Up Short CV Projects Publications Teaching

Jan Van der Spiegel

Short CV

Current Positions
Professional History
Professional Activities
Honor and Awards
Administrative Involvement
News Articles


Professor of Electrical and Systems Engineering

University of Pennsylvania
Department of Electrical and Systems Engineering
Moore School of Engineering
200 S. 33rd Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6390

(Directions and Map)
(215) 898-7116 Voice
(215) 573-6045 Fax

Current Positions

Professor, Department of Electrical and Systems Engineering
Director of the Center for Sensor Technologies

Director, Rachleff Scholars Program


Ph.D., Electrical Engineering, Univ. of Leuven, Belgium, 1979
Masters in Electro-Mechanical Engineering, Univ. of Leuven, Belgium, 1974
Candidate in Engineering, Univ. of Leuven, Belgium, 1971

Professional History

2005-present, Professor and deputy Chair, Dept. of Electrical and Systems Engineering, Univ. of Pennsylvania
2002-2005, Professor and Interim Chair, Dept. of Electrical and Systems Engineering, Univ. of Pennsylvania
1998-2002, Professor and Chair of Electrical Engineering, Univ. of Pennsylvania
1995-present, Professor of Electrical Engineering, Univ. of Pennsylvania
1994-1996, Undergraduate Curriculum Chair, EE, Univ. of Pennsylvania
1992- 1998, Faculty House Master of Ware College House, Univ. of Pennsylvania
1991, Faculty Fellow of Ware College House, Univ. of Pennsylvania
1989- present, Director of Center for Sensor Technologies, Univ. of Pennsylvania
1987, Associate Professor, Univ. of Pennsylvania
1981, Assistant Professor, Univ. of Pennsylvania
1980, Post-doctoral Fellow, Dept. of EE, Univ. of Pennsylvania

Journal Editorships

Editorial Board, J. Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2009-
Guest Editor, IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits (January 2006 issue of the ISSCC2005)
Former Editor for North and South America of Sensors and Actuators
Former Editorial Board of the International Journal of High Speed Electronics
Former Editorial Board of the Journal of the Brazilian Microelectronics Society

Professional Activities

2009-present, Editorial Board of the J. Electrical and Computer Engineering IEEE ISSCC Student Research Preview Committee Chair
2006-2007: Program Chair of the 2007 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference
Elected Member of the IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society (SSCS), Jan. 2004-2007 and Jan. 2007-2010
Chapter Chair, Solid-State Circuits Society, IEEE
2005-2006: Program Vice-Chair of the 2006 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference
2001-2002: Program Secretary of the IEEE International Solid-State Circuit Conference.
1997-present, Member of the Administrative Committee of the IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society; Chapter Chairs Coordinator.
1982- present, Member Executive Committee of the IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference
1991- present, Member Program Committee of the IEEE International Solid- State Circuits Conference
1992-1994, Member Technical Program Committee of the IEDM (Subcommittee on Detectors, Sensors, and Displays)
1990-1994, Advisory Board of the Manufacturing Processes and Sensor Technologies (TAC) of the Ben Franklin Technology Center of Southeastern Pennsylvania
1989-1991, Chairman Committee on VLSI and Technology of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Design
1999-Present, Distinguished Lecturer, IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society

Honors and Awards

IEEE 2007 EAB Major Educational Innovation Award
IEEE SSCS Outstanding Contribution Award, Feb. 2008
Technical Program Chair, IEEE Int. Solid-State Circuits Conf., 2007.
IEEE Fellow, 2002
IEEE Third Millennium Medal, 2000.
IEEE Distinguished Lecturer, Solid-State Circuits Society (1999-present)
Recipient of the UPS Distinguished Education Term Chair, 1998.
Recipient of the Bicentennial Class of 1940 Term Chair, 1991
Christian and Mary Lindback Foundation Award for Distinguished Teaching, 1990
S. Reid Warren Award for Distinguished Teaching 1987
Presidential Young Investigator Award, 1984
IBM Faculty Development Award, 1983
Outstanding thesis award in Electrical Engineering 1974, Royal Flemish Eng. Soc.
Who's Who in Technology; Who's Who in America listing.
Eminent Engineer Tau Beta Pi honor society,1991

Administrative involvement

Coordinator of the SUNFEST program(Research Experience for Undergraduate Students in Sensor Technologies (1986-present)
2002-2005: Inerim Chair, Dept. of Electrical and Systems Enginering (U. Penn)
1998-2002: Chair EE Dept (U. Penn), member AdCom
1995-1997, Undergraduate Curriculum Chair, (EE, Univ. Penn)
1995-96, Committee on Student Affairs (University Council)
1992-98, Council of Residential Faculty
1995-present, Director Center for Sensor Technologies
1983-, Penn-Leuven Exchange Committee (Chair)
1984-, Advisor University Scholars

News Articles

Van der Spiegel recognized for Educational Innovation, IEEE Solid-State Circuits Newsletter, January 2008.
The best of Both Worlds, Penn Engineering Magazine, University of Pennsylvania, Fall 2007, pp.9-10.


List of selected Publications (Scholarly Commons)

List of Projects

Up Short CV Projects Publications Teaching Links

Van der Spiegel's homepage

Jan Van der Spiegel <jan_at_seas.upenn.edu>

Created: June 9, 1995; Updated: May 26, 2010