CIT 5950 (Spring 2025) Home Schedule Assignments Tools & Refs HW 00: Introduction to C++

This assignment serves as both a refresher on core C topics and as a way to “dip their toes” into the realm of C++ programming.



For assignments in CIT 5950, you will complete each of them on your own. However, you may discuss high-level ideas with other students, but any viewing, sharing, copying, or dictating of code is forbidden. If you are worried about whether something violates academic integrity, please post on Ed or contact the instructor(s).


If you haven’t already, you need to follow the Docker Setup. We recommend you try and figure this out ASAP.

Once you have the docker container setup, that is all that is a necessity, however we will give some suggestions on how to use the environment here:

Intro to the Terminal and Shell

One of the goals of this course is to get you experience with the shell. We will cover some basics in class and here, but there is simply too much to talk about in the course. Most people learn the basics of a shell in school and slowly learn more as needed, but if you want to learn more we recommend two things:

Most computers have some sort of a “Terminal” application that runs a program called a “shell”. The “shell” is a program that prompts the user for a command, runs the command, prints any output and then repeats by asking the user for another command. This makes a shell effectively a REPL (Read Eval Print Loop), but it also supports a lot more features.

A shell’s main job is to provide an interface for users to the system they are interacting with. For us this primarily involves:

Shell programs are somewhat dependent on the system they are implemented for, but this means shell programs for the same system (e.g. bash, zsh, fish, etc.) have a lot in common. This course uses the shell bash and many of what you learn in bash can be applied to shells used in other UNIX-like systems (UNIX-like systems are pretty much everything that is not Windows). bash is one of the most popular shells in existence and getting familiar with it (and thus other UNIX-shells) is very beneifical for most who do any programming.

When you open the shell, you should see something like this:



This is the prompt that gets printed to let you know you can type in a command for the shell to execute.

There are a couple parts to this line, lets break this down.

The last bullet point from above is particularly important. The shell has a “Current Directory” similar to how File Explorer or Finder has a notion of “Current Directory” where those programs need to go in and out of directories to see different files. What this means is that when you are interacting with the shell, there is always a directory you are “in” and you can change what directory you are in to interact with different files.

With this information, we are able to start using the shell to create our files for the homework.

Setting up our files

We recommend you organize your work into separate folders. Suggested names for this assignment’s folder are intro, setup or hw00. To create a folder (also called a directory) you should just be able to type the following command into the terminal:

mkdir intro


mkdir is a command to “make a directory” and in the example above we are using it to create a directory called “intro”.

from here we can use the command cd to “Change Directory” to move our current directory into the newly created one:

cd intro

Note that after you do this, your shell prompt will look different. It will probably look something like:



Note that the path in the prompt changed to include the directory we are now in. If we now create any files, they will show up in this directory.

For this assignment, we will need to create a new file simple_string.cpp. To create a file in the shell we can run the following command:

touch simple_string.cpp

touch creates a file of the specified name if it does not already exist. Note that it does not create directories, that is what mkdir is for.

From here we can use another command ls which “Lists” the contents of the current directory.


You should see the files that you have created with the touch command. If you did everything properly, you should see something similar to the image below. If something went wrong, see further below where we talk about the mv command.


This command only gives us information and does not change anything in the system, but is one of the most commonly used commands. It helps to do run ls to remind you of what else is in the directory you are currently working in.

Once you have done the above steps to create the directory and our simple_string.cpp you must run the following commands to download the starter files for the project.

curl -o



after this you can ls again and see that we have the file check-time.cpp, Makefile, simple_string.hpp, ctypes.hpp and ctypes.cpp added to our local directory.

From here you can start working the assignment by opening the files we just created with vim, VSCode or another editor if you have one you prefer.

More Basic Shell Commands (Optional)

If you want to rename a file (because you accidentally spelt it wrong) or you want to move it to another directory, you can use the mv command which stands for ““Move”. For example, if I wanted to rename the file example.txt to renamed.txt (assuming that example.txt already exists) then I could type:

mv example.txt renamed.txt

Similar to the mv command there is the cp command for “Copying” a file. If I wanted to make a copy of a file I would do: If I wanted to rename example.txt to copied_example.txt, I would do:

cp example.txt copied_example.txt

Lastly, we should let you know about . and .. (referred to as “dot” and “dot dot” in lecture). These two are “special” names that change based off of which directoy you are currently in.

. (dot) refers to the current directory, so the following two names refer to the same file: ./hello.txt and hello.txt.

.. (dot dot) refers to the directory that is “above” or the “parent” of the current directory (The current directory is held within its “parent” directory). This can be used to leave a directory that we have entered. For example, if i have a directory called: intro, I can run: cd intro to enter that directory and later type cd .. to leave it and go “up” a level in the directory layout.

For another example, lets say I am in a directory called “example” that has the file blah.txt. I can refer to that file with ../example/blah.txt ./blah.txt or blah.txt and all three would be the same.

More information on the shell that is likely to be useful:

Lastly, we have a quick reference on some information you may find useful when using the terminal. Feel free to come back to it at any time: bash-reference


Once you have followed the setup instructions, you should have a folder that contains the files for this assignment.

Required Knowledge

This homework has you writing a little bit of C++ code from scratch. For now this should be very similiar to code you have written before in C, but with only a few minor differences. The differences you need to know should have been covered in the first lecture or two. These being:

For this assignment, you will be writing some code to implement a string “object” in C++ and a program that takes in a single command line argument (other than the program name) that represents a time and then prints whether or not that it is in a valid format.


For the first part of the assignment you will have to implement a simpel string “object” in C++. An important goal of this class is gaining a better understanding of how the computer works, and part of that is trying to build a better understanding for how fundamental types (e.g. string’s) work! This also should be on the lighter side for workload :)

This “object” still follows a lot of C style conventions, so you should not follow everything done in this section as “good practice”. This assignment is designed this way to help people refresh on C and transition into C++. Knowing the fundamentals of C is important for understanding C++, but don’t worry if it takes some time to figure this out!

For this part of the assignment we suggest you start by opening simple_string.hpp and reading the code and comments. Once you have familiarized yourself with what is going on, you should open the empty simple_string.cpp you created earlier in the assignment and provide the implementation for every function descrived in the simple_string.hpp header files. Your cpp file should #include the corresponding hpp file. If you need advice for how to layout your file, you should check some of the provided code: ctypes.hpp and ctypes.cpp!


Your second task is to write a C++ program that checks whether or not the input argument represents a valid time.

Your code should compile to a program called check-time. We have also provided an example of how a user would run your program and the expected output of the program (you should match this output):

root@dbd8f45192c1:~/workspace/intro# ./check-time 11:59
root@dbd8f45192c1:~/workspace/intro# ./check-time 5:16
root@dbd8f45192c1:~/workspace/intro# ./check-time 2:70
root@dbd8f45192c1:~/workspace/intro# ./check-time 31:20

We have given you the start of the program in check-time.cpp. This is where you should write your code. We already provided how to get the string to check from command line arguments, but it is up to you to check the validity of the string and output the correct value.

A valid string consists of 1 or 2 digits followed by a colon : and two more digits. The first group of digits together can represent any number from 0 to 23 (inclusive). Note that a leading zero is ok, so something like 00 is fine for the first set of digits. Following the first 1 or 2 digits is a :. After the colon is a set of two digits that can range from 00 to 59 (inclusive). Note that there will always be two digits for this last group.

Here are a few examples of valid times:

Here are a few examples of invalid times:

You may find the isdigit function from ctypes.hpp and ctypes.cpp useful. You should just be able to call this function in your check-time.cpp file.

We will require that you make use of your simple_string for this part of the assignment. You should check how check-time.cpp includes ctypes.hpp and do something similar for simple_string.hpp. You will also need to modify the makefile to test your code. See the compilation section below for how to do this.

Other requirements:

printing in C++

You will need to do some printing in this code, and since we are writing C++, you should print like we do in C++. We may not have talked about it in lecture, but to print a string in C++ we just do:

// prints "VALID" to the terminal
cout << "VALID" << endl;

You can also print numbers and characters this way if it would help with debugging:

char c = 'A';
// prints "A" to the terminal
cout << c << endl;

We also provided a function for you so that you can print simple_string “objects”

simple_string str = from_cstring("Hello!");
// prints "Hello!" to the terminal
cout << str << endl;

Just add this code to your simple_string.cpp file:

std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const simple_string to_print) {
  os <<;
  return os;

Characters and ASCII

You may have learned this in CIT 5930 or another course, but one thing that may help in this assignment is remembering that char in C and C++ are ASCII characters. Everything comes down to just bits and bytes, so everything is sort of just a number in computer memory, including char. We can see this if we do something like:

char c = 'H';
int x = (int) c;
cout << x << endl;
// prints 72, which is the numeric ASCII value for the character 'H'

We can take advantadge of this in our code when checking for a valid time string.

For example:

char a = '6';
char b = '3';
bool c = (b <= a);  // c gets set to `true`

You may also want to look at isdigit in ctypes.cpp for some more inspiration on what is possible :)

Allowed / suggested functions & headers

For this assingment you are allowed to write any helper functions you need, but you are restricted to using the following headers and the following functions. You do not need to use all of these, do what you think would be best for your code. If you do not see a function listed that you think should be ok to use, please ask and we can allow it or disallow it.

You are also allowed to use the provided files ctypes.hpp and ctypes.cpp as well as simple_string.


Header Files and Header Guards

For this assignment we gave you simple_string.hpp, which is a header file. Header files contain the declarations of types and declarations of functions that are defined in the corresponding cpp file. If some other file wanted to use our simple_string code, they would need to “import” our code by doing #include "simple_string.hpp" to see what functions and types there are. Later in the compilation process is when all the .cpp files are combined and can see the definitions for everything.

However how “importing” modules in C++ works is rather outdated and the proper C++ “import” statements are still being developed. This means we need to add something to our .hpp files to make sure they are not “included” multiple times as this will cause compilation issues. This thing we add is called header guards. How they work is that at the top of your hpp file you need to do something like:

#ifndef MY_FILE_HPP_
#define MY_FILE_HPP_

then at the bottom of the hpp file you would write something like:

#endif  // MY_FILE_HPP_

The above examples are what you would write for my_file.hpp. You can see an example of this in ctypes.hpp.

For your code to get full credit, you will need to add header guards like this to your simple_string.hpp. We highly suggest looking at ctypes.hpp for help.


You must also modify the provided Makefile to compile simple_string.o and then change check-time to use your simple_string.o.

We provide most of the makefile for you, and you will also note that the makefile includes steps for building ctypes.o and then using it to compile your check-time program. You should use what we do in the Makefile with building ctypes.cpp into ctypes.o and using it to make check-time as inspiration for what you need to do for simple_string. We will also go over makefiles either in the first lecture or the first recitation, so look at those materials if you need to refresh yourself on this material!

This is not as hard as it may sound! It may look scary, but you can do it!

Here is everything you need to add to the makefile. Some of it is repeated, but this should help:

Testing your code


You need to test your submission on whether there are any memory errors or memory leaks. We will be using valgrind to do this. To do this, you should try running: valgrind --leak-check=full ./check-time 11:59

If everything is correct, you should see the following towards the bottom of the output:

 ==1620== All heap blocks were freed -- no leaks are possible
 ==1620== For counts of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -v
 ==1620== ERROR SUMMARY: 0 errors from 0 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0)

If you do not see something similar to the above in your output, valgrind will have printed out details about where the errors and memory leaks occurred. We went over how to read valgrind errors some time in recitation or lecture in the first or second week.


This assignment has an autograder to test the functionality of your simple_string “object” and the behaviour of your check-time program. We would normally give you unit tests to check the functionality of your .cpp files, but we didn’t do that this time to keep the Makefile simpler for you. When you submit to gradescope (see below) it should run tests for you.

If you want to look at the unit test source, you can look at this file here: test_simple_string.cpp

We HIGHLY suggest testing your code locally, especially check-time.


Please submit your completed Makefile, simple_string.cpp simple_string.hpp and check-time.cpp to Gradescope