>> t=0:0.1:10;
% t is the time varying from 0 to 10 in steps of 0.1s
>> v1=5*cos(2*t+0.7854);
>> taxis=0.000000001*t;
>> plot(t,taxis,'w',t,v1,'r')
>> grid
>> hold on
>> v2=2*exp(-t/2);
>> plot (t,v2,'g')
>> v3=10*exp(-t/2).*cos(2*t+0.7854);
>> plot (t,v3,'b')
>> title('Example 1 -- Plot of v1(t),
v2(t) and v3(t)')
>> xlabel ('Time in seconds')
>> ylabel ('Voltage in volts')
>> text (6,6,'v1(t)')
>> text (4.25,-1.25,'v2(t)')
>> text (1,1.75,'v3(t)')
Please note the following important point:
1. ; at the end of a line defines the command but does not immediately
execute it.
2. The symbol * is used to multiply two numbers or a number and a function.
3. The combination of symbols .* is used to multiply two functions.
4. The command "hold on" keeps the existing graph and adds the next
one to it. The command "hold off" undoes the effect of "hold on".
5. In the command "text", the first two numbers give the X and Y coordinate
of where the test willo appear in the figure.
6. The command "plot" can plot more than one function simultaneously.
In fact, in this example we could get away with only one plot command.
7. Comments can be included after the % symbol.
8. In the plot command, one can specify the color of the line as well as the symbol: 'b' stands for blue, 'g' for green, 'r' for red, 'y' for yellow, 'k' for black; 'o' for circle, 'x' for x-mark, '+' for plus, etc. For more information type help plot in matlab.
Working with complex numbers in MATLAB is easy. MATLAB works with the rectangular representation. To enter a complex number, type at the prompt:
To find the magnitude and angle of z, use the abs() and angle () function.
type in MATLAB: V = (5+9j)*(7+j)/(3-2j)
Assume you have the following two linear comples equations with unknown I1 and I2:
100j.I1 + (60-150j).I2 = 0
Or one can also use the following command: I = inv(A)*B
The MATLAB code is as follows:
I =
0.0074 - 0.0156i
0.0007 - 0.0107i
To find the roots of a polynomial of the form
Define the polynomial as follows: A = [ am am-1 am-2 ... a1 a0];
The command to for finding the roots is:
As an example consider the following function:
In Matlab:
>> A=[4 12 1];
>> roots(A)ans =
This works also for complex roots. As an example consider the function:
in Matlab:
>> A=[5 3 2];
>> roots(A)ans =
-0.3000 + 0.5568i
-0.3000 - 0.5568i
Suppose that you have the following expression F(s) and would like to find the coefficient of the corresponding polynomial:
This is defined in Matlab by a column vector of the roots:
roots = [a1; a2; a3 ];
One finds than the coefficient of the polynomial, using the "poly" command:
As example consider the function F(s) = s(s+50)(s+250)(s+1000). To find the coefficient of the coresonding polynomials, one first define the column vector of the roots:
roots=[0; -50; -250; -1000 ];
The coefficients are then found from the poly command:
coeff = poly(roots)
which will give:
coeff = 1 1300 312500 12500000 0
corresponding to the polynomial,
6a. Using the Bode command when the transfer function is specified as a ratio of two polynomials.
with m < n
in MATLAB, specify D and N:
In Matlab:
den = [1e-4 0.01 1] ;
bode (num, den)
One can also specify the frequency axis w (radial frequency):
For the same example one can specify the frequency range as a vector:
w = [0.1: 0.1: 10000];
grid on
in which w is the frequency. The resulting graph is shown below.
6b. Plotting a transfer function when Poles and Zeros are given:
Often, the transfer function is specified as a function of its poles and zeros, in the form:
H(s)=K(s+s1)(s+s2)(1+as + bs2)/ (s+s3)(s+s4)(1+cs + ds2).
In that case one can find the polynomial of the nominator and denomator first by using the
poly function and the conv function. One first defines a column vector of the roots (-s1, -s2, etc.):
conv function. First define the polynomial corresponding to the quadratic term:
H(s)=72x(s+2)/s(s+50)(s+250)(s+1000)(s2 + 2.4s + 144)
First find the coefficent of the polynomial corresonding to s(s+50)(s+250)(s+1000) of the denominator:
Then, one multiply this polynomial with the remaining quadratic term (s2 + 2.4s + 144) in the denominator (d2 defines the quadratic term):
d2=[1 2.4 144];
In which "den" corresponds to the polynomial of the denominator. Finally, one can plot the Bode Diagram:
num=[72 144];
The result of the plot is:
An altnerative command to plot the magnitude and phase of a transfer function is:
freqs(num, den)
6c. Using the plot command when the transfer function is not specifed as a ratio of polynomials
The previous transfer function
H(s) = 72x(s+2)/s(s+50)(s+250)(s+1000)(s2 + 2.4s + 144)
in which s=jw, can be plotted using the plot function in Matlab.We need to define the range of the indpendent variable w before plotting the fucntion H(jw).
>> w=[0.1: 0.1: 10^5];
>> H=72*(2+j*w)./(j*w.*(50+j*w).*(250+j*w).*(2000+j*w).*(144+2.4*j*w+(j*w).^2));subplot(2,1,1);
>> subplot(2,1,1);
>> semilogx(w,20*log10(abs(H)));
>> grid on
>> ylabel('|H(j\omega)|');
>> title('Bode Plot: Magnitude in dB');
>> subplot(2,1,2);
>> semilogx(w,unwrap(angle(H))*180/pi);
>> grid on;
>> xlabel('\omega(rad/s)');
>> ylabel('\angleH(j\omega)(\circ)');
>> title('Bode plot: Phase in degrees');
The results is shown below. As can be seen it is the same graph as the one obtained from the Bode command.
7.a Response to any input x(t)
Assume that the system is described by a transfer function H(s)=NUM(s)/DEN(s) where NUM and DEN contain the polynomial coefficients in descending powers of s.
One can then plot the output of the system for a given input signal x(t). As an example, lets consider a simple 2nd order low pass filter with a cutoff frequency of 100 rad/s:
in which NUM = [0 1] and DEN = [10^-4 0.02 1].
Lets apply two sinusoidial input signals x1 and x2 of frequency 50 Hz:and 500 Hz, respectively. The the corresonding output sigals are called y1 and y2, respectively. Since the system filters out higher frequencies we expect that the output y2 is considerably smaller than y1. We can plot the outputs of y1 and y2 using the lsim comment:
LSIM(NUM,DEN,U,T) command.
in which U is the input and T is the time. The matlab code for the filter and the input and output signals is as follows.
>> t=0:0.0001:0.1;
>> x1=10*sin(2*pi*50*t);
>> x2=10*sin(2*pi*500*t);
>> y2=lsim(NUM,DEN,x2,t);
>> y1=lsim(NUM,DEN,x1,t);
>> subplot(2,1,1);
>> plot(t,x1);
>> hold on
>> plot(t,x2);
>> subplot(2,1,2);
>> plot(t,y1);
>> hold on
>> plot(t,y2) ;
>> text(0.015, 2.5, 'y1(t)');
>> text(0.01, 0.35, 'y2(t)');
>> title('Filtering action of a low pass filter');
>> ylabel('y1 and y2');
>> xlabel('time (s)');
>> subplot(2,1,1);
>> ylabel('x1 and x2') ;
The graphs of the inputs x1 and x2 (top graph) and the outputs y1 and y2 (bottom graph) illustrates the effect of the filtering action.
Again, assume that the system is described by a transfer function H(s)=NUM(s)/DEN(s) where NUM and DEN contain the polynomial coefficients in descending powers of s. The step response y(t) of the system with the above transfer function is obtained by the command step.
Again An example, lets plot the step response to the 2nd order low-pass filter used above,
in which NUM = [0 1] and DEN = [10^-4 0.02 1].
>> num=[0 1];
>> den=[10^-4 0.02 1];
>> step(num,den)