CIS 5520 students should be able to access this code through
github. Eventually, the
completed version will be available.
Type-directed Property Testing
> module QuickCheck where
> import qualified Data.DList as DL
In this lecture, we will look at QuickCheck, a technique that cleverly exploits typeclasses and monads to deliver a powerful automatic testing methodology.
Quickcheck was developed by Koen Claessen and John Hughes more than ten years ago, and has since been ported to other languages and is currently used, among other things to find subtle concurrency bugs in telecommunications code. In 2010, it received the most influential paper award for the ICFP 2000 conference.
The key idea on which QuickCheck is founded is property-based testing. That is, instead of writing individual test cases (eg unit tests corresponding to input-output pairs for particular functions) one should write properties that are desired of the functions, and then automatically generate random tests which can be run to verify (or rather, falsify) the property.
By emphasizing the importance of specifications, QuickCheck yields several benefits:
The developer is forced to think about what the code should do,
The tool finds corner-cases where the specification is violated, which leads to either the code or the specification getting fixed,
The specifications live on as rich, machine-checkable documentation about how the code should behave.
In this module, we'll import some of QuickCheck's types, type classes
and operators without qualification for convenience. But all of the functions
that we use from this module will be marked by QC.
> import Test.QuickCheck (Gen, Property,
> Arbitrary(..), Testable(..),
> (==>))
> import qualified Test.QuickCheck as QC
> import Control.Monad (liftM2,liftM3)
> import qualified Data.List as List
> import qualified Data.Foldable as Foldable
While you will be able to run some of the examples in this module directly in the IDE, you will need to have a terminal with this module loaded into ghci in order to work with QuickCheck.
A QuickCheck property is essentially a function whose output is a boolean. A standard "hello-world" QC property might be something about common functions on lists.
> prop_revapp :: [Int] -> [Int] -> Bool
> prop_revapp xs ys = reverse (xs ++ ys) == reverse xs ++ reverse ys
That is, a property looks a bit like a mathematical theorem that the
programmer believes is true. A QC convention is to use the prefix "prop_"
for QC properties. Note that the type signature for the property is not the
usual polymorphic signature; we have given the concrete type Int
for the
elements of the list. This is because QC uses the types to generate random
inputs, and hence is restricted to monomorphic properties (those that don't
contain type variables.)
To check a property, we simply invoke the quickCheck
action with the
property. Note that only certain types of properties can be tested, these
properties are all in the 'Testable' type class.
quickCheck :: (Testable prop) => prop -> IO ()
-- Defined in Test.QuickCheck.Test
[Int] -> [Int] -> Bool
is a Testable property, so
let's try quickCheck on our example property above. Note that because
runs in the IO
monad, you need to use ghci
to see the
examples in this module. You can start ghci with the command:
stack ghci QuickCheck.hs
ghci> import Test.QuickCheck
Once you have done that, you should see a prompt that you can use to evaluate
definitions in the QuickCheck
module. Try checking the property above.
> quickCheck prop_revapp ghci
What's that ?! Let's run the prop_revapp
function on the two inputs that
quickCheck identified as counter-examples. (Your counterexamples may differ
from the ones below.)
ghci> prop_revapp [0] [1]
QC has found inputs for which the property function fails ie, returns
. Of course, those of you who are paying attention will realize there
was a bug in our property, namely it should be
> prop_revapp_ok :: [Int] -> [Int] -> Bool
> prop_revapp_ok xs ys = reverse (xs ++ ys) == reverse ys ++ reverse xs
because reverse
will flip the order of the two parts xs
and ys
xs ++ ys
. Now, when we run
> quickCheck prop_revapp_ok ghci
you should see
+++ OK, passed 100 tests.
That is, Haskell generated 100 test inputs and for all of those, the property held. You can up the stakes a bit by changing the number of tests you want to run
> quickCheckN :: (Testable prop) => Int -> prop -> IO ()
> quickCheckN n = QC.quickCheck . QC.withMaxSuccess n
and then ask quickcheck to run more tests.
> quickCheckN 1000 prop_revapp_ok ghci
QuickCheck QuickSort
Let's look at a slightly more interesting example. Here is an
implementation of quicksort in Haskell. For efficiency, we'll use
the DList
library so that we can append
quickly. (Some may quibble that this is
actually the quicksort algorithm because it does not modify the list in
place. But it is a reasonable purely functional analogue.)
> qsort :: forall a. Ord a => [a] -> [a]
> qsort t = DL.toList (aux t) where
> aux :: [a] -> DL.DList a
> aux [] = DL.empty
> aux (x:xs) = aux lhs `DL.append` DL.cons x (aux rhs)
> where lhs = [y | y <- xs, y < x] -- this is a "list comprehension"
> -- i.e. the list of all elements from
> -- xs that are less than x
> rhs = [z | z <- xs, z > x]
Really doesn't need much explanation! Let's run it "by hand" on a few inputs to see what it does. Check out each of these to see what they produce.
> -- >>> [10,9..1]
> -- >>> qsort [10,9..1]
> -- >>> [2,4..20] ++ [1,3..11]
> -- >>> qsort $ [2,4..20] ++ [1,3..11]
Looks good -- let's try to test that the output is in fact sorted. We need a function that checks that a list is ordered
> isOrdered :: Ord a => [a] -> Bool
> isOrdered (x:y:zs) = x <= y && isOrdered (y:zs)
> isOrdered [_] = True
> isOrdered [] = True
and then we can use the above to write a property saying that the result of qsort is an ordered list.
> prop_qsort_isOrdered :: [Int] -> Bool
> prop_qsort_isOrdered xs = isOrdered (qsort xs)
Let's test it!
> quickCheckN 1000 prop_qsort_isOrdered ghci
Conditional Properties
Here are several other properties that we
might want. First, repeated qsorting
should not
change the list. That is,
> prop_qsort_idemp :: [Int] -> Bool
> prop_qsort_idemp xs = qsort (qsort xs) == qsort xs
Second, the head of the result is the minimum element of the input
> prop_qsort_min :: [Int] -> Bool
> prop_qsort_min xs = head (qsort xs) == minimum xs
> quickCheck prop_qsort_min ghci
However, when we run this, we run into a glitch.
But of course! The earlier properties held for all inputs while this property makes no sense if the input list is empty! This is why thinking about specifications and properties has the benefit of clarifying the preconditions under which a given piece of code is supposed to work.
In this case we want a conditional properties where we only want the output to satisfy to satisfy the spec if the input meets the precondition that it is non-empty.
> prop_qsort_nn_min :: [Int] -> Property
> prop_qsort_nn_min xs =
> not (null xs) ==> head (qsort xs) == minimum xs
We can write a similar property for the maximum element too.
> prop_qsort_nn_max :: [Int] -> Property
> prop_qsort_nn_max xs =
> undefined
> quickCheckN 100 prop_qsort_nn_min
> quickCheckN 100 prop_qsort_nn_max ghci
This time around, both the properties hold.
Note that now, instead of just being a Bool
the output
of the function is now a Property
, a special type built into
the QC library. Similarly the implies operator ==>
is one of many QC combinators that allow the construction
of rich properties.
Testing Against a Model Implementation
We could keep writing different properties that capture
various aspects of the desired functionality of qsort
Another approach for validation is to test that our qsort
is behaviorally identical to a trusted reference
implementation which itself may be too inefficient or
otherwise unsuitable for deployment. In this case, let's
use the standard library's sort
> prop_qsort_sort :: [Int] -> Bool
> prop_qsort_sort xs = qsort xs == List.sort xs
which we can put to the test
> quickCheckN 1000 prop_qsort_sort ghci
Say, what?!
> qsort [-1,-1] ghci
Ugh! So close, and yet ... Can you spot the bug in our code? Here's a simplified version that uses normal lists instead of DList. (The bug is not in the DList library.)
= []
qsort [] :xs) = qsort lhs ++ [x] ++ qsort rhs
qsort (xwhere lhs = [y | y <- xs, y < x]
= [z | z <- xs, z > x] rhs
We're assuming that the only occurrence of (the value) x
is itself! That is, if there are any copies of x
in the
tail, they will not appear in either lhs
or rhs
and hence
they get thrown out of the output.
Is this a bug in the code? What is a bug anyway? Perhaps the
fact that all duplicates are eliminated is a feature! At any
rate there is an inconsistency between our mental model of how
the code should behave as articulated in prop_qsort_sort
and the actual behavior of the code itself.
We can rectify matters by stipulating that the qsort
lists of distinct elements
> isDistinct :: Eq a => [a] -> Bool
> isDistinct = undefined
> prop_qsort_distinct :: [Int] -> Bool
> prop_qsort_distinct = isDistinct . qsort
and then, weakening the equivalence to only hold on inputs that are duplicate-free
> prop_qsort_distinct_sort :: [Int] -> Property
> prop_qsort_distinct_sort xs =
> isDistinct xs ==> qsort xs == List.sort xs
QuickCheck happily checks the modified properties
> quickCheck prop_qsort_distinct
> quickCheck prop_qsort_distinct_sort ghci
The Perils of Conditional Testing
Well, we managed to fix the qsort
property, but beware! Adding
preconditions leads one down a slippery slope. In fact, if we paid
closer attention to the above runs, we would notice something
> quickCheckN 10000 prop_qsort_distinct_sort
5012 tests; 248 discarded)
+++ OK, passed 10000 tests.
The bit about some tests being discarded is ominous. In effect,
when the property is constructed with the ==>
combinator, QC
discards the randomly generated tests on which the precondition
is false. In the above case QC grinds away on the remainder until
it can meet its target of 10000
valid tests. This is because
the probability of a randomly generated list meeting the precondition
(having distinct elements) is high enough. This may not always be the case.
To see why, let's look at another sorting function.
The following code is (a simplified version of) the insert
function from the
standard library
> insert :: forall a. Ord a => a -> [a] -> [a]
> insert x = aux where
> aux :: [a] -> [a]
> aux [] = [x]
> aux (y:ys) | x <= y = x : y : ys
> | otherwise = y : aux ys
Given an element x
and a list xs
, the function walks along xs
till it finds the first element greater than x
and it places x
to the left of that element. Thus
> -- >>> insert 8 ([1..3] ++ [10..13])
Indeed, the following is the well known insertion-sort algorithm
> isort :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
> isort = foldr List.insert []
We could write our own tests, but why do something a machine can do better?!
> prop_isort_sort :: [Int] -> Bool
> prop_isort_sort xs = isort xs == List.sort xs
> quickCheckN 1000 prop_isort_sort ghci
Now, the reason that the above works is that the insert
routine preserves sorted-ness. That is, while of course
the property
> prop_insert_ordered' :: Int -> [Int] -> Bool
> prop_insert_ordered' x xs = isOrdered (insert x xs)
is bogus,
> quickCheckN 1000 prop_insert_ordered' ghci
the output is ordered if the input was ordered to begin with
> prop_insert_ordered :: Int -> [Int] -> Property
> prop_insert_ordered x xs =
> isOrdered xs ==> isOrdered (insert x xs)
Notice that now, the precondition is more complex -- the property requires that the input list be ordered. If we QC the property
> quickCheck prop_insert_ordered ghci
Aside the above example also illustrates the benefit of
writing the property as p ==> q
instead of using the boolean
operator ||
to write not p || q
. In the latter case, there is
a flat predicate, and QC doesn't know what the precondition is,
so a property may hold vacuously. For example consider the
> prop_insert_ordered_vacuous :: Int -> [Int] -> Bool
> prop_insert_ordered_vacuous x xs =
> not (isOrdered xs) || isOrdered (insert x xs)
QC will happily check it for us
> quickCheckN 1000 prop_insert_ordered_vacuous ghci
Unfortunately, in the above, the tests passed vacuously
only because their inputs were not ordered, and one
should use ==>
to avoid the false sense of security
delivered by vacuity.
QC provides us with some combinators for guarding against vacuity by allowing us to investigate the distribution of test cases
:: String -> Property -> Property
QC.label :: Bool -> String -> Property -> Property QC.classify
We may use these to write a property that looks like
> prop_insert_ordered_vacuous' :: Int -> [Int] -> Property
> prop_insert_ordered_vacuous' x xs =
> QC.label lbl $
> not (isOrdered xs) || isOrdered (insert x xs)
> where
> lbl = (if isOrdered xs then "Ordered, " else "Not Ordered, ")
> ++ show (length xs)
When we run this, we get a detailed breakdown of the 100 passing tests:
> quickCheck prop_insert_ordered_vacuous' ghci
where in the first four lines, P% COND, N
means that P
percent of the
ordered inputs had length N
, and satisfied the predicate denoted by the
string COND
What percentage of lists were ordered? How long were they?
Generating Data
Before we start discussing how QC generates data (and how we can help it generate data meeting some pre-conditions), we must ask ourselves a basic question: how does QC behave randomly in the first place?!
> quickCheck prop_insert_ordered'
> quickCheck prop_insert_ordered' ghci
Eh? This seems most impure -- same inputs yielding two totally different outputs! How does that happen?
The QC library defines a type
Gen a
of "generators for values of type a".
The impurity of random generation is bottled up inside the 'Gen' type. The monad structure of this type let's us work with this impurity in a controlled way, but we will get to what that means. For now, note that these generators are a powerful mechanism for creating random data and that the QuickCheck library contains multiple ways of constructing generators.
For example, we can construct a generator using the chooseInt
to generate a random number in a given range:
> -- | generate an Int between 1 and 10, inclusive
> genSmallInt :: Gen Int
> genSmallInt = QC.chooseInt (1, 10)
If you have a generator, you can see what it produces with the sample
sample :: Show a => Gen a -> IO ()
This function will show you a sample of the values produced by the generator (and you'll get different values each time).
> sample genSmallInt
This operation generates some example values and prints them to stdout. Alternatively, if you want access to the randomly generated values, the sample' function will return them to you.
> -- >>> QC.sample' genSmallInt
Generator Combinators
QC comes loaded with a set of combinators that allow us to create generators for various data structures.
The first of these combinators is choose
, which is the generalization of chooseInt.
choose :: (System.Random.Random a) => (a, a) -> Gen a
This function takes an interval and returns an random element from that interval.
(The typeclass System.Random.Random
describes types which can be
sampled. For example, the following is a randomly chosen set of numbers
between 0
and 3
> -- >>> QC.sample' $ QC.choose (0, 3)
A second useful combinator is elements
elements :: [a] -> Gen a
which returns a generator that produces values drawn from the input list
> -- >>> QC.sample' $ QC.elements [10, 20..100]
A third combinator is oneof
oneof :: [Gen a] -> Gen a
which allows us to randomly choose between multiple generators
> -- >>> QC.sample' $ QC.oneof [QC.elements [10,20,30], QC.choose (0,3)]
a related generator is listOf
listOf :: Gen a -> Gen [a]
that gives us random lists, where the elements are generated by the argument generator.
> -- >>> QC.sample' (QC.listOf (QC.elements [1,2,3]))
and finally, the above is generalized into the frequency
frequency :: [(Int, Gen a)] -> Gen a
which allows us to build weighted combinations of individual generators.
> -- >>> QC.sample' $ QC.frequency [(1, QC.elements [1,2]), (5, QC.elements [100,200])]
The Generator Monad
The parameterized type 'Gen' is an instance of the Monad
type class, one that we
will become more familiar with later one this semester. What this
means, for today, is that the monadic operations are available
for constructing new generators. Two of these operators come directly from
the Monad class itself:
-- part of the class Monad
return :: a -> Gen a
(>>=) :: Gen a -> (a -> Gen b) -> Gen b -- pronounced "bind"
For the Gen
type, the return
operator creates a generator that
returns exactly the same thing every time, the argument that we
supplied to return.
For example, we can create a generator that always returns the value 3.
> genThree :: Gen Int
> genThree = return 3
> -- >>> QC.sample' genThree
The (>>=)
operator is a bit more interesting. It takes a generator and a
function that takes a value and returns a generator. It then returns a
generator that applies the function to the value generated by the first
generator. That's a mouthful, so let's look at some examples.
Here's a crazy way to always generate the value five: first generate a three and then add two to it.
> genFive :: Gen Int
> genFive = genThree >>= \x -> return (x + 2)
> -- >>> QC.sample' genFive
Here's a slightly more interesting generator: we first create an arbitrary
boolean value, then if that value is True
we generate a three, otherwise we
generate a five.
> genThreeOrFive :: Gen Int
> genThreeOrFive = QC.choose (False, True) >>= \x -> return (if x then 3 else 5)
> -- >>> QC.sample' genThreeOrFive
The next three useful operations are from the library
These are defined in terms of return
and (>>=)
above, so they
are available for any type constructor that is an instance of
the Monad class, including Gen
liftM :: (a -> b) -> Gen a -> Gen b
liftM2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Gen a -> Gen b -> Gen c
liftM3 :: (a -> b -> c -> d) -> Gen a -> Gen b -> Gen c -> Gen d
The lift
in these names comes from an analogy: we are taking normal functions
and "lifting" them to work with generators. For example, liftM
takes any
regular function of type a -> b
and converts it to be a function of
type Gen a -> Gen b
Note, liftM
above has another name---fmap
. That's right, every monad is
also a functor. Furthermore, the infix operator (<$>)
is yet another name
for fmap
that can look nice in your definitions.
We will cover what it exactly means for Gen
to be a monad later on in the
course. However, as we will see, these operations let us put generators
together compositionally.
> genPair :: Gen a -> Gen b -> Gen (a,b)
> genPair = liftM2 (,) -- a generator for pairs
> -- >>> QC.sample' (genPair genThree genFive)
Generator Practice
Use the operators above to define generators. Make sure that you test them out to make sure that they are what you want.
> genBool :: Gen Bool
> genBool = undefined
> -- >>> QC.sample' genBool
> genTriple :: Gen a -> Gen b -> Gen c -> Gen (a,b,c)
> genTriple = undefined
> -- >>> QC.sample' (genTriple genBool genThree genFive)
> genMaybe :: Gen a -> Gen (Maybe a)
> genMaybe ga = undefined
> -- >>> QC.sample' (genMaybe genThree)
The Arbitrary Typeclass
To keep track of all these generators, QC defines a typeclass containing types for which random values can be generated!
class Arbitrary a where
arbitrary :: Gen a
Thus, to have QC work with (ie generate random tests for) values of type
we need only make a
an instance of Arbitrary
by defining an
appropriate arbitrary
function for it. QC defines instances for base
types like Int
, Float
, etc
> sample (arbitrary :: Gen Int) ghci
and lifts them to compound types.
instance (Arbitrary a, Arbitrary b, Arbitrary c) => Arbitrary (a,b,c) where
= liftM3 (,,) arbitrary arbitrary arbitrary arbitrary
> -- >>> QC.sample' (arbitrary :: Gen (Int,Float,Bool))
> -- >>> QC.sample' (arbitrary :: Gen [Int])
However, you'll need to make your own instances of Arbitrary
for user
defined datatypes. As we'll discuss below, there are two many options in
generation for GHC to make this class automatically derivable. Below, we will
walk through constructing a good generator for the list type as an example of
constructing a good generator for an arbitrary datatype. (This code is just an
example --- if you need to generate a list, you can use the listOf
from the library.) After reading this section, challenge yourself to write
a generator for a Tree
Generating Trees
Here's our familiar type for binary trees. Let's generate some arbitrary values of this type!
> data Tree a = Empty | Branch a (Tree a) (Tree a) deriving (Show,Foldable)
Here's our first generator. It uses the liftM3
combinator above
to generate an arbitrary tree. It type checks, but that is the
only good thing about this code.
> genTree1 :: (Arbitrary a) => Gen (Tree a)
> genTree1 = liftM3 Branch arbitrary genTree1 genTree1
Only run this if you have a lot of time to kill!
> QC.sample' (genTree1 :: Gen (Tree Int)) ghci
Can you spot a problem in the above?
Let's try again,
> genTree2 :: forall a. (Arbitrary a) => Gen (Tree a)
> genTree2 = QC.oneof [ return Empty
> , liftM3 Branch arbitrary genTree2 genTree2]
Let's take a look at how big the trees are that we are generating. Because
we derived the Foldable
class for our Tree
type above, the length
function will tell us how many values are stored in the generated trees.
Refresh this value a few times to see the distribution of tree sizes that
our generator is producing.
> -- >>> map length <$> QC.sample' (genTree2 :: Gen (Tree Int))
This is not bad, but there is still something undesirable. What is wrong with this output?
This version fixes that problem. We only choose Empty
one third of the time.
> genTree3 :: forall a. (Arbitrary a) => Gen (Tree a)
> genTree3 = QC.frequency [ (1, return Empty)
> , (2, liftM3 Branch arbitrary genTree3 genTree3) ]
But, if you try it out, you'll find that this generator is rather slow. In fact, I was never patient enough to let it finish.
> -- >>> map length <$> QC.sample' (genTree3 :: Gen (Tree Int))
Now genTree3
has the opposite problem --- it generates a lot of big
trees (more than 4 or 5 values) but not so many short ones. But finding bugs
with small data is a lot faster than finding bugs with large data.
So, two last tweaks. We let quickcheck determine what frequency to use, and we
decrease the frequency of Branch
with each recursive call. For the former, we
rely on the following function from QC library.
sized :: (Int -> Gen a) -> Gen a
This function is higher-order; it takes a generator with a size parameter (i.e. the Int) and uses it to develop a new generator by progressively increasing this size.
For the latter, when we define this "size-aware" function, we cut the size in
half for each recursive call.
(Note: to give a type annotation for the local definition gen
we have to bring the type variable a
into scope with the forall
> genTree :: forall a. (Arbitrary a) => Gen (Tree a)
> genTree = QC.sized gen where
> gen :: Int -> Gen (Tree a)
> gen n = QC.frequency [ (1, return Empty)
> , (n, liftM3 Branch arbitrary (gen (n `div` 2)) (gen (n `div` 2))) ]
Now look at that distribution! Not too small, not too big, not too many empty trees.
> -- >>> map length <$> QC.sample' (genTree :: Gen (Tree Int))
> -- [0,3,1,4,4,8,8,9,19,8,11]
I encourage you to look at the implementation of genTree4
closely. This use
of frequency
and sized
is particularly important to controlling the
generation of arbitrary tree-structured data.
When properties fail, QuickCheck provides a counterexample. But sometimes this counterexample could be rather complex and not much use in finding your bug.
As an example, consider this buggy function that adds together all of the values stored in a tree of integers. I've added an "optimization" to this function to make it super fast.
> treeSum :: Tree Int -> Int
> treeSum = aux where
> aux Empty = 0
> aux (Branch x l r) = if x == 0 then 0 else aux l + x + aux r
Can you see the bug? The special case of 0 would be great if we were multiplying the values in the tree but computes the wrong answer for addition.
It turns out that, because I derived Foldable
above, there is already
an overloaded function sum
that I can use to sum up the tree values.
So I can use sum
as the correct version and design a property to test
my treeSum
> prop_treeSum :: Tree Int -> Bool
> prop_treeSum t = treeSum t == sum t
Now, let's see what happens when I use QuickCheck. Oof! It took a few tests, but it eventually generated a tree with a 0 value that failed the property.
> quickCheck prop_treeSum
ghci*** Failed! Falsified (after 13 tests):
Branch (-6) (Branch 2 (Branch (-3) Empty (Branch 12 Empty Empty)) (Branch 11 Empty Empty)) (Branch 0 (Branch 2 (Branch 6 Empty Empty) Empty) (Branch 11 (Branch (-9) Empty Empty) (Branch 4 Empty Empty)))
But, this counterexample doesn't really help me find the bug in my code.
However, I can ask QuickCheck to produce not just a counterexample, but a small counterexample, by explaining how to shrink data structures. The general idea is that if quickcheck finds a random tree that fails the property, it can apply the shrinking function to produce "smaller variants" of that tree, and then check those too. By repeated shrinking, it can generate smaller and smaller trees until it finds the smallest one that fails, and that is the one that it will return.
Here is how to shrink the Tree type shown above.
> -- | Produce some smaller trees
> shrinkTree :: Arbitrary a => Tree a -> [Tree a]
> shrinkTree = aux where
> aux Empty = [] -- empty trees cannot be shrunk
> aux (Branch x l r) = [l , r ] -- left and right subtrees are smaller
> ++ map (\l' -> Branch x l' r) (shrinkTree l) -- shrink left subtree
> ++ map (\r' -> Branch x l r') (shrinkTree r) -- shrink right subtree
> ++ map (\x' -> Branch x' l r) (shrink x) -- shrink the value
If the tree is a "Branch" then there are many potentially smaller trees to explore. These trees are still similar to the original tree, so maybe if there was a bug in the original tree then there might be a bug in some of the smaller trees too.
> -- >>> shrinkTree (Branch 0 (Branch 1 Empty Empty) (Branch 1 Empty Empty))
> -- >>> map prop_treeSum (shrinkTree (Branch 0 (Branch 1 Empty Empty) (Branch 1 Empty Empty)))
Now, let's test our property with shrinking. We can use the forAllShrink
function to
tell QuickCheck how to shrink.
> quickCheck (forAllShrink genTree shrinkTree prop_treeSum)
ghci*** Failed! Falsified (after 6 tests and 5 shrinks):
Branch 0 Empty (Branch 1 Empty Empty)
Success! We have a counterexample that is much easier to understand. (And observe that any smaller version of this tree would not be a counterexample!)
Because shrinking is so important, QuickCheck includes the shrinking
function as an optional member of the Arbitrary
class. What this means
is that if we make an instance of Arbitrary
for the Tree
type, using
the generator and shrinking function we have just defined:
> instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (Tree a) where
> arbitrary :: Arbitrary a => Gen (Tree a)
> arbitrary = genTree
> shrink :: Arbitrary a => Tree a -> [Tree a]
> shrink = shrinkTree
then we can test our property with shrinking directly.
> quickCheck prop_treeSum
ghci*** Failed! Falsified (after 4 tests and 3 shrinks):
Branch 0 (Branch 1 Empty Empty) Empty
Generating data that satisfies properties
What if we want to generate not just lists but ordered lists?
We can build a custom generator for ordered lists by mapping
the sort
function over the standard generator for lists
(via the overloaded arbitrary
> genOrdList :: forall a. (Arbitrary a, Ord a) => Gen [a]
> genOrdList = fmap List.sort (arbitrary :: Gen [a])
> -- >>> QC.sample' (genOrdList :: Gen [Int])
This is also a place I like to use the <$>
operator. This notation captures
the idea that we are applying the function to every generated value in
the Gen
> genOrdList' :: forall a. (Arbitrary a, Ord a) => Gen [a]
> genOrdList' = List.sort <$> arbitrary
NOTE: Above, just saying sort arbitrary
doesn't work. We have that arbitrary
is a generator for lists, not a list itself. Because Gen
is a functor, the
right way to compose generation with a transformation is to use fmap
To check the output of a custom generator we can use the forAll
forAll :: (Show a, Testable prop) => Gen a -> (a -> prop) -> Property
For example, we can check that in fact, the combinator only produces ordered lists
ghci> quickCheck $ forAll genOrdList isOrdered
and now, we can properly test the insert
> prop_insert :: Int -> Property
> prop_insert x = QC.forAll genOrdList $ \xs ->
> isOrdered xs && isOrdered (insert x xs)
ghci> quickCheck prop_insert
Using newtype
for smarter test-case generation
This works very well, but we might not want to write forAll genOrdList
everywhere we want to test a property on ordered lists only. In order to get
around that, we can define a new type that wraps lists, but has a different
> newtype OrdList a = OrdList [a] deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)
> instance (Ord a, Arbitrary a) => Arbitrary (OrdList a) where
> arbitrary :: (Ord a, Arbitrary a) => Gen (OrdList a)
> arbitrary = fmap OrdList genOrdList
This says that to generate an arbitrary OrdList
, we use the genOrdList
generator we just defined, and package that up.
> -- >>> QC.sample' (arbitrary :: Gen (OrdList Int))
Now, we can rewrite our prop_insert
function more simply:
> prop_insert' :: Int -> OrdList Int -> Bool
> prop_insert' x (OrdList xs) = isOrdered $ insert x xs
And in fact, QuickCheck already has this type built in as OrderedList.
This technique of using newtype
s for special-purpose instances is very
common, both in QuickCheck and in other Haskell libraries.
QuickCheck outside of Haskell
As a testing tool, QuickCheck has been ported to many languages, some of which are listed on its wikipedia page 13. Haskell's type classes (and monads) mean that the implementation of QuickCheck in Haskell is surprisingly simple.
Credit: This lecture based on 12.