A transparent film

1. Load General Oscillator layer window

1. The fitting thickness was 750.003 nm, and MSE was 7.261.

2. Right-click on the cauchy layer in the Model window to open the following menu.

3. Choose "Build GenOsc layer from tabulated "cauchy".

4. The following dialog box appears.

5. Click "No".

6. General Oscillator layer window appears.

2. Fit e1

1. Select "Fit e1 only" in Graphing and Fitting Options box.

2. Check fit boxes of the parameters that you want to fit.

  1. Check e1 offset first, and click the "Fit to Ref" button. See if the black fitting curve is fitted with the e1 green curve.
  2. If the fitting is not good, check the fit boxes of Pole#1 Position(eV) and/or Magnitude.
  3. Click the "Fit to Ref" button. See if the black fitting curve is fitted with the green curve.
  4. If necessary, check the fit box of Pole#2 Magnitude. Normally, do not touch Pole#2 Position (eV).
  5. Click the "Fit to Ref" button. See if the black fitting curve is fitted with the green curve.

3. If the fitting is acceptable, then click "OK".

3. Normal Fit

1. Right-click on the Fit window to pop-up the menu.

2. Click the "Normal Fit".

3. When the fitting is done, Message box shows up. Click "OK".

4. The fitting result is shown in the Fit window.