Lecture Notes |
Articles, notes and slides of paper presentations will be available
here. A partial list is available. I will try to have all papers
available on-line.
Download software for viewing ps/gzipped papersA background task
In order to think in a more concrete way when we read and discuss the
papers we will use a the problem of story comprehension as a
background task. All the presentations and the write-ups will address
this key problem and will evaluate the relevance of the approach
studied with this tasks in mind.
(r) Punyakanok, Roth: The
Use of Classifiers in Sequential Inference .
Presented by Vasin Punyakanok
(p) Brooks: Intelligence
without representation.
Presentation by Rodrigo de salvo Braz.
Reasoning paradigms (propositional)
(p) Khardon, Roth:
Reasoning with Models.
Presentation by: Dan Roth
(r) Levesque:
Is Reasoning too Hard?.
Learning to Reason
(p) Khardon, Roth:
Learning to Reason.
Presentation by: Kiran Lakkaraju
(p) Valiant:
Robust Logic.
Presentation by: Jason O'Kane
(p) Reiter:
Nonmonotonic Reasoning.
Presentation by: Top Changwatchai
Defaults and probabilities; extension and coherence.
(r) Roth:
Learning to Reason: The Non-Monotonic Case.
(r) Khardon, Roth:
Defaults and Relevance in Model Based Reasoning.
Expressive Representations
(p) Levesque, Brachman:
A fundamental tradeoff in knowledge representation and reasoning.
Presentation by: Chris Neihengen
(r) Woods:
What's in a link.
(r) Roth:
Learning to Reason: The Non-Monotonic Case.
(p) McAllester, Givan:
Natural Language Syntax and First Order Inference.
Presentation by: Ramya Nagarajan
Expressive Representations; Natural Language
(p) Charniak:
Jack and Janet in search of a theory of knowledge.
Presentation by: Arun Bhalla
(p) Schubert, Pelletier:
From English to Logic: Context Free Computation of Conventional Logical Translations.
Presentation by: Melissa Poole
(p) Moore:
Problems in Logical Forms.
Presentation by: Scott Yih
(r) Moore:
In defense of Logic.
(p) Hobbs, Stickel:
Interpretation as Abduction.
Presentation by: Chad Cumby
Probabilistic Representations
(p) Pearl:
Fusion, Propagation and Structuring in Belief Networks.
Presentation by: Adam Laud
(r) Roth:
On the hardness of approximate reasoning.
(p) Darwiche:
A Differential Approach to Inference in Bayesian Networks.
Presentation by: Xin Li
(p) Ngo, Haddawy
Answering queries from context sensitive probabilistic knowledge bases.
Presentation by: Stephen Kloder
(r) Ngo, Haddawy
Probabilistic Logic Programming and Bayesian Networks.
(p) Kersting, De Raedt
Bayesian Logic Programs.
Presentation by: Howard Sun
(p) Koller, Pfeffer:
Probabilistic frame-based systems..
Presentation by: Ira Cohen
(r) Jaeger:
Relational Bayesian networks..
(p) Getoor, Friedman, Koller, Pfeffer:
Learning Probabilistic Relational Models
Presentation by: Dav Zimak
Dan Roth