CIS 5520 students should be able to access this code through
github. Eventually, the
completed version will be available.
Optional module: The Freer Monad
This module is an alternative approach to Monad Transformers, as shown in the Transformers module. It is optional material, intended to demonstrate recent work in using Haskell's type system to track effectful code. It also introduces (at the very end) the concept of a "Freer Monad" --- the essence of the monad type class and a way to describe computation abstractly. This module is based on and uses the same running examples as in the Transformers
module for easy comparison.
This module relies on the
a mechanism for the flexible tracking and interpretation of effects.
Like monad transformers, the freer-simple
library supports the use of multiple effects at once, and allows effectful code to be interpreted in different ways.
However, this approach is a bit more difficult to use as it is based on GADTs and
type-level programming.
Besides the usual language extensions specified in the associated cabal file, we'll also need to be able to work with GADTs, DataKinds and be a little more flexible about our instance declarations.
> {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-}
> {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
> {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
> module Freer where
> import Data.Kind(Type)
> import Data.Function ( (&) )
> import Data.Functor ( (<&>) )
> import Control.Monad ( ap )
This module uses definitions from the freer-simple
library. A few of them
we will import straight out, but the ones related to the Either
monad and the
monad we'll import with qualification so that it is clear where they are
> import Control.Monad.Freer (Eff, Member, LastMember)
> import qualified Control.Monad.Freer as Effect
> import qualified Control.Monad.Freer.Error as Effect
> import qualified Control.Monad.Freer.State as Effect
We'll also use our old friend the State
monad, that we defined last week State
and is included in this project for convenience. Because some of the names in the freer-simple
library above
conflict with the names in the State
module, we'll also import this one qualified by the prefix StateMonad
> import qualified State as StateMonad
For comparison, we'll also import operations for mutable data and for exceptions in the IO monad.
> import Data.IORef as IO ( IORef, newIORef, readIORef, writeIORef )
> import Control.Monad.IO.Class ( MonadIO(liftIO) )
> import Control.Exception ( Exception, throwIO )
Motivating example: How do we use multiple monads at once?
Today, we will see how monads can be used to write (and compose) simple evaluators for programming languages.
Let's look at a simple language of division expressions.
> data Expr = Val Int
> | Div Expr Expr
> deriving (Show)
Our first evaluator is unsafe.
> eval :: Expr -> Int
> eval (Val n) = n
> eval (Div x y) = eval x `div` eval y
Here are two terms that we will use as running examples.
> ok :: Expr
> ok = (Val 1972 `Div` Val 2)
> `Div` Val 23
> err :: Expr
> err = Val 2 `Div`
> (Val 1 `Div`
> (Val 2 `Div` Val 3))
The first evaluates properly and returns a valid answer, while the second fails during execution with a divide-by-zero error.
> -- >>> eval ok
> -- 42
> -- >>> eval err
> -- divide by zero
This eval
function is not very good because a
divide-by-zero error stops the whole evaluator. And, there is nothing to
do about it: we can't catch the error.
Of course, one way to fix the problem is to detect the error and then continue with a default value (such as 0).
> evalDefault :: Expr -> Int
> evalDefault (Val n) = n
> evalDefault (Div x y) =
> let m = evalDefault y in
> if m == 0 then 0 else evalDefault x `div` m
But, no one likes this solution. It leads to buggy code.
Error Handling Via the Either
A much better approach is to use the Either
type to treat the failure case more
gently. This type holds two possible values, and those values could have different types.
data Either s a = Left s | Right a
If we update the result type of our evaluator to be Either String Int
, then
we can use a Left s
result to mean that an error happened somewhere, where
is an error message, while a Right n
result means that evaluation
succeeded yielding n
You've seen already that the Maybe
monad can let us conveniently detect and react to
errors. The Either
type can be made to work similarly. In practice, using this
monad is like working with real exception mechanism where we can say throwError X
is a description of what went wrong) and this error information would would percolate
up to the top and tell us what the problem was.
Here is the definition of the Either s
monad, which is a generalization of
the Maybe
monad. Note that the instance is for Either s
Either s a
-- the two type parameters to Either
are not treated symmetrically.
The first must be the type of error values that we can throw (we'll use String
s today)
and the second is the computation type for the monad.
instance Monad (Either s) where
(>>=) :: Either s a -> (a -> Either s b) -> Either s b
Right x >>= f = f x
Left s >>= _ = Left s
return :: a -> Either s a
return = Right
Now rewrite the eval
function using this Error
(and the monadic do notation).
For convenience, you can use the helper function errorS
to generate the error string when the evaluator detects a division by 0.
In such case, the result should be Left (errorS vx vy)
where vx
and vy
the values that are to be divided.
> -- | Format an error string
> errorS :: Show a => a -> a -> String
> errorS y m = "Error dividing " ++ show y ++ " by " ++ show m
> evalEx :: Expr -> Either String Int
> evalEx (Val n) = return n
> evalEx (Div x y) = undefined
Your implementation should return Right 42
for the ok
and Left
with an informative string for err
> -- >>> evalEx ok
> -- Right 42
> -- >>> evalEx err
> -- Left "Error dividing Val 1 by Div (Val 2) (Val 3)"
Counting Operations Using the State Monad
Next, let's stop being paranoid about errors and instead try to do
some profiling. Let's imagine that the div
operator is very
expensive, and that we would like to count the number of divisions
that are performed while evaluating a particular expression.
As you might imagine, our old friend the state monad is going to be
just what we need here! The type of store that we'd like to use is
just the count of number of division operations, and we can store that
in an Int
. The state monad we're going to use is defined in the
module State
, imported above. We've
qualified every definition in this module by State
so that you can tell
where it is from.
We'll need a way of incrementing the counter:
> tickStateMonad :: StateMonad.State Int ()
> tickStateMonad = do
> x <- StateMonad.get -- use get and put from the state monad
> StateMonad.put (x + 1)
Now we can write a profiling evaluator,
> evalSt :: Expr -> StateMonad.State Int Int
> evalSt (Val n) = return n
> evalSt (Div x y) = do
> m <- evalSt x
> n <- evalSt y
> tickStateMonad
> return (m `div` n)
and observe it at work
> goSt :: Expr -> String
> goSt e = "value: " ++ show x ++ ", count: " ++ show s
> where (x,s) = StateMonad.runState (evalSt e) 0 :: (Int, Int)
> -- >>> goSt ok
> -- "value: 42, count: 2"
But... alas! To get the profiling, we threw out the nifty error handling that we had put in earlier!!
> -- >>> goSt err
> -- divide by zero
Freer Effects: Working with multiple effects
So, at the moment, it seems that monads can do many things, but only one
thing at a time---you can either use a monad to do the error-management
plumbing or to do the state-manipulation plumbing, but not both at once.
Is it too much ask for both? I guess we could write a
mega-state-and-exception monad that supports both sets of operations, but
that doesn't sound fun! Especially since, if we later decide to add yet
another feature, then we would have to make up yet another mega-monad.
So we will take a different approach.
This approach requires a little more work up-front (most of which is done already in well-designed libraries), but after that we can add new features in a modular manner.
Step 1: A monad parameterized by its effects
The first step to being able to compose effects is to have a flexible way to describe the effects of a monadic computation.
The Eff
type, from freer-simple
, is a monad that can do just this.
> -- >>> :kind Eff
> -- Eff :: [Type -> Type] -> Type -> Type
The first argument to Eff
is a type-level list where every element
of this list describes the effects that could occur in a monadic
computation of this type. For example, the library includes an
effect Effect.Error
so the type Eff '[Effect.Error String] Int
describes a
computation that either returns an Int
or could throw an error
(with an error value of type String
). This type is similar to
the type Either String Int
. Furthermore, the library also includes
an effect Effect.State
so the type Eff '[Effect.State Int] Int
describes a
computation that either returns an Int
and accesses a store of type Int
similar to the type State Int Int
However, for flexibility, instead of giving the complete list of effects
that a computation uses, we can also talk about part of this list.
For example, in the freer-simple
library, the throwError
has the following type:
Effect.throwError :: Member (Effect.Error e) effs => e -> Eff effs a
This type is a bit complicated to read at first, but let's walk through it.
The throwError
function takes an error value of type e
(e.g. String
we used above) to signal the error. The result type is Eff effs a
where a
is polymorphic --- in other words, we can throw an error when any result is
The type Eff effs
is also polymorphic. We don't know the list of effects.
However, the constraint on this type (the part before =>
) says that the
effect Effect.Error e
must be contained in this list.
Similarly, the freer-simple
library includes operations for working with
state. In this case, using either get
or put
valid when the monad Eff
has the Effect.State s
effect in its list,
where the type parameter s
is the type of the store.
Effect.get :: Member (Effect.State s) effs => Eff effs s
Effect.put :: Member (Effect.State s) effs => s -> Eff effs ()
With these functions, can redefine the ticking operation to work for
any Eff
monad that uses State
> tickStateEffect :: Member (Effect.State Int) eff => Eff eff ()
> tickStateEffect = do
> (x :: Int) <- Effect.get
> Effect.put (x + 1)
There is a cost to this generality though. We need to tell GHC what type
of store we are working with. The easiest way to do so is with a type
annotation for the result of get
Step 2: Using the Eff
Armed with these two effects, we can write our exception-throwing, step-counting evaluator quite easily:
> evalMega :: (Member (Effect.State Int) eff,
> Member (Effect.Error String) eff) =>
> Expr -> Eff eff Int
> evalMega (Val n) = return n
> evalMega (Div x y) = do
> n <- evalMega x
> m <- evalMega y
> if m == 0
> then Effect.throwError $ errorS n m
> else do
> tickStateEffect
> return (n `div` m)
Note that this code is simply the combination of the two evaluators from before -- we
use the error handling from evalEx
and the profiling from evalSt
There are two other, less polymorphic, types we could have given to evalMega
In the next section, we explain why we chose the type that we did.
Step 3: Handling Effects
We can run the evalMega
function by telling it how to handle each
of its effects, one by one. The freer-simpler
library gives us functions
for that purpose.
> -- >>> :t Effect.runState
> -- Effect.runState :: s -> Eff (State s : effs) a -> Eff effs (a, s)
The type of the runState
function says that it needs an initial store (of type s
and a computation that reads and writes to that store. This function returns
a new computation that no longer has such effects---the State
part of the
effect list is gone in the result. The result type (a,s)
adds the final store
to the result of the computation.
> -- >>> :t Effect.runError
> -- Effect.runError :: Eff (Error e : effs) a -> Eff effs (Either e a)
The runError
function handles error effects in the computation. The Either
the result type tells whether the computation threw an error or not.
Finally, the library provides a way to get the final value out of a monadic
computation that has no effects. If the list of effects in the Eff
type is
empty, then you can run
the monad to get its value.
> -- >>> :t Effect.run
> -- Effect.run :: Eff '[] a -> a
But, we have a choice when we are handling the effects from evalMega
We can handle the state effects first (see goExSt
) or we can handle
the error effects first (see goStEx
We get this flexibility because evalMega
doesn't care what order the
effects appear in the list. Its type only says that whatever this list is,
it must contain both Effect.State Int
and Effect.Error String
. So this
list could be '[Effect.State Int, Effect.Error String]
or it could be
'[Effect.Error String, Effect.State Int]
. The choice that we make
determines the what type of result we get from processing the effects.
> goExSt :: Expr -> String
> goExSt e = (evalMega e :: Eff '[Effect.State Int, Effect.Error String] Int)
> & Effect.runState 0 -- the & operator is a reverse $
> & Effect.runError -- using it we can chain togther
> & Effect.run -- the sequence of run functions nicely
> & format
> where
> format :: Either String (Int, Int) -> String
> format (Left s) = "Raise: " ++ s
> format (Right (v, cnt)) = "Count: " ++ show cnt ++ " " ++
> "Result: " ++ show v
> goStEx :: Expr -> String
> goStEx e = (evalMega e :: Eff '[Effect.Error String, Effect.State Int] Int)
> & Effect.runError -- this one handles the error effects
> & Effect.runState 0 -- before handling the state effects
> & Effect.run
> & format
> where
> format :: (Either String Int, Int) -> String
> format (r, cnt) = "Count: " ++ show cnt ++ " "
> ++ case r of
> Left s -> "Raise: " ++ s
> Right v -> "Result: " ++ show v
Not only does the choice affect our result type, but it also impacts the behavior of the computation. When everything works, we get the same answer. But look what happens if we try to divide by zero!
> -- >>> goExSt ok
> -- "Count: 2 Result: 42"
> -- >>> goExSt err
> -- "Raise: Error dividing 1 by 0"
> -- >>> goStEx ok
> -- "Count: 2 Result: 42"
> -- >>> goStEx err
> -- "Count: 1 Raise: Error dividing 1 by 0"
IO Effects
What if we want to use the IO
monad in combination with the Eff
The freer-simple
library includes the following (overloaded) function,
that says that if IO
is recorded as the last effect in the list,
then it is possible to "lift" IO operations directly into the Eff
liftIO :: LastMember IO eff => IO a -> Eff eff a
For example, suppose we want to add a "tracing" like effect to
our code. Then, right before we call the tickStateEffect
we can use liftIO
to add a call to print.
> evalIO :: (Member (Effect.State Int) eff,
> Member (Effect.Error String) eff,
> LastMember IO eff) =>
> Expr -> Eff eff Int
> evalIO (Val n) = return n
> evalIO (Div x y) = do
> n <- evalIO x
> m <- evalIO y
> if m == 0
> then Effect.throwError $ errorS n m
> else do
> liftIO $ print "I'm going to divide now!"
> tickStateEffect
> return (n `div` m)
Running this computation means that we need to add IO to the list of effects,
and then use Effect.runM
when we process this last effect. Unlike Effect.run
the runM
function returns its result in the IO
monad. That changes the
overall type of the evaluator.
> goIOStEx :: Expr -> IO String
> goIOStEx e = (evalIO e :: Eff '[Effect.Error String, Effect.State Int, IO] Int)
> & Effect.runError
> & Effect.runState 0
> & Effect.runM
> <&> format -- <&> is `flip fmap`
> where
> format :: (Either String Int, Int) -> String
> format (r, cnt) = "Count: " ++ show cnt ++ " "
> ++ case r of
> Left s -> "Raise: " ++ s
> Right v -> "Result: " ++ show v
With this modification, we can see the output from print
if we call the
function inside ghci.
ghci> goIOStEx ok
"I'm going to divide now!"
"I'm going to divide now!"
"Count: 2 Result: 42"
ghci> goIOStEx err
"I'm going to divide now!"
"Count: 1 Raise: Error dividing 1 by 0"
Alternative Interpretations of Effects
The Effect.runState
function interprets State
effects using store
passing. Internally, the store type is passed through the computation,
just as in our version of the State
However, the freer-effects
library is more flexible than that. When
defining an effectful function, like evalMega
, the library records the
effects of the function using the Eff
monad, but doesn't give them an
interpretation until the call to runState
Let's take a look at what the State
effect looks like. In the library,
this data structure is defined with the following GADT.
data State (s :: Type) (r :: Type) where
Get :: State s s
Put :: s -> State s ()
So a state "effect" is only a tag (Get
or Put
) that says that the function wants to
access or update the store. When you define functions with the Eff
monad, such
as with evalMega
you are marking places where Get
and Put
occurs during the
computation, but no store passing is actually happening (yet).
What this means is that it is possible to interpret the state effects in the computation in multiple ways.
For example, instead of using the state monad, we could instead use the IO monad to
interpret state effects. We do this in two stages.
First, we use the library's interpretM
function to convert
converts all uses of Get
and Put
to calls to readIORef
and writeIORef
(If you've forgotten how IORefs work, see the short description at the beginning of the
StateMonad lecture.) The interpretM
function works for any effect
(like Effect.State
) as long as the targetted monad is the last effect in the
list of effects.
> interpretIO :: (LastMember IO effs) =>
> IORef Int -> Eff (Effect.State Int ': effs) a -> Eff effs a
> interpretIO ref = Effect.interpretM (stateAsIO ref)
> stateAsIO :: IORef s -> Effect.State s a -> IO a
> stateAsIO ref Effect.Get = IO.readIORef ref
> stateAsIO ref (Effect.Put s) = IO.writeIORef ref s
Second, we use this effect reinterpretation when we interpret all of the effects
of a computation, like evalMega
. Because we can't really escape the "IO" monad,
it has to be the last effect in the list: and instead of using Effect.run
, which
returns a pure value, we use Effect.runM
that converts a computation of type
Eff IO Int
to one of type IO Int
> goIOEx :: Expr -> IO String
> goIOEx e = do
> ref <- IO.newIORef 0 -- allocate ref for the store
> v <- (evalMega e :: Eff '[Effect.State Int, Effect.Error String, IO] Int)
> & interpretIO ref -- interpret Get/Put as readIORef/writeIORef
> & Effect.runError -- interpret throwError
> & Effect.runM -- run IO effects
> cnt <- IO.readIORef ref -- read the final value of the store
> return (format (v, cnt))
> where
> format :: (Either String Int, Int) -> String
> format (r, cnt) = "Count: " ++ show cnt ++ " "
> ++ case r of
> Left s -> "Raise: " ++ s
> Right v -> "Result: " ++ show v
> -- >>> goIOEx ok
> -- "Count: 2 Result: 42"
> -- >>> goIOEx err
> -- "Count: 1 Raise: Error dividing 1 by 0"
Behind the scenes
So far, you have seen how you can use the Eff
monad in your code.
How does the Eff
monad and the freer-simple
library actually work?
You don't need to understand this last bit in order to use the library, but its design is based on some incredible ideas that we'll sketch below.
The library itself is optimized, but in this section, we'll show you how
to define the Eff
type, show that it is a monad, and implement operations
such as get
, put
and runState.
The key idea of this library design is that the Eff type is a variant of
a Freer monad. This structure looks something like the type Freer
(For simplicity, in this section, we'll parameterize this monad type by
a single effect instead of a list of effects. Managing this list of effects is
another issue solved by the freer-simple
The Freer
type has two constructors: one for pure values (Pure
) and one for
effectful computations (Impure
> data Freer (eff :: Type -> Type) (a :: Type) where
> Pure :: a -> Freer eff a
> Impure :: eff b -> (b -> Freer eff a) -> Freer eff a
If you look closely at the type of Impure
, you'll see that the type
parameter b
does not appear in the result type. This means that this
variable is unconstrained. The Impure
constructor can carry an effect
of type eff b
as long as there is some "continuation" function that
knows what to do with the b
in the rest of the computation.
This monad is called "Freer" because it is very close to capturing
the essence of what it means to be a monad. These two constructors
correspond to the return and bind operations of the monad. In fact,
is implemented directly as Pure
. For bind', the implementation is similar to
Impure, however, the definition of
(>>=)does a little processing to simplify the definition according to the monad laws. (Compare the first case of
>>=` below to the left identity law.)
> deriving instance (Functor (Freer eff))
> instance Applicative (Freer eff) where
> pure = Pure
> (<*>) = ap
> instance Monad (Freer eff) where
> Pure x >>= k = k x
> Impure u q >>= k = Impure u (\b -> q b >>= k)
A key operation is the runM
function, that interprets the effect eff
into some monad m
, given some effect interpretation function f
> runM :: Monad m => (forall b. eff b -> m b) -> Freer eff a -> m a
> runM f (Pure x) = return x
> runM f (Impure m k) = do
> v <- f m
> runM f (k v)
Freer and State effects
Now let's use the Freer
monad with the State
effect. Recall, the definition
of the State
effect above as a GADT with two constructors, Get
and Put
To implement the get
and put
operations we need to just inject these
constructors into the Freer
data structure using the send
> get :: Freer (Effect.State s) s
> get = send Effect.Get
> put :: s -> Freer (Effect.State s) ()
> put v = send (Effect.Put v)
The send
operation works for any effect. It tags the computation as
impure and then does nothing else.
> send :: eff a -> Freer eff a
> send x = Impure x Pure
On the other end, we need to say how to interpret the Get
and Put
tags in the monadic computation using the standard State
monad. We do
this by construction the following effect interpretation function:
> stateAsState :: Effect.State s a -> StateMonad.State s a
> stateAsState Effect.Get = StateMonad.get
> stateAsState (Effect.Put s) = StateMonad.put s
Finally, let's see the Freer
monad in action! We can define an evaluator
for our simple language (like evalSt
> evalFreer :: Expr -> Freer (Effect.State Int) Int
> evalFreer (Val n) = return n
> evalFreer (Div x y) = do
> m <- evalFreer x
> n <- evalFreer y
> x <- get
> put (x + 1)
> return (m `div` n)
And then use runState
and runM
to execute this evaluator using
the interpretation into the `State`` monad.
> -- >>> StateMonad.runState (runM stateAsState (evalFreer ok)) 0
> -- (42,2)
But, we can also execute this evaluator by providing a different
effect interpretation function, i.e. stateAsIO
> runIO :: IO (Int, Int)
> runIO = do
> ref <- IO.newIORef 0
> v <- runM (stateAsIO ref) (evalFreer ok)
> cnt <- IO.readIORef ref
> return (v, cnt)
> -- >>> runIO
> -- (42,2)
Freer and Error effects
For simplicity, we haven't designed a way to use more than one effect at a
time with Freer
. The freer-simple
library does that using type-level
lists and class constraints such as Member
. We won't do that sort of
encoding today.
However, we will show that this implementation is flexible enough to do different kinds of effects, even if it cannot handle them all simultaneously.
The error effect, Effect.error
is defined in the library with the following
new type. This effect corresponds only to locations where we might throw an
newtype Error e r where
Error :: e -> Error e r
We can define an error throwing function by just sending the error effect
to the Freer
> throwError :: s -> Freer (Effect.Error s) a
> throwError s = send (Effect.Error s)
With this function, we can write code that (potentially) throws errors.
> evalError :: Expr -> Freer (Effect.Error String) Int
> evalError (Val n) = return n
> evalError (Div x y) = do
> vx <- evalError x
> vy <- evalError y
> if vy == 0 then throwError (errorS vx vy) else return (vx `div` vy)
To run this evaluator, we need to provide an effect interpretation
for the error effect. To interpret it into the Either
monad, we
just use Left
> errorAsEither :: Effect.Error s a -> Either s a
> errorAsEither (Effect.Error s) = Left s
> -- >>> runM errorAsEither (evalError ok)
> -- Right 42
> -- >>> runM errorAsEither (evalError err)
> -- Left "Error dividing 1 by 0"
Or, we could interpret it into the Maybe
this time using Nothing
(though we lose the
error string in the process).
> errorAsMaybe :: Effect.Error s a -> Maybe a
> errorAsMaybe (Effect.Error s) = Nothing
> -- >>> runM errorAsMaybe (evalError ok)
> -- Just 42
> -- >>> runM errorAsMaybe (evalError err)
> -- Nothing
Or, we could interpret it into the IO
this time using IO based execeptions. These can
be thrown with the throwIO
> -- declare that we will use strings as exception values
> instance Exception String
> -- interpret Errors in the IO monad using throwIO
> errorAsIO :: Effect.Error String a -> IO a
> errorAsIO (Effect.Error s) = throwIO s
Now, run the evaluator in the IO monad:
> -- >>> runM errorAsIO (evalError ok)
> -- 42
> -- >>> runM errorAsIO (evalError err)
> -- "Error dividing 1 by 0"