1. Measure a spectrum of the blank glass substrate by the spectroscopic scan.
2. Activate the Model window, and choose "Addlayer" from the menu or the drop-down menu shown by right-click of mouse.
3. Load "CAUCHY.MAT' file from Default Materials (or type "CAUCHY.MAT").
4. The following window appears.
5. Check the boxes of An and Bn.
6. Click the "OK" button.
7. The following model appears.
8. Activate the "Generated Date" window.
9. Right click of the mouse on the window.
10. The following drop-down menu appears.
11. Choose "Generate Data", so that simulation data from the model is shown on the "Generated Data" and "Graph" window.
12. Activate the "Fit" window.
13. Right-click the mouse to show the following drop-down menu.
14. Choose "Edit Perms", and the following window appears:
15. High-light and adjust An or Bn parameter in the right box, and click the "Change Value" button. You will see change in the simulation data on the "Graph" window.
16. Close the "Edit Fit Parameters" window.
17. Right-click the mouse to show the following drop-down menu.
18. Choose "Normal Fit"