
Long-Horizon Visual Planning with Goal-Conditioned Hierarchical Predictors

To plan towards long-term goals through visual prediction, we propose a model based on two key ideas: (i) predict in a goal-conditioned way to restrict planning only to useful sequences, and (ii) recursively decompose the goal-conditioned prediction task into an increasingly fine series of subgoals.

Jun 1, 1010

Cautious Adaptation For Reinforcement Learning in Safety-Critical Settings

How to train RL agents safely? We propose to pretrain a model-based agent in a mix of sandbox environments, then plan pessimistically when finetuning in the target environment.

Jun 1, 1010

DIGIT: A Novel Design for a Low-Cost Compact High-Resolution Tactile Sensor with Application to In-Hand Manipulation
DIGIT: A Novel Design for a Low-Cost Compact High-Resolution Tactile Sensor with Application to In-Hand Manipulation

We design and demonstrate a new tactile sensor for in-hand tactile manipulation in a robotic hand.

May 17, 17170

Time-Agnostic Prediction: Predicting Predictable Video Frames
Time-Agnostic Prediction: Predicting Predictable Video Frames

In visual prediction tasks, letting your predictive model choose which times to predict does two things: (i) improves prediction quality, and (ii) leads to semantically coherent "bottleneck state" predictions, which are useful for planning.

Jan 1, 1010

Manipulation by Feel: Touch-Based Control with Deep Predictive Models

High-resolution tactile sensing together with visual approaches to prediction and planning with deep neural networks enables high-precision tactile servoing tasks.

Jan 1, 1010

More Than a Feeling: Learning to Grasp and Regrasp using Vision and Touch

By exploiting high precision tactile sensing with deep learning, robots can effectively iteratively adjust their grasp configurations to boost grasping performance from 65% to 94%.

Jan 1, 1010