Dinesh Jayaraman
Dinesh Jayaraman
Research Group
Robot Learning
REPLAB: A Reproducible Low-Cost Arm Benchmark Platform for Robotic Learning
We propose a low-cost compact easily replicable hardware stack for manipulation tasks, that can be assembled within a few hours. We also provide implementations of robot learning algorithms for grasping (supervised learning) and reaching (reinforcement learning). Contributions invited!
Brian Yang
Jesse Zhang
Dinesh Jayaraman
Sergey Levine
Time-Agnostic Prediction: Predicting Predictable Video Frames
In visual prediction tasks, letting your predictive model choose which times to predict does two things: (i) improves prediction quality, and (ii) leads to semantically coherent “bottleneck state” predictions, which are useful for planning.
Dinesh Jayaraman
Frederik Ebert
Alexei A Efros
Sergey Levine
More Than a Feeling: Learning to Grasp and Regrasp using Vision and Touch
By exploiting high precision tactile sensing with deep learning, robots can effectively iteratively adjust their grasp configurations to boost grasping performance from 65% to 94%.
Roberto Calandra
Andrew Owens
Dinesh Jayaraman
Justin Lin
Wenzhen Yuan
Jitendra Malik
Edward H Adelson
Sergey Levine