x,) is equivalent to \y -> (x,y)
> (>>=) :: ST2 a -> (a -> ST2 b) -> ST2 b
> f >>= g = S $ \s -> let (a, s') = runState f s
> in runState (g a) s'
- All monads in Haskell must also be applicative functors. So along with our
instance of the
class, we also need to define instances forFunctor
. However, once we have identifed the monadic operations, we can declare these instances easily using the library functionsap
which are defined inControl.Monad.
> instance Functor ST2 where
> fmap = liftM
> instance Applicative ST2 where
> pure = return
> (<*>) = ap
Now, let's rewrite the tree labeling function with the ST2
monad. Looking at the labelIO
version for inspiration, we need
two new functions: an analogue to getIORef
and an analogue to
> getST2 :: ST2 Store
> getST2 = S $ \s -> (s,s)
> putST2 :: Store -> ST2 ()
> putST2 s = S $ \_ -> ((), s)
These functions are additional useful operations for the ST2
type. (The fact
that ST2
is a monad is not the only important property of this type.)
Using these two definitions, together with the Monad
operations, it is now
straightforward to define our tree labeling function.
> mlabel :: Tree a -> ST2 (Tree (a,Int))
> mlabel (Leaf x) = undefined -- use `getST2` and `putST2` here
> mlabel (Branch t1 t2) = undefined
Try to implement mlabel
both with and without do
The advantage of the monadic interface is that programmers do not have to deal with the plumbing of labels, a tedious and error-prone task, as this is handled automatically by the monad.
Finally, we can now define a function that labels a tree by simply applying the resulting state transformer with zero as the initial state, and then discarding the final state:
> label :: Tree a -> Tree (a, Int)
> label t = undefined
For example, label tree
gives our expected result:
> -- >>> label tree
> -- Branch (Branch (Leaf ('a', 0)) (Leaf ('b',1))) (Leaf ('c', 2))
A Generic State Transformer
Often, the store that we want to have will have multiple components
-- e.g., multiple variables whose values we might want to update. This
is easily accomplished by using a different type for Store
for example, if we want two integers, we might use the definition
type Store = (Int, Int)
and so on.
Therefore, we would like to write reusable code that will work with any type of store.
The file State contains a generic library for that purpose.
You should switch to that file now and read it before moving on.
The code below will use those definitions. (Recall that all definitions
from this library will be qualified by S.
Using a Generic state transformer
Let's use our generic state monad to rewrite the tree labeling function
from above. Note that the actual type definition of the generic transformer
type (S.State
) is hidden from us, so we must use only the publicly
exported functions, including S.get
and S.put
and the Monad
type class
Now, the labeling function with our generic State
monad is straightforward.
> mlabelS :: Tree t -> S.State Int (Tree (t, Int))
> mlabelS (Leaf x) = do c <- S.get
> S.put (c+1)
> return (Leaf (x, c))
> mlabelS (Branch t1 t2) = do t1' <- mlabelS t1
> t2' <- mlabelS t2
> return (Branch t1' t2')
Easy enough!
> -- >>> S.runState (mlabelS tree) 0
> -- (Branch (Branch (Leaf ('a',0)) (Leaf ('b',1))) (Leaf ('c',2)),3)
We can run the action from any initial state of our choice
> -- >>> S.runState (mlabelS tree) 1000
> -- (Branch (Branch (Leaf ('a',1000)) (Leaf ('b',1001))) (Leaf ('c',1002)),1003)
Now, what's the point of a generic state transformer if we can't have richer
states? Next, let us extend our label
functions so that
each node gets its label (as before), and
the state also contains a map of the frequency with which each leaf value appears in the tree.
Thus, our state will now have two elements, an integer denoting the next
fresh integer, and a Map a Int
denoting the number of times each leaf
value appears in the tree. (Documentation for the Data.Map module. )
> -- | A store that contains the next label and the frequency that
> -- a particular value appears in the tree
> data MySt a = M { index :: Int
> , freq :: Map a Int }
> deriving (Eq, Show)
We can write an action that returns the current index (and increments it).
> updateIndexM :: S.State (MySt a) Int
> updateIndexM = do
> m <- S.get
> let i = index m
> S.put (m{index = i + 1}) -- create a new record like m, but index as given
> return i
Similarly, we want an action that updates the frequency of a given
element k
> updFreqM :: Ord a => a -> S.State (MySt a) ()
> updFreqM = undefined
And with these two, we are done
> mlabelM :: Ord a => Tree a -> S.State (MySt a) (Tree (a, Int))
> mlabelM (Leaf x) = do c <- updateIndexM
> updFreqM x
> return (Leaf (x,c))
> mlabelM (Branch t1 t2) = do t1' <- mlabelM t1
> t2' <- mlabelM t2
> return (Branch t1' t2')
Now, our initial state will be something like
> initM :: MySt a
> initM = M 0 Map.empty
and so we can label the tree
> tree2 :: Tree Char
> tree2 = Branch tree tree
> lt :: Tree (Char, Int)
> s :: MySt Char
> (lt, s) = S.runState (mlabelM tree2) initM
> -- >>> lt
> -- Branch (Branch (Branch (Leaf ('a',0)) (Leaf ('b',1))) (Leaf ('c',2))) (Branch (Branch (Leaf ('a',3)) (Leaf ('b',4))) (Leaf ('c',5)))
> -- >>> s
> -- M {index = 6, freq = fromList [('a',2),('b',2),('c',2)]}
The first part of the lecture is a revised version of the lecture notes by Graham Hutton, January 2011