YES Recipes

Updated on 10/14/2014

Process and Recipe Numbers

HMDS vapor priming

The HMDS vapor priming has two parts: Plasma Cleaning and CVD of HMDS

  1. Temperature setting
    1. Door, Front, Middle, and Rear: 150°C
    2. Flask 1 and 2: 140°C
    3. Flask Line 1 and 2: 145°C
    4. Vacuum Line 1 and 2: 150°C
  2. Plasma cleaning of the subsrate
    1. Recipe #11
    2. Gas#1: 1(ON)
    3. Gas#2: 0(OFF)
    4. Gas#3: 0(OFF)
    5. Process time: 300 sec
    6. RF power level: 500 W
    7. Recipe Link: #1
    8. Base pressure: 0.2 Torr
    9. The number of evacuation purges: 3
    10. Hi Abort process pressure: 1.00
    11. Low Abort process pressure: 0.075
    12. RF calculated valve in Watts: 0
  3. HMDS Vapor Priming when using bottle 1 lines
    1. Source 1 injector volume: 5 ml
    2. Source 2 Injector volume: 0
    3. Process time: 300 sec
    4. Injector 1 pulse time open in 1/100 seconds: 8
    5. Injector 2 pulse time open in 1/100 seconds: 0
    6. Warm up delay in minutes: 0
    7. Injector 1 pulse time close in 1/100 seconds: 8
    8. Injector 2 pulse time close in 1/100 seconds: 0
    9. The number of dehydrate purges: 3
    10. Base pressure in Torr: 1
    11. Abort Pressure in Torr: 45
    12. Purge pressure HI in Torr: 500
    13. Evac time in seconds: 180
    14. Volume per pulse multiplier in ml: 0.1
    15. Purge pressure low in Torr: 10
    16. No. of evacuation purge: 3

CVD line priming (Recipe 7)

  1. Temperature setting (when using HMDS, for other CVD sources contact Facility staff)
    1. Door, Front, Middle, and Rear: 150°C
    2. Flask 1 and 2: 140°C
    3. Flask Line 1 and 2: 145°C
    4. Vacuum Line 1 and 2: 150°C
  2. Prime Injection
    1. Source 1 and 2 Injection volume in mL: 5
    2. The total process time in seconds: 180
    3. Injector 1 and 2 Pulse Time Open in 1/100 seconds: 25
    4. Injector 1 and 2 Pulse Time Closed in 1/100 seconds: 25
    5. Standard Source 1 and 2 level in mL: 30
    6. The number of Evacuation Purges: 3
    7. Purge pressure HI in Torr: 500
    8. Base pressure in Torr: 1
    9. Volume per pulse multiplier in mL: 0.10
    10. Purge pressure LOW in Torr: 10
    11. Evac time in seconds: 180
    12. Abort pressure in Torr: 100

CVD line cleaning (recipes 8 and 9)

  1. Temperature setting
    1. Door, Front, Middle, and Rear: 150°C
    2. Flask 1 and 2: 140°C
    3. Flask Line 1 and 2: 145°C
    4. Vacuum Line 1 and 2: 150°C
  2. Line cleaning with IPA
    1. Solvent: IPA
    2. The volume 1 and 2 in mL: 9
    3. The total process time in seconds: 180
    4. Open time durations: 10
    5. Close time duration: 10
    6. Warm up delay in minutes: 0
    7. The number of dehydration purges: 3
    8. Base pressure in Torr: 1
    9. Abort pressure in Torr: 400
    10. Purge pressure HI in Torr: 500
    11. The number of evacuation purges: 3
    12. Volume per pulse multiplier in mL: 0.10
    13. Purge pressure LOW in Torr: 10
    14. Evac time in seconds: 180