Arthur Charguéraud's locally nameless solution
- Author: Arthur Charguéraud.
- Parts addressed: 1a + lemma A.10 and type safety for STLC.
- Proof assistant / theorem prover used: Coq.
- Encoding technique: Locally nameless.
- Files: available from
the author's
This locally nameless formalization is the result towards which
I have converged at the end of an internship focused on the
POPLMark Challenge. The work took place from March to July 2006
at the University of Pennsylvania, with Benjamin Pierce and
Stephanie Weirich as advisors.
This solution benefits from two nice properties:
- The proofs of the main results are short and simple to
follow through: the arguments are mostly the same as in a paper
- The machinery involved is rather intuitive (in the sense
that it does not require the ingenuity needed with pure
de-Bruijn indices), and in the same time it is not too heavy
(this is probably not true of a representation fully relying
on names).
Main aspects of the solution:
- It is based on a locally nameless representation. As usual
with this representation, there are two substitutions
involved: one for indices and another one for names.
- Environments are built as lists of bindings, but then used
as sets of bindings. This makes the proofs simpler because we
can "forget" about the ordering of the environment. We use
this not only to capture weakening, but also to capture
substitution in environment. A nice side-effect is that the
narrowing lemma becomes an instance of the "preservation of
subtyping through type substitution" lemma.
- In SA-all rule, the name introduced is not quantified as
"exists X # E", nor as "forall X # E", but as "forall X not_in
L", where L is an arbitrary list of names (note that L is
introduced by the constructor SA-all, and is not a parameter
of the relation). The interest of this quantification is that
there is no need for a formal proof of equivariance: this
SA-all rule works everywhere. (Remark: equivariance is still
needed to show the adequacy of the universal quantification
with respect to the existential one).
- All the subtyping rules have premises enforcing the
well-formation of the arguments. Tanks to a special notation
for this, it does not look too bad. The advantage is that
symmetry are preserved, and it seems to simplify the
- Proofs by inductions on the size of types are replaced by
proofs on the derivation of the well-formation relation, which
are closer to the notion of "induction on the structure of a
About the implementation:
- At first sight, the source file is quite long (580
lines). This is because there are a good numbers of
definitions, and many lemmas. But then the total amount of
proof is quite small. More precisely, Coqwc reports some 300
lines of specifications and some 150 lines of proofs
- There are around 40 lemmas, but most of them have less than
3 lines of proofs. Only 6 lemmas have more than 4 lines of
proof, and together the lines of proofs of those 6 lemma add
up to about 50 lines.
- Proof-search tactics are used extensively; as a result, only
the key arguments appear in the proofs.
- Very few tactics specialized for this development are
introduced. Thus the proofs are easy to follow and one does
not need to learn the syntax of the tactic language to use the
Possible improvements in the solution:
- For some reason, the proof-search tactic sometimes fail to
solve some goals while we could expect it to do so. This is
why some cases labelled "Case SA-arrow" have to be done by
- Proofs of some lemmas dealing with well-formation could
probably be simplified, or at least beautified.