Refereed Conference Publications
A. Chaudhri and J. R. Lukes, 2008,
Multicomponent Energy Conserving Dissipative Particle
Dynamics: A General Framework for Mesoscopic Heat
Transfer Applications,
Proceedings of the 1st International
Conference on Micro/Nanoscale Heat Transfer, MNHT2008-52218.
N. Zuckerman and J. R. Lukes, 2007,
Dependent Scattering of Acoustic Phonons from Particles
Embedded in an Anisotropic Medium, Proceedings of the 2007 International
Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition,
Seattle, Washington, IMECE2007-41850.
N. Zuckerman and J. R. Lukes, 2007,
Atomistic Visualization of Ballistic Phonon
Transport, Proceedings of the 2007 ASME-JSME Thermal Engineering
Summer Heat Transfer Conference, July 8-12, 2007, Vancouver, Canada,
Y. Chen, G. Wang, D. Li, and
J. R. Lukes, 2006,
Thermal Expansion and Isotopic Composition Effects on
Lattice Thermal Conductivity of Crystalline
Proceedings of the 2006 International
Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition,
November 5-10, 2006, Chicago, Illinois, IMECE2006-13870.
J. R. Lukes and H. Zhong, 2006,
Thermal Conductivity of Single Wall Carbon
Nanotubes: A Comparison of Molecular Dynamics
Simulation Approaches, Proceedings of the 13th
International Heat Transfer Conference, August 13-18,
2006, Sydney, Australia, NAN-29.
Y. Chen, D. Li, J. R. Lukes, and
Z. Ni, 2005,
Monte Carlo Simulation of Thermal Conductivities of
Silicon Nanowires, Proceedings of the 2005 Summer
Heat Transfer Conference, July 17-22, 2005, San
Francisco, California, HT2005-72377.
H. Zhong and J. R. Lukes, 2004,
Thermal Conductivity of Single-Wall Carbon
Proceedings of the 2004 International Mechanical
Engineering Congress and Exposition, November 13-20,
2004, Anaheim,
California, IMECE2004-61665.
Y. Chen, D. Li, J. Yang, Z. Ni, and
J. R. Lukes, 2004,
Interface Effect on Lattice Thermal Conductivities of
Superlattice Nanowires,
Proceedings of the 2004 International Mechanical
Engineering Congress and Exposition, November 13-20,
2004, Anaheim,
California, IMECE2004-59149.
J. R. Lukes, X.-G. Liang and
C.-L. Tien, 1998,
Molecular Dynamics Study of Solid Thin-Film Thermal
Proceedings of the 1998 International Mechanical
Engineering Congress and Exposition, November 15-20,
1998, Anaheim,
California, HTD-Vol. 361-4, pp. 229-240.
F.-C. Chou, J. R. Lukes, and
C.-L. Tien, 1998,
Heat Transfer Enhancement by Fins in the Microscale
Proceedings of the 1998 International Mechanical
Engineering Congress and Exposition, November 15-20,
1998, Anaheim,
California, HTD-Vol. 361-4, pp. 165-172.
X.-G. Liang, J. R. Lukes, and
C.-L. Tien, 1998,
Anisotropic Thermal Conductance in Thin Layers of
Disordered Packed Spheres,
Proceedings of the 11th International Heat Transfer
Conference, August 23-28, 1998, Kyongju, Korea, Vol. 7,
pp. 33-38.